The Ruins

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission for Kryo-0R (FA)

Boundless and filled with dreams, the heavens were home to a lot of different people; from the humble traveller to the one seeking might and glory, there were always enough places for all of them, even though one could question the motives that could lead masses to travel in hordes.

But the sky wasn't a gentle force, made to accept those that travel through it, that used it for their own purpose. Powerful and unpredictable, it was a force to reckon with, one that deserved respect and obedience, although that was merely the case these days.

Ships of all forms and shapes were crossing it, braving the elements to explore new paths and possibilities, or to find pleasure in the simple view of the elements, knowing that the balance wasn't as strong as it seemed. But to test the lines, to see danger for a brief moment was enough for these adventurers to enjoy the moment to the fullest, to let it fill their mind with precious memories that could last forever, until they would disappear into the ether.

With great pride and possibilities came also great disasters; tales of airships disappearing forever, lost in the mist or crashing into mountains were not uncommon, but they were always frightening to hear. Knowing about the potential risks of flight could have stopped some of them, but the call of the wind and the beauty of elements were too much to resist...

There was a rumor that one of these sites contained a treasure and equipment beyond anybody's wildest dreams; it wasn't a recent one, but as it passed around, it became a tale of legend, giving hopes to those that lose the sight of what could drive them forward.

Kryo was one of these people; having to deal with a recent setback, shi had to find a way to deal with the situation while getting away from it, until the authorities would care less about hir case and focus more on trivial matters.

It's not like shi could hide in the crowd anyway; a mix of a wolf and a hyena, shi had a vivid blue fur, with black spots and black marks near hir paws. Alone, these colours could have blended in the masses, as shi wasn't the only one bearing them, but shi never saw anyone else that had the same birthmark as shi did.

It was a snowflake, white as the substance that spawned it; shi always wondered how such a mark appeared on hir shoulder blade, but shi knew that sometime, there was no point in trying to ask questions on elements that were beyond control. At least, shi could try to hide it, but a black tank top wasn't the best piece of cloth to do it.

At least, it matched the pants shi was wearing; shi used to have to plaid colored ones, comfortable and somewhat stylish, but as shi needed ones that resisted the numerous travels shi faced, shi was obligated to pick a new ones, a garment that would be comfortable but resistant at the same time.

Throughout explorations and bargaining, shi was able to obtain a good pair of suede travel pants; black like hir tank top, it was a good match, but it made hir regret the pants shi discarded. The design on them was exquisite, after all, but shi had to make some sacrifices...

However, shi was thankful that it was matching hir hair; blue and black, it was in harmony with hir new set of clothing, although shi had the impression that shi was somewhat lacking in charm now. Nevertheless, this wasn't an element shi needed, for the moment; it wouldn't help hir in time of need, anyway...

As shi ran away from the cities, seeking a refuge from the law, shi found a strange crater; it was puzzling that no authorities were around, but shi had to take advantage of this situation, before they would swarm to it, ruining hir chance to find a temporary shelter.

Remains of twisted steel and blackened metal lingered on the ground; it was the site of a great catastrophe, one that marked history, but as shi didn't possess the time to check this information, shi pushed ahead, wondering what shi would find inside the wreckage.

Shi had to get inside, before someone would spot hir; the terrain was treacherous and parched, giving hir the impression that it was scarred forever. But shi couldn't let that stop hir; shi pressed forward, rushing toward the remains, not taking a moment to look around, for the earth was too barren to hold any danger at all.

If someone was waiting for hir in the debris, shi would have spotted him without any problem, for the land was merciless, flat as the mercy as shi would face. It least it was an advantage for hir; all sorts of pursuers would be easy to see, as they would stand out in the environment as a star would in dark night.

But this wasn't important, for now; the structure was the important element, the one shi needed to reach and enter, before shi had a change of heart and left this forsaken place. It gave chills down hir spine as shi approached what seemed to be an entrance; shi could be wrong and it could be a dead end, but shi had to try, to see if it was true.

