The Thieves Quarry PT.2 (In Progress)

Story by Avrik on SoFurry

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If Yuki was not drunk before from the ale, she was drunk now - drunk on his touch and smoldering voice. His tantalizing whisper left her weak in the knees, but when he pressed her between counter and his own toned body she gasped audibly. Feeling his bulging length press into her nearly elicited a moan, but she was able to suppress it with impressive restraint.

As she felt him grip her behind and whisper into her ear, a glint of rebellion sparked within her once again. She dragged her sandpaper tongue along his jaw before reaching up to nip his pointed ear with a growl and a firm grip on both of his muscular arms.

"Well then, perhaps we should do something about that," she teased with a playful snarl into the ear she had just bitten. Against the bar, her tail flicked once to indicate her pleasure with their sensual game. Yuki, fully enjoying this, placed both paws firmly against the wolf's chest and pushed with a force that was strong for her smaller body - strong enough to push him back several inches, just enough to show him how serious she was. Her eyes gleamed with vivacious salacity.

This wolf, this thief was eager, wanting, his breath harsh and growling, his lips inches away from the leopard's own, his eyes gleaming with the dominant lust that he had for Yuki and as he was pushed away, those azure eyes opened wide and a gasp parted his dark lips. The pointed wolf ears perked eagerly. She was going to be something that he had never had before, but she was indeed his quarry, and one that this feral wolf was not going to give up.

He straightened his form, that familiar sound of leather creaking as it gripped taughtly against his tense muscles.

"Hmmm, yes we should..." he paused to look down to her a moment, her body tense, eager for more and so too could be said about his own, especially that cylinder shape held between his thighs, hidden by tight leather. "You should follow me dear, Yuki...we have much to see....and the night is young" he leaned in, continuing his craving tone in a soft whisper as his paws slid from around her pert rear around her thighs to slide so teasingly close to her groin before dancing down her inner thighs with a deliberate slow, teasing speed, "Come..." he whispered again as he pushed himself from the counter as he began to make his way to a dimly lit hallway as he looked back to her, that wanting glimmer in those eyes, "Follow me..."

The final words spoken to her were not asking, nor were they generous, they were commanding in that lustful, charming tone that he had given her all night, but as Avrik's back was turned to her and his long tail circled behind him with appropriate thought, it was obvious that this wolf was more than just charming tones and generous compliments, he had something more hidden, perplexing, huskily feral about him; but still that playful gleam of desire was alive in his eyes.

The gray wolf led them both down this small hallway, lit sparsely by candles lining the wall until he stopped at a hard-oak door. He glanced to her once taking in the sight of her appetizing figure. It was quick, just a glance, appreciating the night before it had even began. With his paw gripping the cold iron handle he twisted the knob and pushed it open, revealing a dark room illuminated only by the dull orange bloom of hot coals in the fireplace. Other than that, moonlight pierced into the room from a single window, outlining a modest dresser, a large bed with hard oak head and foot board with a large but crude table between the bed and the door. It was warmer inside too, a rush of warmth blowing against the wolf's fur, clearly warmer than the hallway, "Please...go inside." he spoke to her, stepping out of the way.

The shadowy figure led her down the darkened hallway until they reached their destination. She felt intrigued and curious - though she knew Avrik's intense desire for her, she wondered what exactly he hoped or planned to do. The wolf was so polite for being such an authoritative character; he opened the door for her and gestured her inside with an especially lewd glance at the rounded back of her figure as she entered, which she acknowledged with a smirk.

Upon entering the dim room she immediately noticed the rough table in front of her. Vulgar thoughts danced through her mind as she peered back at the large wolf behind her, admiring his muscular build and what she perceived to be great strength. The excitement in her grew until she felt her lungs aching for more air. The things she wanted to do to him, the things she wanted him to do to her - the anticipation ruined any sense of composure that she may have hoped to maintain.

