Lost pt-2: Ties

Story by Nova_Austin on SoFurry

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#2 of Lost

Disclaimer- Digimon is copy write TOEI and it's companies. The character Kaenemon is fan made and belongs to me. The character Nova J. Austin is my fursona, and is copy write me. Back off.

-Nova J. Austin


Chapter Two, Ties

Part one:

Sunlight gleamed along the kitsunes snow white fur. The radiant warms made her smile as she woke gently, her pale grey eyes flittering open. She covered her mouth as she yawned, stretching her slim form, realizing she was still lying on her giant friend. She looked up and found his dark eyes gazing down upon her, smiling.

"Good morning." She said, her voice softer and airy from sleep. She turned around still in his lap, raising herself up, pushing against the tight muscles of his stomach. An accusatory flicker past behind her glittering eyes as she looked up at him. "Did you sleep last night?"

He laughed, the movement shaking her slightly, the deep rumble of the sounds traveling up her arms. "Yeah, I got a little sleep." He grinned, his deep eyes glittering with a look she had seen before. He only had that look right after he woke up, when he had slept well. She smiled back, snuggling into him, the warm sun tempting her to lie back down and return to sleep in his firm body. A blush crept into her face as she woke up enough to realize he had indeed only just woken up, something pushing up against her from his lap. She looked back into his eyes, understanding the look in his black eyes and burning crimson beneath her white fur. She hurried out of his lap, making him laugh out loud, the sound lined with an unmistakably friendly growl, making her face burn more.

His tail twitched as he sat still, smiling down at her. He pushed himself up with his right arm, cradling the other because of the wound. After rising to his feet, he stalked out of the cave, tail trailing through the air behind him as he rounded the corner. Kae covered her face in her pale blue paws, embarrassed more than ever before in her entire life. She knew he would be teasing her for the rest of the day at least, and a cold chill ran up her spine, despite the golden sun beaming down upon her.

Part two:

Flowers and grass swam through the breeze, flowing through Kaenemons' hair, making her Murr in relief from the hot sun. She had been walking for hours, and her little blue paws ached. "This is the last time I suggest a road trip, I'm going to be aching for days when we get home." The kitsune sighed, rubbing her paws as she waited for Nova. He had been gone for a few minutes, staying back at a stream to wash his arm and change the bandages. She sighed and looked back down the road.

"Hey cutie..." Her silky fur stood on end, her fluffy tails frozen as she heard the voice, her blue tipped ears twitching. She turned to face the owner of the voice, her heart sinking as she found a Goburimon standing in the road. His ugly green mug was stretched in a grin as his beady eyes looked Kae up and down. "Well, you are a rare site, I think I want to keep you..." He said, laughing as he advanced upon her.

The Kitsune rose to her feet, pale grey eyes frantic. "Don't you come near me!" She said, a growl slipping past her lips. The virus digimon just laughed, raising his club.

"Oh, we can make this fun if you want." He said, his lips stretching over broken yellow teeth. He jumped at her, raising his club. "GOBURI STRIKE!" His attack sounded as he caught her in the side. A sickening thunk as wood met flesh and fur sounded in the breeze, before Kae landed on the dirt road. Her snow white fur was full of dirt now, as she whimpered, getting to her feet. She glared at the virus, her pale grey eyes glowing.

"ICE BLAST!" She raised her hands, pointing her palms at him, glowing blue before two long spikes of ice shoot out, flying at the goblin. He smirked, and swung his club at the ice shards, smashing them to the side to shatter on the ground. He started to run at Kae, raising his club once more, before a loud crack sounded, and the virus doubled over, grabbing his head. "ARRRGH!!!"

Confused, Kaenemon turned around, looking for Nova. Standing in the road, bouncing rocks in his right hand, was a complete stranger. His hair was dark and close to his head, but wavy. His light brown eyes glittered in the sun, full of wisdom and heart, and glaring at the Goburimon now holding his head. A green long sleeve shirt covered his arms, with a four leaf clover on the chest. A short sleeve button up shirt, covered in horribly wild blue and orange designs was worn over the first shirt, open and flapping gently in the breeze. Loose fitting blue jeans and black converse completed his look. Kae stopped gaping at the teenager long enough to notice the digimon next to him, as it moved over to the fallen virus.