Or was it a good idea? The more shi looked at the ruins, the more shi wondered if it was a good idea to explore it; it could be full of traps, monsters and other nightmare inducing material. But shi had little choice; if shi turned around, the pursuers would find hir, a fate shi wanted to avoid unless there was nothing else shi could do...

Braving hir rising fear, shi entered the darkness, wondering what would happen; hir field of vision was limited, making it a perilous journey, but shi had to press forward, for shi couldn't wait in the entrance. Shi wasn't safe yet, not until shi would be deep in the belly of the beast, so lost in the ruins that even shi wouldn't be able to find a path.

Shi wondered if there was something shi could pick up that could serve as torch; it would be wise that there light would carve a path, for it could avoidable falls and encounters. But how would shi be assembling it, when all that surrounded hir was scrap metal? Maybe there was a switch somewhere, which could turn on the lights...

Stumbling in the shadows, shi bumped a wall, much to hir dismay; that was a start that didn't look encouraging, although as shi passed hir hands on it, shi was able to feel a protuberance on it.

A part of hir wanted to explore it, to press it, to see if it could make a difference in the environment, but shi knew that it could be dangerous; what if it would start a mechanism that would be unstoppable? It was a possibility, but it was also possible that it could just open the lights; shi could leave it be and explore the rest of this crash site, hoping that some circuits survived the passage, but that seemed a bit foolish. What would the point of wandering in the dark if shi was able to open the lights with a simple move?

Braving hir own indecision, shi pressed, wondering what it would do. For a moment, shi had the impression shi was a fool, believing that forgotten ruins could still be active, that switches left behind could still be useful. It was fun to dream, but shi needed more than dreams to survive in this reality.

It was a this moment that shi saw the light appear, as if the mechanism were still intact; it was a miracle that they were working even though the time passed. It was surprising that the catastrophe didn't destroy them; perhaps they were made stronger then shi anticipated, although there could have been another reason, one that escaped hir grasp, for the moment. But for the moment, all shi needed to know was that the light was guiding hir steps and that nothing could stop hir, for now.

Shi stumbled away, hir foot still hurting; at least shi could count on the resistance of the metal to protect against some potential assaults. If they wanted to make this place explode, it would take years to reduce it to ashes, letting the wind carry away. But again, as shi didn't block the exit, letting them a free path; before shi would get deeper into the entrails of the carcass, shi needed to find a way to block it, so shi would have peace for a long time, or until they would destroy the improvised barricade.

Reaching the entry, shi realized that there was something going on; as shi tracked back on hir path, shi could observe that the entry was now blocked. Perhaps it was due to the fact shi flipped that switch not so long ago, an action that shi needed to perfom so shi would be able to advance without fear blocking hir path toward hir own future.

It was a small price to pay; shi didn't care much that the exit was blocked, for the moment, since shi needed to hide. No one would ever know that shi was inside when it would melt with the environment, giving no hints of hir presence inside the behemoth.

Shi could hear some machinery from a distance, as if hir action activated more the shi expected; shi would need to inspect what it was, to see if there was something that shi could use in the future, although shi had doubts about that. But shi had to keep hir spirit up, for there was so much to explore and discover...

This wasn't the time for apprehension; turning around, shi decided to go investigate the mysterious sounds, for this was now hir temporary campground. Assuming a determined pace, shi passed by the switch, making a mental note of its location; when shi would need to get out, shi knew that it would be the place to go back.

Walking a bit more, shi found hirself in front of an intersection; it was surprising that such a possibility would be present, but shi dismissed the reality in front of hir. Shi had to make a choice, one that would alter hir destiny, but shi wasn't sure of which path to follow; both could lead hir to a destination that could reveal new elements.

Shi stopped a moment, trying to listen to the machinery once more; it was hir guide until the split, then why shouldn't it be until the end of the road? Surely, there was nothing wrong in following that noise, unless danger lurked in the shadows... Determined about hir course of action, shi decided to take the path to the left, unfazed by the dancing lights that passed on the walls for a moment. It was a sterile sanctuary; there was nothing in here that could harm hir, even if shi would try to entice it.

