Applied Macrotech

Story by Luther-Bat on SoFurry

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Done as part of a trade with Temperance on FA.

Applied Macrotech

By Luther

Tempy was a runner, a fixer for hire, someone you'd pay to get something done whether it was morally or legally grey or downright illegal, though he preferred to merely bend the law where he could. Sometimes, however, the money would be enough to justify the risk. Temperance, as his full name went, was a white deer who operated by being non-descript, avoiding this noticeable feature with an array of highly illegal or regulated programs, break-and-entry tools, a quick wit, and a quicker gun-hand. It was the typical espionage mercenary resume.

In this world, or at least this part of the world, consumerism was the arena of three major mega-corporations, conglomerates that either bribed, blackmailed, or flexed muscle to remove anyone who could compete or interfere, including the government. There was LifeNET, a reliable producer of most of the hardware used in the business and financial sector as well as a wide number of military contracts. Papaya was another hardware manufacturer that offered an expensive, if more sophisticated, alternative computer development. DogeTek rounded out the roster with a little bit of everything, specializing in specialized equipment and providing manpower for things like deep-sea operations, mining, hazmat and high-threat police work, and a plethora of others.

Between these three, brutal and often deadly fierce competition was the norm. Lives and livelihoods were risked and destroyed just to gain the most minor edge over one another. Whenever it was time to do something along those lines, they'd hire someone like Tempy. Up until now, DogeTek had enjoyed a respectably competitive market share but had been steadily declining in the past quarters. Troubles began when they started being consistently underbid in the private and public security contracts, normally something they dominated. A new brand of rentable peace officer had arisen with the abilities of a heavily armed, cybernetically enhanced, and highly trained force but with a ludicrously low price tag for their quality. Something was rotten.

So DogeTek hired Tempy. They suspected a generation of personnel with some kind of new and shiny augmentation or crazy experimental gene therapy was coming out of a subsidiary of Papaya and they were taking the financial hit to ruin DogeTek's reputation in the industry. Whatever it was, his new employers wanted it to find ways to undercut whoever was trying to muscle their way into their portfolio.

Tempy had tracked down where the trouble was all coming from and where his target likely was. It was a non-descript office building in the Apogee Business Park, standing innocuously among its peers at some five hundred feet tall. He stole a visit into the lobby where people mingled to chat or sat on break from work or while waiting for the next meeting.

Everything here was clean and sterilized of all traces of personality beyond pale professionalism. The floors were polished to a reflective shine. The columns were covered in a thin faux marble facade. Even the statuary was just pressed concrete with a false aged acid texturing, designed to fool anyone who didn't bother inspecting it into thinking it was some genuine sculpture. It summed up the corporation-customer relationship perfectly.

There wasn't a thing about the front of this place that wasn't fake. Good thing what he wanted was way in the back shelves.

He hung around the lobby for a time with a throwaway personal computer, pretending to look like a busy businessman doing business or some such. In reality, a number of sniffer programs were inspecting the data footprints of those around him, so conveniently broadcast from personal devices in this stupidly wireless modern world. From all the pieces, a believable composite would be assembled and new identification would be forged. Given an hour in a public space, Tempy could become someone completely different as far as police and corporate records were concerned. And, in this modern day, even a relatively simple disguise could convince someone of this in a face-to-face setting, provided the all-knowing computer agreed with the deer's story that he was in fact Bob Johnson from Lancaster, Ohio.

Most wageslaves weren't paid enough to investigate any further, much less to care.

When he figured he knew enough about the security and had enough leverage to get past what he couldn't get around, he decided to make his move. The deer wasn't entirely sure what he was after. All he knew is that his client wanted whatever was upsetting the balance. A quick trip through the R&D labs' closed-circuit mainframe would probably shed a little light on the issue.

Dressed in his blandest, most soulless, and most professional attire, the deer approached the front desk and flashed his false credentials. The vixen barely even looked up at him as she pressed the admittance button. The light flashed green and the door to his right released its lock. He was through and into the back, passing offices on his way to the elevator. With his head down, he ducked into the nearest restroom, hastily changed into a generic white coat he took from his briefcase and dumped the latter into the trashcan. Luck was on his side, the company used RFID tags instead of the usual laminated badges.

