Story of My Life Ch 5 pt 1 & 2

Story by ZackSpencer on SoFurry

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This chapter is longer than the rest only because i split it into two parts. I split it up because the first part was too short by itself and it just seemed convenient to make it into parts. I hope you fuzzy-butts enjoy!

~Zack <3

Chapter Five: Part One

I walked through the door and into Marcus's apartment. It was a lot nicer than I thought it was going to be; the walls were painted deep red, the furniture and countertops were black with silver slivers scattered about under the surface randomly, it was nice and clean and surprising big. Tell you the truth, it looked more like a loft than your typical apartment room. Everything was all in one room, the living room, dining room and kitchen was all one big room, with only two doors on the opposite sides of each other. The first door to my right was next to the microwave in the kitchen, the second was on my left and next to the television in the living room. "Woooow," I sang as I stepped in a bit further, taking my shoes off and feeling the nice shaggy red carpet under my feet. "I thought you said you lived in an apartment building, not a penthouse!"

Marcus stepped in behind me and closed the door, laughing to himself at my comment. "Eh, it's not that nice." He said, coming up behind me and putting his hands on my hips.

"Bullshit!" I said, taking another look around. "This is the best freakin' "apartment" room I've ever been in. Hell of a lot better than that hotel I stayed in earlier this summer."

He chuckled and took his hands off me before he walked past me and towards his kitchen. "Can I get you anything? Soda? Water? Martini?"

I scoffed. "Listen, you might be old and can drink legally, but I'm still four years underage."

The wolf looked at me in false shock. "What do you mean old, eh whippersnapper?! Oh, it's the grey fur, isn't it?" He shrugged. "Can't help it, Imma grey wolf."

I shook my head and smiled; something that I did when I didn't feel like laughing but it was funny anyways. I didn't want to send off the wrong vibe, but I didn't want to risk forcing a laugh and him hearing that it was fake. "So where's your room?" I asked, attempting to change the subject. "Well, I mean," I went on. "It's either behind door number one," I pointed to the door in the kitchen. "Or door number two." I pointed to the door on the other side of the room.

He gestured to the second door. "That's the one, that's where the bathroom is too, if you need it." I nodded and watched as he opened the refrigerator and pulled out a soda can.

I watched him open and sip his from his can as an idea slowly hatched in him head. Well, it wasn't a big idea, but I think that he would like it. "I actually do have to use the bathroom." I announced, pointing to his bed room door.

He waved me off as he swallowed his drink. "Sure thing, take your time." He said before taking another swig. "You'll have to excuse the mess though." He said as I opened the door and walk into his room.

The windows were covered with black curtains, blocking off any sunlight that wanted to get in. His bed wasn't made; the comforter was thrown about, half on the bed, half on the floor along with a pair of jeans, boxers and a nice, long sleeve button up shirt. I smiled.

To my right and next to the door that leads to the rest of the loft (apartment). That must lead to the bathroom. Across the room from the (assumed) bathroom door was a closet with, instead of a door, a curtain half draped over his neatly hung shirts. Next to his bed (which must have been queen sized) was a black, wooden night table on both sides and both had lamps, but what surprised me a little was that the lamps were different. The lamp on the right side (from where I was standing) was black painted mettle, while the other on the left (my left) looked to be purely stainless steel. Interesting, I thought to myself.

I sighed. Alright, I told myself. If I'm going to do this, it has to be now. I nodded and took of my shirt, followed by my pants and underwear and glasses. I went over to the nice button up shirt that was lying on the floor near Marcus's bed and swung it onto my arms. It was big (really big) but it kinda turned me on. I don't know, but whenever I'm wearing someone else's clothes, it just gets me aroused. Is that weird? I guess I wouldn't know, would I?

I fixed the bed a little next, nothing super fancy, but just enough so that the comforter and sheets weren't on the floor. Then I sat at the foot of his bed and faced the door. Alright Boe, like you said; now or never. "H-hey Marcus!" I called, pushing through my nerves. Damn it, I was already shaking.

"Yeah?" his muffled voice said from the other side of the door.

"Can you c'mere for a sec?" I only had to wait for about three seconds before the door opened and Marcus walked in, stopping after a few feet and staring at me in surprise.

"Uhhh...Boe?" He said, folding his ears and he rubbed his neck. "W-what are you doing?"

I leaned back on my elbows and forced a small smile. God, I hope he can't see me shaking... "Inviting you 'in'..." I said, though I didn't know where the words came from.

