Run It Off

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#6 of SC

Quick little story written up. The first real public display of this superhero universe I've been working on developing. Think of this as a teaser taste for what will become full length books soon enough.

Two figures raced along a rooftop of the fog draped city. "Seph, get back here!" came a deep snarl from the tiger as he stretched his long legs out.

"Not gonna make it that easy, Holt!" Called the lizard over his shoulder. Neither of the pair sounding very out of breath despite the pace they were moving at. The western green lacerta stretched out his lengthy legs as well as he neared the edge of the roof. Without slowing a step, he launched himself from the building, arms and legs wheeling for a moment before he tucked. His shoulder hit the next roof, body rolling with the impact before he sprung back to his feet. The Siberian tiger was right on his heels, kicking off the ledge to gain a couple more precious feet before he was forced to slow when he landed. The tiger lunged to his feet and stretched out. Shoes crunched on gravel as he closed the distance. His heart was pounding in his ears, blood singing in his veins, cool morning air burning in his lungs. Lips pulled back in a silent growl as he closed the distance on Seph.

Ten feet apart, another jump! Holt kicked off the ledge again and stretched out his body. The striped predator hit the ground in a run, arm stretching out for that whipping reptilian tail. Fingers brushed against smooth flesh, making the head snap around, eyes widening. Hot grinned savagely, lunged forward, and closed his hands around... Nothing.

He tumbled forward, just barely able to keep himself from planting face first into the rooftop. He tumbled and bounced along the roof before ending in a crouch. Snapping his head around, the tiger let out a deep snarl. It took him a moment to spot Seph, several dozen feet up a neighboring skyscraper. The reptile's bare fingers and toes caught onto nearly invisible holds as he turned around to look down at Holt. Strolling forward, the tiger braced his foot on the ledge and looked up at his running partner. "Now, I seem to remember that we had agreed on no powers."

Seph gave a sideways grin as his tail flicked over the glass. "That was just a little speed burst, no harm done."

"Uh huh, just squirmed out of my reach before I could tag you."

The lizard huffed, "You were about to grab my tail." His blue cheeks turned a bit purple as he scratched at one of his holds. "You know the rules about my tail."

Holt smirked, "Tell me something. Ever been spanked by your own tail?"

Eyes widened as Seph stammered for a moment, cheeks darkening. It took the speedster a moment to collect himself. "Good luck even trying, I've seen you try to climb."

The tiger narrowed his eyes smugly, "Why climb when I can fly?" Rocking back on his heels, he lunged forward off the building. He stretched out as he sailed through the air. With that half-hearted jump he would never be able to make it across to the building. Even if he could reach it, Seph was right, he didn't have the knack for climbing that the lizard did. As much as he enjoyed climbing, he didn't need to climb at the moment.

Holt shoved his hands wrist-deep into a stream of power that. The river was invisible to all but the most tuned of scientific of equipment, and of course him. Curling his fingers into the energy ribbon, he felt the power flowing into and over his body. Digging claws and feet into the stream he surged upwards along the building, following the flow. Seph's eyes went wide as the striped missile barreled up towards him. The lizard swung around and scurried upwards. Fingers and toes finding holds in places that most would simply pass over. With Holt coming up behind him there was only one way he could go. The reptile began to blur as he picked up speed, careful not to go too fast or else he might just ruin another set of clothing.

He was already the favorite customer of many thrift stores.

Focused on climbing as he was, Seph didn't notice how close Holt was getting until he caught the reflective glow of the male's aura. He twisted with a hiss, looking back at the tiger as the feline's arms looped under his and pulled him away from the building. "Gotcha," Holt purred in his ear, holding Seph tight as he slowed his ascent.

Seph laughed a bit as he was pulled back against the tiger. Cheeks colored a bit as he felt the male's body pressed against his backside. "Yeah you did, but how are we gonna get back down?

"Simple." Twisting around, Holt sat on the stream and started to slide down, protecting his friend from the dangerous energy that he was drawing from. Seph squirmed in his arms as they slipped down the ribbon. Kicking off the ribbon, he blasted himself forward. Feet scraped against the building ledge as he came down. Normally, he'd be able to keep himself upright, but holding onto the squirming lizard as he was, he dropped forward. Seph let out an oof as he hit the rooftop, pressed down into it by the heavier Siberian tiger.

