Coyote and the Wolf, part 2

Story by Eloe Elwe on SoFurry

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The continuing adventure of the coyote Ku'o, and the wolf Lupo

"Coyote and the Wolf" part 2

An intense light was disturbing Ku'o's rest, and a massive weight was pressing on his chest. "What the.....?"he tried to open one eye to see, but that blasted light shot lances of pain into his head. He raised his arm weakly to shelter his face from the sun and tried to open his eyes again. It still hurt, but he blinked rapidly to clear his vision. When he could finally see, he shut them again, remembering what he had done the night before. "First desertion, now fraternizing with the enemy? Shit! I'll be lucky to be drawn and quartered!" he thought. "All I had to do, was take him prisoner, and my problems would be solved. But NO! I had to go and Fuck him!"

A heavy swirling wind interrupts his thoughts, then an enormous crashing sound. Ku'o desperately pounded on the wolf's shoulder, when Lupo finally came to, he clamped his hand on the wolf's muzzle holding a finger to his lips. There was another crunch, knocking small stones from the rock above them. Lupo climbed quickly off of Ku'o and helped him to his feet. Both were preparing to fight or flee.

A voice from the air above them, smelling of mint and pine, said "My, you two have certainly made a mess of yourselves! I assume you are the ones that pack of wolves is after. Oh don't worry, they are still a good half a day behind you. However, I suggest you get cleaned up and prepare to travel, while I take care of the evidence here" With that, the boulder they had been sleeping on, rose into the air. "Go on, down to the lake and wash up, then gather your food and gear." The boulder seemed to throw it's self into the deepest part of the lake. Ku'o and Lupo looked at each other in question, obviously nether knew what the hell was up. "Go, NOW, I have work here to do!" the Voice said more forcefully. The canines quickly did as bidden, wading in the water to scrub the dried semen off their coats. "Have you ever.." Ku'o started "No, never!" Lupo finished. He continued with "I..ah..would like to thank you for last night. I...don't tend to be...that forward with...strangers, and I was a little out of my mind."

"I think we were both out of our minds" Ku'o said putting his hand out "Name's Ku'o"

"Lupo, pleased to know you" Lupo says, taking Ku'o's offered hand. "So..ah..what about this voice we heard, and that boulder!"

Looking back where the boulder once sat, Ku'o watched as a small tornado formed "I'm afraid that's not all, Look!"

Lupo followed Ku'o's gaze. Leaves, grass, sand, and small stones were spinning in a vortex. The tornado moved with frightening speed to the east, then to the north, crashing through the forest out of sight. "What the.....That smell! What kind of creature smells of mint and pine?

"What ever this voice is, I think we should do as it says" stated Ku'o "I'll gather my gear and supplies and you should do the same."

"I have no gear, what you see is all I have." Lupo replied " when a wolf is exiled from the Federation, we are striped of all property, and given one day to leave the territory or die. I am guessing' since I am no longer in official territory, that I have been sanctioned for a blood hunt. Meaning someone powerful wants me dead. Or they are after you!"

"Well, I dropped most of my clothing to save weight. Here! See if you can do something with this" Ku'o tosses his bed roll at Lupo "I can't have you running through the forest bare buck naked."

"What, do I embarrass you now? Lupo said, hands on his hips, in a promiscuous display.

"No!....Well yes, you do" Ku'o replied, looking away.

With a chuckle Lupo replied "Oh, very well, I'll try not to get you all hot and bothered"

"All right you two! I can smell you all the way over here! You should get moving!" said the Voice

"Excuse me," asked Ku'o "but just who or what are you, and why are you helping us."

"Well that's a bit impertinent!" Huffed the Voice "For now, you can call me Argent. As for what I am, and why I am helping you, That can wait till later. Now, you should stay in the water and move along the southern shore until you can head directly west. Continue going west, till you come to a small stream. There you should find another clearing with a small cabin. You will find food and rest there, and I shall meet you there before morning. Now Go! And Make Haste!"

The two canines began churning through the water toward their goal. After about one hundred feet, they felt a short but violent wind, then silence. Continuing their journey, they eventually reached the southern most edge of the lake. Climbing up on the shore, they headed west into the thick forest.

After eight hours of pushing through the heavy undergrowth, the two canines finally found the stream and clearing described by Argent. It was no small cabin they found, but a rather large cottage or inn. The pair closed on the building with caution, silently moving to within a hundred feet. "Apart from a few herbs and food stuffs, all I can smell is mint and pine" Lupo said under his breath.

"Yeah, I think this must be where this Argent lives." Ku'o said standing slowly, "Wait here, I'll check inside." Ku'o, with a hand on his blade, approached the door-less entry. The interior was well appointed, With a large kitchen and dinning area stacked with kegs and barrels. On the opposite side, a large sitting area, lined with book shelves. A large fire pit dominated the center with a bright cheerful fire. Waving Lupo over, he said aloud " It appears that no one is home, but it seems more like an inn than a cabin."

