Southern Fried Gator: Cus’n Rupert

Story by The Big K on SoFurry

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Well I had quite a few emails asking for more, lots more! The normal under 18 stuff and its bad for your young mind etc. Blah blah and blah.

Evens and John are home alone. Jay is on the way up but runs into a quick service call. A family reunion is a few weeks away and John is in the middle of planning some stuff for it. Little does Evens know what is coming his way. So let the deviant pleasures begin!

Southern Fried Gator: Cus'n Rupert

"Evens! Hey you lazy gator where are ya? C'mon Evens"! John yells out the window towards the pool were Evens is sunning himself. He lifts his head up and looks towards John. He slowly gets up, saunters over to the house, and walks in fixing his robe.

"Hey John what ya need"?

"Evens, Jay is on the way up and I need to get off to the hotel and double check things for the guests. When Jay gets here make sure you let him work on my stuff before you two go off and about if he's got any questions tell him to call me on my cell", John spoke as he was checking over some paperwork before walking out the door. Evens just nodded a yes and with that, John walks out and heads out to town.

The phone rings and Evens waited until the machine picked it up. The greeting is read and the voice on the other ends speaks. "Hi John this is Aunt Jene I'm going to be driving up with Rupert in tow. If you get this before I call you on your cell phone I'll be up there by you around 6ish the time is 4:25 pm". Evens felt joy wash over him he hasn't seen Rupert in three years since John moved up north. He returns to his poolside towel and begins to remember all the fun they had since they were young gators growing up on the deltas. Also the memories fade into some rather hot sexual fun they used to get into with each other. Like the time Rupert got a hard on when they used to sleep in the same nest, Evens would always jerk him off and Rupert gave him a fingering for the effort.

Evens wanders back into the house and went to the fridge for his favorite snack. With items in hand he heads off to his basement space. He sits on the couch and turns on the T.V, and begins watching. Flipping from channel to channel Evens sighs in a very low tone, fed up he shuts of the TV and heads back upstairs to return to his poolside spot. He slowly climbs stairs and hears the phone ring. The answering machine picks up the call. "Hi this Aunty Jene I'm about 10 minutes from your place and I'm going to drop off my stuff and head over to the hotel to meet my sister Anna see you in bit darling". Evens rushed up the rest of the stairs to the guest bedrooms to make sure everything was in order. The minutes crept slowly by as evens looked out the window towards the main drive eagerly waiting for Aunt Jene and Rupert arrival. While pulling fresh sheets from the closet he hears the doorbell ring.

Evens dashed down the hall to the front door and check through the side window to see who it was. A lady was standing with hear back facing the window until she turned Evens couldn't figure who this could be. His memories always showed Aunt Jene dressed in a flower print dress and high heels never so elegantly dress as the woman standing in the entrance way. With a slow turn the woman reached the doorbell on more time and Evens saw her face, it was Aunt Jene! As fast as he could he flung the door open and Aunt Jenes' face lit with a smile.

"Oh my Evens! How is my dear child doing? My dear John where is he"?

"Aunt Jene it's very nice to be meeting you again! John is off to the hotel checking on things for the party, Where is Rupert at"? Evens spoke excitedly and gave Aunt Jene a hug. He motioned Aunt Jene in and gave her a map and some paper. The door opened and there stood Rupert arms full of luggage and bags of stuff. He set all the stuff down as best as he could without dropping the heavy bags too hard on the floor. He was dressed in a in a plane white tank top with long shorts on and sandals that looked very odd on his clawed feet.

"Man what ya got in dem bags? They shure do weigh a tad to much for a short stay, feels like you packed every last dress you could find". Gasping for air he saw Evens standing there. They both eyed each other over and saw how each had changed since they saw each other last. The first thing that Evens spotted was the shorts Rupert had on, they looked like they were filled with pillow stuffing or were fluffed up.

"Hush now. I told you I was going to stay for a bit before the actual day of the family meeting. A woman can never have too many dresses" Aunt Jene said laughing.

