Caught Between the Moon and New York City

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#6 of The Moonrise Chronicles


York City was a positive wonder. Since I knew there was money to spare, I

decided to make our stay automatically a month. I made arrangements with the

hotel and when I flashed the cash in their direction, I think the manager had a

money-induced erection. He fell over himself to make sure we had want we

needed. Our cover story was that I had my daughter for a month before she had

to go back to her mothers, and I was going to show her the sights.                Maggie

just smiled and held my hand, sort of swinging it like any nervous little girl

might. The porter had no idea the stuff that was in the suitcases. They

included a lot of seemingly kinky stuff, some of which was, and others that

were going to serve a more utilitarian purpose. I'll explain where I feel I

need to. Otherwise I think you'll catch on.                Oh, and

yes, my shoulder was feeling much better. I think her human teeth might very

well have caused more damage, since they aren't the precision teeth a canine,

or a werewolf, has at their disposal. 

Still, I had wounds front and back. It was a reminder not to piss her

off. This was what she did when she was happy. I saw what she could do when she

wasn't.                The

first day and night were spent getting unpacked and ready for the month ahead.

We each had a fairly large amount of luggage, but it was all stuff we needed or

wanted. Even her, who traveled light, brought along some unusual items. Some of

them could have a dual purpose; the use she had in mind and the one I had in

mind. "Father, you're getting to be a pervert. I like it!"                We

managed to garner the newspapers from the time of the murder, but the online

discussion was much more prolific. There was a ton of speculation on whom or

what caused it. It was a Central Park crime, and that region of the city was

large, nearly one and a half square miles. It was hardly idyllic, except in its

outward appearance.  It was home to muggings

in broad daylight, and at night only the foolish went in. I had a feeling we

were going to be foolish.                For the

first day however, I put my foot down. "You can research all you want from your

laptop, but I want to relax before we get started. I can only imagine what kind

of trouble you'll be dragging me into."                She

didn't put up a fuss. However, that in itself was a clue that something was up.

She rarely did things she didn't want to do, and if she agreed with me, it was

either because it was convenient for her, or else she had something planned and

simply agreed with me to keep me quiet. I hadn't realized how much I had

stirred her emotions.                The

next day, after I had a very sumptuous breakfast, at which she only picked at

the food, we went down to visit Central Park. I have to admit, it was nearly

overwhelming after the quiet city we flew in from. The park was alive with

people; from joggers to mimes; children on playgrounds to old men playing

chess. I followed her around as she led the way, using her superior nose to cut

through the collection of smells that percolated through the air.                 She

dragged me along, making any sightseeing a little difficult. Oh well. I figured

she'd run off on her own one of these days, and I'd have time then. So up and

down the sidewalks we went, with her stopping now and again and sniffing the

air. Eventually we made our way to an anomaly in the park, that of an old stone

castle. I never knew such a thing existed here.                The

plaque declared it to be Belvedere Castle, and it was some sort of folly built

back in the late eighteen sixties. It sat on a high rocky bluff overlooking the

water. It was picturesque, and I could see it being the backdrop of many a

horror film or Halloween shoot.                Once we

reached this landmark, she became so intent on the odors that she forgot about

where she was. She dropped to the ground and started sniffing like a

bloodhound. At one point I had to yell at her, because she started to change.

"Dammit father, I need my nose!"                "I

don't care. There are people staring at you like you're nuts. Why don't we come

back tonight, when there will be fewer people milling about?" I couldn't

believe I was suggesting this, as the place was probably crawling with hoodlums

and freaks once the sun went down.                "Hmmm.

Good idea. I came prepared for just such an emergency. We'll come back

tonight."                We

remained in the park a few hours, and she humored me by going to see the

sights. Still, I could tell she was sniffing the air. Every once in a while she

would stop and look around, squished up her face as she squinted into the

throngs of people. But whatever or whomever she sought, apparently remained out

of sight.                That

night prove to be almost as dreadful as I had figured. On the pretense of going

out to eat, we dressed and went out onto the street. Maggie had an oversize

handbag with her. I knew she was up to something, but I failed to understand

what that was until she dragged me into a side alley. "Here, take this a

moment," she demanded, thrusting her handbag into my arms.                 I watched dumbfounded as she stripped naked,

carefully folding her clothes and putting them into the bag. She withdrew from

it something else, and I suddenly perceived her plan. It was good, and it was

weird.                I

watched her as she snapped on the dog collar around her neck, leaving room for

her transformation. She clicked the leash to it and handed me the end. "Here.