The Goburimon groaned, holding his head as he sat on the ground. The dark grey bear glared down at the goblin creature with vivid indigo eyes. "You have a problem with her?" He asked, his voice cold as ice. The fur on his muzzle and belly was white. Two red streaks, like war paint adorned each furry cheek. A dark blue cap sat backwards on his head, his round ears poking through the top. His forearms and paws were covered in blue leather straps, silver buckles jingled lightly as he moved. A blue leather belt sat across one shoulder like a sash. The virus looked up, beady eyes wide with shock as he scrambled to his feet.

"No, n-n-no problem." He said, trying to get to his feet. The digimon frowned, looking down at the digimon. It turned and started to run away. The bear sneered as he drew back his foot, before swinging, kicking the virus right in his ass, sending him flying down the road to fall in a dusty heap.

The boy turned back to Kae, kneeling down to the wounded kitsune. "What did he do to you?" His eyes were a rich chocolate brown, but glittered with worry. She stared into his face, her own eyes burning as she fought back her tears.

"Nothing, he just hit me, you got here..." She let her words go, looking away from him, becoming too upset to speak to this stranger.

"You look hurt. We should get you cleaned up." The other digimon said, coming to her side. He knelt down on the dusty earth, raising a paw to her side, but stopping as Kae pulled away. "See? You need to get someplace and rest."

The human reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small PDA. "I'll send an e-mail to the girls, Tell them what happened." He said, frowning as he started typing something into the device. "There have been too many attacks happening in the last month. Especially something like this."

His partner nodded his fuzzy head. Standing up and patting the dust from his knees. "Right, something's going down. It's making everyone edgy..." He looked back down at Kae. "Come on, I'll help you back to the camp."

The snowy white kitsune shook her head violently. She couldn't leave without Nova. Who knew what he would do if he thought she was missing? "No..." She said, her voice weak and timid. "I have to, ...to stay." She said, her tails curling around her knees.

The boy frowned. "You need to get patched up, you took a good hit and you're hurt." He said, putting the PDA back in his pocket. "We are here to help you."

She shook her head again. "I-I have to wait, for Nova..." She said, looking up at them both through her pale blue hair, her furry cheeks damp with tears.

"Nova? Who is Nova, your partner?" The bear asked, his bushy brows knit in thought. "Where was he when you were fighting?"

Kaenemon started to answer, but was cut off early by a new voice. "I was changing my bandages, and I do the fighting." Nova growled, moving silently up behind the two. The digimon jumped and got in front of his partner and Kae. The boy jumped back.

"Holy Hell!" He cried out, looking up at the giant creature. "Kumamon!" He called to his partner, pulling out his digivice. The brick red D-3 flashed, and the Digidestined got ready for a fight. Nova frowned and twitched his tail.

"What were you doing to her?" Nova growled, flashing his fangs. His tail twitched, and his wings folded to his back. He could smell the tension in the air.

"STOP!" Kaenemon screamed out, making everyone freeze in place.

"Xander?" Kumamon asked his partner, waiting as he kept his attention on the monstrous thing before them. He had to digivolve if he wanted to stand a chance against this thing. If they were fighting, they needed to get the upper hand fast. His partner kept still glancing back at the kitsune.

"Please, stop, he's my friend." Kae said, looking up at Nova.

Nova settled down, until he saw Kae. "What happened!?" He growled, his pitch black eyes flashing in the sun. The digidestined parted as he moved forward, kneeling down to Kae.

"I was attacked, and they helped me." The small fox girl explained to him, not looking in his eyes. She was ashamed of being the one in trouble, again.

The half dragon frowned as he examined her side. It was bruising under her thick fur. He gently placed a finger against it, and she gasped through clenched teeth. "Damnit, you might have broken a rib..." He turned his gaze back to the other two. "...Thank you, for helping her."

