Fire and Ice (Part 1)

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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#1 of Fire and Ice

Trying something a bit different. Of course there's still horses and hot sex, but it's not so over the top this time. I'm writing this as a series, with a bit of romance thrown in as well. There much more story focus here, but the second half has a nice sex scene in case you want to skip to that :P Enjoy.

Now, I know I'm a big guy. I get compliments all the time, whether on the street, at the gym, a party, or on a cam show. I've been addicted to working out since I was young, and even before that I had to help my father on the farm, which was tiring work, but it made me strong. I've made guys drool all over themselves without them even realizing it. I've been the envy of my gym for years, with guys looking to me for inspiration and motivation. I even have a fan club. Can you believe that? I hopped onto Bookface and someone linked me a group: "The Kenneth Ice Appreciation Club."

"Appreciation." Ha! I suppose that's one word for it.

Besides having a big body, there's a certain stereotype that comes with being a horse. Let me tell you that, at least for me, that stereotype is one hundred percent true. Yeah, I've got a big dick. How big, you ask? Well I can't give that away just now. But just know that I've caused my fair share of toe-curling, back-arching, lust-crazed orgasms in other guys. I've got a huge weapon and I certainly know how to use it. Not to mention it's a weapon that shoots a lot, heh. Get it, like a gun shoots bullets? I don't understand these metaphor things very well.

I know that might be too much information, but I promise there's a point to it, which I'll get to eventually. Not like you care, anyway. For now, you just need to know that I'm a big horse. Got that hammered into your head? You got a nice image in your noggin of what I might look like? Let me give a few more details to help you out:

I'm about 7 feet and 4 inches tall. I've got to stoop to get through most doorways. I tower over other guys, which definitely has gotten me out of a traffic ticket or three (I just remembered that there's still the other two I've yet to pay. Note to self: pay fines before license is revoked). I'm about twelve percent body fat, too. Was very pleased myself when I met that milestone.

I'm not gonna assault you with measurements. I've done it plenty of times and people pretend to listen and be interested just so they can touch me. But I've finally learned that glazed over look in their eyes isn't because they're impressed with my gains. Needless to say, I've got muscles. I have to order specially-sized shirts, and even then they're almost skin tight. My pecs are the size of hearty dinner plates you'd find in a Southern restaurant. My biceps have been compared with a bowling ball. My thighs bring truth to the term "tree trunk sized." I've crushed melons between them before.

I'm standing in front of a mirror as I write this to make sure I've covered everything. It's kind of weird so I'm gonna stop now.

I realize this may all come across as narcissistic. Sure, I've got pride in my body. That's why I've worked on it for so long. But this story isn't about me. This story is about Nevin Burnsworth. Isn't that the lamest name? Makes you think he's a teacher or something. You would never guess that he's actually the biggest guy I've ever seen.

I met him at a party that I figured I'd be the center of attention of, again. I usually like to take advantage of this fact and dress for the spectacle of it. This time I wore a black jockstrap with some tight jeans that hung a bit too low and showed off the upper part of my ass. I've got a big butt, fellas. Round, bubbly, bouncy: the perfect rear to squeeze and have the flesh seep between your fingers. I'm pretty damn proud of it. My low riders also displayed my lower abs. Yeah, I've got an eight pack. It was hard to accomplish, but I did it after years of training. Still, I'm more proud of my ass. To keep these wonderful sights on display, my shirt couldn't be too low. I wore a simple white tee that was a size too small for me. It really hugged my body, and you could see every muscle bulging against it, including my abs. My sleeves could barely contain my arms, and they felt ready to rip whenever I bent them. Not gonna lie, it was pretty hot.

It garnered a fair amount of attention. I had guys pushing drinks into my hands, touching me from behind, trying to take off my shirt or unbutton my pants. Yeah yeah, I'm a bit of a slut. But come on, it's fun for everyone. These people knew that if they got me drunk enough they might have convinced me to do a strip show. I was quickly approaching a level of intoxication where if I heard the right music, I'd suddenly be taking off my clothes.

But my fun stopped when I saw Nevin. He had arrived late, and I was outside when he came in. I wasn't happy to return to the living room and see him at my spot on the couch, which was comically small compared to him. The opposite end even tilted upwards a little. He was massive. I couldn't make out details, my vision was too blurred, but I did see his frame, I saw how his clothes barely fit, and I saw that was so muscular that phone books must tremble in fear at his passing. At first, I thought I had had too much to drink, because what was really weird was how similar we looked. We both had a light brown coat, similar long faces (even though it was fuzzy to me), and dark brown manes. His was longer than mine, and it hung over one of his eyes. Honestly, it was really hot. I stopped a fox walking outside near me and asked who he was.

