the Fox of Cendalath chapter two

Story by Felixseven on SoFurry

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#2 of the Fox of Cendalath

The world of Syio, were foxes rule. Felix a former soldier discovers a plot by the humans to assassinate the royal family.

But at the same time he must balance his life as a prince and his love interest. Falling in love with a famous musician Leon isn't your ordinary Dalmatian in fact he's a Mage; a long forgotten magic user.

Chapter 2 the Cornination

Felix was supposed to meet the Queen today, but he didn't. As he looked at the letter from the Palace it had two boxes with text next to them saying I will be attending and I will not attending. With no knowledge of the Sword of the Cendalath, he decided to go to the National Library of Cendalath to see what he could find.

"HI, do you have any books by Lucio Cendalath Seven on the Sword of Cendalath?"

"I'm sorry we cannot get that book for you," the coyote said.

It shouldn't be this hard to get one book, he thought to himself. He put the sword on the counter, hoping the coyote would recognize it.

"This is the Sword of Cendalath, held by Lucio himself," he explained.

The coyote gave him a disapproving look and he obviously was thinking it was a fake. A red fox came up to Felix.

"Is there a problem Carl?" The red fox asked.

"This guy wants the book on the Sword of Cendalath, we don't lend out that particular book to the public."

After the fox studied the sword, he then understood.

"I can help you with that, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Professor Isaac Gale."

Felix was familiar with the name as he tried to do some research himself but his searchers always came up with the professor's name.

"Felix Seven."

As they shook paws, Isaac took Felix up to his office a jarra wood table stood in the room with a pitcher of Isaac's family and two book shelfs off to the left side and right side of the window behind the desk. He quickly checked his phone and saw he had received a dozen messages from his father.

Sorry Dad, I'm at the National Library, He sent.

What in Iros's name are you doing there?! We are waiting for you at the Palace. You didn't forget did you?! Liel sent.

I need to find out more about the sword, cool your jets Dad, He sent.

"I have the book right here," Isaac handed him the book called the History of the Sword of Cendalath.

"But there's a problem..."

Felix felt his fur prickled down at his back and his tail curled around him. What is he talking about?

"I reforged the blade with demonic-"

Isaac cut him off before he could finish. "By Iros's tail you're in danger! What were you thinking?!"

A prophecy came up in Felix's research predicting a terrible evil that will destroy the world and it seems the Prince is the only one who can combat this great evil. To him this seemed farfetched,

"What do you mean by that?"

"Four hundred years ago, there was the first contact war we had with the humans in the cursed country of Westmist in the town of Hedgemill. The deaths of the soldiers and the villages haunt the whole country. Iros saved us from making it more worse if she hadn't intervened we would be dead."

Few dare to travel in Westmist the only inhabitants are rumoured to be undead and it was said that the cursed land swallowed the light. Today there are guards around the borders not letting anyone through. They reported hearing screams of the dead who haven't been laid to rest.

"You need to find a Sorcerer who knows the ritual to subdue the demon in your sword."

"How am I going to find a soccer in this day in age? There used to be lots of them around the time of Lucio but only few do practice the art of magic."

"I believe you already met someone close to you that has it. This was in the prophecy of Iros: a Prince and his companion will save the world from destruction."

"That has come up in my searches, but there's no other information on it."

A phone rang. It wasn't his.

"Hel- your Majesty," Isaac says "yes he is, should- okay I'll tell him. Goodbye."

From the tone Felix could make out it sounded like he was in trouble.

"You got to go to the Pal-"

"I no, thanks for the info on the sword and the history lesson Professor."

On his way to the palace finding a sorcerer was going to be hard and the words from Isaac were stuck in his head 'someone close to you' as he arrived at the palace he saw his father standing outside the marble stone palace with a fox head on the door with the number seven in its mouth.

"You're late Felix!" Liel says in anger "I thought you would come here first, not the library."

His ears folded back. "We both know I needed to find out more about the sword."

"Excuse the interruption, her Highness is ready for you," a badger said.

As they followed the badger to the throne room, the hallway floor felt cold on his feet on the marble. There sat a female red fox on the throne with gold trim on the red velvet and two royal guards on either side. They bowed before her apart from Felix who gave a salute instead.

