The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 1: Shadow

Story by Shade Shadowmane on SoFurry

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Part of a short novel I've been working on (It's still being edited & Written)

Shadow was born one thousand, seven hundred years ago. As he is one of the first Shadow Khan, he is one of the realms true Immortals. When he was created, Shadow had instant knowledge of the darkness itself, a gift from the Fallen, his father. Along with this knowledge, he has the ability to manipulate shadows around him and draw strength from them. As a side effect, however, he is pained by UV light, and in extreme cases he can be poisoned by it.

At the age of one thousand, Shadow became a man, when he was given his father's Izmere dagger - the sign of manhood amongst the Shadow Khan. Shadow's wife, Ilanna, is a Celestial Sapien, beings made by the Knight of Galaxies before his disappearance. Shadow's daughter, Luna, is the daughter and a child of moonlight, who can wield the power of Light, and Shade, Shadow's son, can wield Darkness and shape shift. The Black Citadel, a city of pure darkness. Located in the center of The Realm of Darkness, it is the ruling capital, home to the Knight of Darkness, whose name chosen by himself is Yuki Kage. Shadow, a close friend to the Knight of Darkness, is traveling to the Black Citadel, riding his Dark Horse 'Dark Storm'.

The reason that the Knight had invited him and his family to a banquet, in honor of Shadow and his newfound Kingship of the Dark Realm, was purely to celebrate.

The city is filled with both Angel (Dark and Light) and Shadow Khan, who live there in peace, they trade with the other races, who live there from each realm of the Knights, and treat every other citizen like another of their race. Even the Undead treat the living as friends and not as another meal.

As Shadow approached the gates, the guards impatiently opened it and let him, as if he was a Knight himself. He rode up to the top of the hill, where the castle stood for eternity. Around the castle were Obelisks, made of stone from each realm of the Knights with a portal at the top of each.

When he reached the throne room he saw the Knight sitting on his throne. "Shadow!" he shouted "Sorry, let me just..." He opened the palm of his hand, purple fire covering it, and then a portal opened next to Shadow and his family. They walked through, and then once they were clear of the portal, The Knight closed his hand and the fire dissipated. The Knight walked down from his throne. "Father, the banquet is ready", a deep male voice came echoing out of the end of the hallway from behind him. "Oh, that's my son Alixie, he and my daughter Kassandra are waiting with my wife Elania in the banqueting hall". The Knight led the family to the banqueting hall, whereupon the feast began. Later, as Shadow's family was preparing to spend the night, he walked to the throne room, where the Knight had retired to solve some political matters. "What is the date, Ishconor?" Shadow asked. "I believe it is the 67th of Dark Glade, 85,627,873 PT (Portal Travel) in the Dark Realm" replied The Knight. "I mean, on Earth", Shadow insisted. "I think it is the 23rd of March 1835 AD, why?" The Knight replied, curiously. "I am going there in a few days to hunt, I heard there is an animal there half the size of Pluto swimming in the sea" Shadow said, calmly. "It should be fine, I will check with my brothers about any mortal camps near there, to see if you can hunt it in peace." Ishconor replied. "That would be nice" Shadow replied, then suddenly Alixie shouted from the hallway; "Father are you done with your political affairs?" "Yes son, come on in." He replied. To Shadow, he explained; "My wife, you see, is an Angel from the Realm of Light, and my children are Dark Angels, so ignore the feathers, I mean I have wings too but they are black, and well, you know..."