I could see him start to get uncomfortable as something started to swell in his pants. He swallowed loudly and chuckled nervously. He took a few slow steps in my directed and stopped just at the end of the bed. "You don't have to do this, you know. I'm happy with just being with you."

I laughed. "I believe you, but it's been three weeks since we've first tried, and unless you've been going and seeing other people," (small hint in there was to see if I can get some kind of indication that he might be seeing other people... Oh my God, I'm already starting to be one of those over protective, overzealous girlfriend type boyfriend...) "You must be pretty pent up."

I sat back up so that my muzzle was a few inches from his growing bulge. I've never done this before... but last time we tried, I seemed to be doing just fine while acting on instinct, so please nature, don't fail me now.

I reached up and groped his groin, giving it a gentle squeeze before I started to work on getting his pants off. They fell to the floor, revealing a bulge in his boxers and the strong scent of wolf musk along with it. I looked up to his eyes, which were watching me carefully and approving my actions. I pulled down his boxers and saw his white furred sheath and sac. They were just as thick as I remembered, his sheath as big as a soda can and his balls as big as golf balls, maybe bigger.

I touched his thigh and slowly ran my finger's up through his fur until I reached where his legs met. No, I didn't learn that in porn, I actually read it a story once... which is kinda like porn... never mind. My touch made him shudder and his black cock tip was completely visible. With his sac in my palm, I stood up and our muzzles met in a kiss. While I have no experience with sex, Marcus had been teaching me how to kiss and I think that I've been getting pretty damn good.

The kiss didn't last long when I felt him pull away and throw his shirt off his body, mumbling; "Damn it, can't control myself any longer."

He tossed his pants and boxers into the corner of the room before he tore his own shirt off from me. He (rather roughly) pushed me back onto his bed and crawled on top, spreading my legs until I could feel his wet tip under my tail, making my heart and cock jump.

"Sure you're ready?" he asked as he panted and tried hard to hold his hips back.

I wasn't sure that I was, but at this point, I don't that that he's asking, rather giving me a warning. "Yeah," I moan, taking a good grip of the fur on his back and readying myself. I might not have done this for real yet, but I'm not an idiot, I knew that this would hurt.

"Good..." he growled and (even though he wasn't fully erect) thrust his hips into mine. I felt this growing shaft slip into me, and it felt great. He pulled out and pushed again, this time it felt bigger and longer. He did it a few more times only now it was starting to hurt. It didn't come out of me anymore, just swelled bigger and bigger and stretching me out on the inside. It felt like I was full, not the fullness you get after eating a big meal, I don't know how to explain it... just... full.

Eventually I could feel his knot pressing against my rear after every thrust, and though it felt like I was being split apart, his knot slapping against my butt gave me something to concentrate on feeling until the pain passed. A few more thrusts and the pain slowly started to dwindle down until I couldn't even feel my own ass throbbing. I moaned as he pumped into me and all I felt was pleasure. I've never moaned before, not even with pleasuring myself.

I hugged him close to me as I felt his powerful thrusts rock the bed and my body. I could feel his growls vibrate through his chest and into mine, making me whine and moan all the more. Never have I ever felt like this; completely helpless to him, he could do whatever he wanted to me and I wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it. Up to this point, I thought that I had the power over him, I thought that I could use his good natured personality to my advantage if need be (not that I would ever do such a thing. I'm a fox, escape routes, conning, outfoxing, and manipulation was a force of habit). But now I can clearly see that he was top dog, not me.

I whined again as he lowered his muzzle to my neck and licked me. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my tail curled up to tickle his sac and under his tail on its own accord. He growled louder before he stopped and pulled out. I was confused for a moment before he effortlessly lifted me off my back and turned me over so that I was on my hands and knees. Even though I've never had sex before now, I always favored the dog position over missionary...

I felt his large hand grab my small hip to keep me steady. I don't know if I was squirming or not, but he yanked my tail into the air before he pushed his entire length into me all the way down to his knot. I yipped and pushed my rear back as he humped me harder and faster. The bed groaned as I moaned and we both rocked back and forth. Damn it, I knew that if I so much as touch my own cock that I would cum, but fuck it was hard to keep myself from touching it.

I felt Marcus lower his body so that his form rested on my back and his arms were on either side of me, death gripping the sheets. His head curled around my shoulder as he lowered his head and I raised mine. "Getting' close!" he said quickly and I didn't have much time to reply before I felt myself being stretched further than I thought possible as he pushed his knot into me.