After she was sure the door was closed, she crossed back over to him, and let her fingers flit across the tight leather on his chest, placing her left paw on his side. She leaned into him, forcing her lips against his own and tasting his mouth on her tongue as she slid it into his mouth. Just as quickly as the kiss began, however, she ended it - teasing him with what he could have and wanted desperately. Stepping back, she sat on the very edge of the bed with her hands on her knees. She eyed him longingly with a glaring hint of impatience and desire. Letting the words slowly roll off her tongue, she questioned him,

"What now, wolf?"

That teasing, mocking kiss that was left upon Avrik's lips and the feeling of that gliding tongue inside his maw made that wolf's body shiver and tense. His paws wanted to raise up and grip her hips throw her back against that table and just take her with ferocious lust that could not be sated from just one time with this teasing feline. He observed as she stepped away from him, her hips moving from side to side with each step, her long tail flicking with that pent up curiosity and of course as she sat down and looked up to him with those desperate eyes, all that this wolf was composed of was stripped away.

The wolf stepped forward his paws moving to his leather vest as he began to slide the straps of his leather vest through the metal buckles, loosening it one at a time as he made his way to her. With all the straps across his chest undone he withdrew each side of the vest as it opened, revealing his strong chest, his toned muscle and the light gray fur that cascaded from his neck down to his groin, beneath his pants as if it were a trail against his most dark gray coat. He threw the leather vest away, the soft sound of it aside from the buckles hitting the floor as he stepped close to her. Standing before her as she sat, he looked down, his azure eyes judging her with an eager appetite as that bulge hidden behind his pants pulsed against the leather that confined it.

"You are something intriguing and different, Yuki...." he paused, letting a paw caress around her sharp jawline, along her maw, his fingers cupping the end of it with a certain tenderness, "I wonder what secrets you hide beneath your leather....I desire to know what secrets you hide behind those eyes..." he whispered as his tail flicked behind him, his chest pushing out as he took in a deep breath and then slowly let it out, obviously, something warm, something wanting, something uncontrolled was welling up inside of this wolf and Avrik had no idea just how long he could hold it back.

Yuki watched with intense curiosity as the wolf in front of her teased off the first half of his leather garments. Once removed, her eyes trailed down the light fur on his midsection until they reached his pants, and she was left craving more. Seeing his hardened muscles exposed and flexing with every movement ignited a drive in her to taste every inch of this wolf's amazing body. As he stepped forward to torment her with his seductive voice, she seized the opportunity.

Sitting up taller, she stretched her neck to reach that delicious chest - just waiting to be touched, while those deft fingers of hers attended to his bulge - just aching to be set free. Nimbly, she untied the wolf's tight leather pants and began to pull them down whilst attending to his torso with her kisses and licks and playful bites.

It was clear by his movements that the wolf was vastly relieved to have his massive length free of its constraints. Eager to feel it, Yuki gripped it in one paw and began to stroke it with no apparent rush. She merely wanted to experience every inch and give it the attention it so richly deserved. Her patience could only last so long though, and she greedily let out her tongue to lick up its entire length. Taking it in her mouth and gripping it in one paw she began to lick and suck with slow, deliberate movements. With every bob of her head she took more length into her mouth until it reached far into the back of her throat. Though she couldn't take the full thing, she wouldn't leave any without attention; with her mouth bobbing and sucking deliberately as far as she could take, her hand attended to the rest with rhythmic strokes, matching the pace of her mouth so that they met in the middle.

The wolf reached out and gripped at her light-colored mane, seemingly wanting to thrust into her. She looked up at him, a devious glint in her eyes, and used her free paw to steady his hips and keep him from bucking into her mouth. Seamlessly, she returned to her tireless conquest - taking his whole dick and making him writhe before her. She quickened her pace, but stayed always rhythmic and deliberate. Every lift of her head was a hard suck up the length before her, and every drop of her head pushed her tongue to massage down it - all the while rubbing and stroking attentively with her paw.

Sensing his imminent climax, she pulled back with a resounding pop of her lips. She grinned up at him, that devious glint still very apparent in her eyes, and bit down on her bottom lip. Her tail flicked once, almost as if she were proud of herself.

