A Bigger Fish: Raek

Story by quoting_mungo on SoFurry

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#1 of A Bigger Fish

"Raek! Hurry up and bring that plate out to the corner booth!"

The fox, his fur brick red with dark guard hairs that made him look as though he had been dusted with coal dust, dropped what he'd been doing and headed for the kitchen exit. As he passed, he picked a plate off the counter by the swinging door to the diner's eating area, a thick slab of barely-cooked meat the main feature of the order, weighing the plate down surprisingly much.

He hadn't been the one to take that guest's order, having been busy with the dishes from the rush they'd had earlier that night, but no regular to the small, barely-within-health-regulations diner would ever think of complaining about that minor inconsistiency. The food wasn't too pricy, came in large servings, and nobody would mind one of the dirty warehouse workers sitting in their work overalls on the nylon-covered seats of the chairs and benches.

Raek's ears perked up when he saw who was sitting in that booth. He'd had his eyes on the solid-looking, dark-haired human for some time, but he'd never had the opportunity to make a move. Some times the man had come in so early, suggesting something after his shift would've bordered on an insult - who wanted to wait for hours for a mere student-and-kitchen-hand? Other times, Raek had been in the middle of completing some school project with a short deadline, or studying for an important test. Yet other times, the man had been seated somewhere Raek's boss would have seen him, and he didn't fancy being told off for flirting with the customers. Most of the time, he simply hadn't been the one bringing the man his food.

But this time...

The corner booth was a bit secluded from the rest of the diner. He would be getting off his shift in about the time it would take this dinner guest to finish the food he'd ordered. He was, for once, completely caught up on his coursework. All that remained was finding out if this guest was, indeed, interested.

He leaned in a bit farther than neccesary as he placed the plate on the table, whispered in the man's ear. "You really seem to like meat. Why don't you let me know if you want some more when you're done with that?"

Somehow, he managed to not jump or knock anything over when a large, strong hand slid up the back of his thigh, squeezed his buttock. Looking over at the hand's owner, he was thrilled to see an appreciative grin.

"If some of that is what you wanted... My shift isn't too much longer."

"Let me know when you leave." The man's voice was low, a bass that all but reached into Raek's brain and yanked. "These aren't good parts for a cute guy like you to be walking around late at night."

Raek offered the man a smile and a wink, then headed back to the kitchen, his twin tails swaying. During the remaining thirty minutes of his shift, he caught himself whistling and wagging several times while he worked, even performing tasks that he usually loathed. It wasn't that they weren't still boring or unpleasant - scrubbing the grill that most of their meat was cooked on got burned grease in his fur - but his mind was wandering enough that he did his work on autopilot. He could only hope that he wouldn't get in trouble over his distraction.

When his shift was finally over, he washed his hands and forearms until his skin felt raw to make sure he'd gotten all the cooking grease out, grabbed the paper bag of food scraps that was part of the perks of working in the diner, and exited, for once, through the door to the dining room. His boss shouted something at his back as he let the door swing shut behind him, but he didn't listen - it was probably about how he was supposed to go out the back door, but if he'd heard that once he'd heard it a thousand times, and he usually behaved. It was just this once.

"I almost thought you were going to bail on me," the dark man in the corner booth chuckled as he approached.

When Raek came close enough, the human man surprised him by reaching out, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him onto his lap. He managed to get his tails out of the way and settled with a surprised yelp, then felt his ears heat as he realized what was pressing against his rump through the man's tough jeans and his own much thinner cotton slacks.

"You were so nice and brought me my dinner," the voice in his ear hissed, "so how about I give you a nice tip?" The arm around his waist tightened a little, and the man shifted underneath him, the tent in his jeans rubbing against the raev's ass.

"I don't know," Raek purred, reaching back and giving that nice bulge a squeeze, making the man gasp. "I like to think I gave you good enough service to deserve the whole thing."

"If you think you have room for it all, little guy." The arm around Raek's waist slid upwards, pulling up his shirt, and the man's other hand came to rest straight across his crotch, rubbing a little and making the fox squirm. "I wouldn't want to hurt you, after all."

"Try me." He forced himself to put his feet down onto the floor and stand, awkwardly hooking two fingers over the waistline of his newfound aquaintance's jeans to pull him along. "Your place or mine?"