"Fuck!" I yelled in more pain than pleasure. His knot popped into me, though Marcus didn't stop thrusting as I felt warm liquid soaked my insides. His thrusts were even harder, nocking me of balance as my hands and knees gave out. I lay on his bed, him thrusting a few last times as he rested on top of me. He was heavier than I thought.

Eventually, Marcus calmed down and stopped pushing his hips and panted heavily. Without saying anything, he turned over so that I was on my back on him and he was on the bed. I looked down at myself and was surprised to see that my stomach was actually distended. He reached his large hand over my enlarged stomach and held me still as he used his other hand to grip my shaft. That was all it took. I moaned as I came all over myself and Marcus's arm.

When my body wasn't tense and we were finally relaxing, I shook my head and laughed. "I can't believe we just did that..." I puffed, still out of breath.

"I wasn't too rough on you, was I?" he asked, taking his hand away from my cock and rubbing my cheek with his finger.

"No, you were perfect." I lied, well, half lied. He was a bit rough, but to be honest, I kinda liked it.


"Anything in particular you want for dinner? I'm cooking." I said as I opened a cabinet and took out a pot and pan.

I heard Boe laugh from my living room couch over the television. "You can cook?"

I flicked my tail. "'Course I can cook! I live alone, what do you expect."

I picked up the soda can I had started drinking from when Boe had gotten... frisky... and took a sip of that while Boe made a humming sound. "Ooh, he's a good kisser, good fucker, good lookin' nice manners, AND he cooks." He tisked with his tongue as he shook his head. "What did I do to deserve you?"

I chuckled. Flattery was something that I didn't particularly like, but I knew that he was just messing with me. "Ha ha, funny-boy, now tell me what you want for dinner."

I looked over to him to see him kneeling on the couch with his elbows on the back as he braced himself to face me, his tail swishing from one side to the other. "Mmmmm, I'm not really hungry, honestly."

I looked his small form up and down. "Yeah, right. You're so skinny it looks like you're starving yourself." I've seen guys like him; anorexic and skinny, stomach was probably too small to handle a very big meal, but Boe didn't really strike me as the anorexic type really. He smiled and laughed, like most anorexic people do, but I can normally see through their masks, and if Boe was wearing a mask, he sure was damn good at it.

He giggled. "No, really. I'm not all that hungry, and I don't starve myself, I just have a really fast metabolism; I burn off whatever I eat just by sitting here." His tail thumped on the couch, probably just a reaction.

I folded my arms, almost like a parent scolding their child. "Alright, well then let me make you a salad or something."

His nose wrinkled up and his tongue popped out. "Yuck, no salad, please."

I sighed. Well, most people that try to lose weight like salads, so he must be telling the truth, though, I don't see why he wouldn't. I don't know, I could just be steryotyping foxes, but whenever I'm around him, I feel like I should be on my guard. No, no I can't do that, especially if I really want a relationship with him. I can't do this to another person.

"How about pork?" Boe said eventually, and I realized that I hadn't said anything for a few moments. His voice almost sounded regretful, like he thought I was offended. Damn it, I didn't want to send that vibe off. "Can you make something with pork?" he asked in a way that just made my insides melt. Wow, I didn't think that a grown man could feel something like that just by someone else asking a simple question.

"Y-yeah, of course." I said, taking my pan and setting it on the island that sat in between the dining room and the kitchen.

I heard Boe get off the couch and pad his way over. "Can I help?" he asked. "I work in a kitchen, so I'm pretty familiar. Just tell me what to do."

I nodded. "Sure babe-" oops. Fuck I didn't mean to say that! "Uh, sorry about that..." I said, my ears folding back.

I thought he would be even a little upset, but instead he just smiled and shrugged me off. "It's okay... babe."

Chapter Five: Part Two

I woke to the sound of my phone vibrating and singing on my night stand to my left. I popped up and turned it down so that it wouldn't wake Boe, who was sleeping on my arm next to me, thought, the kid was such a heavy sleeper I doubt that a room full of kindergarteners in music class could all but make him flinch while he slept.

When the fox gave no sign that he had been disturbed, I sighed and looked at my phone, wondering who would call me this late. Debbie... of course. Reluctantly, I answered the phone and whispered; "What?"

"Meet me outside." She simply said before the line was cut off.

