Charles Worthington [Character Information]

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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Information on Charles Worthington, The Selenveen Family's oldest and most loyal servant and friend in all of recorded Selenveen history.

Charles Normal Theme

Charles Battle Theme


Charles has been a servant of the Selenveen family ever since they first appeared in Creation. Not a single person knows where he came from,what he truly is or how old he is but one thing is for sure and that is,that Charles has always served the Selenveens with pleasure and enjoyment. Back when the Selenveens were still at the peak of their strength,Charles would school the children,play with them,attend to official business that the Selenveen family head could not deal with at the time and much more. He was also a very close friend to Luther and Samantha Selenveen. Often regarded as an over worked,old pigeon, Charles has never taken a day off his duty of serving the family.

Charles is a rather large forest owl with green eyes and a bit of a gut. He's almost always wearing a suit and glasses. Unlike other Selenveen servants who were usually greedy, Charles was content with whatever he got. However, he was usually treated like a very beloved family friend. Despite his kind and caring nature,Charles is a fierce fighter when protecting someone in the Selenveen family. He was trained with a rapier and despite his size,he is incredibly light on his feet but does not possess any combat oriented powers whatsoever. That said, Charles is seven feet nine inches tall and weighs over two hundred pounds. He has the same colorization as a normal forest owl as well.

Combat/Powers wise, Charles isn't as powerful when put up to Selenveen standards but he is an experienced fighter. He was trained with a rapier and he is incredibly light on his feet. Usually he is able to close the distance between his opponent and himself in a matter of three seconds not to mention he has exceptional reaction time. However Charles isn't some all powerful fighter, he does have a bad leg which is his left leg so fighting is generally not his specialty in the slightest. As for his powers, Charles has no combat oriented powers at all. As a matter of fact all his powers are noncombative. Charles has the power to absorb the knowledge of any book he touches in a single instant, he also has the power to duplicate any object for a small period of time,a maximum of ten minutes, before it disappears. His most notable power however is his ability to sense the presence of any Selenveens anywhere in the nine universes at any time. He can warp to them instantly but cannot warp them to him.

As for his personality, Charles is a very kind and caring owl with a tendency to act fatherly towards those he is closest to,like Alexander for example. He rarely,if never at all, gets upset or sad the only exception being when a Selenveen has passed away or is in danger. He also blames himself for the loss of Alexander's right arm although Alexander has told him its not his fault several times.Charles always keeps a cool head and can almost always be seen following Alexander around. Charles is a bit wary of Alexander's lover,Tatsuki, feeling that he will in some way harm the young master. Due to this,Charles is very protective of Alexander whenever Tatsuki is near. Likewise, Alexander is protective of Charles,since he is like a father figure to Alexander.

Lastly, Charles has no family of his own. When questioned about it, Charles will go silent until the topic is changed or will make an excuse to go off somewhere alone. The only answer any Selenveen has gotten out of him is 'You needn't worry about me ma'am (or sir), I don't like to share information about my family for their safety.'. What this means is unknown but it is clear that he is lying about this whenever he gives this answer. As such,many Selenveens theorized that Charles's family passed away a long time ago and that he came to them seeking a purpose but he himself has never stated this so its only a theory and nothing more.