Drako Tygon- chapter 7(END)

Story by Aislin Moonclaw on SoFurry

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#7 of Drako Tygon

Hey, this is a book that's borderline Scifi, borderline Teen Fiction and borderline Fantasy. It's about a college student, named Charley Steel, who's granted the power of a dragon, combined with the power of the tiger. He faces off against a super telepath named Dr Psyche. Charles finds he needs the help of the only family he's got left, along with the love of his life. But will he triumph, or will it all end in despair? Have fun!

Suddenly, I got a ring in my ear. I flew back to the U.S., to find smoke billowing from the east coast. I landed, and Jamie landed in front of me. Tears were streaming down her face unchecked. "They're dead," she sobbed, "All of them. Tornado, Stone-Man, Dave, Leah, and all of our army. What are we going to do?"

I looked to the horizon, and said, "We should split up. Supers are meager in the world now. We should spread, so that our influence isn't clustered in one area. And we need influence now more than ever. Who knows, there might be other heroes out there, just waiting to come out."

Jamie nodded, then said, "I know you're right, but I can't help but think that we need to be together now more than ever. We might not be so lucky in the future."

"Hey," I noted, "We're a tough bunch to kill off. But if you need me, just call, and I'll be there. You know that."

She kissed me, then turned her face away. I jumped into the air, and pushed on to my home state, Washington. I knew this wasn't the end.

The story might be over, but the saga continues.

To be continued.