I looked at my phone just to be sure, and sure enough, she had already hung up. I groaned, don't do it Marcus, don't do it Marcus, you've been just fine not talking to her for three solid weeks, don't do it.

Cursing at myself, I threw the covers off from me and gently slid my numb arm out from under the fox's sleeping head. I wasn't wearing anything, so I put on a pair of boxers and a plain black T-shirt before I yawned as I trudged out of my room and into the living room. I can't believe that I'm doing this, I should be sleeping with Boe in my arms, not going to talk to the last person I want to talk to.

I walked out of my apartment room and into the hall way, in and out of the elevator, through the loft and to the glass doors. Just go back upstairs Marcy, I told myself. You'll kick yourself in the ass if you don't!

I opened the door and walked out into the chilly night air, reflexively checking my phone to see the time; 3:19 am. Oh my God, she better have a damn good reason for dragging me out here this late.

"Marcus!" a familiar, unholy voice said from somewhere behind me.

I turned to see Debbie walking up to me. She was wearing a light jacket and jeans with her hands stuffed in her pockets. She looked me up and down and shook her head. "Couldn't even get dressed for me?"

"I did get dressed, now what the hell do you want?" I snapped. I may have been pretty short fused, but being woken up in the middle of the night by your ex-girlfriend isn't exactly something that tickles me pink.

"I want to talk about us, Marcus." She said, walking up closer to me.

I scoffed, why couldn't she just let go? "There is no us, Debbie, we're over." I turned to leave. As much as I hate talking to Deb now days, I wouldn't like it even more if Boe woke to an empty bed.

"Even after all I've done for you?" She said, but I just kept walking. "I won't be able to protect you if you walk away like this!" She called, making me stop just before I reached the door. I was silent, damn it, I hate being cornered like this. "Listen," she said, quieter as she came up behind me and warped her arms around me chest. "Just forget about that bitch that you're seeing and come back to me; we can forget this whole ordeal ever happened."

I didn't say anything or move for a long moment, thinking about her offer for half a second before I pried her arms off from me and opened the door. "The only bitch here is you," I said, looking back to her. "Now piss off." I snarled before I went back inside, hearing her yell my name a few times as I reached the elevator.

God! Why me? I thought after stepping out of the elevator and making my way down the hall until I came up to my door. I stopped before I could open the door... should I tell him? Should I tell Boe about Debbie? I mean, it's not like a whole lot happened, sure, Boe and I kissed before Deb and I had our big fight and broke it off, but in my defense, I've been looking for an excuse to break it off with her for a long while now.

I sighed as I opened the door. I should tell him, I would want him to be honest with me, so tomorrow morning, I'll tell him.

I was already taking off my shirt as I opened the door to my bedroom when Boe's shadowy form bolted upright and his emerald green eyes stared at me. He was breathing heavily, almost like he was hyperventilating. "Boe?" I said, but the fox didn't reply, instead he just stared at me like I was a stranger. "Boe, its me." I said, but still no reply and no movement. He just stared at me for a long moment before his eyes started to flutter close as he lay back down as if nothing had ever happened, leaving me in the doorway wondering what had just happened.

Oooookayyyy... What the hell was that?

I stood there, half wondering whether I should get back in bed with him or if I should just stand there as if frozen. I shook my head and took a step, then stopped, looking at Boe and seeing if he'll jerk awake again, but he didn't. I took a few more steps and the fox kept still. Huh, that was weird, I thought as I climbed into bed and contemplated whether I should put my arm around him or not... eh, what's the worst he could do? My mind flash reminded me of how he saved my mother and I pictured myself in my step fathers place... okay, maybe he could do more than I thought.

I shook my head, c'mon stupid! I mentally yelled at myself. Just put your damn arm around him and go to fucking sleep!

My brain was right; I was tired and frustrated, all I wanted to do now was sleep. I put my hand on Boe's hip and pulled myself into his warm body. I rested my chin on the fox's head in between his ears and closed my eyes, letting my mind wonder for a few moments before I fell asleep. The last thing I remember thinking about, was how I was going to get by without Debbie's 'protection'.


I woke up to my own mind singing a song that I hadn't heard in years; The Electric Slide (anyone else remember that song, or am I just older than what I really am?). I don't know why I'd be thinking about that song, or why my brain felt the need to wake me up at (I looked over to the digital clock that sat on the nightstand closest to me) 8:23 am, but I guess I was used to it; it happens every other day.

