Late Night Secrets

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#1 of Mixed Lyrics and Stories

This is a short lyric for the Pundamental Contest( Any pun here is intended.

I barely got over 200 words which was set as minimum.

The big gray wolf crouched at the door

of his baby girl, 12 at age, his only child,

to find out about the moans and roar.

His thoughts were already running wild.


There it was again, this lustful sound

a moan of a girl, sweet and pure.

And then the roar, another round

of the same noices than last time, he was sure.


The father with the ear at the hole

where normally the key would be

deciding what should be his role

to stay silend or go in to see.


For this night the father left the hallway

his pants were tight and his cheeks were red.

He did not know what to say

to his girl and what she did in her bed.


She is of age, she surely can't ignore

the feelings that do urge inside.

This is youth, no less no more.

The father sight and switched of the light.


The next night he was there as well

waiting for the noises to start anew.

He would do it today then he could tell

what his girl was doing, the whole truth.


The girl raised her voice clear

to open up yet another round.

He opened the door, saw that what he could hear...

... was the television and the ice cream commercial sound!

(Hey what did you expect?)