"I told you earlier," the man rumbled, running a hand down Raek's ass and pressing a finger in under his tails; even through his pants he could feel the pressure against that hole that longed to be filled, and shivered in anticipation. "Cute guy like you shouldn't be out alone after dark. I'll walk you home."

They exited together, hands off one another until they came out of sight from the diner. That far gone, the human man's hand once again found Raek's rear, while the raev managed to slip his hand in and curl his fingers around the hard flesh that awaited him there. A groan escaped the taller, broader human next to him, and he grinned, flagging his tails as he started to slowly stroke the hot, smooth shaft. It was definitely on the large side, though he was fairly sure he'd had bigger.

Fairly sure. It might be a pretty close call, though.

He felt the snap over his tail get undone, and a whimper escaped him as that large hand slid inside his pants. Fingers traced the crack of his ass, spreading it slightly, drawing another whimper from him as he tried to keep walking and push back against the human's hand at the same time. Thankfully, not many people were on the streets they walked down; the diner was just about the only public business there and definitely the only one open after office hours, and the closest residential quarters were several blocks away.

Raek's hand on his new aquaintance's erection faltered for a moment as one of the human man's fingers pressed in further, finding and after some brief instinctive resistance pushing into the fox's pucker. He tried to appear as cool as possible, as to not draw more attention to them than the fact that he had his hand down the larger man's jeans already did, but they hadn't gone far after that when his steps started getting erratic.

The man pulled him into an alley, dark and shady, sure, but fairly clean as they went. He let himself be pulled into a surprisingly skilled kiss - most humans he'd met had no clue how to deal with a muzzle - and worked on undoing his partner's belt as their tongues danced together and he moaned into the man's mouth.

For a brief moment he tensed up when a second finger joined that first one, feeling a momentary jolt of pain, but he still pulled down that last zipper that was in his way and fished his prize out through the fly of the man's underwear. He dropped the bag with what was supposed to be his lunch for the following day and stood leaned against his new aquaintance's chest, working the human's erection with both hands, with one of the man's hands at the back of his head keeping their lips locked together and the other down the back of his slacks, making him moan and whimper as he was fingered.

He was already feeling heady when the kiss was broken, and he flattened his ears, disappointed, at feeling those fingers withdraw. About to open his mouth to protest, he changed his mind when his partner ruffled the fur on his head and spat on the fingers of the hand he'd just used to work Raek's tight hole. Some more lubrication, even if it was just saliva, wouldn't go amiss if he was going to have the man inside of him before the night was over.

His pants were pushed down just far enough to ease access to his ass and let his hard, red member be caressed by the cooling night air. He moaned louder when the same two fingers were unexpectedly pushed back into him, clinging for a moment to his partner for balance before he found it again.

With some idea of what this man was planning, he spat in his own hands, and continued to work his partner's erection with saliva-slick palms, feeling the human grip the scruff of his neck with his free hand as he started working him in earnest.

A third finger brought with it some discomfort - this guy didn't exactly have small hands like he did himself - but he barely noticed anymore. Panting, tongue hanging partially out of his mouth, Raek felt excitement that was almost electric in nature, heightened by seemingly anything his partner did.

Those fingers withdrew, again, and he willingly crouched down at the slight tug at his scruff, drawing hoarse moans from deep down in his partner's throat as his tongue drew gleaming slick lines from the base to the tip of the man's erection.

Then he was turned against the wall, and felt its head press up against him.

For a moment he considered calling it off - the last time he'd had a partner nearly that size there had been plenty of lube involved, not just a hasty spit-shine of the man's rod - but before he could even finish thinking that thought it was spreading him.

It stung, yes. He had to concentrate so hard to not just tense up against the intrusion, especially those first few inches. Then a strong arm wrapped around his chest, and a large hand around his member with its bulbous knot at the base, and he couldn't think of anything but pleasure, anymore.

His tails were sandwiched between them, and he could hear the man inside him gasp every time he shifted even a little, as he slowly, slowly, slid further in. It seemed like there would be no end to it, and then, just when a more rational Raek would have said stop, he could feel the teeth of the zipper on the human's fly against his ass.