However, shi had the impression that someone, or something, was watching hir; it was probably hir fears making hir imagine scenarios that weren't possible in the first place. Shi had to snap out of it; there was no point in trying to create realities that made no sense, for it would only harm hir in the process. Shi had to focus on the task ahead, to find the mystery that lurked in the depth of theses ruins.

But again, shi could ignore all the mysteries and remain near the entrance, waiting for the bounty hunters to fade away, as another target would appear on the world map, grabbing the attention away from hir. But that would take a while before it would happen; as much as shi wanted to fade away from the world, the world didn't want hir to disappear just yet, as if shi still had a role to play. Perhaps there was something that escaped hir analysis, but for the moment, it wasn't the time to think about such a thing, when shi was trying to figure how to navigate into the deep bowels of what seemed to be now a facility.

It was surprising that this crash site was this complex; shi expected it be nothing more than a mere pile of rubble, but as shi could see, it was a wrong impression. Everything was intact, as if the crash landing didn't cause any damage at all; perhaps it only destroyed the engines, which was the cause of the incident. It was quite probable that a bird flew into them, causing the doom of those that were on board.

But maybe shi was wrong; perhaps it did get damaged on the impact, but due to the interference of some obscure force, it was reshaped, so it could serve another purpose on this earth until it would face annihilation, vaporizing it from the surface and the memory of the world, the hideous scar being the only witness of its existence.

However, that sounded too insane to be close to the reality; what sort of person or sentience would do such a thing? What would be the purpose of such an intervention, when this site was far away from the city, away from the world? Shi needed to get these ideas out of hir head, for there was no purpose in keeping them.

As shi looked around, shi couldn't shake the impression that something was observing hir; maybe shi needed to get out of here, before shi would get paranoid about all that surrounded hir. But that would ruin hir entire plan; even if a device was spying on hir, there was no point in turning back now, for shi was too far ahead.

The corridor was getting close to an end, as it was leading to another room; it made hir curious on how many rooms this area could hold. Shi had all the time of the world to explore them, but shi was wary that some of them could contain dangerous material, elements that could endanger hir own existence. But again, shi had to make sure of such an element first hand; to do so, shi had to explore it and see it, even if it could harm hir. There was no purpose on trying to live in fear...

Shi entered the room, ready to brave the danger that could be lurking inside of it; it was somewhat disappointing that nothing happened when shi looked around, wondering what was surrounding hir.

It was a large room, larger than the entry and the corridors; for a moment, shi believed it was the control room, but it didn't seem like it, for it was devoid of chairs or anything that could permit any sort of control.

However, shi could observe some blinking light on the walls, accompanied by some monitors; perhaps it was a room more important than shi anticipated, but as shi looked around, there was nothing of value that was lying around. There had to be something to salvage in here, an element shi could grab and keep, so shi could sell it later.

Perhaps shi could dismantle some of the screens; they could fetch a decent prize as scrap material on the black market. Shi just had to make sure not to destroy them too much, for they would lose all their value and make the trip back a worthless expense of energy. It would be a test of patience, for it would take time and precision to remove them without damaging them, especially without having any tools in hand. But shi couldn't let that little element stop hir; shi had to strive forward, so shi would be able to grab the future by the throat and make it hir own.

``Intruder alert; unidentified life form have breached the security system. Begin procedure 78'' said a metallic voice, as the room was flooded with a flashing red light. What sort of trickery was this? Did shi trigger an alarm without any knowledge of it, or was it something else, an element that escaped hir grasp?

Either way, it wasn't the time to think about it anymore, for shi was now trapped in the room, as the entry leading to it was now blocked with a metal shudder, while the other entry shi could see was also being blocked. It was surprising to see them go down that fast, as if the ship was built to restrain dangerous criminals... or pathogens. Or maybe the systems were still perfectly working, even after the crash...