The pair laid on the roof for a moment, both panting from the exercise from their run. Seph looked back at him, "Um, Holt? Pressing up kind close there, man."

He chuckled and gave Seph's neck a playful nip. "Hey, ain't gay as long as our balls don't touch." Teased the tiger, in the same manner that he had teased his panther friend for countless years. "We've both got pants on, so not much chance of that." Pushing himself up, he brushed off his pants before holding out his hand to the lizard. Seph lay there for a moment longer, tail arched just a bit, before he rolled and took the hand, easily getting pulled to his feet by the far stronger tiger.

He angled his head slightly as Seph held onto his hand for a second longer than necessary before releasing the grip. Tilting his head back, the reptile sniffed, "Had to cheat to get up to me."

Holt bumped Seph with his shoulder as they turned and started walking back. "Had to cheat to get away from me."

Seph linked hands behind his head and craned his neck a bit, "Yeah yeah, you wanna race back to the block and see who is better then?"

The tiger chuffed out a laugh, "Well, from what I hear you're far faster than I am."

Lips pulled back into a playful snarl, "Oh that's it, I'm getting a new tigerskin belt!" Laughing, Holt took off, stretching out his predatory body as he charged off with the lizard on his heels.

Back at the Society headquarters, affectionately called The Block by the Society members, Holt and Seph made their way into a locker room. Seph stayed a couple steps behind the tiger, chewing on his bottom lip as his long tail twitched and twined around in the air. There was a nervous fluttering in his stomach as he looked over the tiger. Something he hadn't felt before in his life. Well, he'd had similar feelings for his adoptive family, but nothing quite of the same caliber as this. He breathed out a soft sigh as he drooped a bit, stomach churning a bit. Looking at the tiger's broad back, he worried his lip for a moment. "Hey, Holt?" Ears turned back as the male looked over his shoulder at him. "Wanna go grab some chow after we change clothes?"

A deep chuckle rolled its way up the tiger's throat. "I'd love to get some," Seph felt his heart lift until, "but Will's got me scheduled to train with Pai Mei. Last thing I'd want would be to get sick on his mat."

He covered his disappointment with a laugh as they entered the room, popping open a locker to change into some street clothes. "If he hears you call him that, he'll twist you into a pretzel the second after you finish your bow."

The tiger's muzzle wrinkled, "Can't decide what would be worse. Having him pluck my eye out, or deciding that I need some extra training." Seph watched out of the corner of his eye as he watched the tiger strip off his shirt, muscles rippling under his striped pelt.

Stripping off his own clothes, Seph was only too aware of how scrawny he was compared to some of the other heroes. While he was taller than Holt by a couple inches, he was far sleeker than the other male. Even before his accident and gaining powers, the tiger had been fairly toned due to his job. Rolling his head, Seph mimicked the older martial artist's voice, "If your tongue is so agile, your body must be moreso. If body is quick, so too must your mind be." Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the feline as he stripped down to his underwear, wearing only a jockstrap at the moment. Cheeks flushed bright as he nearly buried his nose into his locker, grabbing at his street clothes.

"So why does everyone call you Blue? Just because that's your hero name?" The question made him stop and peer at the tiger, the male pulling on a pair of light shorts now. His muzzle wrinkled some, "If that's so, I'd hate to be called Red all the time."

Seph coughed a bit and pulled on a pair of jeans that were too big around the waist for him. "Nah, the name came up when Leslie saw my..." he coughed, "Well, she saw my penis, and it happens to be blue."

Holt's ears perked at the mention of Leslie's name. "Wait, it's blue? So both of your heads are? And when did Leslie see it?"

Cheeks flushed a bit as his tail flicked and thumped against the bench. "Yeah, could say that. As for when," he paused long enough to pull on a shirt that had seen some better days. "Ask her about her black cape book."

"Black cape book? Is that like..."

Seph nodded, "Little black book, but for supers, yes." He could see the gears turning over in the tiger's head as he thought for a moment, ears twitching this way and that. "She has been around supers since she was a kid."

Holt nodded, "Yeah, guess it's not that different from anyone else's black book." He stretched out as he pulled on a shirt, hiding that magnificent chest. He gave a toothy half-smile, "Want to join me with the Grandmaster?"

The lizard shook his head quickly, "No thank you, spent enough time getting thrown around as is. Think I'll just go hit the showers and nap a bit."

