A Little Too Curious Part 1 [Her First Time]

Story by firewolf91 on SoFurry

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This is a story i uploaded to FA recently.. I say this is my best work since i captured the emotion well i think.

Hope you enjoy!

Story made by :Me Faith belongs to :Me If you want to repost this story link me it in a PM on here Or contact me at [email protected] enough mumbojumbo..... TO THE STORY!!!!

(A little too curious)

Rummaging through old e-mails, faith comes across an old porn website she found hunting around years ago. "I wonder what is new on that website?" faith thought *Faith, crossing her legs and waving her silver tail around, decided to peek into the old website.* An ad pops up which somehow managed to avoid her pop-up blocker. *Frustrated she moved her mouse to close it then saw something that caught her eye.* "Ever wanted to go on a cruise with a hot woman/guy?" "Then this is your chance you are the 1 millionth viewer of this website.. click below to register for your FREE cruise." the ad showed in the small window. Ooooh free cruise!! *clicking the link a bright light blinds faith. Like staring into the sun, faith had to close her computer lid to stop herself from becoming blind.* Recovering her vision and thoughts, faith says "What just happened!?!" *A small rumbling from her stomach catches her attention.* Huh?? *shortly after she notices the rumbling it quits.* Oh i forgot i haven't ate in hours. *Humming, faith sets her computer aside and walks to the kitchen to look for something to heat up.* *sigh* Nothing but leftover tuna and ham. *A wave of pleasure hits faith causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head for a short second as she moans.* Recovering from the aftermath of it she says "Wow... what in heaven's name was that!!" That felt so.... oh i want that feeling again.... i want it so bad!! As if it heard her cries, another wave of pleasure makes faith's legs buckle and she oozes a small amount of pre from her clit, which quickly sticks to her shorts. Almost hitting an orgasm standing right there she goes to her room and looks for that link again. An email pops up which she opens with caution. "[Subject] If you were... [Message] Hello person, if you have clicked on my fake cruise link then know this... in your body, the bright light you encountered.. it is a scanner, if it detects something, even a hint of something that brings you major pleasure it gives it to you." "Do not worry about the pain that comes with it.. you are just getting used to the sudden change. Oh and in case you are wondering why i put people like you through this is. I work for a research and poll group, we study people's "pleasures" and if you would "assuming you ever do. Go to this website [Pleasure.poll.com] and answer a few questions about your experience. Thanks." Hnngh this feels so... wonderful, but why does it hurt so much! And why would someone do this to anyone!? All of a sudden faith's legs buckle again as she is put through a body splitting orgasm. *moan* I feel so alive!! I have never felt this kind of pleasure ever, nngh it feels so pleasant, but so painful. *Getting over her second orgasm, faith decides to contact the ad owner or "try" to.* Pulling up the poll website she searches for a contact tab and finds it. Hngh i hope he responds fast i can not take this anymore! *Darting through staff members she finds a tab posted. "For anyone who has gotten the fake cruise link please click here." *As fast as she could ever she swings her mouse over to the link and clicks over 10 times without wanting to.* The page opens slowly at first but in a few seconds opens with a warning. [WARNING] "This is a work in progress for people with different pleasures of erotic types or small ones" "If you were tricked by this and were scanned by the bright light do not panic. You are going through the most hard times as we here can imagine, if you are going to pain and pleasure, this is the first of two stages, you will find the second stage to happen soon." *Under pressure of a third wave moving through her, her tail sticks straight out as she cries in pain.* *A few minutes go by before it passes, and a new feeling takes over.* Huh? Wha.. What is happening? *Shortly after a sudden major wave of lust comes over faith and makes her weak in pleasure. Ooh..oh *Moaning* what..what is this feeling i love it, it is way better then the last feeling!! *Moaning in a climax, faith hits her first major orgasm, and drenches her silky white fur in her fluid.* Howling like a wolf in a full moon, faith reaches for the nearest object that she could substitute for a mate. Grabbing a pillow she unclothes faster then she has ever done, and rubs her clit on the pillow as she pants in pleasure, all the wile her tail twitching as she empties onto the pillow.* Moaning and humping the pillow like mad she feels like she has gained a few pounds. Glancing below she notice her belly has gained some weight. "Oh.. ho..how did i gain weight? Hngh i don't really care, i want more of whatever is going on though!" As if to oblige her demand, another body draining orgasm hits her as she rapidly humps the now soaked pillow. Howling once again she unloads but this time her belly has gained another few pounds. Still noticeing she is gaining more weight by the second she throws all caution to the wind as she goes through one more body draining orgasm.