"I'm so happy to see you again!" she cried hugging them.

"Elsa, I wish you could have seen'em grow up over the years."

She gave a smile to Liel. "I know and I would take it all back if I could."

Felix wasn't nervous about meeting the Queen since it was his mother, he was more nervous about the cornination. He texted Leon as they followed Elsa to the dining room.

I am nervous about my cornation tomorrow, I don't know what to do about it. It's just too much for me, he sent.

Do you want me to come over there? I'm doing the music for the cornation anyway, replied Leon.

That be great Dal I could sure use the company, he sent.

Great I'll be over there in five, Leon replied.

_ _

"Put your fucking phone away!" Liel joked. He always did this when they went out together.

"Ha-ha, you never change Liel," She says "You are going to live here, since this is the best place for you to be."

Felix felt a dagger stabbing his heart, sure the Palace was nice but it was too big for his liking. They followed Elsa to the dining room a long black wooden table with the shield of Cendalath was a fox head holding the number seven same as the entrance to the Palace, candles were lit although Felix didn't like them since they were plastic with a light bulb and he preferred real candles. They sat at the very end of the long table as the waiters brought out refreshments and food.

"Uh... did I hear that right? I like the apartment I'm in now."

"What do you mean darling?"

"Well...," he drew a breath "I'm in a relationship and we live across the hall from each other."

A waiter came round with a tray of wine, Felix picked the blue golden glass of wine.

"Who is the lucky girl?"

"It's not a girl."

"Felix I don-" he cut Liel off before he could finish.

He turned to him "Dad lay off, I might as well come out to her." Liel didn't press it any further.

"About what?"

"I'm dating a guy."

"I'm happy for you and I'm glad you finally met someone."

"I thought you would take this the wrong way."

As they talked for hours about what they've done in their lives and it was getting late. The badger from earlier entered the room.

"Your majesty shall I show our guests to their rooms?"

"You don't have to be formal around me Ryan."

Felix gave a yawn "I might hit the hay, it's so good we can spend time again Mum goodnight."

He followed Ryan to the room, back down the hallway was filled with paintings of the Seven family. Felix stopped to look at the one of Luico an old painting of him holding the sword of Cendalath up right and was wearing a green tunic with gold trimming around the collar, the artist was Arden Cordell Lorenz.

"Mr Lorenz is waiting in your chambers my Prince."

"Oh right I'll be right in."

That was good for Felix he needed to talk to Leon about the cornation and the old prophecy since he didn't believe in them. The walk was nice for him to his chambers, but the great evil kept him on his toes.

"Here we are my Prince, is there anything you need?"

"No thank you."

Ryan gave a bow and took his leave. As he entered the chambers he found a bed with leons belongings layed out, a wardrobe was off to right side of the bed and a chandleri hanged above the centre of the room. The mosit from the steam was on the mirror near the old wooden desk.

"Felix that you?"

"Sure is Dal Hound." The fox undressed and joined him in the shower.

The bathroom was an exotic one and the only one he could think it releated to was a villa in Graymist and a spar sat off to the right as the shower was on the left with glass moist from the steam. As they washed each other, Felix felt the Dalmatians paws running down his chest and quickly stopped him before it made the fox feel uncomfortable.

"Let's take it slow."

Felix didn't want to rush this because he never dated or had sex before he met Leon. The Dalmatians paws moved to his shoulder as he kissed Felix on his neck.

"Mmm... your fur is so soft Foxy."

Felix reached for the shampoo it was a brand that his Mother used called Flea be gone with lemon scent. He massaged it into his fur and Leon did his back; for the fox this was a great sensation for him having someone to help wash him. Leon turned his back and it was his turn. He loved the Dalmatians scent but there was something odd about it that wasn't a normal Dalmatian scent and it caught him off guard; could this be magic? He thought to himself. Leon mumbled some old forgotten language that he couldn't understand, a towel came towards them floating in the air as they left the shower; Felix panicked and he grabbed the nearest object he could find which was a knife.

"Ha-ha! relax Foxy it's my magic."

He relaxed by putting the knife away. "That nearly scared my tail off!"

Leon gave Felix a hug. "Sorry Princess, I do this all the time when I am on my own."

He dried himself off. "So you're a Sorcerer? I thought they only existed four hundred years ago."