The fox laughed, "At first I thought it was you. Was gonna compliment you on your new gains. I got closer and gave his arm a rub, you know, thinking he was my good old friend Kenneth." His smile faded. "Guy looked like he was about to punch me. Said it wasn't cool to just touch him like that. I apologized and told him it was a misunderstanding. He cooled down, and we talked some. Said he's from out of town, just here with a friend. Name's Nevin. Nevin," he laughed.

"Who's the friend?"


I didn't know who Jared was. I smiled at the fox, who was apparently a good old friend of mine, and thanked him for the story. He started to talk more but I walked away to get another drink. When I came back out Nevin was surrounded by people trying to get to know him, blocking my view. He looked pretty peeved, like he just wanted to be left alone. He muttered something, got up, and left. His head nearly touched the ceiling, and he was so wide he could take up a whole booth at a café to himself. It wasn't that his muscles were ginormous and absurdly bulky. He was just big. Some guys followed him out to pretend to be sympathetic, but most got the hint and left him alone. After that, not many people paid attention to me.

Yeah, yeah, I sound like an attention whore when I say that. Waaah, waaah, no one's paying attention to me! Waaah, I dropped my pacifier. I get it. The problem here was that I had felt usurped. I was the talk of the town when it came to sex and muscle. It had a reputation to uphold, and I wasn't going to let it get taken away from me by a complete stranger who just popped in from out of town.

I slipped away from the party. No one followed me, surprise, surprise. It wasn't hard to track him; his hooves left tracks in the grass so large it looked like dinosaurs had returned to the planet. I put my own hoof in one of the tracks. Fuck, even his hooves were bigger than mine! I wondered if what they said about big hooves was true. Not going to lie, one of my most dominant thoughts was how big this guy's cock must be. Smaller than mine, most likely.

I followed the tracks past a few streetlights. Those few guys who trailed him out of the house passed me on the way back, looks of pure rejection on their faces. Sycophants. I didn't even spare them a nod or a smile, just to rub salt in the wound. I found Nevin by the neighborhood pond. He just sat in the grass, looking out over the moonlit water like an angsty teen. His ears perked up when he heard me crunching leaves a twigs, and I heard him groan with frustration. "Just go away, would you?" he called without turning his head.

I did stop, but not because of what he said, but because of how he looked. I couldn't believe how wide his back was. I doubted that I could even wrap my arms around him, he was so huge. Where did he get that shirt? I had to find out who his supplier was, because it was quite the comfy-looking tee.

I approached and sat next to him. I had to play it cool. Get to know my enemy, my usurper. "Nevin, right? I'm Kenneth. Apparently a few people are getting us confused."

Nevin scoffed. "A few? The whole fucking party was on my ass. Literally. I feel fucking violated."

I raised an eyebrow and suppressed a grin. What was this guy's problem? "Violated?"

He nodded. He didn't look at me at all, just kept his eyes on the glittering water. "Yeah, man. You probably know what I mean. People always following you, wanting to touch you and see you naked and shit. Offering you money to touch your cock."

Yeah, I've taken money for a few gropes before.

He continued, "It just gets old, man. I can't go out and have my privacy respected. Is it like that for you, too?"

I had been trying to look him over, but his body was hunched over and he was hidden in shadow, moonlight only giving me a silhouette of his massive form. "Uhhh, sure," I said. "Yeah man, I know exactly what you mean." I tried to lower my shirt to seem like less of a slut. Hopefully he couldn't see very well in the dark either.

"So how do you handle it?" he asked. "I'm not from the city. Just moved here a month ago and already I hate it. What do you do? I don't want to stay holed up in my apartment forever."

I pursed my lips, shrugged. "Well, I've just learned to embrace it. Truth be told, I've never really been shy about my size. I have a lot of fun with it, if you know what I mean."

He turned his head finally. His face was barely lit enough for me to see the incredulous look he was shooting me. "What? That's gross, man. It's not right."

I frowned. Was he homophobic, too? Why would he be at a gay party? "What do you mean 'not right?'"? I asked with a hint of anger.