"Sure you're not a cat, as much as you nap?"

"Pfft, as if I could ever stand having that much hair on my body. Dunno how you guys don't constantly clog up the drains."

Holt shut his locker with a chuffed laugh, "Drain cleaner, lots of drain cleaner." Walking past, he flicked his tail playfully at the back of Seph's head, "We can grab some lunch around noon though. Meet up in the lobby?"

Seph felt a nervous little flutter in his gut, "Sounds like fun, can't wait." A frown traced over his muzzle as he watched the tiger head out to the gym area. Why was he looking so hard at Holt like that? Sure, the tiger was nice and fun to be around and he was built and handsome and... He hissed and slammed his locker shut as a voice rang in his mind, telling him to man up. Hands shook as that ghostly voice mocked him, clawing its way up from his past to get at him. Seph stood quickly and stalked out of the locker room.

Once he was out in the hall other voices replaced the ones from his past. He didn't really feel like talking with anyone right now. Lucky for him, he had one of the best ways to avoid other people around. Fingers brushed over a bracer that he wore. His heart hammered in his chest for a moment as his head reeled. It was a sensation he was all too familiar with. He shoved his hands into his pockets and kept walking. There were others in the hall, headed to the gym for a morning workout before heading out on patrol or whatever they were up to. The group were frozen mid-step, mouths open in a boisterous laugh at some joke or another. If one stopped to watch them for a moment they might notice the incremental movements as the crowd continued their trek. Not that he found that terribly interesting anymore. He'd spent countless hours people watching while moving at his boosted pace. Each time his motivator broke down or when he just wanted to spend some time alone.

Heading deeper into the block, he wove his way around the slower supers on his way to the transit hub. Seph slowed his pace for a moment as he looked over at the elevator longingly. As good as they were, and as fast as they moved, there were still people lining up to use them. To the stairs it was. Which wasn't too bad, he always did love sliding down the stair rail. Might even be the seed that got him started into pakour. He'd tried using skates or boards or other things, but nothing quiet worked as well as like his own feet and hands.

The transit hub was only a couple levels down from the gym. Not the deepest level of the block, but fairly well underground. Little defense against people ever getting into the Society base via the Gates. Personally, he didn't think it would be possible but he wasn't one to go against their precautions. Well, not too often anyway.

Luck was with him. The hub was abandoned when he entered the massive circular room. Seph adjusted his demotivator and huffed as the world lurched back to full speed. Sounds and scents returned to normal as he slowed back down. Hands still crammed in his pockets, he advanced on the massive portal. The device thrummed with a noise that was more felt than heard. "Hey Dispatch, mind opening up the way for home?"

Screens near the gate lit up as a voice chimed. "Request confirmed. Bluestreak, there is some mail waiting in your PO Box, would you like me to retrieve it for you? It appears to be several letters and pair of small packages."

He hesitated for a moment. What package was he expecting? "Sure, save me a trip to the post office. Always seems like they're closed when I go by there anyway."

"The post office has reasonable hours posted at the door usually. If where you are going is always closed you might need to relocate."

The lizard breathed out a sigh as a drawer opened with a chime, his mail teleported right to him. "It's just an expression, Dispatch."

The voice chimed happily, "Ah! Expressing dissatisfaction with the lackluster service offered by the local mail services. Apologies offered."

Seph gathered his mail from the drawer. Couple bits of junk mail, his monthly box-o-geekery, and... Oh lord he forgot about that. He gathered the two boxes and tucked them under his arm. "It's alright, Dispatch. Thanks for grabbing my mail for me."

"It is a non-problem." The gate hummed to life a couple feet away, lights dancing around the inside of the frame of the hanger-sized door before filling the portal with a silent woosh. He always wondered ow much power a gate this big used. Must be a massive amount since this thing could move everything from a person up to industrial equipment. It was by far the largest gates of any he'd seen, probably because it was the central gate. As far as he knew it was the only one that could connect to any other gate. The one in his home was just large enough for him to ride through on his motorcycle and turning it on would dim his lights. Who knows though. The things were a blend of technology and magic, so maybe the big ones were easier to run for whatever reason.

