Sen Part 1

Story by Frieza on SoFurry

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this is the first few paragraphs and my attempt to write something

?if this story sounds familiar that's because it kinda is >.> , its my first try at writing anything, and i was inspired by a few sources, of which the credit for goes to the original creator(s) of those things, also ignore the names, i clearly took them from various things, i suck at naming stuff. ill give cookies to anyone who can name every reference without Google

enjoy :)

Chapter 1 , part 1

After many months it was over. The harsh winter finally over giving way to a ever warming spring atmosphere. Ice and snow melted into streams, which grew into rivers, flowers thawed and frozen bugs scurried and buzzed once more. The growing spring creeped into the still chilly and partially frozen lowland ,encircling a tall and still iced over platu. Upon this platu was a fortified town.The piked timber walls had been encircled by a frozen moat that had been dug all the way deep into the high platu's foundation. Behind theses fortifications, the the hamlet still yawned as it woke from its months long hibernation. This was the local ferret town of Ammy. The town, named after its founder, was the largest in the south.

It was morning, and as the bright sun rose over the edge of the stepped platu, a young ferret, no older then fourteen years of age lay back against a enormous oak which was itself, was centered in the middle of a bustling market . legs crossed, he had dozed off watching the beautiful spring sun rising, Given that the ground was still half-frozen, it was still a sight to behold. The black weasels birth name was Sen and as he lay snoozing, the curve of his long body matching the tree. He ofcorse did not noticed that another of his kind had made her way through the hustle and bustle of the morning , coming towards him. towards him. This was a female, his twin sister in fact. Her name was Seras and she came on all fours, carrying a bundle of dried logs and twigs bundled and tired up on her back. Coming to a stop next to her brother, she poke him with a paw, waking Sen out of his doze. "Hey Sen, there you are; wake up" she said with a innocent inflection in her voice, poking him is a paw. "hey hey" the black weasel replied, shewing he paw away. Slowly Sen stood got to his feet, stretched up his body, and stood to his full high, his body trunk easy a foot taller then his sister. "whats up?" Sen said with a big yawn. Very quick to reply, Seras said quickly, all excited like; " Papa said to find you and let you know he said for us to collect up firewood and kindle, but when were done he said we can go and watch the Blazers come in". Somehow Sen had almost forgotten about it in his snooze, the Blazers were like heroes to him. Quite motivated now, Sen Followed off with his sister, containing his excitement, unlike his young minded sister.

The Great Blazers, they were the heroes and saviors of ferret civilization. They were the armored expeditionary force. The pathfinders and explores. Always putting themselves on the line to expand the ferret territory, Find new sources of food, escorting travelers and caravans, and protecting the greater good. The twisting roads between the settlements were extremely dangerous. Hundreds of miles through dense wood, through fox territory, barbarians, and pockets of rebellion, and though it all, the Blazers went in head first, braving it all for the good of ferret-kind. To the younger generations, they were renowned as heroes, and looked up upon as the best of role models. Every young ferret wanted to join the blazers and every young ferretess wanted to mate one.