The Begining

Story by Beltoan on SoFurry

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#2 of A New Life In A New World

I don't know how long I kneeled there, amongst the rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. It seemed like an eternity, but in reality it was only the last few hours before sunrise. The only life I've seen, is the animals that wisely stayed away from the danger zone. Mostly wildlife although there have been several stray dogs and cats foraging for food. The only ones who will approach me are the wolves and a few species of pantera, mostly white tigers and panthers that probably escaped from the local zoo. Or a wildlife center, each one has a tag in their ear but I can't read French to save my life.

It was only when the sun rose that I felt it was time to move on. Don't get me wrong, I love to be outside when the twilight fades into dawn or dusk but when it's dark, you can't tell that the "rivers" aren't actually rivers. And then there's the smell. Ever found fresh roadkill in the middle of a hot day? No? Think of the worst smell you've ever found. That's fresh roadkill. Now multiply that by a few thousand in a single area. Are you sick yet? I am.

I slowly rose to my feet, wincing as my joints popped and creaked, hissing in pain as my wounds, old and new, flared in agony and renewed the flow of blood down my body, further staining my uniform. The uniform that I never wanted to wear.

I made my way down the road, not really caring where I ended up, just following the instinct to move. And as my body wandered, my mind went a different path, back to the day that I first donned this uniform that started this trip into hell......

(Flashback-7 years ago)

A year after it was revealed that the Energies could be used in battle, the government went out and began a recruiting spree that outdid any in history. The draft was reinstated as a precautionary measure, not for war, but for training. The training consisted of everything in each branch of the armed forces. Vehicle operation, weapon usage, hand-to-hand, survival skills, first aid, and anything else that they could get together. Upon completion of the training, if you asked us to do something, whether it was flying an Apache helicopter or sniping someone from a mile away, we could do it. Many other countries gave their support by sending people who revealed that they could use the Energies, as a sign of peace and as one of a desire teach and learn. The main contributers were England, Japan and Germany. The training went on for two years, after it was determined what Energy each person could use, their training regiment and in the case of multiples, the amount of time it would take for full training.

I was among them, the youngest and the most powerful. My training began not 12 hours after my 18th birthday. Friday the 13th coincidentally. Needless to say, they were shocked when they found out that I was able to use 5 of the Energies (it was actually all 6 but do you think it would be a good idea to tell the armed forces that you could become a god on a whim?). It was also safe to say that my training was more grueling, productive, destructive and horrifying than all the others combined. I had to do everything that everyone else did and more. My boxing and martial arts training back in high school helped me survive.

I thought it was cool at first, back in high school when everyone started awakening their new abilities. It was really amazing when the boxing and martial arts teams started incorporating the Energies into the matches. It was part of why I joined them, that and the fact that I needed to learn control. It was rather productive. I went from 182 pounds to 245 pounds after 6 months of weight training with the boxing team, the martial arts training toned me up and enhanced my normal speed. Add the training the government gave me, I went from a regular fighter to a well-oiled and operated machine.

In the end, all that work gave me a full physical makeover. I stood 6 feet 3 inches tall, weighed 240 pounds (they got rid of whatever body fat I had), lightly tanned skin from the work outdoors, piercing saphire eyes, gold-blonde hair with several white streaks (all natural believe it or not), and strong, slightly angular features. When my trainers were asked to desribe my physique, thay said that I look kind of like Superman. I'm bulky, but I'm much leaner than a professional bodybuilder. I have more definition than they do. When they described my attitude, all the praise was stopped and was replaced with a slight sense of confusion and apprehension. A severe betrayal a few years before and the fact that I had been forced into the training had left me cold, uncaring and ruthlessly efficient in everything. All of my tasks were completed quickly and accurately. They thought it was because of my desire to go to battle and prove myself. In truth, I just wanted to finish so I could get out of there. All in all, I was turned into a soldier's soldier: a lean, mean, killing machine.

So, there I stood, amongst the most powerful force ever spawned by the U.S. Armed Forces. When others saw what I was going through as well as what I was capable of, no one came near me. I was the only one going through ALL the training that the government now offered. Not one other person could use more that 3 Energies. That started my nickname, "The Lone Wolf". Little did they know, that's what I was.

(General P.O.V.)


