Why Big Bob did the things he did

Story by Lupinrager on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: all those under 18 or in sensitive areas, please do not read further

  • * * No one really knew why Big Bob did the things he did. Some say he was an escaped inmate from an asylum Others say it was a bad stint in prison that did it Others will tell you that it was the result of an old war injury And the weird ones will tell you it's all part of some intergalactic alien conspiracy made out to send mind control nodes and control the population But the ones who really know him, those who talk to him, meet up with him in the sad excuses for bars; they'll tell you the same thing. Big Bob abducts big males, takes them to his apartment, videotapes him molesting them, and then lets them go, just because he loves it. It was kind of a weekly thing for Big Bob, the old bear would put on his trench coat and shoes (and sometimes pants) and go cruising in the night. When he'd find a desirable' male, he'd drug them in the dark and drag them back to his apartment. There he'd take them onto his bed and tie them to the bed posts, spread eagle, after stripping them down of course, unless they wore briefs, he made them keep those on. He'd take out his trusted video cam and set it up on a tripod at the foot of the bed and wait for them to wake up. He never talks while he does, not a word as he pulls down your underwear or plays with your cock, taping it get harder and harder. All he does is smile as his fist pumps up and down the flesh, slowly but firmly. He loves it when you squirm or whimper, or when you struggle against your bonds. He loves teasing the head, rubbing his greasy, oily thumb over it, or flicks it with his tongue. He'll run his hands over your body, he loves teasing the nipples. What he really loves is having his captives beg to cum, which he'll oblige to...eventually. Afterwards he'll drug you again and finally leave you on some bench or in some bar near by. Then the fun part, a few days in the mail, you'd get an envelope with a dvd, on it is the video he took of your torture, and the video of him jacking off to it as he says all the lewd things he'd want to do to you in his deep gravelly voice. No one rats him out to the cops strangely, maybe cause they're too ashamed of letting people know they let a guy molest them, or maybe it's cause they just loved it too much. In my cause, it was the latter. Yeah, yeah, I was one of his victims, how else would I know this shit? The name's Nick, I moved here 6 months ago and that night I was just letting my old lion self get used to the town, at first it didn't seem much, I only moved here to get away from the old home, and I was planning on hopping again soon once I more cash. Started out with a couple of drinks in the bar, then a brief stint in the alleyway next door to uh...'relieve' myself. Next thing I knew, a couple of rough paws grabbed my head from behind, a wet cloth was pushed into my face and before I knew it I was out. Next thing I remember was waking up on something soft, turned out to be his bed, right next to the open window. First thing I noticed was the moon through the window, isn't that something? Guy gets abducted and the first thing he sees is the moon in the window. Well, I notice something else, I'm naked...almost. Still had my red briefs, and some leather straps connecting my ankles and wrists to the bed posts, but aside from that, my toned 20-ish something male lion body were exposed to the world. The I see the camera, the little red light's on, and it takes me a second to realize it's recording. My heart pounds harder, my breath gets shallower, the works. Even got a little thrill of excitement uh...'down under'. Course there he is, right behind the camera, in a pair of dark shades and leather boots. The grayish grizzle had heavy facial fur around his muzzle, you could tell he worked out, and had a gut. Course the first thing I think of is shit he's gonna kill me', but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot as fuck. So without a word he comes to my side and lays one of his huge paws on my chest and rubs my pecs in circles, I try to fight back my scared purring. He finds one of my nipples as his palm grazes it, the hard little nub is then pinched between his huge fingers, and god can he pinch. I was squirming and grunting as he did it, I wanted to tell him to stop but...did I mention he had a ball gag on me? Well my cock's startin to get hard and a tent's forming in my little red briefs, my *ahem* 8 inch lion hood was ready to stab through the cotton. He notices this and trails his paws down my stomach, getting a shiver from me, and stopping just under the waistband. He pulls down the briefs, letting my cock flop out. I shivered as the cotton trailed down my legs and he did this thing where he lightly trails the tip of his fingers up your inner legs...god damn that guy had me purring like a motorboat right then and there. So now he puts his finger to his lips, like all sshhhhh' and I'm like fuck no!' but then he wraps his fingers around my cock and I shut up. He squeezes tightly and kinda rubs my cock, it kinda hurts a bit without lube, but still feels great, I get all moany as my cock starts dribbling pre down my shaft, it's been a while since I got any. Then he gets all the pre he can in one hand and starts licking his palm, then he takes that spit covered paw and starts to slowly jerk me off, you can hear the squelching sounds of spit on pre and it really gets me good. He teases my head with the other paw and I can see him smile as he watches me squirm in the straps. His cock is dribbling pre like a faucet, the 7 