Chapter 5: The Report

Story by Lukai 9 on SoFurry

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Finally! I've done it! The fifth Chapter of my novel, titled the lengthy 'The 4 - Survivors of the Apocalypse'. this was going to be a part of Chapter six but I decided to keep it separate. Makes things look neater. So after 5 months, some things have changed in the plot. Once I get this one and Chapter 6 up, there's going to be some heavy editing to do.

anyway, the story so far... Lucan, Ali and Nolan, enter a forest to evade capture and hear a chilling scream. Not far away, the highly trained officers of the Socialist Republic are brutally ripped to shreds. Finding a battery, a coat, and a gun as the only remains, the three friends head through the snow into a farmhouse. Here they learn the truth of their small coastal town.That it is build on the ruins of the capital city.

In this chapter their suspicions are confirmed. They knew something felt wrong when they entered the forest. Now it has a name... Not only that, but its been around since the last moments of the city.

Hope you enjoy it and have a nice day/night!

Then Nolan stopped, following Ali's gaze down at the final file from the brown folder on the floor mid-sentence. Lucan looked down as well and they all read it without another word being spoken. Ironically, it was the evidence Nolan had beseeched.

Report No. # 018540 potentially dangerous wildlife encounter.

NOTE: this report is the property of the representative metropolitan police service of LOCATION CLASSIFIED, DESIGNATED AS 'CAPITAL'. This report is one of a collection of reports containing statements retrieved and recorded by the police service. The exchanges within this report concerns one of many vicious wildlife encounters witnesses or experienced within the edges of the local woodland area. This report has been labelled important based upon the reliability and accuracy associated with the witness. The witness in this circumstance is Detective Lev Ivanovich DESIGNATED AS D.L.I. The interviewer for this session is CLASSIFIED, DESIGNATED AS N.S in the below transcript. Information that is deemed confidential will be stricken from this report using ' '. For censor's benefit, examples of information needed to be classified is included below. This includes: nmaes, sdjhsojkj, asjkzzoxs and qehsj.

NOTE: confidential information in the sentence above must also be stricken from the record.

ALSO: this list is not exhaustive and requires the good judgement of the censor.

The following interrogation took place in CAPITAL metropolitan police station precinct 27, interrogation room No.8

N.S: Welcome Detective Ivanovich, please sit down. I know that it may seem like we're trying to interrogate you. But I assure you that is not the case.

D.L.I: Oh sure, that why I'm in this blasted interrogation room, in my own damn precinct! Just give it to me straight Nikita, what do you want from me?

N.S: I don't want anything from you Lev. you're in here because of the report you issued last night about these 'wolves of the shadows'. We just need to clear some things up.

D.L.I: Who's we?

N.S: I'm not at liberty to divulge the names of my superiors.

D.L.I: They're my superiors too.

N.S: Not any longer.

N.S pauses for reply, none comes.

N.S: All, you need to worry about is the truth. All you need to tell me is what you saw in the forest.

D.L.I: I've been on the force for fifteen years. Eight in this precinct... Who's in charge here? What's Kirril doing?

N.S: Calm down, we're not firing you. The force is finished. Once we're done here, we're getting the hell out.

D.L.I: You're telling me, officer to officer, that you are, abandoning your jurisdiction?

N.S exhales, and leans in closer to D.L.I

N.S: Don't kid yourself over some kind of superior ignorance. There's nothing the law can do now. Everything's gone to hell and we ain't getting any help. Everyone's forgotten about CAPITAL. Too damn worried about their own troubles.

D.L.I: There are still good people in this city!

N.S: Who? The gangs, the weapons dealers, the drug lords. There's even rumours of underground terrorist groups still in the city... Here to finish what the air strikes started. Everyone else is dead or a criminal. We have no allies, no one to protect. It's useless to stay.

D.L.I pauses for a few seconds, then responds.

D.L.I: What do you want to hear about again, and what's it for me?

N.S: What's in it for you? You get to stay alive! Surely you've heard of the executions on the south side, around the train station? Anyone with a scrap of money on them is being hunted down in the streets. Old scores are being settled...