I yawned and reached towards my left, reflexively looking for Tyy (my dog). I felt stupid after I accidently slapped Marcus's muzzle with the back of my hand. "Ow," he said and chuckled.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" I said, turning over and hugging the wolf. "I don't normally sleep in other people's bed and I thought my dog was where you're sleeping... sorry."

He laughed, kissed my nose, ruffled my already messy hair and winked at me. "No big deal. How'd you sleep last night?"

"Like a rock. Didn't wake up at all." I said, smiling and returning his good morning kiss with my own on his chin.

He gave a somewhat nervous laugh. "You sure you didn't wake up at all?"

I looked at him with a puzzled look. "Yeeeaaah, why, what happened?"

He turned on his side and braced his head up with his elbow and used his other hand to run his claws through the fur on my lower back. "Well, it's just that, last night I got up and walked out of the room. When I came back, you jerked upright and stared at me while gasping. Kinda freaked me out for a sec."

Oh. My. God! I covered my face from the embarrassment. I can't believe I did that again! "I'm so sorry," I said through my hands. "I have no idea why, but whenever someone walks into the room while I'm sleeping, sometimes I do that, like last night. I used to do it to my mother all of the time when she would come into my room to check on me before she went to bed and it would freak her out too. She'd always yell at me about it the next morning, even though I don't ever remember doing it... sorry..."

I heard him (surprisingly) laughed, and gently took my hands away from my face so that he could look at me. "It's okay," I said, stroking my cheek with the back of his index finger. "It almost looks like you were having some kind of Sleep Terror, only without the screaming (thank god). Did you have a bad dream?" he asked, but I shook my head.

"No, at least not to my knowlage... I did wake up with the song Its Electric stuck in my head though... not that that has anything to do with... anything..." I said, and felt stupid for opening my mouth in the first place. Damn it, I'm off guard, I need to wake myself up so I can stop acting like a freaking fool!

He hummed and looked like he was giving it some thought. A part of me was worried that he was thinking less of me now, but something inside knew that he didn't really care, I mean, he can't really expect me to me absolutely perfect, can he (not that I'm anywhere near perfect)?

Eventually, Marcus just chuckled to himself and threw the cover's off from his body. He sat at the edge of the bed, showing me his bare, muscular back, rear and tail. Just by looking at him was enough to give me a boner, that and morning wood wasn't exactly helping either. "H-how was I last night?" I asked. I had been meaning to ask, but I was hoping that's he would have said something first.

He looked over his shoulder and looked as though he didn't know what I was talking about. "How were you with what? The sex?"

Sex, as soon as he said that, the reality of my actions became clearer to me. That's exactly what I did; I had sex, I had sex with a man four years older than I am even though I had promised myself that I would save myself for marriage. It was almost scary; what were to happen if anyone found out? I didn't really care what other people thought, well, except for my mother for some reason. For years it feels like I have been bending over backwards for her approval, and if she were to ever find out that I had just been boned by another man would make her hate me like hell hath no fury...

I shook my head, suddenly feeling a little sick in my stomach, but able to keep a straight face. "Never mind, I don't wanna know..."

He smiled and turned around so that his body was facing me, tail thumping on the bed. "Don't be silly, you were great! Can't remember the last time I crammed myself into someone as small as you and still feel amazing... I didn't hurt you, did I?"

I shook my head again, though I could feel a slight throbbing under my balls, but it was ignorable.

He was quiet for a moment, and for a second, it felt like he could see right through me. That scared me more than the thought of my mother finding me out. I don't know why, but I just felt like I should get up and leave, I didn't want him to see me, the me behind the fur, but he spoke before I could do anything. "You're thinking about what others might think of you now, aren't you?"

Fuck, I let my guard down long enough for him to see what ii was thinking! Damn it! That won't happen again. I almost said no to his question; it was instinctive to lie when someone gets this close to me, but instead, I did the stupid thing and said; "Yeah..."

Marcus scratched behind his ear and I knew what he was going to do; say something that he considered personal. He braced himself on the bed with his elbow and looked at me. "Have I ever told you about when I lost my virginity?"

I shook my head.

