Digital Fun I: Trick or Treat?

Story by Xavius T on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, though I really do wish that I did, because I'd have so much fun with pairings. *Drools* But that's another fantasy.

This is all Yaoi, so if ya don't like, please leave immediately.

Chapter 1: Trick or Treat?

Staring out the moonlit window, Agumon sighed. He was sad that he hadn't seen his partner all day, and had something very important to tell him. It was about his feelings, and about how he loved his partner so much, that he wanted to mate with him. Yet, it was today that he chosen for the best time, the day he believed in love, Halloween. Tai had gone out that day with his sister, Kari, to go trick-or-treating, and left Agumon all alone.

"Why is it that I am always left alone?" Agumon pouted. "I mean, I want to see the world outside, and Tai told me that tonight was one of the few nights, that I could go outside without worry." As he continued to whine about it, he fell into Tai's bed. Memories flooded back to when he had awoken one night to his partner moaning.

One word had escaped his mouth before he had cum, and that was Agumon. He had put that deep within his mind, so that he could bring it up to him. As the wind blew at the window, Agumon wanted desperately to leave the house. "That's it. I'm going to find him, so we can talk." He said as he ran to the door. Quietly opening it and sneaking out of the house, he was assaulted by the coldness outside. Used to being covered by clothing, he began to shiver a little bit. "I'll deal with it, because I want to tell my love that I love him."

Walking down the sidewalk, he began to look for a pair of kids dressed up in digimon costumes, because that was what Tai and Kari were wearing before they left Tai's house. Agumon swung his head back and forth looking for Tai. "Where are you?" He said, until he found him. "Tai!!!" He said as he ran towards his partner.

"What are you doing outside, Agumon? I told you to stay in my room." Tai said, almost scolding his younger partner.

"I just wanted to see you, Tai. And I have something to tell you." Agumon replied.

"And pray tell what might that be?" Tai asked, almost questioning why he was wondering in the first place.

"Tai-kun, I...I love you." He looked up to his digidestined with loving eyes. "I really do."

Both Kari and Tai had their mouths open in shock. "Wh-what did you just say?" Tai said.

"I said I love you Tai-kun." Agumon jumped into his partner's arms and held him.

Tai was still dumbstruck that his closest friend just professed his love for him. "I...I didn't know you felt that way towards me." His voice was a little distorted.

"What's wrong Tai-kun? I thought you'd be happy? But you're crying."

"I am happy. And I'm crying because I have felt the same towards you, but I haven't had the guts to tell you."

"It's alright, Tai-kun. All is forgiven. But I think you should bring both me and Kari home, before there is a scene." Agumon motioned towards the few kids that stopped to look at the threesome.

Tai nodded and brought them home, tucking Kari into bed for sleep. As he walked back into his bedroom, he smiled. "So, you love me? Well, how about you show me that love."

Crawling over to his new lover, Tai began to undress. Agumon was getting very excited about this, as he began to kiss Tai all over. "I really do love you Tai." He said, in between kisses. Tai and Agumon both locked mouths, and began to swirl their tongues around each other's. Tai's became the dominant one, and Agumon didn't seem to disapprove of that fact. Both were moaning, as Tai began to shed his pants. His boxers were already tented, and they were quickly discarded as well.

Agumon smiled as he broke the kiss to look at his trainer's tented boxers. His clawed digits sneak into them, and slowly pull them down, as his muzzle breaths onto the length that starts to peak out of them. Tai shivers and twitches at the feeling, rubbing Agumon's head, wanting him to go farther. The digimon nods and smirks as he pulls them all the way down, and buries his head into Tai's groin, engulfing his member inside of his hot muzzle.

Tai gasped as he felt the warmth surround his cock, and instinctively bucked into it, before pulling out and thrusting in again, causing Agumon to choke a bit. The digimon licked around the tip, before he started to suck savagely on the member, drinking down any pre that was coming out, murring around the length as he tastes Tai's pre. Pushing harder on the digimon's head, Tai moans out, feeling himself close to climax as this was the first blow job he had ever recieved.

Agumon senses this, and sneaks a digit around to Tai's pucker, and pushes in, while sucking harder on the cock wanting to taste his trainer's seed. Feeling this, Tai moans loud enough to wake Kari, and shoots his cum into his digimon's mouth, feeling the great afterglow of it.

In her own room, Kari awoke to a loud moan, and rubbed her eyes. She stood up and looked around for the cause of it, before opening her door, and walking to her brother's room scared. She puts her hand on the knob and starts to turn it.

Tai was too much in shooting his seed down Agumon's throat to even hear his sister start to turn the handle. Agumon murrs around his trainer's cock, as he guzzles down the sweet and sour cum that had accumulated in his muzzle.

Kari slowly opened the door....


A/N:Well, hope you guys like the first installment of Digital Fun, I will add more when I get reviews. So if you want a specific pairing, please tell, I will put it in. I'm hoping to post every week or so. So enjoy this, while it has only Shounen-Ai, later chapters are going to have Yaoi. Sorry about cutting it short like that. But I'd like to have as much sex as possible expanded throughout the chapters. So next chapter, it immediately picks up here.