The Lucky Ones Chapter 2: An Evolving Night

Story by liltenhead on SoFurry

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#2 of The Lucky Ones

Seems like these two may be closer than they thought~

* Ri *

_Mom... dad? I'm... I'm so, so sorry. There hasn't been a day since I've left that I haven't thought of you two since. I know how badly you guys begged me not to go... but somehow I felt like I was doing a favor. But maybe... maybe I can finally brave up and face my fears head on. Nick isn't like the rest mom and dad, he just isn't. _

The dark room I was in violently shook, completely throwing off all my thoughts. What am I doing wrong! Just give me a sign or something... just tell me what to do!

A warm blue and white cascading light poured over my entire body, brightening up the entire room, revealing Nick's bedroom. That was not a normal dream... I swear I was awake the entire time!

I regained my senses fully and carefully looked around the room while lying on my back. But my entire body felt oddly strange, like I was hit with a brick or something. Plus my head felt a little bit heavier, and I wasn't really sure why. I looked down onto the blankets I was previously under, and was shocked to find out that my body was stretched out further down the bed than it originally was. Nick's hand was planted on my stomach, but I could of sworn he was holding me.

Finally deciding to figure out just what happened, I lifted my paws up in front of my face and was completely shocked. My... my paws are larger? But I couldn't just stop there, I very carefully moved the covers off of me, giving a better look at my body. My fur color changed... oh Arceus... I... I evolved?! But why here, why now?

Deciding not to be rude and wake Nick up, I just gently pulled the covers back over me, and peered into the ceiling lost in thought. But not exploring my new body was absolutely killing me, and I just couldn't leave Nick alone, not after his hospitality I'd at least have to say goodbye first.


Ugh what a night! I quickly rubbed my eyes attempting to restore my full vision from the protruding sun rays. However, I did notice the fact my bed was heavily shifted to the opposite side of where I was sleeping. Deciding to investigate I rotated back onto my side and was instantly stunned. Ri was fully conscious, evolved, and staring at seemingly nothing. His arms were placed on the pillow behind him, and his new size was practically forcing our legs to touch.

"Ri... you uhh... evolved?"

His head fell limply, and his rather charming crimson red eyes locked in on mine. A smile crept upon his face, "well good morning to you too, and yeah I'm still trying to figure out why."

I pulled the covers back on the bed and placed my hand on his chest, slightly surprised he was spike-less. But he reacted instantly, and grabbed my hand rather hard with his now much larger paw. He also growled out in a rather terrifying manner, "going to call me worthless now, cause I'm not perfect?!"

I ripped my hand out of his paw and fell out of the bed and onto my butt leaving a rather loud thud on the carpet. His aggressive manner quite simply scared me. My voice came out quite shaky, "I'm... I'm sorry..."

But that seemingly didn't cut it, as he rose off of the bed and started to make his way towards me. My entire body was shaking, in fear he was going to kill me. I backed up against the wall and closed my eyes whilst begging, "please don't hurt me!"

His paws quickly gripped my body, as he slowly lifted me in the air. I very carefully opened my eyes, and instantly noticed we were nearly the same height. How can a Lucario get that tall! I mean I'm short but...

The height wasn't the only thing that I noticed. His eyes weren't filled with anger, instead he had tears developing and had a look of sheer empathy. He quickly embraced me and rested his head onto my shoulder, and within a few seconds I felt a small tear fall onto my shoulder. "Nick... I'm the one who should be sorry! I practically attacked you... maybe I really am wild after all. But it's not fully clear to me, but for some reason, you were the reason I evolved."

I tried to cut in, but he was still going. "And here I am, worrying about you calling me names while you have a much heavier burden to carry."

My arms quickly found their way around him, and pretty soon we were holding each other in a sea of emotion. But I wanted to make a point clear, I grabbed his arm, and pushed it back slightly breaking our embrace. Quickly though, I grabbed his left paw and held it up for us both to take full attention of it. I rubbed my thumb over the top of his paw where the spike should of been and calmly spoke, "this here, means nothing to me. And no one should ever judge you due to an object on your body."

His eyes lifted up off of his own paw, and within a few seconds we were staring into each other's eyes. I could feel a slight blush developing on my face, considering I've never been this intimate with anyone. "And I honestly think you look better without your spikes, and less chance of you accidentally stabbing me."

But to my surprise he tapped his muzzle off of my nose and smiled. "Planning on keeping me around?"

"I uhh..." Honestly I don't want to let my new friend go... My face started to burn up, much more prominent this time. "Well I'd hate to see you go, especially since I'm now just getting to learn more about you. How many other teenagers can honestly say they hugged a Lucario that was talking to them?"

He grabbed my arms, and quickly slid his paws down onto my hands giving a small sense of affection that was surprising for a new Lucario. Especially since this was an action that I could only really picture humans doing. But the awe didn't stop there as I noticed his facial expressions changed to a more flustered one. "Well Nick, you just convinced this Lucario to stick around. Besides, I think I was looking for you the entire time."

"Heh, what's that mean?"

My question must of been unexpected since he quickly let go of my hands, and nervously fiddled with his own paws while slightly rocking his body back and forth. "Ahh nothing really, just have been looking for a good friend that's all."

I took a careful step away from him and towards my closet, "well Ri, let's go try out that new body of yours then!"