He chuckled to himself, probably at the memory. "Well, I was fourteen, and my mom and (real) dad were still together. At the time, we were going through a lot of problems with money and wellbeing, so both of my parents worked two jobs, which left me a lot of time to myself when I got home from school. Now, I wasn't exactly as... "well behaved," as I was back then; I used to hang out with these troublesome kids around the neighborhood to do all kinds of illegal stuff. We stole cars, robbed thrift stores and bakeries when we were hungry, we did drugs, and parties and all kinds of crazy shit. But for some reason, we never really got into sex. I don't know if they weren't generally interested in it or if we were too busy doing other mischief to think about it, but it only would come up once or twice in random conversations."

He sighed and lied down on his back with his arm behind his head as he stared at the ceiling. I had heard about his 'troublesome' years, but he never really got into depth with it and I never pried, and now he was opening up, so I was sure to listen to every word.

"My parents knew half of the stuff that I did, like stealing and shit, because I would give them whatever money I had left over from buying cigarettes, and they tried grounding and discipline, but they were hardly ever around to enforce it, so I just continued doing what I did.

"We did it for quite a while; stealing and drugs and stuff, and it was going pretty good until the cops showed up during one of our group 'fixes.' Over half of us got arrested, and the few of us that got away (me and three other guys) never even tried to contact each other.

"So, I wasn't getting any more money because one of our gang rules was "Never steal without backup," and even though the gang was no more, I really didn't know how else to live. My family was starting to slip right back into poverty (even deeper) and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Well, one day while I was walking down the street on my way home from school, this random boar called me into an ally. Now, I practically lived on the streets, so walking into an ally with a stranger was screaming danger to me, but I felt like I could either outrun or overpower him if need be. So, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash, which got my attention immediately. He said; "Looking to make a few bucks?"

"I nodded, but I knew that there was a catch, there always was. He grinned, shoved the money back into his pockets and then pulled his pants down..." He paused, still staring at the ceiling before he chuckled and shook his head. "Lost my virginity to a random pig in an ally...

"When he was done, he gave me the money out of his pocket, punched me in the shoulder like we already knew each other, and began to walk off. But before he left, he pulled out a card from his pocket and threw it on the ground, saying; "If you're still looking for some extra cash, come find us."

"That had bad news written all over it, but I ignored that when I counded the money he gave me; a thousand twenty." He was quiet again for a moment. "I'm not proud of all the choices I've made in my life, especially that choice I made when I picked up that fuckin' card. Three years I was a bitch for that pig and his cronies. I think I was just a little over seventeen when I felt like I had made enough money to leave his sex cave for good.

"I felt so guilty after that. My parents thought that I was still stealing to come up with the money that I had, but you should have seen the looks on their faces when I told them the truth. Mom was heartbroken and dad... well... to this day I still have no idea what he felt towards me because not long after I told them, he left. He left me and my mom to fend for ourselves. That's when mom got back together with my current step dad. I didn't tell you all the details before because it was a really long story and I didn't think my mom was up for it.

"Eventually, mom and I moved and we both got good paying jobs. After time, she forgave me for what I did, but I still feel guilty for what I did." He turned his head to look at me finally and forced a crooked smile. "The point of my unnecessarily long story, is that you won't know what people think of you until you tell them. I don't know you're situation, but I can already tell that you're already thinking of lies to say if anyone gets close to finding out about you and me, aren't you?"

I stared at him. How much does this wolf know? How can he read me so easily without asking any questions? "What makes you think that?" I ask, hoping that he'll inversely answer how he's reading me.

He laughed. "'Cause you're a fox! It might me stereotypical, but all the foxes I know are always looking for ways to hide the truth! I think there's certainly more to you than that, but it was just a wild guess."

I smiled, I could tell that he was lying (about it being a guess), but I played it off like I believed him.

Slowly, though, my smile faded as I thought about Marcus's story. He certainly had it worse than me, though, I'd never sell my body for money (I have more self-worth than that), but even so, I could but feel sorry and somewhat guilty that I was fretting over my problems when there are people out there who worry about bigger things. Normally I'm not so simple minded as to worry about my own problems, but like I said before; it's too early for this shit!

"I'm sorry," I said eventually. "For what happened to you, I mean..."

Marcus laughed, rolling over onto his stomach before he crawled over top of me and kissed me deeply. "Not your fault," he said when he pulled away. "I was young and stupid, but you're different... you just seem... wiser, even though you have no experience." He held my chin and kissed me again.

I giggled. "I'll take that as a compliment," I said, pushing off from me so I could get out of bed and walk around, anything to try and wake myself completely up before I really do say or do something stupid.

He wagged his tail as he watched my nude frame bend down to put on some underwear. I smiled; I liked the attention...