Stepping through the gate, Seph felt the familiar stomach-twinge from the passage. It only lasted an instant as he passed through the swirl of lights. No matter how fast he was when he hit the gate, travel always took the same amount of time to him. In the space a heartbeat, he passed from the block into his home. A single light, one of those little emergency lights, illuminated his gateroom. He stepped away from the gate as the swirling lights dimmed, tucking his mail under his arm. "Clap on." Lights came on with deep thunks as the sound of his clap echoed through the chamber. With the harsh light beaming down from overhead, he finally noticed something. "Not another one," he whined as he reached a hand up his sleeve. Poking a finger through the ripped seam of his shirt, he hissed. Maybe he should take up some sewing so he didn't go through clothing so fast. He'd tried it before, but somehow managed to stitch his finger to the shirt he'd been trying to mend.

Technically speaking, his home was Staging Area #42. Originally it had been the Blank Street subway station. He just called it home. Seph padded out of what had once been a fallout shelter of some kind, but was now his gate's resting place. He booted the heavy metal door shut behind him and gave the lock a spin, still wiggling his finger through the new hole in his shirt. He still remembered what it had been like his first night out here alone. Every little noise was amplified and repeated back at him. The second night he invited his adopted siblings over for the night. All the little noises still kept them up that night. Eventually exhaustion had worn him out enough that he passed out. After that, it hadn't been so bad. Especially not once he hung up the soundproofing panels. Still, the place gave him the creeps sometimes, especially the long tunnel leading up from the shelter.

Weaving through shelves filled with odds and ends and things he'd picked up at his frequent trips to thrift shops; Seph crossed what had been the platform. The Society had picked it up at some point after the station had been decommissioned. He wasn't sure exactly why, but probably had something to do with what was stored down at the end of the tunnels. They'd refurbished the offices into living spaces, added some barracks, and all kinds of goodies. When he'd finally been promoted from Scout up to Hero a few months back, Will mentioned this place and asked if he'd keep an eye on it. A nice big place to live without having to pay rent or utilities, he was down for it before the doberman could finish the question. As much as he had to spend on food and clothes, every bit of savings counted.

Padding into what had once been the offices, but were now his living area, Seph dropped the letters down on a table before vaulting his couch and landing with a plop. The box o'stuff wound up on his beat up coffee table to be opened later on. He felt a strange little flutter in his gut as he gave the box a swat, breaking the tape enough for him to rip it open.

A little smile fluttered at his lips as he pulled out a plastic bag and the DVD underneath. A copy of Lightning Gets Lazered and a... Eyes widened as the dildo dropped out of its wrapping and fell onto his lap. He'd seen the measurements online, but it looked far bigger than he'd imagined. The body of the toy was flesh colored with well defined veins and barbs crowning the tip and circling the base. The base was colored with orange and black stripes and bore a hefty sac at the base. His fingers shook just a bit as they ran over the tiger toy It had just a bit of give as he squeezed it, not dissembler from how his own shaft felt. Except that it was just room temp. Hefting the toy, he gave it a wiggle before sniffing it. Nose wrinkled at that pungent silicon smell coming off the toy. Eyes crossed slowly as he looked at the toy, a fantasy starting to inch its way into his mind. He could almost hear a low purr as the toy wiggled in his grip. Tongue ran over his lips slowly before his maw opened slowly. Seph leaned his head forward as his heart fluttered.

Then came the deep snarl of his stomach, reminding him of the main reason why he'd come home. Head jerked back as he looked over the toy again. "Heh, why'd you get this thing, you silly boy." Shaking his head, he dropped it to the table. The toy hit wood with a heavy thunk, sticking right to the surface. "Always buying things that you don't need." Ah, but he was curious about things like that. Now that he was eighteen and had a well stocked bank account, well most of the time, he was able to splurge and get nifty things here and there. Course most of his money still wound up in his stomach. One of the downsides to having a super speed metabolism was just how much food he had to pack away. Of course, it also meant that he could eat pretty much whatever he wanted and he'd burn it off before time for his next meal.

The kitchen, such as it was, was dominated by shelves stacked to the gills with bulk items. Dropping a pot onto the induction cooker, he twisted it on and let it start getting heated. It was still roughly breakfast time, so time for a good breakfast styled meal. Well, it'd have egg in it, so that was close enough. Bit of ramen, bit of broth, couple eggs, some jerky, and cheese. Couldn't go without the cheese in any self-respecting meal. In his opinion, there were few things that weren't improved by a heaping helping of curd.