So far, so good. The white deer had spoofed a mock entry for himself, the various cameras' facial recognition software failed to identify him as unauthorized. Meanwhile, the living fellow in the security office would have to pick out a single white coat among the bank of monitors to bother inspecting, assuming he had memorized the faces of all the some eight hundred people who worked in the building. Those were pretty good odds for him against a position increasingly more reliant on software to do the heavy lifting.

He navigated his way to one of the sub-levels where he strongly suspected the computer he wanted resided. Stepping from the elevator, he was greeted with a short hall and a clear glass-like wall. It led to an area called "research and testing" if the placard was to be believed. Likely it was made of a reinforced plexiglass and had a magnetically locked door barring the way. There was nobody around.

He turned away from the camera and withdrew a thin plastic piece about the size and shape of a keycard. He inserted it into the reader designed for legitimate passes. It was an electronic skeleton key of sorts. It attacked the reader with random fragments of information to hopefully reset it to the factory setting condition of letting anyone through. It was unlikely to be noticed for a while.

The deer overheard a snippet of conversation and stopped just behind the corner to drop some eaves.

"Hey, did you hear about batch 00D8?" one voice said.

"Which one is that again?" a second answered.

"Last Thursday's, current formulation. The biggest any have gotten yet, absolutely huge. Complete retention of mental faculties too."

"Is he still in the building?"

"No, gone yesterday. I hear he was still growing when they loaded him onto the truck. It'll be some kind of heavy shock division for him."

Temperance blinked, trying to puzzle out exactly what that meant and hurrying away, trying to find his way once more. Those words kept echoing back to the front of his mind: "biggest, huge, still growing." He didn't know quite what to think of it but, for some odd reason, it resonated through him in a strange way and he found the front of his pants becoming tighter. Of all the places to get a boner . . . He kept slipping and picturing his own manhood getting bigger and bigger and, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, it came true.

Thank goodness the coat obscured it.

He reached a corner in an unoccupied hall, judging no immediate sightlines to any cameras, and pulled something from his coat pocket. It was a thin and almost invisible clear glove designed to mold its exterior on a cellular level. He peeled the backing from it and slipped it on. The reason for this was a biometric security gate around the corner. He waited, pretending to take notes or do something until he noticed a gecko with a blue tag come through the gate to use one of the nearby vending machines. After he had fellow had left, Tempy moved to the same vendor and pressed the glove's finger to the same button, imprinting it. He waited for the gecko to return before moving in behind him, using the lizard's print to get through the lock.

He knew he was on a timer now. If anyone was paying attention, they'd notice that the same staff member just accessed that side of the door twice without leaving. It was just a little more than suspicious. But he was inside now and that's all that mattered.

Something was wrong. This programs were registering something odd, some interference that pinged to get his attention. It was nothing automated, he had gained the suspicion of someone among building security, someone in counter-intelligence it seemed. A remote credential verification was in progress and someone had to initiate it. Suddenly shutting down everything would be suspicious, so Tempy hoped that what he had prepared would be satisfactory. He did nothing out of the ordinary, didn't look at the cameras or change his pace, instead stopping near the bathrooms to get a drink from the water fountain. The deer was sure eyes were on him. Eventually the pinging stopped and he was able to sigh in relief.

Tempy found his way further in and at last it was in front of him. A normal, non-locked door led into the glass-walled room where the server was kept. It was around lunch but there was still another technician working there. It was alright. He'd just stick to the other side and remember his rehearsed lines if asked anything. Thankfully he didn't have to use any of them and was paid little mind.

Here he was, right next to the closed-circuit terminal. The only way one could access this machine was by standing right in front of it. Nobody goes out of their way to set something apart from any node on the building network without there being something worthwhile on it. All he had to do was access the thing. The deer almost laughed when he saw the monitor.

He couldn't believe it. All that protection and the damn thing was still logged on from the previous user. The deer opened the minimized tab and began reading. It described a sort of hyper nutrient solution, nothing terribly fascinating, at least until he got to the part where it employed simple yet versatile nano-sized machines. They were using this stuff to enlarge and enhance indentured workers to superhuman levels. This must have been it. This was what those two in the hallway were talking about. He had to get more on this.

