Fox and Falco

Story by sangheilinerd on SoFurry

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#1 of Star Fox Fics

So I don't usually like or even condone fanfics of my favorite video game sagas, but this damn story wouldn't leave my head. So here it is: Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi.

Rated mature for gay smexings

Since the day he was drafted into the Cornerian Army, Fox always felt a little annoyed with his co-draftee, one Falco Lombardi. Falco had always been a conceded asshole when it came right down to it. He only cared about himself. Or at least, that's how he appeared to others. Of course being co-drafted meant that they had gone through basic together and considering that their names fell together in the list of names. They ended up being roommates at OCS. He admittedly may have had the slightest of crushes on the blue falcon, but how could he not? Falco Lombardi had always been in peak physical condition for his species and had always been the top of his class in school. So he was generally attractive to the fox.

Of course he just couldn't help notice that abrasive and aggressive personality the bird displayed. To say that he was an asshole might actually fall under the category of understatement. The (no pun intedted) cocky blue was always the meanest to the fox and he never understood why. That was until the night before graduation from OCS. Fox was awoken from his sleep when he heard sniffling. And mumbling. He looked over to see his roommate curled into the fetal position, nude, and definitely crying. No. Bawling would be a more accurate description of what it was that Falco had been doing.

Fox got up and went over to the crying bird to see what was wrong. In his hands he held a picture of one Katt Monroe. He looked to the picture then to Falco and sighed, "You really miss her, huh?"

The cock started. "What the hell do you want, Fox?" He asked heatedly.

"To talk..." Fox sighed again, "Lombardi...I...I have had a...a crush on you since I met you. If you're still missing your dead mate, you need to get over her. Or...Use her as your motivation to have your retribution against Andross. I don't care, but you need to stop this. I can't stand by as the man that I've fallen for--despite your lacking personality--constantly cries over his dead mate."

"D'awww! Foxy has a crush on the big bad cock? How sweet." Falco half-heartedly mocked through the tears. Then he sobered up a little and turned to hug the fox. Fox looked surprised. Then relaxed and returned the hug.

"Falco, you fucking asshole. I ought to smack you." Fox chuckled silently.

Falco broke the hug with a weak laugh and then looked at Fox's vermillion pearls. "One thing that I never really told anybody was that Katt was actually a man. I loved him, Fox. The idiot that he was is what got him killed. Yet, that was ultimately what made him so frigging adorable. Fox, to hear you say that you are falling for me is the best thing I could have heard from you. Know that you are, ultimately, my best friend, no matter what. That's why I want to keep it that way. And I'm sorry...for this." Falco motioned toward his body, implying his nudity, "Fox I may not show it in a typical fashion, but I do appreciate you. Know that I am always there for you. No matter how stupid a reason, Fox, my door will always be open to you."

Fox looked downtrodden and downright depressed to hear that Falco did not share his passions. "Th...thank you. I...I'm sorry." He said as then he started to cry, mourning the loss of hope he had that maybe one day he and Falco would be together.


"Friends, Family, COs and XOs, I give you your new 2nd Lieutenants: William Devereaux, James Fredericksson, Dale Gibraltar, Veronnica Hale, Jared Hanes, Michael Impala, Forrest Lancaster, Falco Lombardi, Heather Lorraine, Miley Louis, Fox McCloud..." The Lieutenants walked up to have their bars pinned onto their uniforms. Afterward, they formed a line stage right to the General who was listing off the names. "Guillome Yves, and last, but surely not least, James Zirconi, Jr." The gecko walked up Saluted the General, then went to the end of the line as the general said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, your new officers!" The line of students saluted on-cue.


"Go find your own target, Fox" Falco grated irritably over Fox's comms.

Fox rolled his eyes, "I will, when you learn to stop tearing off more than you can chew, you dumb fuck!"

Peppy interjected, "Oh will you two just fuck already? We've known there's been a tension between you two forever."