The sound of 670 pairs of boots slamming together rang through the courtyard as the eyes of their owners focused on the man making his way up the stairs to the podium. The drill sargeant's yell still echoed in the frosty winter morn with each and every soldier following the command without question. Backs straight as arrows, shoulders squared like blocks of marble, heads held high in the cold, clear dawn. Not a single hair out of place on their crisp black uniforms.

The man at the podium surveyed the crisp formation with a slight sense of awe and no small amount of pride. General David L. Stevens, the greatest tactician the battlefield had ever seen, stood tall, pins and medals glinting in the faint dawn as his worn yet sharp brown eyes looked at what was quite possibly the most powerful fighting force in the world. That's not to say that the United States Armed Forces weren't the greatest beforehand, but never had such beings as these new soldiers walked amongst them. Hence their name: The Juggernauts.

Each and every man and woman in the formation was trained to their utmost peak in their respective Energy and had been fully trained to be capable of overcoming anything that they may come across. The army, navy, air force, marines and the national guard had all contributed to the training and the results were nothing short of spectacular. Especially when it came to one person.

The general's eyes briefly scanned the assembly before stopping on the greastest soldier that he had ever seen. One Corporal Alexander Thomas O'Brien, age twenty. Never before had he seen such a efficient and dedicated soldier as him, his young age just made it more admirable. When he had first read the young man's file, he had chuckled, thinking it was a practical joke. After he had traveled to the training facility and seen the corporal's abilities firsthand, he had been shocked into a stupor. Upon realizing the implications, he began sending more and more difficult tests for the corporal to complete, each completion cementing the plan the general had for him. Now, he was prepared and ready to give the soldier a well-deserved and extremely difficult position among the ranks. He took a deep breath and returned his attention the group.

"Good morning and Congratulations to you all!" he said in a resonating bass. "This day marks not only the completion of your training, but also the dawning of a new and brighter era of defending your homeland. Each of you has been trained far beyond any other soldier in the history of mankind. This alone sets you apart from any fighting force in existence. Starting tomorrow, you will all go out into the world with a new and greater purpose: to ensure the survival and continuity of our home, our traditions, our sense of peace, our honor and, above all, the protection of our people!"

Here the general paused and let his eyes roam the formations before him once more before continuing.

"Each of you now possess the necessary skills and capabilites to complete any task laid before you but like many groups before you, you currently lack a leader to guide you to your goals. As all of you have different abilities, your leader must share in your skills, so that they may know what to do if and when the time comes to use those abilities. Myself and the other members of our nation have watched you become strong and have chosen the one who will lead you through your trials and purposes. Would the Corporal Alexander T. O'Brien step up here with me?"

A small ripple went through the ranks as the afore mentioned soldier began to make his way up to the podium. Upon reaching the general, he stood at attention and gave a sharp salute before returning to attention. General Stevens let his eyes take in the soldier in front of him. The crisp uniform made him seem like a black monolith towering above the general's stature of 5' 8". Instead of giving the group one of the existing forces uniforms, they decided to design a new outfit for the Juggernauts. In truth, if one were to remove the militaristic designs, pins and the hat, they would just be regular tuxedoes. Black dress shoes, black socks, black dress pants, a dark blue dress shirt (a sky blue for the women), a black tie, a black coat with their insignia and rankings upon it, and a black hat similar to a naval officer's completed the ensemble. When in action, their uniforms looked exactly like the army's except with smaller packs due to the fact that the quartermasters kept the essentials in pocket dimensions. Breaking that train of thought, the general focused on the corporal.

"Corporal. When I first heard of your skills, I admit, at first I thought someone was playing a joke on me. After coming here and seeing for myself just what it is that you're capable of, I can honestly say that you have exceeded any and all expectations that anyone ever had for you," he said with a hint of pride. He paused a moment, carefully watching the man's expression before continuing. "Not only have you completed all the training we set up and more, from the looks of things, you actually thrived on it. Your skills and abilities have shown just how dedicated you are to this group. Your talents with all of the Energies and your effenciency in the completion all tasks laid before you have shown your conviction to your purpose." He paused again, all of his attention on the man as he spoke his next sentence. "That is why, with great honor and pride, that I hereby grant you the rank of Major and present you with the role of leadership amongst the ranks of the Juggernauts!"