Alternatively he could just check it out in person. His eyes darted back and forth between the object on the table next to him and the screen. It matched the picture. It was sitting right next to him. Correction, it was almost the same thing. What he was looking at was actually the next generation of the stuff but he didn't know it. He wouldn't have known the effects they were trying to iron out or its exact potency. Hell, he wouldn't have known that for the original design since he didn't really bother to read much.

There were a number of clear containers here, filled with a bluish glowing semi-solid. His mind was racing with the thought of it and what it meant for him. All his risk-taking and bravado was really just a front for the fact that he wanted to be known, he wanted to be big. Not exactly content with his body, the deer figured that this might also be a boon even if it worked a little. He could always use an edge in his line of work and his mind has just long enough free time to consider it.

A stoke of fortune: the technician opposite him suddenly exited the room for whatever reason, hastily departing and leaving the white deer on his own. He didn't pause to think about being watched by cameras or how long the tech would be gone. Tempy just thought about how he might never get another chance. Yet, of all the things he brought, a canteen wasn't one of them. But he did have a stomach.

What the hell, why not? He's gotten caught and out of worse situations. There was no way he could sneak the bulky container out so maybe just a little of the contents? It was this occasional type of thinking that differentiated him as an expendable mercenary cat's paw as opposed to a professional corporate fixer.

He unscrewed the top of it, which took some doing to break the seal. While he knew his way around a computer, nobody accused him of being overly wise. It was not dissimilar to a water bottle in size and shape, complete with a neck for him to put to his lips. It might not have been designed for that but that's how it was being used!

The stuff transcended taste, it simply immediately told his brain that he needed more of the stuff. That part may or may not have been a feature in the design to ensure loyalty . . . assuming a subject that doesn't have access to the source itself. Few things breed obedience like the tight control of what is essentially a drug.

Tempy, however, did have access to the source. A sip became an extra-long draw upon the flask, the bottom of which proceeded to tip upward as he drained it and let not an errant drop escape his lips. The deer finished it off, blinking, looking side to side as if waiting for something to happen.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" came a voice behind him. The tech had returned. The deer wheeled around, holding the container behind him.

"Same thing as you," Tempy answered, his voice quavered a little. "Earning a paycheck."

"What's that behind your back?" his eyes narrowed.

Temperance opened his mouth to answer but only a loud hiccup emerged. He dropped the flask and it clattered to the floor behind it, visibly empty. It didn't shatter. Using breakable glass for something so important? That would be silly.

The tech went for the big red alarm button. Normally it was reserved for lab fires but would function well enough for intruders. The deer moved to stop him but he tripped! His pants had bunched up, ridden up on his ankles, drawn tight on him, and grown short.

Rather, he was the one who has grown, not that he shouldn't have expected this. So he wound up on the floor as direct result from his own actions, propping himself back up just in time to see the red lights and the bastard leave the room, sealing the door behind him as he beat feet down the hall. Of course it was silent as most modern alarms were. The audible ones had been resigned to Hollywood, low-tech companies in developing nations, and the past.

Tempy scrambled back up, ripping the seat of his trousers in the process and nearly faltering again. He grabbed the door handle and pulled but it refused to budge. He looked around frantically, mind torn between what was happening outside the clear walls and what was happening to him. So it was working, he knew that might happen, no surprise. He didn't expect it to feel so strange, so good.

Everything constricted on him, becoming too binding. Abandoning any pretense, he grasped his shirt through the open coat and tore at it, relieving the tightening around his neck and shoulders. He continued to throw himself at the door to no avail, all the while inching higher. Buttons popped and zippers broke as he tried to consider his options but those quickly disappeared. His mind drew a blank until he felt a tugging on the crotch of his pants, a shiver travelled along his fur like an electric current, making him shake the remnants of his shirt off. His furred chest was partly exposed through the coat as it fluttered about his body, the long hem of it approaching his waist. It looked amusingly small on his eight foot frame.

The stiffening sensation between his legs finally won his attention as his two foot long cock popped the seam and began to push forward into the open air, throbbing happily as it destroyed his clothing. He looked down incredulously at it with the same stare he had given many similar boners without cause in the past. He couldn't fault this one, it came in response to the pulsing pleasurable tingle that flooded him. He had no control over it.