"Stay out of this, Gramps." Falco snarled, then squawked as his arwing was targeted by yet another of Andross' Venom Interceptors, "A little help, please."

Fox chuckled as he took down the interceptors with little problem. Falco had always been overconfident behind the yoke of the arwing, but this was ridiculous. Falco had never had this many problems with dogfighting. It was kind of sad to see. It was obvious to Fox that something was bothering the blue. "Peppy, do you have things handled here? You think that you and Slippy can get this mission over with, without my help?"

"No problem, Fox. Go. Have your fun..." Peppy chuckled.

"Falco, return to the Great Fox. We've got to talk. Privately."

"Yes sir, Mr. Colonel, sir." Falco replied with not a small amount of snark. Then on a ship-to-ship channel, "The fuck, Fox. Why are you taking me out of battle?"

"Because I ain't telling your ma that you got distracted while in combat and left us. Understand. Also, I want you okay, because I still_love_ you, you dolt." Fox said apathetically.

"Uggh, geez. It's not like I am a terrible fighter, Fox. I couldda handled myself." Falco muttered. He looked very much so like he had a huge problem. Fox would sort this out.


Fox exited his arwing, then told Rob to make sure that it was fit for flight for their next mission. As well as to make sure that he wasn't bothered the rest of the afternoon. Falco ran up behind him, a frightened look on his beak. He rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Geez, Fox, it's not that seri--"

Falco halted and squaked as Fox grabbed the front of his flight suit and pulled Falco down to his eye-level, "You and I are about to have a serious conversation about your attitude. Understand, Captain?" Fox stated through gritted teeth.

Falco gulped. He'd seen Fox this angry only once in his lifetime and the near court martial that had followed. Considering the fact that he was the item of Fox's ire on this occasion, he didn't fancy his chances of making it out of this situation unscathed. He silently nodded his assent and Fox turned. He--still holding onto Falco's flight suit--started forward toward the living quarters on the ship.

When they reached Fox's quarters on the ship he dragged the blue falcon inside before tossing him on the bed. Falco gave Fox a glare. He wasn't having any of this. "What the hell, Fox? I'm not an object you can throw around when you're angry. I'm a person. With feelings. And emotions."

"Drop the act, you dolt. Tell me what the fuck is going on or you're grounded until further notice. Understood?"

Falco sighed and turned his head away from the angered vulpine, "I guess...I'm finally falling for you, you dumb fox. I can't go into battle knowing your there. When I do, I just try and show off. I try to get you to notice me. I know it's stupid, but it's the truth. It's also why I'm kind of an asshole."

"No, you've always been a gigantic ass, that hasn't changed." Fox laughed meanly. He looked at the pathetic visage which was the blue falcon, the man who had garnered his affections so easily that first year in OCS. He sighed and looked with solemn eyes toward Falco, "Captain, I still love you. I've always loved you. I want you to know that no matter what, I will always care for you. That doesn't mean that I'm not going to be the best damned disciplinarian this ship has ever seen when the need arises, but understand everything I do, I do because I believe you can excel."

Falco let out a half-hearted chuckle, "Damned fox, you never know when to shut up, do you?"

Fox smiled, "No, I believe that'd be you...if memory serves."

They both laughed fully at that, Before Falco whispered the words Fox had been waiting two decades to hear, "T...take me, Fox."

"I thought you'd never ask, you dolt." Fox laughed and sauntered over toward the bed while he removed his flight suit and then his everydays. Next came the undergarments that he wore before Falco bore the visage of Fox's nudity. "Lombardi, remove your clothes before I claw them off."

Falco quickly unzipped his clothing as quickly as he could and bearing his form for a man that he had been slowly falling for ever since making it onto the StarFox taskforce. Fox was on him rapidly. Falco didn't know anyone could move that fast. "Come on you asshole. What are you waiting for?"