Rupert walked over to Evens and gave him a big bear hug. "Well lookie here it's Evens the rural gator! How's ya doing boy"? Rupert spoke with more of a southern accent then did Evens.

With the greetings done Evens grabs some of the bags and heads off to the guestrooms. Rupert following behind him with more bags and the suitcases they both set them down in the rooms. Aunt Jene calls out to both of them. "Boys I'm going to the hotel and see what John is doing since I can't reach him on his cell phone. You guys are going to have to entertain yourselves until I get back. I'll call if anything changes". The door is heard closing and a car is heard driving down the lane. Both gators are standing there until they are sure that Aunt Jene is not going to come back. They both head back towards the kitchen and walk out the door towards the pool. "Wow this is sure is nice. Would love to get out of these here odd ball get up I'm in. Never understood the woman how she thinks this looks cute on me. I need to get some good fashion sunshine on my hide before I turn blue or something" Rupert pulling at his shorts and kicking off the sandals. "What is up with them shorts anyway, they look like they got stuffing in them or something" Evens pokes at them.

"Yeah umm.. they are sorta like diapers". With that Evens begins to giggle at Rupert. "Hey don't laugh! Okay to make a long story short I had a minor case of the shits a few weeks back and made a mess on Aunt Jenes' new rug she had installed, ever since then she made me wear these if we go on long trips or she leaves me alone for long periods. Maybe she thinks I can't let myself go outside or something, like a young gator fresh out in life". Rupert looks Evens dead in the eyes waiting for him to burst out laughing. Evens doesn't reply only shakes his head. He heads over to the outside room and grabs another towel for Rupert. "Here ya go. I guess you can get out of them diapers if you want, nobody cares what goes on here anyway it's just you and me for right now until later" Evens tosses Rupert a towel. Rupert removes his shirt and tosses it on chair, he reaches just above his tail to undo the Velcro strap holding his shorts on around his tail, they fall away showing what nature has granted him. Evens looks over Rupert well defined frame and notices the huge gators' package, a huge shaft is arching across his massive balls that look like grapefruits with a leather pouch around them. His shaft thick and long, nearly touching his thighs swings and jiggles as he kicks his shorts away towards the chair. Evens just stands there jaws open and utter silence looking at the gator standing at arms length from him.

Rupert gives his maleness a good stroke and rolls his huge balls in his hands. "Ahhhhh freedom... Couldn't stand another minute in those dam shorts, It's no often that I get to hang out in the nude anymore since I became educated about living in humans' world". Rupert spreads his towel and sits down on it and reclines on is backside, Evens does the same but still keeping a hard stare at Rupert as he kneels down to adjust the corner of the towel. While fixing his towel Evens robe show a bit of his backside and Rupert catches a glimpse of Evens male bits. He reaches out and gives the shaft a light stroke as Evens freezes. Rupert's' hand roams the backside of gator in front of him making circles over his ball sack and tailbase and hitting Evens' asshole with a claw tip, "MMMm MMM MMM My oh my. You have grown since I have last seen you", Rupert gives a push as his claw slips past the ring and Evens gasped quickly. "I think we are going to have such a fun time all this month", He withdraws his claw from Evens and pats his ass.

Evens recovers from the fondle job and finishes fixing his towel. Laying facing Rupert, he slowly rolls onto his back as Rupert sits up on one elbow. Evens slowly inhales and enjoys the sun and the warm day, Rupert edges closer to him as he feels a hand slowly open his robe and slide and snake its' way towards his cock. Finding his cock, Rupert strokes the length and rolls Evens' balls around in his hand, "Why not take off the robe and show me what ya got, I would love to see your full length and girth". Evens nods, he opens his robe more to allow Rupert to have his way with him. Evens cock responds to the hand which is giving his shaft such pleasure and soon begins to harden and lengthen with each stroke. His strokes growing longer as he keeps working on Evens' cock, gripping his shaft just enough to roll a small amount of skin over the cock head and sliding it back down to the base of shaft, Rupert stops and kneels to admire his handy work, Evens cock is jutting fully erect and dripping fluid which trickles over his balls.