The slightest widening of eyes and a twitch of the mouth was the only reaction the general recieved from the corporal-turned-major. The ranks below murmured in surprise at the announcement before snapping back to attention with mixed emotions. The general then stepped toward the new major as the sargeant appeared carrying a small box and opening it. The general then proceeded to remove all markings of corporal from the man's uniform before reaching in the box withdrawing the proper ranking marks and attaching them. Upon completion, he stepped back and saluted the major, who in turn saluted back. The general then turned back to the assembled troops.

"Follow this man as you would follow any commanding officer. He is your leader and comrade. Treat him with the respect that you give your fellow soldier. Go into the world and work together to complete your goals!"

His speech finished, the general then saluted the assembly, the major and sargeant joining him quickly. The troops returned the gesture and remained in that stance. Lowering his arm, the general gave the signal for dismissal to which the sargeant quickly gave the order, walked off the stage and joined the leaving soldiers. Now alone with the major, the general made an inquiry.

"I thought I would have seen a little more reaction out of you," he mused aloud, confused. "I'm sure that you know that promotions like this are highly uncommon immediately out of training. So, why does it seem that you are unhappy about it?"

"..........They won't follow me," the major said, his voice deep but surprisingly soft and smooth. "They are afraid of me and what I can do."

".........They will follow you. Just give them time," the general said, momentarily stunned at the voice and the response. "People were afraid of the atom bomb and now they're okay with it."

"Only because they have been destroyed."

The general winced.

"I never wanted to be here in the first place."

THAT got the general's attention. He turned and stared at the major in disbelief. He was surprised to see an expression of sorrow on the man's face. The question died on his lips as it was answered.

"The reinstatement of the draft is what got me here, not my desire to join. I wanted to become a doctor and help people as a man of medicine, not hurt them as a soldier of war."

"But what about your family? Surely, they-"

"They were slaughtered three years ago."

That shut the general up again, his eyes wide, shocked for the third time this morning. The major's expression deepened and his eyes softening in obvious remembrance before sharpening again, his face becoming emotionless again. The sudden change jostled the general out of his stupor, his own expression becoming more confused and worried at the enigmatic man before him. For the first time, the major's eyes focused on the general's, burning with a fiery conviction.

"If I am to lead these people, then I shall do it out of duty and help others this way. I shall lend my strength and my power to help them through their trials and troubles." At this, the major's expression became one of feral intensity. The general felt his breath and heart stop at the man's face. The sclera of his eyes had bled to black, the iris becoming an icy blue, whilst the pupil turned slitted like a cat's, hair became white as new fallen snow, his mouth opened with a growl, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth as a voice belonging to the devil himself rumbled past his lips. "And heaven help those who would stand in my way-for they shall not recieve any mercy from me!"

As quickly as it appeared, the face vanished, leaving the major's own fiery expression where it was. The general began to breath again as the major walked past him, off the stage and into his new purpose. The general did not know how long he stood there, sweat dripping from his brow as he remembered the utter terror he had felt mere moments before. Swallowing hard, he turned to leave as one thought crossed his mind.

'What the fuck did we just unleash?'

(Flashback End)

(His P.O.V.)

I have to laugh everytime I recall that day. Even walking through the destroyed streets of the city. The look and scent of fear on the general had stayed in my mind for days, bringing a chuckle each time. He died over a year ago when H.Q. was decimated by terrorists. That was when I became general. Lot of good it did me. The U.S. and the rest of North America along with China, Russia, and most of the Phillipines were eradicated nine months ago. South America, Africa, the Middle East and Austrailia fell into chaos and self-destruction over the recreated nuclear weapons five months ago. Europe was the last to fall. Any and all remaining people gathered there and began the final slaughter of humanity.

Nobody won.


I don't know how long I've been walking or where I am anymore. I have no more food or clean water. I can't smell anything, I can only taste blood in my mouth, I can no longer see anything save for the blood-encrusted bangs hanging in my eyes, I cannot hear anything except for the crunch of my boots on the ground, I can feel nothing except the flaring pains from the numerous wounds along my back, torso, arms and legs. I am suffering from delusions, dehydration and severe blood loss.

...................Funny. No one could kill me in the war and yet I'm going to die from blood loss, insanity, and starvation.

My foot catches on something and I trip. This time however, there is nothing in front or below me. My body feels weightless as I fall, the wind rushing past me, whipping my face and body. My thoughts fade as I continue falling......falling.......falling.............falling.............................................