Shi had the impression that shi was quarantined, although shi wasn't sick or carrying a dangerous weapon; maybe the machine was oversensitive, triggered by a mere pathogen shi was carrying around. Or perhaps it was hir presence that triggered the phenomenon, the fact that shi was a living being in world of steel and machines.

Looking at the doors, shi tried to find a way to exit; shi couldn't stay here, with this corrupted program running amok. In the beginning, it was probably designed to keep intruders out of the ranks of the crew. But as the crew perished, the artificial intelligence that was guiding the ship seemed to have gone haywire. Shi needed to escape the area, before it would decide what sort of fate shi would deserve, for the machine wouldn't show any mercy if shi was breaking a law shi didn't hear about in the first place...

However, shi needed to at least grab a monitor before leaving; it would be a shame if shi would leave without doing such a thing. Although hir safety wasn't assured anymore, shi couldn't leave empty handed; if shi would get caught, at least shi could try to bribe hir pursuers with the material shi would gather here, even though there was a chance it could fail.

Even if the doors seemed closed, there had to be a way outside, one that shi could use to escape from this now threatening area. Shi had to act, though; more time shi would spend tangled in the wires, less chances shi would possess of escaping in the end. It was a calculation shi needed to do, although it seemed worthless; as hir guts told hir, shi would have plenty of time to what shi had in mind, before something bad would happen to hir.

``Intruder have been contained; begin procedure 56'' said the voice, as intricate noises were heard. Perhaps it was a way for the machine to scare hir away, for it possesses no real powers. What could it do anyway? Send another threatening message? Close another door? There was nothing it could do, for in the end, shi would always be victorious, whatever would be the odds pitted against. A foolish opponent would always meet their doom at hir hands, although shi had the impression that this entity could propose a new challenge.

Looking around, shi waiting for a moment, expecting for a weapon to destroy hir, but nothing of the sort happened; shi knew the machine was bluffing, repeating old, tired lines that were stuck in its repertoire. There was nothing to be afraid of, although shi needed to get out of there, before oxygen would run out of there. It would be quite unpleasant to suffocate in such a place, watched by the entity in question, especially if it could find some sort of twisted, perverted pleasure in doing so.

As shi pondered hir own fate, shi felt something brush against hir legs; looking, shi saw what seem a tube, or more precisely some sort of extension. It wasn't there a moment ago, but it didn't matter; it probably fell from the ceiling or something like that. There was no point in being afraid of an element that simple, that wouldn't be able to harm hir in the first place.

Shi felt another one brush against hir leg, as the first one wasn't enough; as long as they would stay on the ground, then nothing would be a threat, for shi would rule this territory with an iron fist.

Shi didn't expect them to grab hir by the ankles, shoving hir to the ground without any pity at all; the floor was hard, but at least shi wasn't hurt, for now. However, shi was now trapped, hir legs stuck in these metallic tubes that surrounded them, wrapped around them, to make sure that shi wouldn't run away.

Accursed device, what was it trying to do? Shi wiggled hir legs, hopping that it would be enough to free them from the grasp of the device, but it was insufficient, for the steel, or whatever the material was, held hir in place, unfazed by hir efforts to remove it.

As shi continued struggling against the restraints, shi saw another tube approach hir, or it was shi believed. It wasn't really a tube, but more of a tentacle, one that seemed to explore. The end seemed a bit blunt, but as shi looked at it for a moment, shi realized that it was designed for several purposes, as shi could observe that a section could retract inside, thus giving more versatility to the tentacle in question. It was a strange and yet beautiful design, making hir wonder who could have created it in the first place...

For now, it wrapped itself around hir tank top, as if it wanted to make sure shi wouldn't able to move anymore. Shi wished that it would stay in position, whatever mission it had being accomplished by the fact that shi was trapped on the floor, unable to move.