Rupert takes his semi flaccid shaft and begins to repeat what he did to Evens on himself. The chunk of flesh slowly fills and lengthens to Evens amazement. Slowly, Evens takes hold of it and starts his stroking as Rupert moans and sighs. With each pull on the shaft it grows a small amount until its' throbbing and rock hard at more then a foot long and a good five inches across. They both stare at the hard meats dripping and throbbing, both not touching each other in fear of setting off a orgasm. Evens moves to kneel in front of Rupert and admires the huge meat before his eyes. "Wow Rupert I knew you were big but holy shit! I'd say you're overly big"! Evens bends closer to take the shaft in his mouth and lightly sucks on it, feeling the heat and slickness of the skin on his tongue and the taste of precum hitting his taste buds like a lighting bolt. Rupert looks at Evens his eyes are half rolled back in his head, a low moan rolls out of his muzzle.

Evens is working on the meat like a hungry dog would a bone with each bob of his head more of Rupert's' meat slides down his maw. A evil grin flashes across Rupert face and his eyes narrow while the smaller gator is working on his meat. "Hey Evens, how about me and you go in and head on up to my room with the travel stuff? I got something you might like to try out". Evens lets the cock slide out his mouth "Shure what ya got in mind there Rupert? I'm game for what ever you have in that brain of yours as long as I can suck on ya". Both get up and start walking towards the house with their cocks bobbing and swinging as they walk. Soon they are in the room with Rupert's bags and Rupert begins to open a smaller bag that contained tubes and hoses and all sorts of lubes. Rupert motions Evens to follow him in the bather and points at the big bathtub and Evens climbs in. Rupert connects the tube to the main spigot and turn on the water, feeling for the right temp he shuts off a small valve which slows the water coming out of the tube. Everything set to his liking Rupert climbs in the tub and guides Evens to a bending position where he is just leaning on the tub surround.

Rupert rubs Evens asshole with the tube as he opens the valve to allow a trickle of water to flow. With a slow push the end of the tube enters without much effort, he slowly feeds the tube in and stops just after a few inches are in. With the valve in his other hand he slowly opens it more and the water goes from a trickle to a more forceful stream, he then takes his other hand and clamps Evens' asshole around the tube to prevent any leakage.

"I can feel a warming feelln' going from my tail all the way up to my chest what ever your doing don't stop" Evens could feel the heat building inside his innards growing, soon he started to become erect with each heartbeat. He could feel the water pushing and filling his anal passage, Soon pressure was starting to build and he wanted to push it out but couldn't since Rupert had his asshole clamped around the tube. He began to groan with a bit of discomfort and Rupert heard it.

" Don't worry it will pass it's your first time at this so just hang in there, your almost full. When I shut the water off don't try to push all the water out in one huge push, hold it as long as you can." Evens nodded a yes to him as he gripped the tub surround gasping every other breath. Rupert slowly pulled the tube out and inserted a finger and pushed it in to seal the hole left by the tube. Evens clamped down on his finger as he tried to hold back the water filling him. Rupert backed up and sat on the rim of the tub stroking his cock getting it to firm up. "OK Evens now here is the fun part, I'm going to take my finger out and try not push all at once cause if you do your going to make a big mess. Easy and slowly not hard" Evens quickly nodded his head as he felt the finger slide out, and he tried not push to hard. Rupert watched as a small stream came out and stopped, then a slightly bigger one which washed over his cock and balls came out. The streams grew into jets as Evens pushed all he could on the last muscle spasm the water came out in a huge gush as it sheeted off the big gator's cock and lower half.

