Alexander Weaknesses and Strengths [Character Information]

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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Weaknesses and Strengths for Alexander Selenveen in an attempt to balance him out.


Number 1. The Talisman around Alexander's neck brings him down to a mortal level in terms of power. This means he cannot use his powers whatsoever while the talisman is on. He can't remove it himself either,someone else has to do it.

Number 2. Alexander's power constantly feeds on his life force, this means it will usually take a huge dip and cause Alexander to black out at random moments. How long he remains blacked out varies.

Number 3. Alexander cannot survive without his talisman near him. The furthest away he can be from it is ten feet. Any further and Alexander will slowly begin to die unless the Talisman is brought near him.

Number 4. Alexander cannot heal his own wounds with his white flames. He can heal the wounds of others but he cannot heal his own. Doing so will make the wounds worse.

Number 5. Alexander cannot survive without his soul. While he can be very far away from it,if it is damaged in any way the same damage will mirror on Alexander and if it is destroyed,so is Alexander.too.

Number 6. Alexander is slow when he transforms into Dark Alexander. He is reduced to a slow walk and it takes at least five seconds for him to swing his sword. Does not affect normal Alexander.


Number 1. When in a large source of light (Flood lights,broad day light etc) Alexander's power is bolstered by 250% for ever five minutes he is within the light. If he steps out of the light he is reduced back to his normal level of power.

Number 2. When angry,Alexander will enter a state of Dementia which will bolster his natural physical strength by 520% and his natural speed by 670%,making him to quick for the naked eye to see.

Number 3. Alexander benefits from any light based attacks used on them. Instead of taking damage,his power will gradually grow by 5% with each hit by a light based attack.