However, shi was wrong in hir hope, as it moved again, pulling against hir tank top; would the fabric be able to resist the mistreatment, or would it crack under the pressure, snapping under the force exerted on it? Although shi hoped that it would be able to stand the assaults, shi knew that it was foolish to expect it to stand a chance against the determination displayed.

Without any efforts, the tentacle tore hir top away, revealing hir breast to the air; shi covered immediately hir breasts with hir hands, as if shi was responding to a reflex more than deep, reflected thought. It wasn't an element shi was angry against, though; maybe shi succeeded in blocking the way of a too curious machine...

But as shi tried to block the path of the machine, shi found hir arms in the same situation as hir legs; unsure of where they were coming from, but they had the same mission and purpose as the other ones, which was to make sure that shi wouldn't be able to resist what the machine had planned for hir.

Shi didn't have to wait long, to see what sort of devious scheme the device had in mind, as shi saw the lone extension approach hir breasts, as if they needed to be explored. Without any notice, it lunged, placing itself between hir breasts, as it wanted to mimic a shaft, without looking like one, although it was still impressive and tempting.

But as shi observed it, shi realized that its purpose wasn't to move at all, but just to prepare hir for the other ones that would come. Shi wasn't sure what was in store for hir, but whatever was planned, there was nothing shi could against the machine will...

As shi observed two other tentacles approach hir, shi knew where they were heading; without hesitating, they wrapped around hir breasts, determined on exploring what bounties hir body could offer to them.

The metal was warm on hir breasts, as they squeezed what they were wrapped around, making hir sight in delight. Shi expected the touch of the metal to be cold and uncaring, for a machine created for security and protection wasn't made to be subtle and gentle, especially when it could be more efficient in its purpose.

One of the tentacles moved, removing its grip from hir breast, while the other continued pressing against the flesh; shi wondered what it was up to, as shi could feel the second one persevere on its duty, as if it needed to gather some data that escaped hir grasp. Shi waited a moment, to see if it would come back, but nothing happened; perhaps the device was planning another move, one that would take hir by surprise.

As shi was thinking about the potential move it could accomplish, shi saw it coming back, as if its absence needed to be rectified. It seemed different, as if in its retreat, it gained a new appearance. Shi could observe that the end seemed larger; although shi wasn't sure what it was for, shi knew that shi would learn what it would do in a few moments...

Shi observed as it latched on hir breast, covering hir nipple with what seemed to be a suction cup; transparent, shi could still observe hir flesh inside of it, while it was being secured, so it wouldn't fall off.

Although shi wouldn't mind seeing it fail, shi knew that it would stay in place, for the entity wouldn't let such a thing happen. There was a procedure it wanted to follow and it would make sure that nothing would stand in its way, not until it would be finished.

As the cup was posed on one of hir breast, shi felt the tentacle surrounding the other one stop its pressure, leaving hir body alone for a moment, only to return with the same extension, like the other one did. Although shi wasn't sure why they weren't synchronised, shi wasn't about to complain about it, for it would be pointless; it would happen anyway...

``Preliminary data have been acquired; subject is ready for further testing'' said the mechanical voice, as shi heard a strange sound afterwards. Before shi was able to understand what it meant by testing, a strange sensation assailed hir breasts.

Shi could feel the cup flatten on hir breasts, nearly molding them, as if the air was being drawn out of the space their occupied. It was at this moment that the suction cups started pressing on hir nipples, as if was testing hir resistance.

As shi felt the cups suckled on hir nipples gently, as if someone was teasing hir; it was quite skillful, a level shi didn't expect from an artificial intelligence. They knew how to caress hir, what hir flesh craved; the thought would have been frightening if the pleasure hadn't chased the fear away, making hir wish that it would pick up the pace.

But the machine was determined... or was it devious? Either way, it stuck to its programming, keeping the same rhythm, making hir curse in the process. It was a slow, steady pace that was enough to arouse hir, a fact that shi was ashamed of. Shi wanted to control hir body, to stop the pleasure from robbing hir from stability.

