Drako Tygon and The Apocalypse Queen- ch 1

Story by Aislin Moonclaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Drako Tygon and The Apocalypse Queen

The triumphant hero returns to a destroyed home. The world is starting afresh, and Charley is right in the middle of it all. He brings his oldest friend, who became an emperor in the new world.

Charles' POV

The animal ran towards the shore, panting as it went. It stopped at a road, as a semi truck passed by. The driver looked back, seeing a creature that looked disturbingly like a man but having the features of an animal of his choosing, in this case, a bear. It continued towards the highland coast. An African policeman saw a figure racing through the woods. He yelled "Hey!" and it stopped. The animal started towards the man. He stepped into the light. And the policeman saw something, something that he won't soon forget.

The animal was a creature called a Were, a very powerful solder that only answers to the Emperor himself or their creator, _my_self, Charles Steele. It has amazing strength, extremely fast regenerating ability, excellent agility and reaction time, and retractable claws. "You talking to me, pig?" The cop ran as fast as he could in the other direction. The were chuckled, then continued on his course.

The were made it to the base in Africa in less than an hour. The messenger related the whole story to me. I was the original were, per se, but my D.N.A. turned out to be too strong for mass production, so I changed a few things. The Emperor came by jet pack. "Hey Charles!" he yelled at my base camp, and a few seconds later I was flying right beside him. "Yes, Anthony. Or, excuse me, Emperor" said I. "You can call me Anthony. It's my name, isn't it? Besides, who am I hiding my identity from? I'm no super hero, and there's no one I really care about anymore." he replied.

After a few moments of aquard silence, he asked, "So how are things going on the front?"

"Well, the Scots are still talking about us over drinks, if I know them. The Germans are talking about annihilating us, the British are still drinking tea, the Israelis are trying to decide on how we relate to some old prophesy or some such, and the Islamic state is siding with Germany's answer."

Before he could come up with a snappy answer, one of my guards ran over to me, saying, "Someone broke into the lab and made off with some super serums."

"Which ones?" I replied.

"Some of the strength, agility, and regeneration types, and the only cold-ability type" he replied.

"So someone is trying to copy our research. Jackson, you and your information retrieval team find out who might want to do it, where they are, and how we can get there, and I want that info twenty-four hours ago, got it?"

"Yes sir!" they replied as they took off. I went to my cabin to wait for the results. Jamie came at about noon with the rest of the team that I had led before I left the group to go into the military. They had continued the team to help the countless people left homeless after the first bombings.

I had joined a group in the marines that was fully composed of heroes (supers that lived in America) that wanted to strike back at the Jihad (half of the Middle East fell under Jihadist control, the other half joined Israel) and their allies.

I started a group to come up with super hero DNA treatments and mutagenic compounds, submitting my results to the W.S. (World Supers, a group that was made up of supers from America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. America rejected it, because it delved into less than moral tactics).I found out later that Anthony was the one to spur this group.

When I finally came up with a base code for the super drug, I posted urgent on the box, and sent it to Europe, along with a guard, A.K.A., me. I had worked hard to develop these weapons; I wasn't going to let it slip through my fingers just because of some seating arrangements. Eventually I convinced the airport that it was not a biohazard, despite the warning labels on the sides, and that I would travel with the container in my hands.

When I got there, I was met with a man in a suit. But what was strange was, his exposed skin was covered in coarse, grey fur, his face was elongated into a canine snout, and his ears grew at the top of his skull in points. "It is a pleasure to meet you, sir. I'll just get your gear and take it to your room, sir." I didn't say this, but I was getting tired of all the sir-ing. I guess it's just a British thing.

I handed him my bags. I noticed his fingernails were thick, black, and curved. He led me to my room in the hotel. When he put my bags on the floor, he got on all fours. "If you need anything, my number is on the table." I walked to the table, and a card lay on the surface. I said, "Thanks, I'll do that."

I remember saying to Antony on the phone, "You're the only one with the will and the 'know-how,' as you put it, to lead the world into peace. I'm sorry, that's just how I feel about it." He answered, "Let me just, think it over for a bit, okay?" He hung up. I set the receiver down, and walked out to the balcony. A fiery comet flew to the balcony and landed beside me. The fire disappeared, and Jamie stood there. She began relating how the team had been functioning worse ever since I had left. "We really need you. I can't lead us, Stephen is complaining about how you became, how did he put it? 'A dumb-ass nerd.' Gamma-Bot barely ever leaves his stasis chamber anymore, even if there is a mission. Even Black Cat seems disappointed. I guess they're just gonna have to get used to it."

Any way, Anthony becomes our leader, we move to Africa, create our own mini country, unite the world, and I get engaged to Jamie. Happy ending.

Or so we thought.

The old blood between different countries didn't just go away, and it even increased. Eventually it all hit the fan, and the world went the way it had been, except the countries were in different places. Again, things had seemed to be going normal.

I got a report on my desk saying that the thief had gone to France. It was about time I visited our labs in Paris. I took a plane the next morning (political issues now kept me from flying on my own, something about tax evasion). I was now in range for the trackers in the serums I had created to tie into my GPS.

Their location was at the Eiffel Tower. I went there, and searched it top to bottom. Nothing. I went back to its base, and changed my vision to thermo. I saw some residual heat on the edge of one of the stones, and I saw the stone was damaged, as if someone was using a crowbar there. I lifted the stone up, and set it to the side. A ladder led to an underground facility. I climbed down the ladder, and searched for the serums. I was immediately hit in the throat by a young woman.

The fact that I was hit didn't faze me. What did knock me off my feet was that I was knocked off my feet! She either was the test subject, or she was the lady in charge.

She clambered up the ladder. My tail trapped her ankle on the rung, and I drug her back down. I slammed her into the ground. I took my first real look at her.

She had platinum-blonde hair, and slender, black eyebrows. The dress she had on was black with silver lace, and slinky. She had on baby-blue eye liner, and black boots.

"Now, you can either tell me who you are and how you could hit me that hard, or you can tell a bunch of guys with pliers and needles. Now what's it gonna be?"

She looked at me nervously, and said, "My name is Caitlin O'Flannery. And you all ready know how. I'm the thief who stole those serums from you. I don't work for anybody, if that's what you were thinking. And no one works for me."

"Then how in the world did you get this fancy laboratory? I certainly can't get all this stuff on EBay."

"I came from a very old family in Ireland. I used to have estates, ten of them. When I found out about my alpha ability, I sold it all and bought this."

"And what is your 'Alpha' ability?"

"My first ability, the one I was born with, latent in my body. I can summon armor scales and wings like the dragons of old."

"You honestly don't believe in dragons, do you?"

She smiled slyly, "You and I both know they do. If not in the dragons themselves, then in humans with those abilities. I've done research. My family was believed to have been descendant from dragons from Asgard. Your heritage comes from the Japanese blood in your veins, whose emperors were the children of dragons."

"I get your point. But, I'm still gonna have to take you in for questioning. Don't worry; I was lying about the pliers and needles. Our methods are much more civilized than that."

I hurried her up the ladder, with a firm tail around her neck. When we got to the surface, I put handcuffs on her wrists. "These were made in my lab," I said, "They target Destiny Particles and separates them from the part of your brain that allows you to control your powers. My girlfriend actually helped a lot in developing this."

"I'm sure you're very proud," Caitlin muttered.