He shook his head. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm just...not a very sexual person. I like guys and all, but, I don't know." He sighed. "Guess I'm a bit of a prude." He actually smiled at that. It was cute.

I smiled back. "Well, maybe after some time here you'll grow into it, you know?" This was odd. I didn't feel such animosity anymore. I actually kind of felt sorry for him. Here was this massive stud, endowed with an incredible gift of undeniable masculinity and muscle, and he didn't even know how to use it. Suddenly I felt like I was in power again. "It's really not so bad. I know it's uncomfortable, but maybe I could show you around the city or something, and get you a bit more acclimated, huh?"

He seemed to think it over for a moment, nodding his head and turning to face the water again. Finally, he shrugged. "Don't really see any other option. If I'm with you it might take some of the attention away from me." He perked up. "Yeah, I think we could do that."

"Exactly!" I snapped my fingers. "If anyone bothers you I can redirect them to me!" Holy shit! This was working out much better than I had thought. I'd have a stud under my tutelage, and I'd be getting all the attention back! I felt empty without it, and it'd only been an hour. I felt my heart flutter, excited by this new concept.

He stood up, and I did too. My fluttering heart suddenly calmed down when I saw how tall Nevin was. I had to crane my neck to see his face again. He must have been a good foot taller than me. Even with my plan, it would be hard for me to get used to this. To not being the biggest. I still couldn't make out the details of his form in the darkness. It was probably for the best. He took out his phone and we exchanged numbers.

"Thanks man, I'm glad I met someone cool here. I mean, Jared's fine and all, but he just doesn't get it, you know?"

I nodded. "Of course, dude. Happy to help. I'll give you a call tomorrow and we'll get some lunch or somethin'."

He went to his oversized truck and drove off. I guessed his friend Jared would be going home with someone else anyway. Speaking of going home with someone...

~ ~ ~ ~

"Yes! YES! Fuck me, you monster-cocked animal! Ohh GOD!"

I didn't know what his name was, but man he was a screamer. You didn't think I'd be telling you all this and not let you in on a little fun, did ya? Kenneth knows how to treat his dear reader.

I was hardly even inside this wolf and he was already howling at the moon. I had his thick legs propped on my shoulders. Nice, muscular legs toned from running. I got lucky and ran into a college track star. I slid my thick fingers down those hot thighs, feeling them twitch and flex as I slowly pounded my fat fuckstick into his tight hole.

I mentioned I had a big cock, right? Yeah, it's pretty huge. It comes up to my chest when it's fully hard. I can bend right down and start suckin' on it if I want to. Which I do.

But not this time. Now, I was spearing this guy open with my thick flare, spreading that ass wide to make room for the rest of my throbbing shaft. The wolf was grabbing handfuls of the sheet he lay on, arms flexing with lithe, thin muscle. His head tossed left and right, his white teeth flashing at me as he opened his mouth to moan and scream.

"Mmph, not even halfway in and you're about to cum?" I teased, seeing his average cock twitching and spurting precum all over his stomach. He made quite a mess. Nothing compared to the mess I'd make, of course.

"God, YES!" he cried, reaching down and spreading his tight, cute ass. He even put his hands around my cock and pumped it some.

I grunted, looking down and watching my fat, leathery dick push into his hole. The skin on my vein-riddles monster was being pulled back against my crotch from how tight he was, like when you pet a fat cat and rolls of its flesh are tugged along with your hand. I was simply too huge to fit easily inside him, but he was brave and insisted I try.

I started to pick up a rhythm. The bed creaked and groaned as I pulled out, leaving just my head inside him, then thrust forward with a grunt, shoving in some more inches. I received a cry of pleasure (and maybe some pain) in return, making me throb and spurt inside him. Precum was oozing out of his hole and sliding down my shaft, following the lines of veins like a ball falling down a Plinko board.

I was amazed by how well he was taking it. Eventually I popped my plump medial ring inside him. I smirked, pulling it back out, then pushing back in, fucking him with that thick ring, tugging at his ass hole with it. He groaned and punched the bed with his fists, writhing on the precum stained sheets. "Fuck you're so big..." he groaned, his eyes rolling back. I was really fucking him stupid. "O-only half way in. More. Give me more of that cock. Show me how a real stud fucks!"