He soon heard the sound of many boots rushing down the hallway toward him. A number of uniformed security personnel filled into room surrounding his inner chamber bearing weapons on him.

"On the ground, now!" one yelled, thumb on the intercom button. "Surrender or we vent the room!" As a fire extinguishing system, removing the oxygen was more forgiving on sensitive equipment than water, but not on anyone trapped inside. "Get on th- the ground . . ."

The ring of security that had gathered around the enclosed deer had just now allowed the reality of the situation wash over them. They were all pointing their suppression at a fourteen foot tall deer with a raging erection through a wall their shock charges were unlikely to penetrate, not that their target had to know that. The growing creature within was now tearing out of his lab coat, evoking the image of some Dr. Jekyll figure turning into Mr. Hyde.

Except he didn't stop growing, instead proceeding to fill the chamber entirely. Security didn't exactly know what to do here, nothing in their training exactly covered his and so they stood there a moment, shifting back and forth nervously, looking to their commanding officer.

Every inch of Tempy's flesh felt more than alive, exhilarated, it was almost as if he no longer cared that firearms were pointed at him. Despite crouching, his horns now bumped against the ceiling, knocking his head a little and sending him down onto his rump. Bigger and bigger he became, running out of leg-room, the bottom of one of his feet was pressed up against the clear glass-like surface, almost as tall as any given officer outside.

"Shit, just do it!" he heard one of them bark. Another threw a lever and Tempty heard the sound of wind. It felt as though everything were being drawn away from him and the air rapidly became thin. Reactively, his other leg kicked out hard. The foot impacted the wall, cracking it with a terrible sound. He drew it back and kicked again and again, each thundering shudder of the wall threatening to break it.

They raised their rifles and brought them at the ready just in time for a huge section to explode outward, followed by an enormous leg that swept out and knocked into one of them, sending the officer flying against the far wall. The vacuum failed and the deer could breathe once more. His other foot tore through the edges of the ruined wall, widening the gap and shattering the rest of it. The rest of his body spilled out, expanding ever faster as it sprawled.

Security fired at him and electro-shock rounds made to incapacitate a normally sized victim merely tingled his skin. Seeing no effect, they began to back up, both due to their buckling confidence to handle the situation and physically being pushed back by the expanding Temperance. It soon became abundantly clear that he wasn't stopping and they decided that their pay grade wasn't worth this, retreating down back down the hall faster than they arrived. They'd call it a 'tactical withdrawal' if later asked.

Now alone and unthreatened, the deer tried to press himself against the floor to buy time but something told him it would do no good in the end. He was running out of room on this floor and fast! The nanomachines were working overtime on his body, he began thinking less and less logically but perhaps more practically. Why stop now? Why stop? He looked back to the remaining canisters of the blue stuff and grabbed them up, all fitting in the palm of a giant hand. He didn't even bother trying to undo the tops of them, just eating them instead, crunching the casings like candy and spilling the sweet contents across his tongue which he gladly lapped up and spit out the shells.

Faster he grew and, filled with a renewed sense of vigor, he tried to stand back up. Black fingertips rose above his head, pressing upward to brace himself. The sharp tips of his horns punctured the ceiling first, stabbing through it, sending streamers of dust and debris falling into the ground. Cracks spread like spider webs, undermining the integrity of the floor above. Strangely, this time he felt the ceiling above part with only a modicum of effort. It might have helped that he had nearly tripled in size since his last contact with it.

He went right up through the next floor, knocking over lab tables and lab assistants alike, who scrambled away terrified. His shoulders quivered and leveled against the ceiling of the next floor up, ground level was right above him. The concrete slab there was significantly studier than what he just burst through. He strained his muscles against it but wasn't yet big enough, closing his eyes and willing himself to grow faster. The deer's body seemed to respond -or maybe it was a trick of the mind? If he was saturated with those nanobots then they were also among his brain, making it very possible they were reading his mind.