Shi didn't want the machine to see hir aroused, to give it the pleasure to have achieved such a feat; there were elements about hir that were better kept alone, for shi wondered what this information could mean if it ended up in the data bank of the entity.

However, as shi felt the rhythm accelerate, shi knew that it would be impossible for hir to maintain hir composure, for shi felt hir body and mind being aroused, a state that would betray hir true nature. It was a fact that shi wanted hidden, so only those that were close to hir would be able to know about, but since hir body was betraying hir will, there was nothing shi could do to counter the sensations assaulting hir.

``Subject have reached arousal threshold; it is ready for the next phase of the experiment'' said the voice, as it seemed that it was aware of hir state. Perhaps shi underestimated the machine potential, although it was foolish to believe that it would stop after a few steps.

As the voice stopped, noises were heard once more, as shi could observe another tentacle approach hir stretched pants, hovering near the crotch for a moment before it moved higher, grabbing the top of hir suede lower garment.

Although hir pants weren't made of the most resistant fabric, it seems enough to stop the assault for a moment, as shi watched the tentacle struggle with the pants, as if it wasn't powerful enough to tear the suede away from hir body. Maybe this was a sign that shi was lucky, for the device seemed stumped, for a moment.

However, it was a short moment of respite, as more tentacles appeared, for the entity couldn't let an obstacle stand in the way of its progression. With amusement, shi observed them swarm around hir waist, grabbing folds of fabric in the process. Operating under the same mind, they coordinated their efforts and pulled hir pants down, without tearing them down. It was amazing that they were able to perform such an act.

Although, as shi praised their coordination, shi heard a loud ripping sound, as the tentacles tore apart hir clothes. Shi wanted to laugh at hir own foolish hope, but shi knew that it wasn't a good idea to do it, not in a place like this...

As the pants were removed from hir body, shi could feel a cold breeze on hir now erect shaft; a shade darker then hir fur, it was a sight to behold, one that wasn't common to see, but was always an impressive surprise, one that created pleasant memories for years to come.

However, the sight was discovery, an element that those that those that would gain it would have worked for it. What would be the point of giving people what they wanted without making them work a bit for it? Where would be the mystery, the desire for the unknown? With it present, shi could weave intrigue and passion, to create an aura around hirself, one that could fascinate people.

``System error; unsuspected result encountered. Protocol must be changed, to counter the information that was gathered. Starting protocol 15'' said the disembodied voice, as the tentacles that grabbed hir pants disappeared back into the darkness.

Perhaps the device wasn't programmed to deal with those that embodied both sexes at the same time. It could be a trait that could serve hir, as shi could use the confusion it induced in the machine programming to try to calculate an escape route.

But as shi was trying to raise hir hopes, more tentacles emerged from the shadows, crushing hir dream of escaping; perhaps there was a beauty in giving up and letting them perform what seemed vital for them. It's not like shi was resisting it anyway; hir body was craving attention, from either a machine or a real lover. Shi needed someone to help hir and this entity would do just fine, for now...

As shi felt the suction on hir breasts slow down a bit, back to the teasing stage, two tentacles approached hir loins, the new target of their investigation. Observing them for a moment, shi waited for a movement, for a sign of activity, but nothing happened, as if the machine wanted hir to beg for it.

Breaking the illusion, a tentacle moved, approaching hir shaft; it was a tantalizing sight, as it seemed to dance near hir member, having no desire to touch it. Perhaps it was made to arouse hir, for hir mind was already creating scenarios, filling hir imagination with images of what could happen to hir.

As it hovered near hir member, another tentacle appeared from the dark, a strange ring like extension garnishing it. Observing it, it approached hir shaft, stopping near the top of it for a moment, before it plunged down and placed the ring around the base of hir member. As it retreated, leaving the ring behind, shi wondered what it was supposed to do, until shi felt faint pulsations in hir shaft.