Rupert got out of the tub and went back to his bag, Evens was still bending over the tube surround pushing the last amount of water out his anal passage. Rupert climbed back into the tub with a bottle of lube. He opened the cap and let a small amount drizzle over his fingers and a small amount over Evens asshole. He slid one finger in then the next with very little effort, without warning he pushes in and his whole hand and it slides past his wrist into Evens stretched asshole. Evens lets out a loud and hard grunt as a small amount of pain ripples through his ass. Rupert pushes his hand in further as Evens groans in pure bliss as his inner walls conform to the intruder but yet there is no sign of pain after the first push. Rupert withdrew his hand until it was about to pop free from Evens asshole and with a push forward it slid back in deeper then it was before. After a few more times Rupert was ready to move on to something else he had in mind. With Evens loosened up rather nicely and his ass stretched to take large things in without pain, Rupert decided it was time to try his cock.

Rupert began to stroke his massive cock, which to his surprise did not need much work to get it hard. It was hard enough but not rock hard and pounding, he rubbed his cock head over Evens asshole. He added a small dab of lube on it and pressed the tip into the hole. Rupert pressed down on his cockhead with his thumb to help it wedge its' way past the ring. He watched as the hole began to ease around the head and it slid in with the ring conforming to his shaft. He placed his hands on Evens ass and spread it wider to watch the pucker expand and contract with each thrust of his cock. With each push, Rupert could see he went deeper on each push until he hit a bottom, marking the total depth with his thumb he pulled his cock out with a slurping sound. "Hey Evens want to see how far you took me? Before you do look, how did the finger and fist feel"? Evens moved slowly to stand up and get off the tub surround, "Well it hurt a bit when you went in the first time but after that, whew! It was dam hot." Evens turned to face Rupert and saw his thumb marking how far he got his cock in. He looked at huge chunk of meat and took hold of it. "Wow that went pretty deep. On the first go around too.' He began to stroke it with slow and steady pace as Rupert stood there watching him do it. Evens had Rupert cock rock hard and throbbing with a last few jerks Evens spun back around and bent back over the tub surround. He reached back and spread his ass to show Rupert he wanted more of that cock in his rear. Rupert pressed his cocktip on the ring and it slid in without much effort, Rupert added a few drips of lube on his shaft and began to fuck Evens with long pumps. With each push his cock seemed to enlarge more and became harder to the point of the veins were showing. Little white bubbles of lube and precum speckled the shaft pounding away as Rupert felt his peak nearing. He began to slow his pounding to stem the rising orgasm, which was growing with each thrust.

Between the slurping sounds and Evens grunting, they didn't hear the door open and close as Jay walked in. Jay stood there looking at the note left by John to explain what needed to be fixed or redone he hears a loud moan come down the hall. Jay heads off down the hall towards the sound and enter the guest bedroom and notices all the bags and luggage. The bathroom door is open as he sneaks closer to see what the slurping sounds are about. Jay sees Evens bent over and a larger gator fucking away on him. Jay just stands there watching the duo, Jay noticed the bigger gators' cock and looks at Evens limp one swinging back and forth with each thrust from the larger gator. "Boy Evens I didn't think you could take such large things in your ass" Jay spoke and both of the gators' snapped their heads to look at jay standing there with his hands in his pockets. Evens looks and Rupert eyes wide a jaw agape, Evens stands up and the cock pops free of his ass with a loud slurp. "Hiya Jay ummmm...Whew, yeah. How long have you been watching us" Evens laughed a bit at the end. Jay smiles and shakes his head "Oh not to long in fact I just got here a few minutes ago a heard a loud groan or moan come down the hall and here I find two gators humping. Who is your well hung fellow there?'

"This is my cousin Rupert and he is going to be staying here for about a month or so. Aunt Jene and John are out and I don't think they will be back anytime soon.' Evens looks at Rupert and pokes him in the chest, "Well just don't stand there with your dick in your hand say hello!' Evens pokes him once more and Rupert looks at Evens and turns his gaze back to Jay and waves at him, "Hi ummm caught me with my pants down,' Rupert looks down at his cock which is softening.