D.L.I: Are you threatening me?

N.S ignores the interruption and continues.

N.S: You can start by telling me about the wolves in the shadows, again. We need to be clear on all the facts.

D.L.I: I've recorded what I saw already!

N.S: Guess you'll have to repeat yourself then!

D.L.I: Fine! It was the night before yesterday; I was out patrolling the fence as usual, except I was alone. Sargent Linley's been MIA since Monday ...

N.S: So there is no one to corroborate your story then?

D.L.I: No. Nobody else was insight. I was about to take the squad car back ... Then from behind the trees, something let out a howl.

N.S: A howl?

D.L.I: Yes.But I've never heard a howl like that one before. That was what caught my attention initially. So I went in close, right up to the fence to get a better look through the mesh. I saw something move around, I thought maybe it was some drunken bastard who'd wandered in...

N.S: Get to the action Ivanovich, we got all this in your report.

D.L.I: It's all in my report damn it! What purpose could it serve you to hear me repeat myself?

N.S: I am asking the questions here. You have one purpose in this room, and that's to answer me. Do you understand me or do I have to raise MY VOICE!

D.L.I: Okay I get it! Jesus Christ. Anyway I couldn't see it anymore. So I called out. I glanced away then when I turned back around... well ...Ughh I don't know. I thought I saw someone, but I couldn't make them out. It was too dark ...

N.S: Well what stood out at the time?

D.L.I: You won't believe me.

N.S: I'll decide that for myself.

D.L.I: Red eyes, it had blood red eyes...

D.L.I pauses. He is interrupted before he can continue.

N.S: What does that mean!

D.L.I: I'll tell you if you shut up for one bleeding second Nikita. At least give me that curtsy!

One moment it was standing some distance away, and then I thought it had gone farther into the forest because I lost sight of it. It melted into the darkness of the tree line. Wait, now I remember. It re-emerged from the shadows. Right up against the fence. Its breathing was heavy and dry. And cold, so cold I felt it.

N.S: You've got some imagination Detective, if it wasn't for the experienced position you held I'd be inclined to throw you in a cell to soften up.

D.L.I: Soften up!? How dare yo...

N.S: Then again...What do I know? You didn't seem too sane to begin with....

D.L.I: Trust me. It couldn't have been a hallucination, I wouldn't have dared mention it if I wasn't absolutely sure of what I'd seen.

N.S: Maybe this was a waste of time; you're obviously of no use to us anymore.

N.S pulls out his revolver, at this time his actions are not dictated by his superior. N.S is ordered to stop at once, but he ignores his commandeering officer NAME CLASSIFIED, DESIGNATED AS LT.K.E.

N.S: Give me once reason to keep you alive.

N.S points his weapon at D.L.I

D.L.I goes mad with terror, frantically babbling at first to N.S and then at the 2 way mirror in the interrogation room which LT.K.E is standing behind.

D.L.I: It talked to me, I'm not sure how but it knew our words, this feral, lurking monstrosity of the shadows could talk, and it told me that I would die. And that then I would belong to them! We would all belong to them - to the Decadent!

N.S: I've heard enough Ivanovich, you need to take a time out.

N.S does not lower his sidearm as instructed. LT.K.E raps on the glass and attempt to enter interrogation room No.8.

N.S has locked the door from the inside.

D.L.I continues: that was its name, the Decadent!

N.S stops abruptly, he drops his weapon on the table.

N.S: Are you sure?

D.L.I: Yes, yes yes yes!

N.S sighes.

N.S: Sorry for that, I had to be certain you were telling the truth. That name's come up before. Other people have seen these things, but we could never be sure that they weren't trying to lure the last of the us into the forest. Shit... (N.S turns to face the two way mirror) So this thing is for real then? Fuck...

N.S turns back to face D.L.I.

N.S: Grab your things, we need to ...

D.L.I is holding the revolver.

D.L.I: Turn that camera off.

N.S: Sure, yeah, please, don't shoo....

D.L.I: turn it off!

Camera 01 deactivated.

D.L.I: And the microphone!

Microphone 03 deactivated.

Transcript ends.