Seph carted his large bowl full of breakfast ramen back to the couch. Feet landed on the table as he dug in with his trusty spork. After a couple mouthfuls, he was able to break himself away from the bowl long enough to turn on the movie to keep himself entertained. By the time the DVD got up to the main menu, he was slurping down the last of the broth, feeling the warmth radiate out of his swollen gut. Fingers popped his belt, loosening his pants enough to make him comfortable. Bowl hit table as he popped open a soda. Twisting around on the couch, he pulled up one of his favorite blankets and snuggled under it as the video proper started. Feeling nicely full and content, he wiggled down into the couch to watch the movie and rest a bit as he digested.

Eyes danced from the movie over to the toy that lorded over the table. On screen, Lady Lightning was knocked down by the infamous Lazer Legion. The gang swarmed the chinchilla and stripped her of her outfit. Squirming on the couch, he got a bit more comfortable. Seph focused on the movie for a few more minutes before his gaze started to wander again. And his eyes weren't the only thing that were wandering. His hips rolled as a hand slipped into his pants. Trimmed nails stroked against his smooth hide before sneaking into his briefs. Seph's throat trembled with a low purr as his fingers traced along his already swelling slit. Lids narrowed as his finger teased the peeking tip of his cock, teasing it just enough to coax the flesh out faster.

Twisting on the couch, he laid flat on his back, tail resting over the armrest. His other hand came down and popped open his pants, freeing up more room for him to work with. Squirming on the couch, he worked his tight white undies and pants down past his ankles before kicking them off the couch. His fingers traced over his flesh and teased the soft ridges that spanned his underside. The sound of a moan drew his attention back to the TV. Lightning was in the middle of the group, a couple guys were working over her body, getting her ready. The chinchilla hero had a smoking hot body, but with all these videos and things that she did, at the Society she was pretty much a running gag. Speaking of gag. A rather large stallion was grabbing the back of her head, pushing her down on his cock until her throat bulged from the size of it.

Seph licked over his fingers and palm before grabbing his cock, working his slick saliva over his length. He breathed out a hiss as the leader of the gang, a well hung wolf, started to hammer Lightning from behind. Hips arched against his hand as he began to match his pace to the people on screen. Both hands went to work on his privates. While one hand was busy pumping over his cock, the other massaged his slit. Fingers probed the swollen lips and worked their way around his base. A sweet whimper slipped from his throat as his touches migrated southward. His tail pushed against the couch and lifted his back end. Legs spread wider, one hooking over the back of the couch, as his fingers trailed over his taint. Sleek body rolled up towards as he massaged his taint. Eyes danced from the screen to the toy and back again as the camera zoomed in on that big, thick pounded those tight little lady parts.

His stroking slowed as he looked over the toy, eyes lidding slowly. What would it feel like to have something like that inside of him? He'd used his fingers back there a few times and his tail more than once. That was just fine, those were just parts of him, no different from jerking it. Right? But an actual toy, modeled after an actual penis, that was something entirely different. Wasn't it? Sitting up slowly, he ran a finger over the toy. At the same time, a snarl sounded from the screen, making him jump. It couldn't take his attention off the toy. Rolling it in his hands, he felt the heft and really thought about it for a moment. It was just a toy, hunk of stuff made to look like something. Just because it looked like a penis didn't make it one. So using it on himself wouldn't be too bad would it? It wouldn't make him into what he'd been called since he was a child. His lip quivered just a little as the voices whispered and clawed at him.

Seph physically shook himself and hissed. Just using a toy wouldn't make those horrible things true. Besides, who would even know what he got up to down here in his home. A nervous flutter spread through his stomach as he sat the toy on the edge of his couch, body lifting slowly. His heart started to pound in his chest as the cool toy brushed against his hot length and over his thigh. Toned thighs shook as he lifted himself higher, licking his lips nervously.

He stopped as the toy's soft barbs brushed against his slit and the base of his length. No, he couldn't do it. Not like this. He needed to get some lube to get going. Eyes danced up to the TV as the stallion bounced Lightning on his length.