Xander blinked, and nodded. "It was no problem..." He cliped the Digivice back inside of his jeans. He was trying not to stare at the giant. He had been traveling the digital world for years, and had never once come across a digimon like this. Kumamon was likewise intrigued.

Nova gently shifted the kitsune, lifting her up in his arms. She buried her tear stained face into his chest, trying to hide her shame in his warmth. He turned and went over to their bags, lifting them with his tail. He held her tightly, scritching her shoulder, calming her.

"We can take you back to our camp. The others can patch her up." Kumamon spoke up. Xander looked down at his partner, before nodding to Nova.

"Yes, we have some supplies... We could also take a look at your arm." He said, spotting the already reddened bandages around the half dragons arm.

"..." Nova was reluctant, but he wanted to make sure Kae was alright, so he agreed. "Thank you, again."

Part Three:

Dusk was racing towards the vast sky. Wondrous shades of blues, violets, reds and orange streaked the horizon to their side as the group walked on. A fire could be seen just outside of the next tree line of a forest. "There we are." Xander said, speaking up for the first time since they had started walking. After a few minutes the darkness truly descended upon them, and the only light came from the stars and the flame. Nova could see just as well as though the sun were still high in the sky, and was the first to notice something running full out for them.

"KUMA!!!" The almost unpleasantly shrill scream made all of them jump. A small green digimon came charging from the direction of the fire. Her arms were stretched wide, and the pink and purple petals of the flower upon her head flittered in the wind. Kumamon smiled and laughed as the girl tackled him to the ground in hug.

"Ha ha ha! I missed you too Palmon!" Kuma said, sitting up with her, and giving her a fuzzy peck on the cheek. "Sorry it took so long, we had to avoid the usual paths, too much stuff going on."

Nova ignored the couple as he watched other forms make there way to them. Kae stirred in his arms, asleep. The first to arrive was a girl. The first thing he noticed was her hair, trailing down her back in a thick ponytail, and as brilliant a red as the flame beyond. She was wearing a simple cream coloured, knee length skirt and pale hose, knee high socks and white sneakers, finished with a white and pink Hello Kitty top. Her clothes put her in a typical, yet conservative teenage category. But her eyes, they were a brilliant and almost impossible emerald green, and held such a depth of intelligence; it was like gazing into vast green oceans. She looked at him not in shock, as Xander, but with curiosity, as though studying every bit she could.

Another young woman followed her. Shoulder length blonde hair was pulled up into a simple tail by a grey scrunch, with bangs flittering over her forehead in the night breeze. She wore a monochromatic top, melding swirls of black, grey, and white; that left her midriff exposed, a silver ring glittering above her navel. The matching silver belt buckle glistened, unnecessarily holding up a pair of very faded and worn blue jeans. The soft denim hugged her hips, and rolled over her legs as she moved, her light skin peeking out through frays and tears in the material. Her sneakers matched her top, and treaded softly, and silently over the grass. Her Eyes were an equally shocking grey, bright, even in the darkness. Her gaze was sharp, and her mind was even sharper as she studied Nova, not out of curiosity as the other girl, but for sizing him up. He knew instantly she was in charge, and she knew how to fight. A digimon came into Nova's line of site, from behind the second girl. His fur was a grey as her eyes, with long ears and long claws. His own eyes glimmered a wonderful, and yet frigid blue. A colour so vivid it could freeze your insides. Both were outlined with black markings.

Xander turned to Nova. "This, is Jewel," He announced, gesturing to the red head, whom smiled and nodded politely. "And this is Sarah, and Gazimon." He motioned to the other pair, and each nodded to him. "And the one hanging off of Kumamon is Palmon, Jewel's partner." Nova looked down and almost smiled as he saw that Palmon was in fact hanging from Kuma's back too preoccupied with the bear to notice the others.

Nova Nodded to the group in mass. "Hello." He knelt down, and showed them all Kae, still curled up in a white ball of fluff and tails.