From the softness of her touch to the way she teased with her delicate finger tips, she was getting the reaction that she so ultimately desired. The way she gripped the rim of his leather pants and delicately untied the lace of them and as they dropped down his thighs he let out a long, drawn-out sigh of deliberate aspiration for more. His long, chubby length fell free, kissed by the cool air of the room as the thick length of flesh pulsed and throbbed to life before the lascivious feline. Its veins were seen, its ribbed form hardening and asking for the slightest of her contact, whether it be the warm breath that tickled over that growing length or the softness of her paws; it needed pleasure.

When he felt that paw grip at its broad base and not moments later her maw enveloping that throbbing tip, he very nearly lost it. Gripping her mane tightly, a long breath broke and fleeting passing through his lips which quickly transformed into gritting teeth, hissing and growling with pleasure as each inch of that heavy cock teased into her maw until her lips met the side of her gripping digits. It was, amazing to say the least, he knew that this feline was something new, something different, but to see her react in such a manner and take control in such an obedient position left the wolf reeling with what was to come.

He gazed down at her, eyes glazed with lust as he watched the leopard bob her head up and down, the audible sound of slick saliva and pre-cum over that fleshy length was heard easily aside from her tender murrs of appreciation at his 'accommodating' cock. He wanted more, bucking his hips forward with a certain tender strength, hard, but careful. His thighs and tight-muscled rear tensed as he did so, pushing several inches into her maw, wanting more, wanting to take her maw hard, wanting to release inside the warm confines of her delicious maw. He wanted to let her feel as that length throbbed inside her maw while he released inside of her and the very thought of it made him drunk with lust, yes he would do just that.

But he did not expect what was to come next, she stopped him, her free paw halting the advances of his strong hips. A murr pressing from her maw against his hot cock and her gaze looking up to meet his own, yes she was in control of this very submissive position and strangely, Avrik was okay with it. Despite how hard that length throbbed and dripped with pre-cum and how very badly he wanted to release that full pent up load, well, he wouldn't, not now, not yet. As she rolled her head back and that 'smack' of her lips, the wolf groaned, growling, his paw gripping tightly at her mane, not wanting her to leave, missing the feeling of her moist lips and soft tongue against the ribs of that pulsing cock.

"Nnngggh," he groaned before looking down to her, his eyes gleaming with desire, "Why stop when I'm so close, kitty?" he asked with that dark, wanting tone as his paw loosened its grip on her mane and began to pet down her mane, along her soft ears to show his subtle appreciation of such a talented leopard,"Then again the night is young...I'd hate to be spent just by your maw..." he answered the question himself as his paw slid from her head to his own cock, gripping at it's base, tightly, with a growl and a tensing of his entire form. He looked to her, letting his hips move from side to side as his leather pants began to pile at his feet, before stepping out of them, his entire form now exposed to her.

"This isn't fair however...I'm generous for a thief and I plan to return to you in kind..." his tone was more dark now, that wolfish grin on his lips before that paw that gripped his length slipped to her chest and with a hard push he knocked her back onto the cushions and blankets of the bed. In moments the wolf found himself sliding his chest between her thighs, his warm breath teasing at her inner thighs as both his paws were touching up the softness of her thighs and not moments later he gripped tightly at her leather pants and began to roughly tug them down, tug bg tug, while he left delicate, teasing kisses right on her groin, "Be a doll and help me with these pants...." he asked her as he looked up to her, the gleam of his azure eyes clearly seen as the moonlight shone through the window brightened them. He could smell her scent, her delicious feline musk and it drove him wild, he added in a dark, commanding tone, "Now..."

Yuki leaned back with a smug grin; she was proud of the reactions she had elicited from that strong, cool-headed, confident wolf. She had nearly brought him over the edge to the point of losing his composure. She couldn't help but smirk at how much she loved that feeling. She was not a particularly commanding leopard, and in fact, she was often quite passive - letting the guilt and troubles of the common folk pass her by. But in this one way, she adored taking control. The idea of manipulating someone so deliciously excited her to no end.

The wolf undressed, allowing her to finally admire his entire being. He teased her with the idea of reciprocating the favor she had just given, and her tail flicked instinctively with interest. She raised an eyebrow with that smug grin still plastered across her face; she was still high on that control and feeling rather rebellious, but that feeling was quickly abandoned when Avrik took control.