Leon smiled at Felix. "Well... Sorcerer is too formal for me I prefer Mage, My Grandfather taught me since I was six and magic runs in our family." They walked out of the shower as Felix sat down on the bed.

Magic is rare in the world of Syio, only a few people can harness it's power. The Lorenz family is one of the famously known Sorcerer's and close relatives of the Seven family, their line dates back to the time of King Luico Cendalath Seven. Felix didn't know this but he did read some of his family's history which for him was a boat load of information to take in all at once and not to mention learning his duties as a Prince.

I wonder if - he thought but chose to ask Leon right out. "Have you ever used magic for...?"

Leon picked up on what the fox was implying if he had used it for personal pleasure. "I can't believe you would ask a question about magic like that, no I haven't."

Felix kissed him on his nose. "I was joking! You didn't have to take it so seriously."

Foxrest 2nd cornation day 2077

Felix could see the staff of the Palace running around in a hurry to get everything ready for the day, this was a huge event and the media were outside waiting for the announcement. He was very nervous even more nervous than his first mission he went on. The fox had to ware what all the prince's had to and he didn't like the style of it and he chose to ware his officer uniform instead because he was a soldier long before a prince.

"Sir I would advise you to wear the ceremonial suit for today's event."

"I know John, but I'm not wearing that I hate the dreads and the colour."

"My Prince it is what the past generation of princes had to."

He sighed. "Please can it with the formalities at the end of the day I'm one of you."

"As you wish Felix."

John left the room when Lori entered, she was wearing a dress which was coloured pink and purple.

"You look cute Lori."

She blushed underneath her fur. "Thanks you to, uh why aren't you wearing the suit?"

"I hate it, and it doesn't match my rainbow bandanna."

"Oh so that's why the military officer uniform matches it eh?"

"It looks better with it."

The ceremony took place in the Palace garden, Felix had called on a favour that General Russel owed him and the whole TRF unit was there since he didn't know the Royal Guard very well. Most of the day went on before they got to the crowning, after hours of speeches passed it was their turn to walk up the isle and Leon played the music as they entered.

"On this momentous day, you are to take up your office of a Prince and Princess. I will now say the words that had been said since the first Prince and Princess: I do somonly swear to serve Cendalath and it's people."

Felix and Lori repeated.

"In the name of the Holy Fox of Iros I pray that you will serve our lady and saviour with a great hart and kindness amen."

They kneeled down on the step in front of their parents, ready for their new responsibilities, Felix motioned a kiss to Leon and he returned the kiss. Liel and Elsa placed the crowns on their cubs, they were so proud of them that they cried in joy. "May I present your new Prince Felix Cendalath Seven and Lori Elsa Seven."

The crowd cheered and the media noticed what Felix was wearing they wanted to ask questions but the TRF blocked their path to the dining room. Before Felix entered Leon came rushing up to hug him but instead he picked the Dalmatian up in his arms and entered the room.

Leon grabbed his crown and placed it on his head. "I knew you would do something like that."

"What? I thought I'd be romantic."

As Felix set Leon down, he handed the jacket to a butler. Unfortunately for him the lunch was more about getting to know the noble houses and that meant he had to meet the human Ambassador Edward Green from the negotiations with Mr Rogers.

"Felix this is Ambas-"

He put a paw up. "Yeah the ambassador for Foilith, in my opinion his body guards were shit."

"Felix! Watch your tone!"

"I assure you our soldiers are the best in the country."

"Yeah at running away," he mumbled to himself.

He thought he would never see this walking meatbag again but life isn't always fair.

"You have to show him the proper respect, and you can't go around being a racist against these people, I know I meet some decent humans but they've done nothing wrong."

Elsa was right a leader had to put emotions away and lead with a clear head, and masked his frustration.

"It's quite all right your majesty, the younger generation has so much to learn."

Breathe in hold for four seconds, breathe out. He told himself.

_ _

The day went on meeting more nobles from the other countries, he was feeling bored out of his mind when politian's came up to him to get his view on the current issues of Cendalath but he had to stay. A thought crossed his mind of sneaking out of the Palace. A butler came by with some wine, instead Felix taking a glass he took the whole bottle of the Paladin's Sapphire.

