Sorry By Ephy

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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This was a result of a "Weight loss" medication (*antrex-3) that apparently causes me to have suicidal thoughts and disallows me from slumber for 32 hours -_-

and woozel, i am a lot bette rhtan this, not taking that stupid ass drug no more. PT!


How can I tell my story, when all I can say is sorry?

Where can I curl my body, when all I can see is sorry?

Who can I spill my bones to, when all I can sow is sorry?

Struck by eternal spell of sorrow, reasons ever but shallow.

God, it knows no end, a startling trend.

I embark on a journey, towards an infintismal glory.

A purposeless life that I lead, nevertheless too scary.

The end is ever-tempting, but my cowardice never relenting.

For all that I am, sleep does not come easily.

Mysterious pain, thoughts of void that rain.

Droplets of joy, quickly absorbed by the grains.

I prithee, unholy hand around my mind,

Let my spirit free, even for a moment,

That I may perish eternally, with a smile finally.

By Epehmeral-Dreams