Jay laughing his head off at that comment heads back down the hall. "I got more pressing things to do right now but later I should be free, we can talk later I guess.'

Rupert looks at Evens "Wow I hope he doesn't tell anyone. My luck Aunt Jene would whip the shit out of me if she knew I was fucking your ass.' Rupert said as he sits on the tub surround. "Nah he won't say nothing cause me and him mess around when he has free time and John is out.' Evens thinks for a few moments and looks at Rupert and asks "Can we do more with that water I liked that a lot". Rupert nods and turns the water back on as Evens turns around to offer his ass up, Rupert inserts the tube and opens the valve to let just trickle pass through the tube. Rupert fondles Evens while holding the tube in and turns the valve on more to increase the water flow. Evens is cooing and groan lightly as his anal pleasure is building with the amount of water filling him up. Rupert lets go of the tube and with his free hand starts to work on his own meat with long hard strokes to get it up and throbbing. "I think I'm full there Rupert it kinda hurts a bit but it's ok" Evens looks back at Rupert working on his cock, Rupert nods and takes the tube out . "Now hold it in as long as you can just like last time. When I tell you push, do it".

Evens is holding back the water as best as he can under the strain from his bowels trying to flush the water out. Rupert puts some lube on tip of his meat and aligns it with Evens asshole as he grabs his shaft for extra support for the depth plunge into the smaller gator. "Ready to let it loose? Get ready.... Now!" As Rupert sees the oncoming rush he sends his cock ramming in the hole and water gushes past. After a few seconds the water stops and Rupert starts to withdraw his cock, as he does a small amount of water leaks past and runs down the length of his shaft. He increases his speed as more water exits past his cock slamming into Evens ass. After a few more hard slams Rupert feels the onset of his release into Evens as his cock is now shooting shot after shot of precum, so much that it replaces the water running out. Rupert feels his cock stiffen and the pleasure wave begins with a hard blast of cum, Rupert pumps shot after shot into Evens juiced ass canal. Evens can feel a warming in his innards as he fills with cum and the throbbing meat pumping it in him. Rupert finally ends his massive cum dump with a quick last few twitches of his hips as he bucks foreword, trying to get a small amount of cock left outside of Evens ass in.

"MMMMMmmmmmm that felt almost too good to be true. Now your going to see why I said lets stay in here" Rupert grabs Evens hips and they both back up to the other end of the tube as Evens bends to look between his legs back at his tail. Rupert steps back as his cock breaks the suction as a smaal trickle of cum follows the retreating shaft out. His cock is about to pops free as the only thing left in Evens is just the head of it and a huge load of cum held back by it. With a small step back as his cock head pops free as the gush of gator juice proceeds to empty on the tub floor. Evens looks back and sees the river of cum splattering on the tub and running down his thighs in thick ribbons. He thinks the end is near as he stands up and still more exits his well used hole and runs down his tail and the back of his legs. Rupert begins to stroke the smaller gators' cock, which is growing more firm with each pump on his shaft. Evens can no longer hold back as he lets his load adding more cum on Rupert and on the tub floor.

They hug as their cum soaked cocks grind into each other with afterglow of the moment still hanging in the air. Rupert knees down and licks the flaccid shaft of Evens, he pushes Evens back around and give his ass a long hard lick making sure his tongue dives deep into the hole still oozing cum and other fluids. "Perhaps you might want to put a pair of my shorts on since I did pound your ass pretty hard and long, I know your going to have some more of my juice running out at the oddest moment." Evens agreed with Rupert as they both washed off the mess they had made. Rupert hands him a pair of his shorts and closes them up over his tail base. "These look bad, they really do look bad"! Evens complained as he pulls them up to his waist. "Trust me your going to need them later How does your ass feel Evens"? Asked Rupert putting his shorts back on as well.,"Not to bad other then the first time you drove you cock hard into me" Evens looked at Rupert as a grin flashes over his face.

"Good to know. Maybe something else might take my fancy later or my cock"!

Part three is going to come soon!!!!!!!!!!