But of course he wasn't going to let his new companion struggle, he quickly stepped over to me and wrapped him arm around mine giving me an amazing support to be able to walk at an almost normal pace. We reached the closet in record breaking time and his arm slipped off of mine. While rummaging for fall clothing I spoke out, "hey thanks for the support, but you don't have to do anything for me as long as your living here okay?"

* Ri *

"Well I need to change will quick so just give me a second, takes me some time to put pants on yah know?"

A slight chuckle escaped with my breath, but I didn't want to laugh too hard or else he might find it offensive. I trudged back to the bed and sat down, trying my best not to look at him changing. But of course my curiosity got the best of me, and when I looked up he was shirtless and already struggling with his pants. Man... for some one who can't walk that well he managed to stay in solid shape. Ack! What am I even doing!

I reluctantly pulled my eyes off of him and back down to the carpet, come on Ri... you can't take advantage of him!

But luckily for me, he quickly finished dressing and shut the closet door allowing me to look at him properly now. He was dressed up in a rather bright yellow hoodie with blue jeans and a blue beanie.

"Yah know Ri, you don't have to look all embarrassed to see me dressing... I mean we are both guys after all."

I stood up from the bed and slowly made my way over to him with a blush creeping up under my fur. Yeah... but it's awkward when I'm fairly attracted to you. Ack! Get that damn thought out of your mind!

He wrapped his arm inside of mine and I more confidently spoke up, "ready to go?"

"Yup, I know of a good place where you can stretch out!"

We started to make our way out into the hallway before I replied, "oh and where is that?"

"There's a nice pond down by the center of town, pretty place if you ask me."

"Oh yeah, I was checking the place out before I came here."

By this time we were already out the front door, and onto the street. It was slightly odd to be holding a human's arm, but the entire idea of him being close to me felt comfortable.

"Hey Ri?"

I took my eyes off of the sidewalk to look at him, he had an amazing smile, and his cheeks were rose red. "Uhh... yeah?"

His eyes drifted up towards mine and we stopped walking for a quick second, "I uhm... I just wanted to thank you for helping me walk and all. But you must be slightly embarrassed to be holding another guy's arm. I have no idea why... but you are the first creature to ever make me feel happy."

I planted my spare paw on his shoulder, and peered into his brown glowing eyes. "You are the first human other than my mother to actually hold me... and I'm not honestly sure how I feel about that. You've been so friendly around me... and yet I snapped back at you for something that wasn't even a big deal."

But his reply back to me was slightly unexpected, "you have a human mother?"

"Uhh yeah, she and my father adopted me."

His smile dropped slightly, "you were raised by humans?"

"Well not exactly, my dad is actually a Lucario as well. And he... I guess he won't ever see me grown up now." I dropped my paw from the sudden onset of tears obstructing my view. Dammit!

Nick reacted instantly by wrapping both of his arms around me, and resting his head against my muzzle. "It's okay big nose, I'm here for you."

I gently butted the side of his head with my muzzle to show him this muzzle meant business. "I'll beat you with this big nose!"

He started to laugh over the battle of our faces and drug his arms around my body and back to his. Aww... I was getting used to that. Dammit! Stop it Ri!

* Nick *

Man, I was just holding a Lucario who was beating me with his muzzle. Never expected a Pokemon to have a sense of humor, let alone be compassionate. He even returns my hugs, I wonder if he would... no... no way he would...

"Nick are you alright?"

I snapped back into attention and held my arm out for him to grab me. As he did I practically coughed out, "yeah... perfectly normal."

But to my surprise, he lowered his paw from my forearm down to my hand, and pretty soon we were walking down the sidewalk at a normal pace while I held his paw. He followed his actions up by saying, "you're walking pretty good today."

"Well I'm practically leaning on you while also holding your paw."

Ri smiled and laughed, "you can lean on me anytime you want."

I decided to keep the embarrassing questioning up, I quite enjoyed watching my new best friend get flustered. "What about holding my hand?"

He nervously scratched the back of his head with his spare paw, "I don't mind that either."

Let's see how he reacts to this! I leaned over slightly while making sure not to trip over my feet, and gave him a little kiss on his cheek.

His grip tightened around my hand, but his only reply was a blush followed up with a warm grin.

But unfortunately for me, and fortunately for him, we finally reached the designated area. I slipped my arm away from his as a silent motion to go have fun. However he only walked in front of me and asked, "well... what are you going to do?"

"Do what I normally do and be a spectator. I mean... I wish I could play around with you but my disease and all, I'd just end up making a fun time stressful."

Ri wasn't going to take that for an answer, and instead he turned his back to me and crouched down, "well then I'll just carry yah!"

I took his gift with a wide smile, "I'm pretty heavy so be careful whoa!"

He lifted me up in the air like I was a sack of feathers, "just hang on alright?"

Taking his words into consideration, I tucked myself into his back fur as close as I could get, and wrapped my arms around his neck prepared to cling on for dear life. And before I knew it, he was in a dead sprint around the lake. His speed was absolutely incredible, and the fact he was perfectly balanced while carrying me was awe inspiring.

Man he is by far the greatest thing to come into my life. My parents never even liked to take me out of the house, but Ri on the other hand. He is carrying me like some sort of trophy.

I sighed, "oh man I love you..."

Ah crap... did I really just?!