A Khajiit's best friend (vore)

Story by Anyonarex on SoFurry

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A very short skyrim vore story, hope you like it.

D'jara the Khajiit's stomach rumbled loudly as she travelled, begging to be filled with something tasty. "Almost there" she thought, seeing Falkreath in the distance "Lots of food there." It was strange though, D'jara had never been this hungry before. "Maybe it was that witch" She thought "Or maybe it was that potion I stole off a Dunmer..." Either way it didn't matter, all she knew was that she was hungry and needed food quick.

Suddenly a tasty smell hit her nose, "Dinner" The khajiit smiled and turned around to see what sort of meal awaited her.

It was a dog, some sort of wolfhound by the looks of it. "mmmm, perfect" D'jara smiled as he bounded over to her, looking and smelling delicious as he did.

"You're just what I've been looking for!" The dog barked excitedly "My names Barbas." D'jara didn't find it odd that the dog was talking, she'd seen much stranger things in her travels, or the fact that he was apparently looking for her. All she saw was a plump, juicy looking stray practically begging to be crammed into her jaws. While Barbas was talking she simply moved forward and grabbed him, quickly stuffing his head into her jaws before he could say anything else.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Barbas said, kicking his back legs in protest as the cat's teeth jutted into his back "You can't eat me!" but D'jara had other ideas as she gulped again, packing in more and more of the juicy wolfhound into her fleshy feline jaws. "Mmm, he's good" she moaned "all nice and fat, much better than those stringy Whiterun hounds."

"Let me go" the dog barked from inside, covered in sticky saliva "I'm not food, I'm a Daedra!" but D'jara wouldn't listen, to her he was just a magical animal trying to escape her predatory jaws. "If I was at full power I could shapeshift and get out of here" Thought Barbas as he struggled to escape, but as it was he wasn't at full power and couldn't do anything but whine as D'jara swallowed him down further. "Eww, you could of at least brushed your teeth before snacking on me" the dog barked in an annoyed manner, the smell of the cat's last meal pushing past him and giving him a whiff of what was in store.

But one person who was enjoying the experience was D'jara herself, finally satisfying the nagging hunger she had felt for days. "mmmmm" she purred loudly as she gulped down more of the wolfhound's exquisite form, revelling in his exceptionally spicy taste which was probably on account of his Daedra heritage, although she wasn't aware of that.

Within moments all that remained of Barbas was a pair of long hind legs sticking out of the predatory Khajiit's mouth, saliva dripping off his feet and splashing on the forest floor below. D'jara took a moment to lick his meaty flank one more time before sucking in his tail like a long fat noodle, gulping one last time to send him down to her stomach.

Barbas sighed in embarrassment as he settled in the squishy Khajiit innards, smelling distinctly of fish and cat saliva "Clavicus is never gonna let me hear the end of this" he thought, his soft body starting to tingle as the feline's stomach set to work digesting him.

"I sure won't!" came the mocking voice of Clavicus vile "I'm not surprised you failed, but I can't say I expected you to become cat food!" He said before erupting in a fit of mocking laughter. "Yeah yeah" Barbas responded "now can you please get me out of this stomach? It smells terrible in here." "Gee I don't know Barbas, Khajiit's need to eat too..." Snickered Clavicus "don't worry though; you'll pop back up in about a century or so. But until then, enjoy your stay" and with that he was gone, leaving Barbas to digest in D'jara's stomach.

"That absolute..." The dog thought angrily "Guess I'll just have to find my own way out" and with that he began kicking the stomach walls with his powerful legs, the tender skin beneath his fur burning as the stomach worked harder and harder to break down his canine form. But no matter how hard he kicked it didn't work, all it did was loosen a bit of air and make the Khajiit belch loudly as she enjoyed her fullness.

D'jara herself had no knowledge of who she had just eaten, or how dangerous he could have been at full power. All she knew was that he was delicious and filling, a perfect meal to keep her going on her adventures. "oof" She exclaimed as she tried getting up but fell straight back down thanks to the increased weight in her stomach. "I'll just have to wait until he's digested" She said "Which shouldn't take long; he's only a dog after all."

And with that she pulled herself behind a nearby bush for a quick nap, her belly gurgling and squelching happily as she did.

The end.