"Felix take a glass!"

He pretended he didn't hear her, so he went back to his chamber and collapsed on the bed knowing tomorrow was the day he had to be in Parliament.

17 Krezezis 2077

The months passed slowly for him; while he was stuck in Parliament. He got back into his old habit beer in a water bottle. He sketched the room and the people in it with the two people arguing in the centre of the room. The humans wanted to expand into Shadow Marsh, the land of the first contact war with the foxes and he wasn't paying attention to the issue at hand; so he left the room with no one noticing as he sat down on the limestone couch which had soft cushions .

"Hey bro," a female fox came up to him.

"Oh hey Lori."

"How is politics?"

"Boring as watching paint dry..."

He placed a paw on Lori's shoulder pulling her closer to him.

"You got lucky I had to go to finishing school-," she sniffed Felix "Is that alcohol on your breathe?!"

He couldn't lie because if he'd even try his sideway smile would give it away.

"Oh come on! You're the one to talk with that champagne glass you have there."

"How many drinks you had?"

"Uh... lost count."

"Wow that boring?"

"Yeah, I got to ask what is finishing school?"

"They teach you proper etiquette like how to eat properly at a formal dinner."

"Ha-ha that's much more fun than dealing with politics"

"You would get in so much trouble much trouble, the way you eat at the table."

"Oh come on! It is much better using a hunting knife than some fancy silverware."

Lori placed a paw on his shoulder. "Bere with it, you got a chance to make Cendalath a better place."

He sighs. "I suppose your right, thanks for the pep talk."

As he went back into the room had a desk in the middle and a theatre seats sat off on posited sides, Tony Harris was auguring with a racoon.

"I propose that we raise the university fees, it would benefit us much more."

What a shit idea! The fox thought but he remembered what Lori told him; this was personal for him because he still had friends who were at University.

"Why the fuck would you suggest something like that?!" he yelled

"We need-"

"Go fuck yourself Tony! You're talking about raising uni fees that would mean the people would be paying double their amount and some families cannot afford it."

"They should be paying more!" Tony spat.

A rush of hate flowed through Felix, his fur prickled. "So you would have the people of Cendalath out on the streets?"

"My parents payed for mine surly they can."

"You should of paid for your's out of your own money rather than relying on your parents." Felix growled.

"We need-"

The fox cut him off by grabbing the lion by the collar as he clenched his fist ready to strike. Clouded by anger as he knocked Tony Harris to the ground, everyone in Parliament was in shock by the Prince's reaction which should have been resolved with words. A Palace guard took Felix outside to the Palace garden and to get a report

What have I done? Dammit fox! You fucking idoit - I'd should of kept a cool head.

The dingo reached for a whiskey flask from his pocket and handed it to the fox.

"Thanks." Felix was shaking as he took the whiskey.

"You all right?"

It was clear that he was in shock and couldn't respond.

"Look I can't be fucked getting a report on what just happened and personally you did me a favour I wanted to do it to him for a long time."

"Norm- normally I would be fine... and I did this all the time in the TRF but I don't understand what just happened."

The dingo took the flask form him. "I'm Gail, Felix I'm not a doc but my guess it's shock or shellshock and your past has caught up with you."

An ambulance was called and took Tony Harris to the hospital. He was diagnosed with a cunsusion and would need to take leave from work. The report was handed to Gail.

"Do you think he's going to the cops?" his tail curled around him.

"Doubt it, but I wouldn't worry about it just say you did it because of shellshock."

Looking at his phone he opened an application called Bark! He gained a lot of followers on it after becoming prince so he decided to update it.

Felixseven @ Felixseven got into an 'argument' with Tony Harris about uni fees being raised as well as other stuff.

Thatguy89 @ Felixseven LOL! About time someone knocked some sense into him! XD

LeonLorenz @ Felixseven Oh foxy what am I going to do with you?

Felixseven @ LeonLorenz I can think of a few ways ;)

Wolfwarroir @ Felixseven bow chick a bow wow

"Thanks for the drink Gail."

"You're welcome."

Felix went off to the palace pool to calm down if only he could forget what he just did to Tony. He took all of his clothes off only leaving his briefs on before he dived into the cold water the thoughts of what he had done in parliament made him to doubt himself if he'd made the right choice. A weasel scent caught his attention after finishing a lap before getting out.