Lupo walked passed Ku'o into the main room, "I for one am starving.....and is that ale I smell? Yes! I must have some of that, how about you Ku'o?" Lupo asked, walking straight for the barrels of ale and mead. "There is wine here as well, if you would prefer."

"Sure, I'll try a mug of ale please." responded Ku'o " Let me see what I can do with these fish for dinner."

In short order, the two of them were fed and sampling the contents of one of the wine barrels, in the lounge area. "You are quite the cook Ku'o, do all in the Peoples Army eat like this" Lupo said, intently watching Ku'o tend the fire.

"We eat fairly well, depending on supplies of course. I however, owe my cooking skill to my families restaurant. I worked there before leaving for the army.

Lupo grabbed Ku'o from behind in an arm lock, and stood him up. "So why is it, that your army would send a talented cook like you, to the front lines?" asked Lupo.

"It's quite simple really," explained Ku'o as he quickly bent down, and stepped back between the wolf's legs, flipping Lupo on his back in the process. Lupo saw a flash of steel at both his neck and crotch. "I have talents other than cooking, that make me quite useful on the battle field." Grinning, Ku'o pressed the knife at Lupo's throat a little tighter "Now don't you move, I would hate to slip! Ku'o turned his attention to his other target, throwing the knife away. Kneading Lupo's organ with practiced ease, it quickly stood erect. Ku'o throws the other knife away, and gets a two handed grip on Lupo while he devours the wolf cock greedily. Lupo arches his back in shock by his quickly approaching climax. Before he can utter a word of protest, his body fires it's load, sending him nearly to the brink of unconsciousness. Clinging tightly to the bucking organ, Ku'o claims the last of the cum from his prize. The two opponents fail to notice the increasing scent of mint and pine.

"By all the stars! You two are incorrigible! I turn my head for a few minutes, and your at it again!"

Ku'o jumped to his feet searching for a weapon, realizing that he had thrown them both away, he gave a low growl. Lupo still dazed, climbed slowly to his knees, trying to stand. " What do you mean a few minutes, have you been here all this time? Show yourself!" Challenged Ku'o.

" Now just take it easy, if I wanted you harm, I would have left you to the wolves" Argent answered "I arrived about four hours before you crossed the stream. I watched you sneak up to the house, and watched as the coyote prepared a very nice fish dinner, while the wolf sampled many of the fine ales and mead behind the bar. Do forgive me my manners, but I find it easier to judge candidates while I am unseen."

Finally on his feet, Lupo looked toward the sound of Argent's voice. "Well perhaps you should make yourself seen and explain what you mean about candidates, candidates for what exactly."

"That will be explained in time, should you pass inspection that is. I shall reveal myself, if only to prove the folly of your pitiful blades. Be warned though, I am much larger than you think, and please don't go running off in fear. I am quite nice once you get to know me." An oval of sparkling color begins to appear in the open doorway, solidifying into a gigantic reptilian eye, surrounded by silver chain mail like scales. The windows around the inn become blocked by silver scaled walls. Ku'o and Lupo stand there dumbfounded in disbelief. "Come little ones, come out side and meet your guardian." Argent moved his gigantic head away from the door, looking down at the two canines as they slowly crept out the doorway to behold the beast before them. His body wrapped around the inn as if it were a small treasure chest.

"What sort of creature are you? Stammered Ku'o.

"I am no creature, I... am a Dragon, a supreme being of many worlds."

"OK, so I'm impressed! You are truly the largest beast...err...dragon did you say? Biggest dragon I have ever seen!" Lupo exclaimed "So what now, what kind of inspection must we pass to satisfy our questions about you and and your helping us?"

" You will be told when the time is right. Now here are my instructions for the week you are here. First you must harvest enough food and provisions for a two week journey to the mountains in the west. There is ample game and other materials you will need in the surrounding forest and in the cabin stores. You should make weapons and clothing suitable for cold weather. When the week is nearly up, I shall return with a cart and oxen for your journey, and your next set of instructions. I suggest that you get an early start, for there is much to be done. I will see you in five days, good luck, and don't die." Argent leaped into the air as if he were made of bits of cloud, and soared to the north. Leaving the amazed canines, to ponder their fate.

Lupo, winning the toss for first hunt, set out early the next morning with a sturdy bow he found back at the inn. This was the third elk he had sighted, and was determined not to miss again. It was easily the largest elk he had seen in his life. He took careful aim and let the arrow fly, a perfect hit, the elk staggered then turned his massive head toward Lupo in rage. "Oh shit!" Lupo had no options, he had to run, dodging through the woods the elk slowly gained ground. Lupo dove under a fallen tree and continued to run toward the east, looking for something to hide behind. The enraged elk quickly caught up with Lupo, crashing through the bramble. Lupo ran headlong through the forest, not seeing the pit before him, and fell to the bottom knocking the air from his chest. The elk followed after, landing with a sickening thud. Just before he lost consciousness, he saw a familiar face, a wolf face.

End part 2