Phase II (I: The New World) *Unfinished

Story by ThatOneFurry770 on SoFurry

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#1 of Phase II: The Complete Series

*Small preview. This is still in writing and coloring is unfinished.

Based off of the television show 'Courage the Cowardly Dog', featuring the main protagonist and his worst enemy, forced to work together in a whole new world unlike any humanity has discovered, a planet that has never been discovered, except by these two furs, working together to find a way home...

PHASE II (The New World)

The first in a five part series by. ThatOneFurry770

Courage returns once again to stop evil once it comes around, and this adventure starts rather suddenly and unusually. Things have been quiet in Nowhere for the past few months, and this worries Courage as Eustace and Muriel are no longer in danger, as it appears. Something is terribly wrong, and his theory of something is sure to happen soon is proved to be true as Katz comes around to pay him a visit.

One things leads to another, Courage wakes up in a science lab, and as Courage thinks that the end of his times are near, Katz's plan goes horribly wrong, and the two are transported to a strange new world, and they are forced to work together, to find a way home. But, it all starts with scouting the area, to see what they can use to survive.




Written by, ThatOneFurry770

(c) Courage the Cowardly Dog

COURAGE:"It's not funny! Those dreams practically traumatized me!"

COMPUTER:"Ha! You have no idea what I dream of every night!"

COURAGE:"What do you dream about? And, computers can dream?"

COMPUTER:"I'm not sure you want to know. Also, I dream. I'm not sure about other computers, but I dream up all sorts of things. Did you know that the average human has about nine dreams every night but can only remember 9% of what they dream?"

COURAGE:"I didn't know that, actually. If you say I don't want to know what you dream, then so be it. But can we continue to concentrate on my horrible dreams? I'm too desperate to drop the subject! I must know that they mean!"

COMPUTER:"Alright, alright... You wanted to search about the following tags: 'blue, fetus, nightmare, ugly, horrifying, imperfection' and other tags?"

COURAGE: *nods his head* "Mhm."

COMPUTER:"Searching... ... ... ... ..." *beeps* "Alright, I found some topics that might answer your question. It was one of the first things to come up on the Google search thingamathing... thing..."

COURAGE:"Well, what is it?"

COMPUTER:"It appears that this sort of nightmare has happened before, a legend. Would you like to know more?"

COURAGE:"Yes, please!"

COMPUTER:"Alright, it says here: "'The Man in the Blue Ocean' is a rare figure that can appear on one's dreams or nightmares, in this case, and will appear when one is depressed over the thought of being 'completely imperfect'." Hah! Sounds like you have these dreams all the time!"

COURAGE:"*growls* I don't have them anymore! That was a long time ago! I'm over all of that..."

COMPUTER:"Are you, though?"


COMPUTER:"Are you sure you don't feel completely imperfect anymore?"

COURAGE:"Yes, I listened to the fish, and he told me that I'm perfect the way I am! I don't need to be afraid anymore!"

COMPUTER:"Courage, I actually just did research on that fish, and it was just a hallucination, it was your mind trying to influence you to believe in yourself. It was dead, Muriel was soaking it up for dinner."

COURAGE:"Look, the point is-"

COMPUTER:"Nobody is perfect, and nobody is imperfect. But that doesn't mean somebody can become a failure."

COURAGE:"What is that supposed to mean???"

COMPUTER:"All I'm saying is, don't believe everything you hear. Perfection is just a word that makes people feel important. But successful and failure are the true being of this so called 'perfection'. If you want to be a success, then be a good person, be kind, continue to help people. But if you don't want to be a failure, like all of the paranormal creatures that you've encountered before, I suggest you keep your true anger inside, don't insult people, don't yell at people, only be mean when you need to. Or else you'll be a bad influence to everyone you've made promises to. You'll be a bad influence to Kitty. Same thing for the star makers. Even your beloved Muriel will someday see you differently."

COURAGE:"What are you-"

COMPUTER:"I know you, Courage. You started off young, wanting to protect people. But now you do all these nice things for people but you never seem to get a solid reward. You save people from peril, and you seem to make a friend or two, but do you ever see those people again?"

COURAGE:"No, but that's not-"

COMPUTER:"On the outside and in your head, you want to protect people and seem like such a good person. But you've been in this game ever since your parent's were shuttled to space. You now are full of rage, and some growing hatred. If you want to cleanse the growing failure, get back to your successful side, I have something to say to you: STAY AWAY FROM THE PARANORMAL. Take a breather, go outside and take a walk, open you mind, because all your thinking about is asking for more and wanting to get nowhere. And look where it's gotten you... NOWHERE..."

COURAGE:"... *sighs*" *turns off computer and rests head against his desk* "I can't believe that... It's just not... true..."

MURIEL:"Courage, come down for dinner! I made dumplins!"

COURAGE:"*sigh*..." *jumps off chair and walks over to the attic door, opening it and shutting it calmly behind him* *starts walking downstairs to see Eustace and Muriel at the dinner table*

EUSTACE:"How could you let that dog sit at the table! It's not right! That dog is a dog and he sits on the floor!

MURIEL:"Eustace, he's part of the family! He deserves to be at the dinner table because he's one of us!"

EUSTACE:"I don't care! Animals are not human!"

MURIEL:"They can be if they try hard enough!"

EUSTACE:"Muriel, you've gone bananas! You used to be such a good girl, but now your old and don't know how things work!"

COURAGE:"One is a success, and one is failure... But which one is which???"

EUSTACE:"The law says you can't let a dog sit at the dinner table! It's unsanitary!"

MURIEL:"When in the world has the law ever said anything of that matter? Also, who gives a flying pie what the law says! What I say goes-"

EUSTACE:"No, Muriel! I'm the one that makes the rules around here, because you are just an insignificant piece of shi-!"

COURAGE: *starts barking violently at Eustace*

EUSTACE: *looks ragefully at Courage* "Shut up, mutt! Go to hell and die, this is all your fault!" *storms towards Courage*

COURAGE: *tries to run away until he squeals from a tug at his little tail, being picked up and hanged towards the back door*

MURIEL: "Eustace!!!" *stands up and run to Courage* "Unhand our dog!!!"

EUSTACE: "GET THE FUCK AWAY!" *throws Courage outside as hard as he can and slams the door, slipping a chair under the knob*

MURIEL: "Let him back in this instan- *!* OH!!! DEAR LORD OF THE SKY...! OH...!" *thunk*

COURAGE: "MURIEL, NO!!!" *runs to the door and tries to bash it down, but it's no use*

EUSTACE: "That's what you get for trying to stop me!... ... ... ...Muriel?"

MURIEL: "Ooh... Owch... Oh, gods from... aAhh..."

EUSTACE: "Muriel... Knock it off...! This is some act your trying to pull! You can't trick me!"

MURIEL: "MMMmmmm! Eustace!! Get help!!! Now!!!"

EUSTACE: "Muriel, get the hell u- HHOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! MURIEL!!! OH MY GOD!!!"

COURAGE: *howls loudly, tears continuously being drawn from his eyes* "Muriel, noooooo!" *sobs and pounds his fist against the door, eventually crawling into a ball and cries to himself* *after some time of hearing sounds of struggle and groaning, and the sound of Eustace calling 911, he is grabbed suddenly* "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

KATZ:"It's only me, dear boy. It's only me."

COURAGE: *whimpers until he slowly passes out into a deep knock out*...