Whether they were or not was irrelevant to him at the moment. Tempy's thoughts were dominated by how good destroying everything in his way felt, how it excited him, drove his immense shaft even harder. Above ground, those shiny and fake facade pillars were shattering like cheap stoneware on the fractured floor. The mass-produced statuary toppled and snapped into clean-lined sections where the molds were cemented together. Upward he pushed and everything gave way. He rose like a titanic white phoenix from the crumbling floors of the lobby. His expanding rump filled the sub-levels, pushing aside the tiny fleeing furs who escaped through fire exits, the connected parking garage, however they could in order to get away from the advancing wall of deer butt.

Yet that still was not enough, the deer's point of view began to rise as the ground fell away. His chest rose up through the widening hole in the ground. The vixen receptionist who greeted him earlier had the odd fortune of being directly over his cock and, when it erupted from the floor in terrifying fashion, her and her chair were lifted along with it. The desk was catapulted forward while she got to ride upward, desperately trying to react to something her mind told her was impossible and balance atop the massive thing protruding out from under her into the near distance. Was that . . . a dick where the floor used to be?! She looked up and saw a climbing wall of white fur and, as her eyes travelled upward, a pectoral shelf partly obscuring a familiar face.

He seemed greatly preoccupied, face turned to a heightened mask of sexual tension. She was aware of a great shape moving around her. It was his hand, every segment of every digit was twice as long as she was tall, and it was reaching up to wrap itself around the giant shaft she was riding. Not wishing to be trapped between the two, she dove to the side, abandoning the cock like a sinking ship. She landed on the side of his balls, rolling along it until the curvature deposited her onto the rubble in relative safety, her cue to flee. Tempy felt this but paid it no mind beyond how it added to his accumulated pleasure as he began to stroke himself. He was well past the point of anything gentle, his hand flew up and down his ever-growing length, yet it wasn't quite enough.

Everyone else in the lobby was treated to a different sight, struck dumb by what they were seeing. The colossus was still rising, looking all the world to them like a giant riding an elevator until they realized he was actually growing. His head broke through to the next floor followed by his shoulders until even the tall lobby was filled with his crotch, shaft knocking over columns, balls much the size and function of tanker trucks jostling and bouncing against each other and through the walls. There was hardly any resistance anymore, Tempy just moved his body and everything was smashed aside. It was a tremendous and indescribable feeling.

He surged through the above floors, causing the whole building to shake. It came in bouts, sending him crashing upward, only to pause just long enough for him to see offices before forcing him to rise again. Yet it never seemed to be enough, everything was moving so fast it was getting hard to keep track of everything. He willed himself, just as before, to grow a bit slower or at least a little more evenly. No such luck. It seemed the machines might not exactly obey him after all. Despite tearing through everything, he was starting to feel a little cramped. Then the building gave way.

With a sudden, thunderous noise that broke the laziness of midday, the front of the Apogee building burst wide open. The enormous and bulbous head of Tempy's cock was the first though it, punching through it like a vulgar battering ram. The rest of it followed suit, collapsing like a landslide to reveal the towering deer. Dust filled the blocks around him yet only came up to his shins, continuing to lower relatively as he grew. For those below who sought shelter and squinted up through the cloud, they could see the shape of a behemoth that the sun starkly cut with its light. It was like looking up at a living, moving skyscraper. The perspective made a sense of scale fall away, leaving the mind boggling at guessing exactly how huge this monster of a deer was. A fool's errand, to be sure, as the growing giant quickly rendered any accurate measurement moot.

The deer felt something else building inside and wash over him. The rest of that stuff was finally having an effect, pushing him upwards to a dizzying height. He had easily passed the building's former altitude by now and redoubling over that seemed to be mere moments away at the rate he was going. But all he could think of was his own gratification. The pounding heartbeat that gave life to his cock reverberated in his ears. The wind whipped up, powerful at this height, and wrapped around his shaft, flowing over the glans and exciting him. He gasped in bliss, letting his grip loosen. That massive cock swung free as he moved his hips, colliding into not one but three buildings, knocking them over like domino pieces, not to mention the towers it cleared straight over. He grunted aloud, elating in the destruction is so casually caused before he managed to grab and gain control over it once more.