You'll be walking your dog and no one will know the difference. Then I can use

my nose and track down the scent I found, if it hasn't been overwhelmed by the

mass of bodies flowing through the park."                I swung

the bag over my shoulder and walked out onto the sidewalk. She led me like any

typical dog, since now she looked as close to a normal canine as she could. She

still looked pretty terrifying to me; dark fur, red eyes, aggressive manner. At

least no one would be stupid enough to try anything.                We

walked across the street and into the park. Her nose was in the air as she

sniffed. She pulled me from one place to another, nearly yanking my arm out of

its socket a few times. I thought about letting go, but I figured I might need

the protection. I was wearing nice clothes after all, though I was smart enough

to keep my cash to a minimum.                 We got

to the castle again, and it was predominantly deserted. There were a few people

there, looking over the park from the building's turret, but overall, the

number of people was fairly thin. Maggie sniffed around and made a beeline for

the ridge of rock that met up with the water. In a doglike voice, she said,

"Whoever it was, they went down there. I won't be able to follow them anymore.

They're good at hiding their tracks. Water washes off the scent and applies a

new one. But if he or she strikes again, I'll have better luck. I'll know what

to look for."                I sat

down and put my arm around her. "Or..."                The

words came deep from her throat. "Or what?"                "Or you

can feed and bring this person to you. They'll know it wasn't them. So they'll

be as curious as you are to find the cause of the murder."                "God

you're good. Remind me to fuck your brains out tonight. I can wait to eat until

tomorrow. Right now, I think you deserve a treat."                I

rubbed my shoulder, which hurt for twofold reasons now. "Just leave me intact,

will ya?"                 We

walked around the castle a few times, just to see if she could catch the scent

going in any other direction. While she padded around on her paws, I inspected the

building. It wasn't a real castle, but it would make a great hangout for spooky

villains. It even had some sort of dragon or serpent in one of the transoms. I

pointed it out to Maggie.                She

looked up and snorted. "Cockatrice," and went back to sniffing.                "Cock-a-what?"                "Look

it up when we get back. I don't have time to enlighten you right now."                She

resumed her sniffing, finally blowing her nose clean of the dust and heading

back towards the hotel.  I followed like

the dutiful master I was. She was less in a hurry now, and made the return trip

more leisurely. That was when we heard the scream. She took off like a shot and

it took everything I had to keep to my feet behind here.                It

wasn't a werewolf. It was an ordinary human trying to rape some lady stupid

enough to be in the park without an escort, Mace spray, or gun. Maggie tackled

him, but surprisingly, obeyed me when I told her to let him go. It surprised

the hell out of me. The lady thanked me profusely and took off in the opposite

direction of her assailant.                 Maggie

waited until they were both out of sight. "I've got his scent. I'll hunt him

down tomorrow. Maybe I'll bite off his nuts and feed them to him first." She

sounded pissed. She might tolerate abuse on her own person to her own ends, but

she definitely didn't like bullies. This guy was already dead, and he didn't

have a clue.                Before

we got to the hotel again, she changed and got dressed. Once again she was a

cute little girl in a dress. We went in, were shown back up to our rooms, and

called it a night. Well, I thought we had called it a night.                Ten

minutes later she came out of her room wearing the collar and nothing else. "So

father, would you like to show your little bitch how to take a real walk?"                My jaw

dropped and my cock rose. "What?"                "I

said..."                I

interrupted her. "I know what you said. Are you suggesting that I walk you,

naked, out on the street?"                Her

laughter became a howl. "No! I'm suggesting," and here she morphed into her

most feral self, complete with a lowered voice, "that you treat me like a dog

and screw me like a dog, and when you're done, do me again."                Well,

when she put it that way! "I see. Role playing. You add quite the twist to that

concept. I'll take you up on your offer!"                I

clipped the leash onto her collar and dragged her to the balcony. I think I

actually surprised her. "Where are we going?" she growled out.                "Shut

up pet!" I bravely barked at her. "You'll see when we get there."                The

balcony was big, and since we were nearly on the top floor, it was quite a ways

off the ground. I tied the leash to a rail and sat down.                "What

the hell are you doing?" she growled at me.                "Making

you beg for it. Just like a dog."                Her

eyes glowed red. I could see her getting more and more angry. Then something

inside her snapped and she relaxed. The next thing I knew she was sitting up on

her back legs, in the perfect puppy pose. "Please?" she cried out.                God I

was so horny. I really couldn't believe she was doing it. She was so tough and

so resourceful; I figured she'd just untie herself. But no, apparently she was

going to play my game. I dropped my pants and threw them back inside the room.