The arm moved from around his chest, and he had to fold his own arms and brace against them just as his partner braced against the wall he was up against, when he picked up the pace. With every thrust, the raev found himself yipping in pleasure, rising even further on the toes of his already digitigrade feet to meet him, then bucking forward into the hand that squeezed his knot with almost maddening skill.

It was thankfully not many minutes - who knew if someone would call the police on them for disturbing the peace, otherwise - before the small fox yowled and spattered the brick wall in front of him. The feeling of the man relentlessly driving into him was only intensified by the way his insides clenched around the intruder, making him squirm against the thrusts that much more.

Apparently it wasn't only Raek's own sensations that were heightened, as his partner's thrusting grew more irregular for a few moments and then he shoved in, hard, and stayed.

Warmth seeped into the fox, and he leaned his forehead against his arms, panting to catch his breath. That had been intense. Enough so that neither of them seemed to have enough energy to move for several long moments.

Eventually, the human had to pull out.

Neither of them spoke as they adjusted their clothing back into place. Raek declined the offer of company the rest of the way home, lied and said it was about a third as far as it actually was. He'd be fine on his own, of course - he always walked home alone - and for some reason he wasn't quite comfortable with a casual partner like this knowing where he lived.

So they parted ways, the human promising that they'd see each other at Raek's workplace again sooner rather than later. As he wandered down the streets the rest of the way to his apartment, Raek couldn't help but hope that it was not an empty promise. That his food lay forgotten on the ground in that alley didn't bother him in the least.

Raek wasn't much later than usual to his first lecture of the day, but if it wasn't one thing, it was another; the coursemate next to him raised his eyebrows when he took his time to sit down very carefully.

"Feeling stiff today, Runt?" Of all the nicknames Raek could've earned, figured it had to be something referring to his unusually small stature.

"Nah." He pulled his textbook and notepad from his bag, placed them on the desk in front of him, and shuffled the bag in between his feet. "Not stiff. Sore." As he said the last word, he turned towards the other student and grinned.

That drew a chuckle. "Is that the kind of sore I think it is?"

"About damn time I got laid, too," the raev confirmed, flipping his book open.

"It can't have been that long."

"It has definitely been 'that' long. Two months, at least, I figure, before last night."

"No way. The way people talk, you've got several every week."

"If I got laid every time I tried to, it might be."

"So who's the lucky guy, anyone I know?"

"Some guy. He's been a regular at the diner for a while." Raek shrugged. "I didn't ask him his name."

"You pick up some guy at work, but you haven't gotten laid in two months before? You could get laid twice every night if you're that easy."

"I'm not easy," he protested, glaring. "Just because I don't know his name doesn't mean I haven't been watching him for a while."

"I'll take your word for it. Did he at least tip well?"

"Would I be sore if he didn't?" Raek grinned, his tails swaying behind him. Thank the Gods for schools which provided open-backed chairs. "Seven and a half inches, give or take, and those were some hefty inches."

"Thank you for reminding me why I don't talk to you after you've scored, Runt. Is cock the only thing on your mind?"

"Pretty much, and you're welcome."

Then the professor rose in the front of the room, and they both - along with the other thirty students in the room - turned their attention to the aging unicorn. The lecture passed in silence, aside from the old stallion's thin voice and the scratching of pens and pencils on paper as they all frantically took notes.

If his employer noticed Raek's new attitude towards work, he didn't say anything. Suddenly the raev was somehow managing to do a lot of the heavy kitchenwork - things like scrubbing the grill, which previously had left the small fox aching all over - with amazing speed and impressive new determination. The dirty dishes didn't remain so for long, rinsed off and put into the ancient dishwasher moments after they were brought into the kitchen.

No longer did he need reminding to check if there was another plate on the counter by the door to the dining room - a few times each night he even managed to time it so that he took the plate out of the cook's hands.

The flip side to the increased productivity in the kitchen was the way he'd often linger outside of it if one particular guest was around. Not long enough that his enthusiasm with the pots and pans didn't more than make up for it, but enough that it was noticeable.

Raek, of course, was too busy flirting to realize he was acting any different. He'd spent the first two days after that initial encounter nervously peeking out into the dining room whenever the bell by the door signalled the arrival of another customer.