His strong hands pushed her down, forcefully - but not without care, and the impact nearly knocked the wind out of her. The shock and excitement that followed made the fur on the back of her neck stick on end. She was given no time to recover, as the next moment she felt his breath and paws gripping and teasing at her toned thighs. However, all control was lost when Avrik gave her an order. Telling her to take off her pants "now," sent shivers down her spine - her back arching in response, all the way through her tail, making it twitch slightly.

The only thing more appealing to her than taking control in those carnal instances, was being controlled - especially by a wolf so strong and intense as the one between her legs. By submitting she could completely lose herself in the moment, feeling only the pleasure as someone dominated her. She leaned up to look at him with glossy, dilated eyes and nodded to signify her willingness to play his game - to be his toy. To further prove that, she began to remove her armor and become vulnerable and complying to his advances.

The wolf admired her as she slowly began to fit into the niche of being his 'pet' for the night. He watched her, the leather straps being slid away and with eager paws he continued his part, tugging and pulling down her leggings as his fingertips slid teasingly down her furred thighs before that tight leather was pulled off from her feet. Once her pants were pulled away from her and her thighs and gorgeous long legs were exposed to him, he took a moment to take in the sight of her. Her legs were so silken soft, long, formed, tight lean muscle and the way that her eyes spoke to him now as he looked up to her was more than what he needed, making his thick erection pulse in response.

He slid forward, his muscular body moving in a very slow, thoughtful manner as his paws gripped her knees and slowly began to spread her thighs apart with a delightful lick of his lips. As he spread her legs apart a low, growling murr of appreciation emanated from his lips as her moist slit was exposed to him. Oh, how hungry he was for her already, the way she teased him before had his blood boiling with desire and the sight of her body naturally reacting to his advances was nothing short of what he needed. Oh yes, he was going to have his fun with his pet and nothing short of complete satisfaction is what he craved.

"Yuki, my, look how you look...already so wet..." he whispered the words playfully dark as he slid his form closer to her groin, ears perking with keen, appetizing desire as his maw was so close to her moist pussy that the softest of breaths from his maw teased at those quivering lips. He knew that the softest of touches could drive Yuki absolutely wild, as she needed him, wanting to crave for his body. "I'm going to have fun with you..." he paused as he looked up, "I'm going to taste you Yuki...and I will have my fill of you..." he continued with that commanding tone before his lips parted, that maw opening to let out a sultry breath against her lips before he pressed forward, the rough feeling of his snout and lips smashing against her lips, hard, suddenly, with great feral desire.

His eyes shut as he began this captivating process, his soft tongue rolling against her folds as he played with her, tasting her, eliciting a moan from his lips as that long pink muscle made deliberate work as it pressed hard against the entrance to her wet pussy and slowly dragged it upwards, roughly, pressing his snout against her groin as teasing bit by bit it journeyed up those bitter-sweet lips to find it's home upon her budding clit. A growl pushed against her as he found it, letting the tip of that dexterous tongue tease and roll against it, pressing hard and being oh so careful to make sure his tongue was sliding back and forth. His eyes opened slowly, half-lidded with lust to watch his pet's reaction to all this, watching her quivering form the way she gasped and her body shook with each rough lick of his canine tongue, yes she was his and that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

"Tell me...." he whispered up to her as his tongue slid back into his maw and he let his lips move away from her dripping sex, "How are you feeling, Yuki?" he asked with that playful tone, "Is this what you expected from a wolf?" he asked, his own tone dripping with the hunger he has had for her this entire night. A paw slid up her legs, two of his fingers extending out from a fist as he pressed them against her entrance, "Do you desire more from him? Do you need release that a wolf can only bring?" he teased her with questions, questions he knew the answers to, but to hear her pleading moans and words was what he sought and as he waited for a response he pressed his fingers forward, allowing those digits to push inside of her, groaning with appreciation at just how tight they were gripped.

"Do you want more?" he paused his words to kiss her clit affectionately, his fingers slowly making their way inside of her, curling and feeling the silken walls inside.