Snatching up the toy and the remote, he turned off the movie and scurried down the hall. He could always pick up the movie again sometime later, but right now he had to satisfy his curiosity. Shedding his shirt, he left it in the hall as he padded into his bathroom. Between what he could find on the internet and the other supers, he'd picked up a handful of little tricks. Thanks to those sources he had tried lube and knew how hard it could make him shoot, Those same sources had led him to use his fingers in his rear which was even better in a way. Which that led him to looking at the toy as well, having heard how good it could feel to have something up there while he was playing with himself. As for the shape, well he just happened to like the look of the tiger shape.

Ignoring the mess in his bathroom, he grabbed the bottle of the lube off the counter and slipped into his shower stall. One messy play session with the lube in his bed convinced him that he should contain any further romps to a place where it was far easier to get cleaned up. Looking from the toy to his own body, Seph wondered how he would use the thing. He'd seen plenty of videos of people using them, what guy with high speed internet and no parental controls hadn't, so he had a few options. Without thinking about it, he lifted the lube bottle and nibbled on the cap, wrinkling his muzzle as he tasted the stuff. Really should stop chewing on things when he was thinking.

Squatting over the toy always seemed popular, so he might as well start with that. Dropping the toy into the middle of the shower stall, he popped the lube and drizzled some of the slippery stuff into his palm. He dropped to a crouch and ran his hand over the toy, making the dull surface glisten. Lifting up, he shuffled forward and craned his head as he tried to line the toy up with his rear. He sat down a bit and pushed up, hissing as the toy flexed but didn't go into his clenched rear. This wouldn't do. Without some practice, he was just too tense to work it like this. He'd picked the recommended firmness for the toy, which felt too soft.

What other positions could he think of? Laying on his back was out. There just wasn't enough room in the shower stall for that. If he tried it then he end up with his tail over his head.

He blinked slowly. Now there was an idea! Why didn't he think of that before?

Seph scrambled around quickly, laying on his back in the stall with his rear up against the wall. His tail pressed against the wall and arching up over him. He licked his lips as his heart began to flutter as he lay there with his ass up over his head. Good thing he was so flexible, several people had joked that he must not have a spine since he could contort himself so easily. He'd discovered that he could bend like this at about the same point he'd discovered masturbation. Hadn't taken too long after that diet changed how certain things ended up tasting. And what guy hadn't tasted their own cream? Snatching up the lube bottle, he flicked the top open and brought it up. He started to pant, breath washing over his hard length, as he drizzled some lube onto his pucker. His cock stiffened even more as he rubbed the stuff around his pucker.

A sweet little moan slipped from his lips as he worked a finger into his rear, followed by a second. Tight muscles clenched around the invaders before slowly relaxing as his arousal built. His tongue slipped out of his mouth as he worked his fingers around, hips twitching against the pleasure. Sliding his other hand up, he rubbed the base of his tail as he prepared his back door. His tongue slipped out further as he massaged the sensitive base of his tail. Oh it felt so good, there were times when he could almost bring himself to peak just by rubbing his tail like this. Massaging, kneading, even scratching the base could work him into such a sexual frenzy.

It was only when his cock touched his tongue, leaving a spot of precum there, that he remembered why he was there. Cheeks flushed purple as he squirmed around to grab the tiger toy. Spinning it around in his hand, he brought the tip to bear on his backdoor. Fingers spread just a bit, stretching out the puckered muscles as he pressed the toy against his rear. Now that he was more relaxed the toy had an easier time gaining access. He pulled his fingers out as he began to ease the toy in. His back door trembled as the toy slipped into his ass. Cupping the base of the toy, he pushed it into his body, feet kicking at the air. It felt so... Oh... he couldn't describe how it felt to him. It was like a great meal. Even when he knew he was starting to feel full, he wanted more. His tongue slipped out of his muzzle as the feeling built, the fullness only adding to the pleasure. It was both a shame and a relief when the toy bottomed out, the fake ball sac pressed against his smooth hide. He let out a low groan as he wiggled the toy. His slit bulged from the thickness that was pressed against the insides of his back door. All it took was a squirm and his other hemi-penis popped out, resting beside its twin.

Seph let out a panted gasp as both of his cocks throbbed in front of his muzzle, his own scent filling his nostrils. A phantom voice, born of his fantasy, purred at him, "Feels good doesn't it, Seph?"

He moaned as he pulled the toy out, rear grabbing at the fuax phallus as it abandoned him. "Oh it feels so good."

