A New God

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#16 of Vore Thursday Quickies

Enjoy something really short and kind of silly.

"Lets see what is in the mail today." Rummaging through the mail the vaporeon found something addressed to himself and opened it.

_Dear Rain,

I was wondering if you could absorb things other than animals. And if so how far can you go with it?

Sincerely a fan._

"I have fans? Looking at the envelope he couldn't see a sender's name or anything on it." Thinking back to the question though, Rain was sure he could since he's absorbed his prey's clothes before. Focusing on the envelope, the vaporeon watched as the paper melted away into his body with no trace left of it.

"How far can I go with this actually?" Rain asked himself as he walked out if his base and into the forest. Growing to his maximum height, the now macro vaporeon looked over the forest with his head now far above the tree tops. The trees as his paws broken and pushed aside from his growing. Focusing on the broken trees first, Rain watched as the turned blue from his goo before being pulled into his body and absorbed completely. Seeing as that went well he then flopped onto the forest floor, feeling all the trees pierce through his gooey form before being absorbed like the others.

Rolling around, Rain felt his mass grow from all the trees he was absorbing but then noticed something else. The very early itself was being absorbed along with the trees. Sitting up and crossing his legs, Rain looked at the ground and pushed a finger against it. Watching as his goo spread throughout the ground at a rapid rate. Curious he kept it up and looked over as the once green landscape turned blue and gooey. Nothing was safe from him now and he felt like he should stop but his curiosity kept him going.

The longer he kept it up the faster it felt like it was spreading, claiming all in its path. Once he reached a city, the vaporeon felt millions become claimed by his goo and become a part of him. Grinning widely, Rain focusing more of his energy into spreading his goo and slowly felt hotter by the second. Knowing he must be reaching the bottom of the earth crust, he used aqua ring to heal himself as well as create a water barrier around his goo. To anyone above ground it'd look like a massive wave was coming their way along with the mass of blue.

Pushing himself further, Rain soon felt the crust give way and the lava beneath fighting against his water and goo. For the time being he was at a stalemate with the molten rock unable to get further. Most would of given up by this point but not Rain, he was easily one of the most stubborn and determined guys around.

The continent soon all but gone and absorbed along with everything on it. With the oceans now being absorbed into him, Rain was able to make a breakthrough using the massive amount of water power he was gaining. Molten rock now being absorbed into him and helping adapt his body to the intense heat. After enough of the molten rock was in his system, he started to build up an immunity to the intense heat, making the absorption process even faster.

Absorbing the very earth itself left him with a thirst for power like the planet had never seen before nor will it even again. Upon reaching the core of the planet, Rain started to pull the goo back into his main body while having it spread out still from the core. Earth starting to look like it was hit by a small planet with large blue crater in it if it weren't for the now almost planet sized vaporeon sticking out of it.

With the last of the planet once home to countless species all but absorbed into his massive form, Rain put his arms up behind his head and gave a relieved sigh. It took a few minutes before the vaporeon realised he was floating in space with no idea what to do. "Fuck." Using the knowledge he had absorbed from others, Rain used hydro pump to propel himself towards the nearest planet.

Upon reaching the neighboring planet, Rain sat there be for hearing a voice. "That planet was my favorite creation you know." Turning his head he saw Arceus floating to the right of him, looking very disappointed and in disbelief.

"Yeah well it was bound to..." Just then his thirst for power looked upon the creator of the universe and grabbed him. Arceus tried to pull away but with the other two creation of his inside him from devouring the planet he had enough power to devour him. Absorbing him directly into his form Rain laughed knowing that he was the true god of the universe now and the universe was just his play thing.