"My prince we need you back in Parliament."

"I'm not going," he said putting head phones in. "If your going to drag me there it will not end well."

The fox scrolled through songs on his ipawod until he found one he liked as he rested on the soft daybed. The weasel left out a breath as he left. A drop of rain hit his ear making them flick and Felix had forgotten about the demonic mark on his left arm when the rain hit the mark as he felt a burning sensation which made him let out a yelp. He was so focused on running the country he had no down time and it made him realised that he couldn't help everyone which he hated with a passion.

As he sniffed the air a scent of a cigarette caught him off guard.

"Dad why- are you smoking again?!"

Liel had not been smoking for five years but this came as a shock to Felix as it made him think of cancer then bone cancer. His Nanna had passed away after a long battle with bone cancer two years ago.

"I'm stressed." Liel explained.

It was heart breaking for him as they spend time together over the years and this made him feel like he couldn't go out with him anymore.

"I'm worried about... you gave it up years ago but there are healthier ways to deal with stress." Felix said. He knew if he'd brought Nanna up it would upset him.

"Don't obsess."

He felt like his hart had been stabbed with a hunting knife and dragged through it, it was the only way he could describe it. Felix could handle other people smoking but not his father which worried him. He gathered up his stuff.

Fuck it I'm not staying around him any longer! He thought.

_ _

"Felix where are you going?"

He chose not to respond to his father.

"Felix! let's talk about it."

"No, I'm going home." He growled to hide his tears.

Why is he doing this to me- to us? He thought.

His mother told him last night the reason why she'd left and that Liel was immature and selfish as he spent money on himself the whole time. But then again he didn't know what was truly going on between them. Felix had a good relationship with Liel when going out with his friends but they were half his age; this made him feel like he didn't want anything to do with his Father anymore as he went through his phone blocking his number and Facebook profile.

He got out of his car and headed to Leon's apartment and knocked on the door.

"Hey Felix... is everything all right?"

"No..." a tear rolled down the fox's cheek.

"Who's at the door son?" a voice asked.

"Oh my boyfriend, would you like to come in Fox?"

"You sure Dal? I don't want to rush our relationship if were not ready..." Felix wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Let's go over the details later and put a smile on that face of yours."

The Dalmatian dragged Felix inside and pored him a glass of Vass Felix red wine. As he entered he saw two Dalmatians sitting next to each other on the couch.

"Mum, Dad this is Felix."

"So this is the bodyguard you told me about!" the female Dalmatian said in a surprising voice.

"Didn't think you'd fall for a fox, I'm Lawrence and this is my wife Sandra."

"Nice to meet you both." Felix shook Lawrence's paw.

He had a decent build on him, wore a plain t-shirt with a blazer over it and black slacks.

"So Felix, Leon was telling us of how you two met an intriguing story."

"Yeah... a bit over the top for a first date." Felix felt embarrassed.

"So what made you decided that line of work?" Lawrence asked.

"I was in the Tactical Response Special Forces for five years and then I wanted something a bit more different so I applied for a job at Delta Hound."

"Delta Hound? I got told they put someone else in charge since James Barker retired."

"Yeah Bryan Ward, so what do you do for a living?"

"Federal agent and my wife's a jeweller."

Felix dry swallowed, hoping this wasn't the same agent who argued with General Russel about his squad who fought off a team of SWAT.

"A friend of mine works at the florist, and she told me that you sent Leon flowers with champagne."

"Hehe... I was busy the last three months and so when he did a show I sent one to him."

The fox's tail curled around the Dalmatian as he placed a paw on his shoulder. Lawrence and Sandra asked so many questions to Felix and he didn't mind because it was a good distraction from his father.

"Oh Iros look at the time we are going to miss the movie." Sandra waited at the door for Lawrence.

"All right, Felix a word of advice: don't break up with him he's very lucky to have you in his life and take good care of him."

"Yes sir."

"Goodbye." Leon and Felix both said.

As the Dalmatian couple exited the apartment the fox hugged Leon as he cried; despite having a few drinks today he wasn't drunk but in emotional pain.

"Okay Hon tell me what is hurting you."

"I- I don't know where to start." He sobbed.