inches of bear meat swayed there like a fat bratwurst; I wanted to take it in my mouth and just suck and swallow him dry. But no, he's got other plans, he takes his free paw and dabs his index and middle finger in his drippy pre, he gets it all over so it's all slick and shit. I was drooling by now and I gulp as I realize he wants to put those in my asshole. Now as he puts those fingers down below, let me tell you this. Before that night, I was an ass virgin, usually restricted to sucking, or me getting some, but the way he did it...damn! After that night I would almost spooge if the guy I'm with fingered my hole. They went in slowly, sure it'd hurt but his lube-pre made things...hotter...not easier, I mean, It's pre. I groaned and gasped in pain as his fingers buried to the knuckle, I lost control of my hole and would just clench tightly, everytime I clenched it hurt, but it hurt good. Then he'd wiggle and thrust his fingers, turning them over while he stroked me off at the same time, I could tell he was trained, he got a really great rhythm . My asshole burned each time he moved, he made me whimper, first guy to do so. Course, things really got hot as he hit my prostate. I'd arch my back, and mewl as he hit that sweet spot, electric pleasure surged through me, damn, I pretty much lost my mind there. My cock was really dripping and those wet sounds made things hotter, it's like squelch', squelch', squelch'. I really needed to cum at this point and he knew it. He started to slow things down and I realized just how much I needed to shoot. He pulled his fingers out of my ass (oddly clean, I must add) and slowed his hand fisting my crotch into slow pumps, he kept me on edge, not enough to shoot. But I needed it, I tried to thrust into his hand, he made it hard for me to do so, keeping his elbow down on my stomach. He listened to me whimper and squirm as I silently begged him to make me cum, the pleasure building up in me started to hurt. He turned his face on my and a mischievous smirk spread across his face. "Does kitty cat need to cum?" Without a second's thought I furiously nod my head, he wouldn't let up. "Does he need to get his big load all over my hand? Get it all sticky and jizzy? I bet you really want to get off, I bet it feels really good. Too bad, Kitty won't jizz till papa bear says so." (well it was something like this, details are fuzzy.) I beg, I plead, I cry, I moan, I groan, and it wasn't until much later he finally takes mercy on me and pumps me furiously, squeezing my dripping shaft, pounding into my groin. "Cum kitty! Shoot it for big Bob!" Hell, no need to repeat yourself. I actually scream into my gag as I cum, as I release, each shot actually hurt as the orgasm explosion really rips apart my mind, he doesn't let up, thank god. After, I don't know, 7 shots, I laps into afterglow, his hands still on my cock and I look down as it makes this brown bear look polar. He takes his cum covered hand and licks it all up, reflexively I moan watching his long, thick tongue taking up my cum into his mouth. I start to drool again. After a few minutes, he turns his back to me and I watch him fiddle with something on the dresser, a minute later he turns back towards me and he's holding up a rag. He shoves it onto my face and I struggle but to no avail, I pass out within seconds. I woke up later on a park bench, as dawn was just about to creep over the horizon. I remember checking myself, all here, except a feeling in my pants that made me believe he took my briefs. Later, as it turned out, he did. But that isn't the end of my experience. About a week or so later, I receive an unmarked envelope in my mail slot. Inside is a dvd,the label reads kitty cat nick'. Curiosity gets the better of me and I slip it in, first thing that comes up is that familiar scene where I'm on that raggedy old bed, clad in my missing red briefs, as I wake up on tv, the screen splits into two, and I see big bob, sitting on the floor with his legs spread out, stroking his cock. It looks like he's watching tv telling by the light shining on him, I stare transfixed at the dual images, of my molestation, and his masturbation, when a voice comes from the speakers. "hey kitty cat, glad you got the clip, got yer name and address from your wallet." His voice is the same gravelly voice from that night. "You were so hot, been a while since I got a nice pussy to play with *laughs*" the him in the video starts to stroke faster. "I watched over your little performance again, and it made me think of the things I really wanted to do you..." My heart beats harder as he begins to describe everything he fantasized. "I wanted to bend you over and shove my hard cock down your throat and make you gag, maybe shoot down your tight throat and make you drink your milk. I would have bent you over my legs and spanked your cute ass hard till you begged me enough, oh yeah, your cute ass turning bright red. Then after a while I'd push you to the floor and lift your legs and fuck your nice hole, make you feel this bad boy rip you a new one. Maybe bend you over my couch, make you ride my some, fuck you like a doggy-bitch and cum who knows how much into you, make you my little slut toy, make you whimper and moan as I drive it all home, FUCK!" I watch the clip of him on tv shooting several thick ropes of cum in front of him, realizing I've been stroking myself and teasing my hole with my finger, thinking of that load deep up my ass. "Damn... you are just too nice, maybe I'll catch you one of these days in the neighborhood, and I'm gonna have my way with your hot, tight ass. Guess I'll see ya around, Nicky." Needless to say, I don't plan on moving anytime soon.