Fox smiled, "I'm just taking in the moment," he replied. Then he bent down and licked up Falco's feathers from the base of his neck to approximately where his earhole was and whispered, "If you want it so badly, beg for it." The seductive tones in Fox's voice made the blue peregrine shiver.

"Please, give it to me! I want it...badly" Falco breathed.

"Be careful what you wish for, Falco." Fox said as he grasped Falco's beak tip. He kissed him squarely there before grabbing his turgid, canine length and ramming it into Falco's wanting, winking tailhole.

The falcon groaned audibly. Fox rammed the entire thing in up to the knot in his first go. He sat there for just a bit enjoying the feeling of finally taking the beautiful--if a bit jerky--falcon that he'd been fantasizing over for the last twenty or so years. After giving the falcon a brief reprieve the fox began to rock his hips rhythmically. And forcefully.

Each thrust gave off an audible smack despite Fox's fur and Falco's feathers. Each withdrawal brought Fox's entire length to the brink of exiting the blue bird's orifice. This also had the side effect of causing Fox's knot to impact the near-unyieldingly tight entrance of Falco's anus. Slowly with each subsequent thrust the falcon's defenses crumbled and he spread a little more with every impact. "F...Fox...I'm sso...Ooooh....close," Falco stammered out between grunts and moans.

"I know, Falco I am, too," Fox replied, obviously enjoying this, yet still had immense control over his voice. Fox kept hammering at Falco's entrance waiting for the tie. His pace had become erratic and his breathing heavy and labored. He'd finally reached the tipping point.

He grabbed ahold of Falco's avian phallus and began to roughly masturbate it as with his last thrust he tied with the bird, over whom he'd been obsessing for so long. As Falco's pucker closed around the base of Fox's knot, fox let out a low howl, something that would have made Wolf proud, if he hadn't known where it was coming from. With this howl Falco felt the pulsing and warmth which let him know that he'd received Fox's seed. Falco wasn't far behind considering the constant, furious attention his length was receiving by Fox's hand. He gasped as he spilled his spunk all over himself.

Soon afterward Fox collapsed atop the blue falcon. Not even caring about the spilled seed. Falco groaned in annoyance as he heard the start of Fox's snoring. Then carefully he moved fox and himself so they were more appropriately situated for a nap after their quick ménage à deux. Falco tipped himself and Fox over then resituated the bedcovers over their nude form. He lay his own head on the pillow and quickly fell asleep beside his new lover.


Due to emotional issues and underperformance, Col. Fox McCloud asked Capt. Falco Lombardi to accompany him back to the Great Fox midway through the mission. A citation to both their records has been noted. Mission declared success with minor injuries sustained by Brigadier General Peppy Hare and Second Lieutenant Slippy Toad.

Arwings sustained minimal to no damage during mission.


Peppy made his way to Fox's room knowing he would likely find the colonel in post-coital bliss, possibly cuddling with his old OCS classmate and he cared not. "James, what would you have thought about this, I wonder. Your son is gay and has just made love with one of his officers. I wonder if you'd approve." Peppy muttered. Of course, Peppy never cared. He'd known since Fox had hit puberty what he was going to be dealing with. He didn't care. He just hoped that Fox had thought this decision through.

Peppy got to the door and knocked three times. He heard a mumbled "Who is it?"

"It's Peppy. Can I come in?" He asked.

He heard a little shuffling before Fox appeared at the door. Wearing a pair of boxers only. "What can I do for you, Peppy?"

It was here that Peppy smelt the sex and sweat that had permeated the room before his arrival. "Shower, dress, get to the bridge, Pepper's on the line. He's looking for the leader of StarFox."

"Alright, Alright. Tell him I'm coming."

Peppy just laughed, "Didn't that already happen?"

A very, very loud and annoyed groan was heard from the interior of the sleeping quarters. "God, Peppy, did you really just go there."

Peppy just about-faced and walked to the bridge, smiling.