Oh, now he was gonna get it. I pushed his legs off my broad, soccer ball-sized shoulders, and wrapped my arms around his waist. "You asked for it," I rumbled as I lifted him up, still inside him, and held him against my barrel chest. I wobbled over to the wall and leaned back against it, moving the small wolf up and down my monster cock like a fucking flesh light. He grabbed onto my neck and howled in pleasure, ropes of precum drooling down my cock, to my grapefruit sized balls, and falling in thick ropes to the floor without breaking. I kept my hips still, just moving him up and down my throbbing member, letting my bloated balls pump more loads into him.

"Like that, ya cockslut? You like this huge cock fucking you like you've never been fucked before?" I said, my powerful arms flexing from the effort of using this guy as a cocksleeve.

He squeezed those arms, his small hands running over my biceps. "Fuck yes! God, you're AMAZING! Don't stop, stud! Fuck me until you're milked dry!" He started to cum, moaning hotly as he painted my abs with his load. I grunted, feeling those hot ropes splatter against my stomach, trickling down the cut lines of my cobblestone abdominals.

I kept him still, holding him close as I started to buck my hips. Precum flew from my balls as they swung and clapped against his ass, my hips crashing against him with fleshy slaps that echoed in the room above my grunts and his staccato cries of pleasure. "I'm gonna cum buckets on ya, horse lover," I whispered in his ear, letting my warm breath tickle his canal. "I'm gonna leave ya in a puddle of this load, and you're gonna jerk off for the rest of your life thinking about me."

He muttered something in reply, fucked too stupid to be able to make words anymore. I smirked, and lifted him up my cock so only the head was in. Fuck, I was throbbing so hard. I could feel those finger-thick veins pumping all over my mammoth cock, ready to blow. My head was flared and was stuck inside the wolf. I tugged and pulled, but his ass held my head inside him. "Fuck!" I roared, then finally managed to pop it out with a hard pull. Precum spilled from his ass and poured over my cock, coating it with a glistening shine that oozed to the floor in thick ropes. More ropes stretched from his ass to my cockhead, breaking only when I threw him onto the bed.

He writhed on the bed, jerking himself off, cumming a small load on himself again. Man, he was lost in it. I loved the way I did that to guys. Made them deteriorate into lust-crazed, sex-driven animals who wanted nothing more than my cock. I waved my two foot monster over him, pumping it with both hands, letting him see how much it throbbed and leaked. "Ready for this? It's gonna be huge," I grinned.

He bit his lip and nodded. "Yeah stud, give me it. Shower me with that cum..." he opened his mouth wide, waiting to catch it. Oh, he wouldn't have to worry about that.

He wrapped his legs around my cock, taking me by surprise as he jerked me off with his thick, hot thighs. Oh fuck, that caught me off guard. I came suddenly, my knees shaking and nearly buckling from the pleasure of those sexy quads squeezing around my fat fuckstick. "Oh FUCK yeah!" I moaned, my fingers curling into fists as I exploded on him. His mouth got a healthy coating at once, followed by more and more ropes that splattered against him wetly, turning into smaller splashes that sprinkled the area around the impact spot. I thrust my hips, sliding my cock into those legs, my head reaching up to the wolf's chest and emptying more loads all over his face, the headboard, and the wall behind him. I came like a fucking fire hose, just not stopping with how good he was pumping my cock, cumming and cumming and cumming. My muscles tensed and flexed, my huge body covering him with its shadow, looming over him as a beacon of power and sex.

He was covered with my load, and still I was cumming. Every lurch of my cock made it swell up and spit a wrist-thick rope of hot, steaming cock batter. My balls slapped against his legs as I bucked and thrust. I snorted and stomped my hooves, my nostrils flaring just as my cockhead was. "Oh my God!" the wolf moaned, throwing his arms behind him as he added to my mess, but barely, jerking his hips to keep his legs pumping my monster.

I could barely see, I was in such a haze of pleasure. I could just feel my cock. Feel every inch of it pumping and spilling so much cum. My mattress was soaked. My wall was plastered. The wolf was barely visible under the bath I was giving him. But finally it died down, until only a weak spurt was all that came out of me and splashed onto the wolf's twitching member. I started to go limp in his legs, my thick dick drooling on him. He let his legs go and my member slapped against my thigh, down to my knees.

He passed out on the bed and I cleaned up. I closed the door to my room, the stench of cum pungent in there. He'd have to shower hard to get the smell out of him. I'd have to clean up later, too. I spent the night on the couch.

When I slept, I had dreams of Nevin.