"Deep breaths Foxy."

After he took a few breaths to calm down he drank the rest of his wine in one go. "It's my Father..," he paused. "He started smoking again just because he's fucking stressed I see him as a different person than the one I knew."

"Last time we were together, you said he quit ages ago." Leon stroked Felix's tail.

"I only found out today while I was taking a snooze on a day bed by the pool."

"Have you tried talking to him?"

"Did but he says I shouldn't obsess about it. Fucking selfish basted prick." He cried.

"You don't mean that... I'm sure he can quit again." Leon reassured him.

"Highly fuckin' doubt it."

"How about you write it down and I go talk to him?"

"Th- thanks but no thanks."

Leon hold the fox in his arms as they fell back on the bed together. Felix felt like he didn't want to see his father at all or talk to him.

"I-I Just... want to..."

"Shh I no fox I no."

"Thanks dal, I love you."

"I love me to."


The Dalmatian went off to make tea. Felix followed him into the kitchen, on the bench next to the stove he noticed a pair of glasses on the bench.

"Didn't know you wore glasses."

"I mostly use contacts, but the glasses get annoying for me on my muzzle, oh and that post on Bark!

The fox leaned against the wall. "Tony Harris got on my Nerves and next thing I know he was unconscious."

"So that's why you used quotation marks."


"Your fur looks matted a bit, when was the last time you brushed?" Leon asked running a paw through his fur.


The Dalmatian looked intohis eyes with a serious look. "Spill it Foxy."

"Okay! Okay! Maybe a few weeks or a month."

"What am I going to do with you?" Leon shaked his head.

Felix went to his apartment to grab his brush and had a look at the mark on his arm as he ran the brush over it hoping it wouldn't hurt but the bristles touched it. The pain was unbearable as the bristles passed over it and fell to the ground struggling to grab medication to quell the pain but that didn't work only made it much worse; the fox was trying not to think about the mark too much as he crawled to the sword, a magic tentacle appeared from the sword moving to the mark as it touched it the pain quelled.

Maybe Leon would know something about this? He thought.

*bzzt* *bzzt*

He looked around to see what was making the noise then found out it was his pager which he still had from the TRF.

Come to Fort Bastion ASAP!

"Felix you okay?" Leon helped him up.

"Sort of..."

"What happened?"

"Brushed over the mark and it hurt like hell almost like swimming in lava, but when I got near the sword it disappeared."

"Ah magic swords, it is probably the sheath has a defensive ability to protect the owner."

The fox gave the Dalmatian a kiss on the nose. "Why do I always find out after it happens?"

They spent the night together for the first time. It was nice for Felix sharing a bed with someone he loved so much; it was better than waking up on a double bed and looking over at an empty space. The thought of facing the demon in a fight dawned on him like a horrible memory pushed into the back of the mind, as he lied there on the bed next to Leon. He noticed a female figure walking passed the bedroom to the balcony motion for him to come, and the fox grabbed his USP .45 handgun and followed the silver person.

He aimed the gun at the silver fox. "Paws up!"

The fox turned around. "Felix, we need to talk."

"I'm not talking to someone who just broke into my home!" he shouted.

She giggled. "You are just like Lucio, when I first came to him."

Felix lowered his gun. "How do you know that?"

"My cub I am the daughter of Syio."

Felix didn't know what to make of it thinking it was a trick by one of his friends, after a long explanation by Iros talking about her relationship with his family and that she needed help to maintain the barrier to keep the undead inside.

"So you're the real Iros?"

"The answer is in your heart."

"So what is this about me and Leon going to shadow marsh?"

"It was a legacy that Luico wanted his family to go through to make sure the Sevens' were fit to fight and rule."

"Oh great more bull shit prophecy..."

"Hey! It wasn't my fuckin' fault because Syio said it to me!"

"Ha-ha didn't know it was that easy to pull your tail!"

"Look there is a dark evil coming to destroy the world but I don't know what it is only that it will bring death and destruction."

"So the sword is the only thing that can kill it?"

"Yeah, Luico Seven and Arden Lorenz managed to post pone the destruction only by 400 years."

_ _

So that's how I and Leon are related!

_ _

"You have to leave tomorrow and bring only the sword not guns they will get destroyed if you pass through the barrier."