"Then why don't we get started?" He could almost feel the tiger's hot breath puffing against his face as he drove the toy back into himself, silicon balls smacking against his backside with a heavy thwack. That smack made him buck, tail slapping against the tile as his twin cocks prodded his tongue. He responded without thinking. While one hand worked the toy up and down, slamming it deep into his ass each time, the other steadied his tail, kneading its delicious thickness. The blue-faced lizard curled up further on himself, thick tongue sliding around the stiff cocks and guiding them into his maw. He churred at the familiar taste as he wrapped his powerful tongue around himself.

Curling a hand around his thick tailbase, he pulled himself forward. With nose pressed against his slit, he began to pump the toy faster. Moans vibrated along his privates as the toy's soft barbs tickled against his insides in a way his fingers never could. He licked along his cocks as precum spilled onto his tongue, lapping up the prize. Cocks jumped each time that he pounded that toy deep into his ass. Head bobbed and twisted as he managed to work himself further up, rear inching towards the cool tile. Twisting his head around, he worked his teeth and the ridged roof of his mouth against his tips just so.

Wrapping his arm under his own rump, he worked himself into a half-seated position against the wall. The sounds of hungry sucking and the wet, heavy smack of balls on hide echoed in the stall. Eyes closed as he allowed the fantasy to claim him. He could almost feel the big feline looming over him, clawed fingers scratching over his hips as he pounded that virgin ass. Echoed pants became wanton snarls as the thrusts shortened. The toy was barely moving inside of him now, grinding and twisting each time it hit bottom.

Seph through his head back with a squeal as he peaked. Hot streamers of cum splashed across his throat and chest. Losing his grip, he stretched himself out as much as possible, body spasming as he clenched around the toy. Fingers twisted and pumped the toy as well, keeping him going longer than he usually would. His head spun as he gasped for air, lights dancing in front of his eyes. A groan turned into a deep purr, his throat vibrating with the noise as he slowly came down.

But he wasn't done yet.

He wanted more. No, that wasn't right. He needed more. Both of his cocks were still achingly hard as they lay against his sleek belly. Even his fantasy demanded that he continue. The phantasmal tiger chuffed at him, urging him onto all fours. Blue rolled over, arms and legs shaking as he twisted around in the stall. He pressed against the glass door, tumbling out onto the blissfully cool tile as it swung open. Knees pulled up, lifting his rear higher as he reached back. Grabbing the toy, he began to drive it into his rear harder now.

Each thrust drove a grunt from him, body rocking back into his illusionary partner. Claws scrabbled against ceramic as he tried to pull away even as he drove himself back. Burning hot pre dripped from his cocks as his body readied a second salvo. Internal testes churned with desire as he drove back into the toy. His tail flew up, arching over his form until it nearly touched his neck. Seph let out a deep hiss as the toy slipped out with an overzealous tug. Driving himself backwards, he managed to sink it back in with the next drive, balls smacking his rear with a resounding thump. A weaker shriek slipped from him as he came a second time, spilling his seed over his arm and the floor.

The tired reptile fell against the floor, purring as the coolness of the tile soaked up into his chest and throat. He lost his grip on the toy as he slumped, ass up in the air. For the first time in the longest while he felt content and utterly spent. Eyes drifted closed as he panted heavily. The softest of moans crept from his mouth as the toy inched backwards before sliding out. Silicon met tile with a wet, heavy noise.

He lay there for many minutes, simply enjoying the afterglow following two climaxes. Maybe he drifted off, maybe he didn't, it was impossible to tell. It was the ache in his body that drove him away from the tile. As soothing as the tile had been at first, it was starting to get a bit too cold for him to enjoy. Not to mention how much it ached his knees and neck to lay like that. His nearly fell against the wall as his legs shook under him. Quivering, he carefully bent to grab the toy and stepped into the shower to clean up.

Strength returned as warm water cascaded over his body, washing away the signs of his debauchery. He purred and twisted around under the rough thumping of the massage head. Popping it off, he twisted it around to get every last trace of his play time. Cheeks flushes as it rapped against his loosened back door, feeling far different now than it had before. He dropped the head into its brace and twisted the water off before round three could start.