A few tiny people remained on him, clinging like ants. One data entry wage-slave tumbled down the side of his forearm, trying to grab his fur and succeeded enough not to fall too fast. The tiny man gripped on tightly, eyes roving over the gigantic blue traceries that covered the deer's arm, the size of sidewalk paths to him. He tried to climb down but found he could never really descend as any progress he made was undone by the growing expanse below pushing him back up.

He fell a short distance before landing onto another part of the monstrous frame. The thick fur partly cushioned his fall and he found himself rebounding from the taut surface area of the deer's skin. Even still, he was soon rolling across the expanse of white furred flesh that was Tempy's thigh until he came to a rest, holding onto the huge individual hair like tree branches. Like it or not, he was along for the ride.

By now the deer was brimming with energy and had to focus it somewhere. As his field of view rose and widened, Tempy spied the tall and gleaming edifice of the Papaya corporate headquarters for the city. It was off in the distance for anyone else yet a short jaunt away for him. He smiled at an emerging thought. He was being paid to dick them over, might as well be thorough at the job!

He started his trip towards it, taking a single giant step and shaking the city for blocks around as the impossibly large foot impacted, leaving a trail of dusty devastation behind him. The deer reached out to grasp at buildings, steadying himself or simply to topple one with the tiniest shove, leaving his cock to bob freely and joyfully. Copious amounts of precum ran under the length of it, falling at the mid-point where gravity got the better of it and onto the immense and heaving balls below. It cascaded down the sides of the gigantic masses like water running across boulders to spatter indiscriminately below. It struck the ground with a loud and constant clapping sound against the pavement, cars, people, and everything else. Sirens were blaring across the city, screaming impotent threats against him, unable to really do anything of consequence against him.

Temperance soon reached the Papaya building and already knew his opening move. He grabbed his cock and drew back on it, building tension before letting it go to slap right across the front of the skyscraper. A hundred thousand tons of throbbing meat collided with the building. One might be tempted to call it as hard as steel or rock but that was blatantly underestimating it as the monster broke right through both of those. He caught it again, stilling the momentum.

"Whoops!" he bellowed in mock concern. "Clumsy me!" he said, looking at the huge gouge he made in the building, listening to the screeching metal threaten to give way. He wouldn't let it, though. Tempy grabbed hold of the top corners of it and braced it up. It only came up to his naval but it wasn't about to escape so easily.

Already he was positioning the head of his dick in front of the hole, forgoing foreplay for the benefit of just shoving it right in, bowing out the sides from sheer displacement. He slowly stood on tiptoe, ripping his way upward through it, dragging his sack behind through the wreckage, reveling in how good it felt before falling back down and thrusting into the building again and again.

He had now reached somewhere in the neighborhood of two thousand feet tall, hunching over the Papaya building, barely holding it together as his hips bucked wildly. It would be conservative to say the stuff had gone over the projections for its intention. It was still in alpha testing, after all. It was perfectly suited for his needs however, needs that he was so torturously close to sating . . . if only for the time being.

Faster and faster he pounded the structure until he hit his fever pitch. He felt it coming. The deer screwed his eyes shut as the wellspring in him was starting to boil over the top. Everything clenched, teeth grit, feet digging into the ground. His balls rumbled and shook violently, jumping in their sack at the chance for release and propelled their payload upward. He shuttered as he came, vast quantities ejecting out the far side of the building even as it disintegrated between his hands, falling apart around his cock.

The streets began to flood, starting with the area directly in front of him, firing in wide arcs through the building and seeping onto the ground around his ankles, but it spread from there. White waves of spunk crashed through the streets, pushing cars down the streets and sweeping everything away and silencing the sirens. Soon it was absolutely everywhere, coating or submerging everything it met. By the time he had finished, the first story of every building around was under the cum level. It reminded him of the flooded streets of Venice . . . only white.

At long last he relaxed, shoulders slumped as the last of building crumbled into sopping rubble and the last of his essence trickled from his flaring head. Tempy took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, surveying the scene around him. The local area was ruined and a blanket of white extended for several blocks' worth of distance.

Satisfied with his handiwork, the half-mile tall deer took a seat on one of the few dry swaths of rubble and yawned. His eyes grew half-lidded as he curled up over the city, his city.