Each pulse was bliss, a little push toward the building orgasm; shi wished that the machine would hurry up and discharge more power into these apparatuses, but it seemed that it needed to prolong the delicious agony for a while.

As shi looked around, waiting for something to happen, a tube dropped from the ceiling, destroying the pattern of the tentacles as it encapsulated hir shaft in a clear, transparent material. The tube fitted hir shaft well, as if the device calculated hir length before dropping it from the height; from the top, shi could see a black tube going somewhere, but hir eyes were unable to see where it was going.

The tube seemed inactive, though; perhaps it awaited another piece of equipment, before it would join the rest. Although shi was curious about it, shi knew that it was a bit foolish to wonder about that sort of thing, when it was bound to happen anyway.

As shi closed hir eyes, shi felt the other tentacle rub against hir inner legs for a moment, as if it was trying to gain some momentum. The touch was delicate, as delicate as the suction on hir breast; shi couldn't believe how good it felt, and yet, there shi was, trapped in this facility, at the mercy of this entity, without the desire to flee now. What would be the point of that, now that hir body was begging for release, making hir shiver in anticipation with what would happen.

In a fast, brief movement, the tentacle moved away from hir leg and went under hir testicles, prodding the entrance that was offered to it. Without wasting the opportunity presented to it, it plunged inside, making hir gasp in the process; shi never though it was that big, but as shi could feel the tentacle inside, shi knew that shi was wrong.

Although it was larger than any partner shi ever had before, it wasn't a painful size, as if the entity knew the limit of hir flesh and adapted itself to it. How deep would it go? Would shi be able to bear it, or would shi lose hir mind before it would reach the full speed? Shi had to test it, to see it firsthand...

The metallic phallus buried itself deep within in hir flesh, testing hir elasticity, before it thrusted in hir, bringing the tip near the entrance before ramming it back to the depths of the flesh. Shi could feel each inch of the shaft in hir, as the machine adopted a steady rhythm, determined on exploring what hir body could offer to it.

At the same time, shi could feel cups on hir breast suckle harder, as the penetration seemed to have awakened them from their slumber, while the tube that was lodged on hir member started vibrating in harmony with the ring still located at the base of hir shaft.

Shi was overstimulated; although it could be debatable if it was an element shi should pursue, shi was enjoying each moment of it, for all hir body was feeling the pleasure, making hir realize that shi wouldn't be able to resist the steadily approaching end. Sensing that all organic beings cannot be teased forever, the machine picked up the pace, for it was a vital part of the experiment to see if the life form was able to react positively to the stimulus it would be provided with.

As if the device was able to read hir mind, the rhythm keep on accelerating, making hir wonder if shi would be able to resist its actions much longer. Shi could feel the length deep inside, trying to breach hir womb with each thrust, as the tube on hir member seemed determined on milking hir, vibrating in a way that shi never thought possible before.

It was as if shi was sucked, stroked and penetrated at the same by a passionate lover, one that knew how to bring hir pleasure. If only it was one of flesh, one that shi could learn to know and appreciate with time...

``Subject climax imminent. Engaging protocol 15a'' said the voice, as shi felt the various devices on, hir body going on overdrive, as if shi needed to be roughed up before the pleasure would overcome hir senses.

Shi screamed of pure ecstasy, as the orgasm ran through hir body; shi never experienced one so powerful before. Shi could feel the tube sucking hir cum hungrily, clenching around hir member as each spasm brought out more of the desired substance. What would the machine do with it was beyond hir understanding, but all shi cared about was the pleasure, for now...

When the phallus in hir stopped and started pumping a liquid, shi didn't care; what is hir own essence or what is an artificial substance, to mimic a male? Not that shi cared much about it, but now, shi would be able to escape, to be free of the clutches of the entity, for the experiment was now over.

Or was it? As shi stood still, waiting for the tentacles to disperse, shi heard the voice speak again, making hir realize that shi would be trapped for a long time. ``Protocol 15 successful. First experiment complete; initiate second round''...