Hopping out of the shower, he ran a towel over his hide and peeked out into the bedroom. He'd spent more time playing than he thought he had, it was getting close to lunch time! Flicking the towel over the door, he raced into his bedroom and threw on some clothes. Not for the first time, he felt a flush of embarrassment as he pulled on his clothes. Almost everything was from a thrift shop and virtually none of it was the right size for him. Tall and lanky clothes didn't make it to the shop too often. Picking out his best things, he scurried back down the ramp to his gate and queued up for reentry to the block. Precious minutes ticked by before the gates synced up and he was able to slip through. He avoided using his speed this time, not wanting to arrive with shredded clothing, sticking to the more mundane pace of those around him.

The lobby was mercifully empty for once, heroes with and without costume mingled with civilians. Some people were coming in to get help, others for a tour, and then there were the fans hoping to get a look at their favorite hero. Thankful that they all had secret identities, Seph shuffled past a group and looked around for Holt.

It only took a second before he spotted the big cat. The tiger was leaning over a chair, chatting with someone. As he approached, Seph felt a pit start to form in his gut. A margay sat in the chair that Holt was leaning over, looking up at him as she said something. A husky sat next to the smaller jungle cat, her pelt sparkling in the light. He'd hoped to get some time alone with Holt, just enjoy the tiger's company and maybe, just maybe, confess a few of his confused feelings.

The canine spotted him first, ears perking up. "Ah, here's Blue. Was wondering where you were, never known you to be late for lunch."

The two felines twisted around and waved at him. "Bluemaroo, did you hear the news?" Purred the margay. She reached up and poked the tiger in the side, "Tell him the news."

He angled his head at Leslie, "What news?

Holt swatted at the hand and smiled at the smaller female. "Will finally handed down his decision on who I'm going to be working with during my training."

A nervous flutter formed in his stomach. Will had caught up with him earlier that morning, the doberman hero asking several questions about Holt. Could it be? Could they be teaming up so he could teach the tiger the ropes? "Oh? Who?"

Holt nodded his head, "Rhianna. He figures that our powers are a close enough match that I could benefit from her tutoring."

And just like that his hopes were crushed. What guy could resist Rhianna with that soft coat, her grace, and so much more. Already, he could see the way that Holt was looking at her. And here he was, thinking that maybe he ever even had a chance. Seph caught Leslie looking towards him, her ears lifting curiously. He cleared his throat and squashed the depression, putting on a sideways grin to hide it. "Hey that's cool, man! I know plenty of people that would give their arm to spend some time with her." He leaned in and let out a stage whisper, "Just watch out, she tends to shed a lot."

The husky snorted, "Don't listen to him. Little brother likes to tease his wiser sister."

Seph blinked innocently, "But I wasn't teasing Leslie." He grinned and ducked a thrown wad of paper. "So, we still on for lunch?"

Holt nodded, "Yeah, and I'll be buying. Little celebration for getting ranked up."

Rhianna rose from the couch with her usual grace, "Might regret that. Blue here has an appetite that is legendary among the Society.

The two of them started off, chatting a bit as Seph started to follow, hands disappearing into his pockets. "Blue? Is everything okay?" He jumped at the words and the touch, Leslie having slipped up beside him. Her eyes were so soft and kind, worry tinging their depths. For an instant, he wanted to break down and tell his adopted sister everything. Confess his fantasies and feelings and doubts. Not just about Holt, but about everything he'd felt since he was a child.

Then it passed. In less time that it'd take to blink he clamped down on those emotions and offered her the smallest of smiles. "Yeah. Just worried I might lose my running partner. Holt can keep up with me without cheating. Unlike some people."

She swatted at his shoulder, "Not everyone can run up walls you know!" The worry stayed there, silently begging him to talk, but respecting his wish for silence. Her voice dropped a little, "If you ever want to talk about it."

His smile faltered just a hair. "Nah, it's cool." Stretching his legs out, he moved to catch up with the chatting pair. "Hey, Holt! Have the troublemakers told you the list of places I'm banned from going back to yet? Some places aren't as serious about all you can eat as you'd imagine."

Leslie looked at Blue's back for a moment, her lip quivering. She could feel the turmoil whirling away inside of him. She'd been trying for years to get him to open up so she could help him. That was her job and joy at the Society. To help those that helped others. She took a slow breath and steadied herself, exuding a calm joyous presence to maybe help where she could. She yelled as she bounced after the others, "We are not going to the country buffet again! Already hit that place four times this month."