I did the same for everything else.                "So my

little girl wants me, does she?"                She

whined just like a dog. Even her tail went into overtime, sweeping across the

deck and clearing off the thin layer of dust. One thing was certain, when she

decided to please someone, she went all out. Me, I was suddenly in the mood to

screw the pooch, as they say down south. Only I was really going to do just

that; screw the pooch.                "Fine,"

I said in even tones. "If you want it so badly, present your ass to me."                She

dropped down on her front paws, raised her tail and shuffled her back feet like

a cat. Her slit was wet and dripping. I think the brief attack in the park had

gotten her juices flowing. It usually did, and if she didn't get off at the

scene, it was always up to me to finish the job. Oh, don't feel bad for me. I

loved every minute of it.                I got

down behind her, and guided my cock inside her. She grunted as I pushed it in.

I could feel her tightening it up, and I slapped her hip. "Oh no you don't. Not

until I get inside. Then you're free to do as you will."                She let

off her little prank and I slipped in, pulling her back until I was flat

against her canine ass. Her tail was in my face, but I figured if that was the

worst thing I had to contend with tonight, I'd suffer it out in silence. I gripped

her hips and began slamming her backwards against me. I could feel every inch

of her cunt, and her puppy lips were encircled tightly around me like a rubber

band.                She

might be a shaggy, hairy wolf right now, but she was as much fun as any human I

ever knew. True, we had made love in a lot of different ways, but sometimes the

down and dirty stuff was the best. From the way she was reacting, I think she

would agree with me. God knows, I felt like I could fuck her all night.                Come

on, we were high above one of the most famous cities in the world, overlooking

Central Park. The breeze was brisk, the air was cooling, and this little bitch

might as well have been in heat. The only thing missing was that I didn't have

the ability to knot up like any good dog can. She was going to have to deal

with just plain, old, human me.                 Needless

to say, I worked her over with a passion. She was so into it that she never

even noticed when the leash fell from its spot on the railing. I hadn't really

tied it, just sort of looped it. I think she noticed and said nothing. She was

as into the game as I was.                Before

I blew my first wad deep inside her, her back feet had pawed scratches in the

deck floor. I hoped that they staff didn't notice, because that was going to be

hard to explain. While there was nothing in my month long lease about not

having a pet, they would know I didn't arrive with one. Oh well, a little cash

could go a long ways.                My

first time cumming was like a little slice of heaven, served up in the form of

a sweet little canine cunt. My thrusts got a little violent, for me anyway, and

I had to wonder if her hips were coming out of their sockets. It had felt that

way before, but now I was literally tossing her around like a ragdoll. Her

front end was lying limply on the deck as I battered her backside with my

front.                 Her

throat issued forth a variety of sounds, some of which I took for pleasure, and

others that were not so easily identifiable. She let loose little yips, long

low growls, and at the finale, a thin, whining howl. I really hoped that

everyone in this portion of the hotel had their windows shut, because that

sound definitely wasn't coming up from street level.                Her

body seemed to be intent on pulling every last drop of semen from my body. It

was the second time that my urethra just kept going; long after my balls had

given up their precious load. And because of it, I just kept slamming away;

driving my meat into her so deeply that I felt it was going to emerge from her

mouth. Yes, I know it's an anatomical impossibility. Give me a break.                 She

finally collapsed completely onto the deck, panting, steam rising from her

mouth. The air had cooled down since the sun set, and while the pavement below

might still radiate heat, up here the air was perfectly cool. I was coated in

sweat, and I could feel the heat rising from her fur. Unlike me, she couldn't

sweat in this form.                "Maggie?"                "Yyyyyyes?"                "Maybe

you should change back. I think it would help if you could sweat the excess

heat out." I could feel how warm she was.                "You forgot

father, that we canines have a higher body temperature than humans. I'm fine.

But..."                She

converted to a girl again. "If you wish to continue, by all means do. I'm not

going anywhere." She tossed the leash back to me. "And here, hold on to this.

You're terrible at tying knots."