Jewel moved forward and looked at her. "...Hmmm," she gently shifted the fur on Kae's side, looking at the bruise. "She got it good..., I wouldn't be surprised if she broke a rib, but I've seen Gazi look like this and be fine in a few days." She smiled up at Nova in a gentle and comforting way. "I'm pretty sure she's fine, but I want to patch her up so she doesn't get any worse." The half dragon smiled, and nodded.

"We should check that arm too..." Sarah said, gesturing at the crimson bandage on his arm. His smile vanished, and he stood up.

"My arm is fine, just take care of Kae." He said, his voice flat and eyes dark. "It's healing, but thank you anyway."

"It's at least a day old and still flowing." Sarah shot. "I know you didn't get it today, because Xander sent us the e-mail at around eleven, and seeing as he and Kumamon look fine, they weren't in a fight." Her eyes cut through him, deeper than the sword had. He suppressed the growl trying to free itself from his chest, and glared at her.

"I'll take a look later!" Jewel said quickly, watching Nova and Sarah both. "Let's just get Kae fixed up so she can rest for the night."

Nova nodded and started past them all for the camp. Sarah and Gazimon both watched him for a moment, and then followed. Jewel sighed and met eyes with Xander, before falling in with them. Kumamon carried Palmon on his back behind their partners, as the digi girl played with his hat.

Part Four:

The great half dragon frowned as he sat close to the blazing fire. It has been almost three years since he came here. And still, he doesn't understand a lot of things about digimon. He, as an Ice dragon, has trouble around any kind of flame, and Kae, an Ice type digimon, is only harmed by flame from another digimon. He pondered this fact as he sweated through the heat of the blazing fire, with Kae in his lap, still sound asleep. Jewel said it would be best for the kitsune to stay warm by the flame, and Someone needed to keep her tails from accidentally catching fire.

Nova sighed and looked down to his left, where the red head was currently cleaning his own wound. She smiled sweetly.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her brilliant green eyes sparkling in the fire light. "Does it hurt that much?"

The giant frowned softly. She had obviously mistaken the reason for his discomfort.

"No... it's the fire." He said, as quietly as his deep voice would allow, as the others were all asleep in their tents. As she paused with a querying look in her eyes, he began questioning himself whether or not to explain. After a few minutes of silence, Jewel decided to leave it alone.

"This gash is really not that bad..." She told him, looking at the wound. "It's very deep... a wound like this on a digimon..." the girl stopped talking, just staring at the gash. The bottle of alcohol and the cotton swab forgotten in her hands.

"... What is it?" Nova asked, slowly becoming distressed from the sudden silence. Jewel finally met his eyes. The look in those vast green windows made something inside him drop. The reason for his feeling of distress changed instantly, and he waited for her to speak.

"A wound like this, a sever one, would..." She spoke softly, her voice even and calm, but her eyes, though locked on his, were racing back and forth. "Usually cause so much damage, that it would delete a low level digimon. Or, it would scar over quickly as it healed." Her gaze visibly sharpened, cutting deep into Nova's mind. "At first I assumed you were ultimate level, but you have no scaring at all."

"It's a fresh wound; it hasn't had time to heal yet." Nova said, calmly and truthfully. The previous feeling of dropping suddenly changed to something akin to shattering, as he watched Jewel's smile change instantaneously into triumph.

"But it is healing. The gash has become shorter and shallower since I first started cleaning it." She set down the alcohol and cotton. "There is no scar tissue anywhere in or out of the wound."

The half dragon tensed visibly. The flame mirrored in his suddenly empty obsidian eyes as he looked down upon her. He could tell she was intelligent, but this was ludicrous. He looked down at Kae, gently scritching her blue tipped ear. As Jewel watched him, her smile faded. "I, I'm sorry. I don't, I didn't..." He met her eyes again, green and full. "But, you're not a digimon are you?" She asked. He sighed, and gave her a sorrowful smile.

"No, I am not a digimon." He said, and ran a hand through his thick hair. "Let us just leave it at that for now, please." The half dragon spoke, watching the flames dance. The girl nodded, and quietly pulled out a roll of bandages.