Tai's Story - The Extras!

Story by KichigaiKitsune on SoFurry

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Extras, character biographies and a "hypothetical soundtrack" for my first completed furry novel - all this nonsense available in one place for those of you who enjoyed it!

Tai's Story - The Extras!

Well, this has certainly been a long time coming! I can't remember when I even started making this little document (back in 07? Something like that?) but I was certainly enjoying writing Tai's Story at the time.

That little story certainly has its flaws, but I still love it, and as thanks to those who provided me with feedback, or even merely justified the effort of writing it by taking the time to read it, I decided to post this document: the end result of the character biographies and some extra cool stuff pertaining to my first finished furry novel!

Generally speaking, I prefer that people view the original document - however, SoFurry has done a decent job of parsing this one. Still, the document is available for download from InkBunny, or can be viewed here! Go on, give it a click! It's much nicer than trying to read it here! Also available is the detached PGP signature for verification with my public key, if you're that way inclined. Which is here, by the way. :3

Foreword: this document is intended for fans of "Tai's Story."Those who haven't read it are cordially invited to my InkBunnyor SoFurrygalleries, where the novel is hosted. Please avoid this document for now, as it contains massive spoilers.

This document contains bonus material, including a hypothetical soundtrack and character bios; it's not intended to be a highly edited, refined document, it's just something to thank the loyal fans of mine who helped me see _Tai's Story_through to the end (and show off how detailed my notes and stuff got).

There may not be that many of you, but your kind words gave me the encouragement I needed. You're all awesome, so thank you.


A Word From The Author

Character Profiles (Spoilers!!)

(Unofficial!) Hypothetical Soundtrack

Notes & Cool Things!

The Future

A Word From The Author

By the time I was sixteen, I'd done quite a tour of the internet. One day, while browsing for material to slake my curiosity, I discovered these bizarre creatures that called themselves "furries."

On further exploration, I found a community with a wealth of artwork and stories. Just one of many that I was immersing myself in at the time - it's funny how such communities have changed in just the short time I've been participating in them.

Because I had long decided that "innocence" of this kind was an inconvenience to be disposed of, I had read plenty of stories of a prurient nature; some of them decent, though most of them truly awful.

An avid reader throughout my youth, with well over a dozen short-stories and abandoned works under my belt, I decided to try my hand at writing an "adult" tale of my own - just like the ones I read on the Internet! It was about that time that I was introduced to a website that required you to contribute in order to view the majority of the material it had on offer. With a wicked grin, I quickly brainstormed a story and had the first chapter of my little tale online before the day was out.

That was the birth of Tai's Story.

The characters grew on me and I knew I couldn't bear consigning them to a mere short story. Particularly not after the feedback I received.

It didn't take long before the story's premise was revisited and revised. Reading through what I had so far, I knew almost immediately what I wanted to do with the world I had created.

However, Tai's Story was always ultimately intended to be the tale of two boys finding what they needed emotionally within one another. Love, validation, an open mind and the strength to dig within themselves, or perhaps lean upon the other, and realize they could withstand anything, especially together. It was always intended to be what it would ultimately become. (Pretentious? :D)

It was one hell of a journey. It took years, but the story and the reaction of the fans helped me keep my head up when I felt I was drowning; when I felt - at one point for over a year - that there was no point in trying to continue. I had never finished a novel length project before! What was I doing?

Yes, a little of the story was based on what I felt from time to time as a youth. But throughout it all, this silly story and my fans were somehow there for me. I don't think I've ever seen another author or artist get the sort of comments and relationships I have out of my readers.

Believe me, I could write this segment all throughout the night and never fully explain what you all mean to me.

Tai's Story was more than mere catharsis. There were many issues I wanted to discuss or question; perhaps I was preaching to the choir, but regardless, Tai's Story is more than just "that dirty novel I actually managed to finish."

It was me making my mark; fighting for the beliefs I held; taking a stand, for myself, for many others, and perhaps even for the lonely children of the world.

It's my first "mark" and my first novel. It won't be the last, and perhaps it was only a mere ripple in the water. But I won't stop until I've made a tidal wave, here or elsewhere!

Thank you so much for the support, and making it all feel worth it, readers and fans.

"So it doesn't matter, really. What matters is what we left behind. ... I don't mean achievements. Or money. Or empires, or getting your name in a fuckin' history book. It'll all be forgotten eventually. I mean... the hearts we touched. Every little bit of advice, of happiness, we leave behind. Just making the world better in whatever way we can. Changing real lives. It's the little things. We don't have to change the world."

Character Bios

These character bios were written at an early stage in the story, and revised as necessary.

Though spoilers for the original story should be expected, I'm not going to spoil anything for the sequel! Note that certain qualities and interests of characters are noted down here for my own reference and the characters may not demonstrate these things in the story - for example, Eraline used to enjoy painting. She doesn't do this in the story, it's just a factoid for my own edification and understanding of the character.


_ Name : Tai_ _Sundafyllison [Previously Shepherd-Sundafyllr]_

_ Age : 8 years, 7.5 months. Born: 23 rd_of March in New York City. Lived mostly in Alaska, near the Alaskan Ranges. Lived for a time in San Francisco. Remembers neither SF or NYC.

_ Sex _: Male

_ Appearance _: Quite small for his age, very skinny. His eyes are large, demonstrative. They are a bright, warm/wet green like a healthy leaf. Fur is an unusually paler color than most foxes; a golden tawny color, becoming cloudy-white from his bottom jaw, down his throat and belly to his groin, and on his extremities. Shy body-language in the company of strangers, usually avoiding eye-contact or "opening" his body to them. Can be quite normal around friends though, though they are virtually non-existent. Head-fur is quite long (nearly to his shoulders), wavy-straight, and a more golden-blonde shade. His fringe tends to hang over his eyes in the form of bangs if not constantly pushed to the side. Long enough even at the front to get in his mouth if he's unlucky.

_ Fashion : Casual department store clothing, basic. Has never thought much about fashion, due to being fully aware his mother can't afford more than cheap department store clothing. O wns a pair of fingerless gloves, though only wears them early in the story; he thought they were cool._ Wardrobe consists mostly of cheap tracksuit pants, jeans, athletic shorts, t-shirts, hooded sweaters and short ankle socks. Prefers to wear satin boxers, but his mother has bought him other types of underwear - including thermals, which he wears (or used to wear) on cold days without complaint.

_ Interests / skills : Nature; aptitude for athleticism but little interest in competition ; knowledgeable on insects and birds, for his age; highly intelligent, especially, for his age; can be an extremely advanced lateral thinker if the situation calls for it, able to solve prob lems and gain insights ; intuitive, able to understand furs empathically as well as make adult-like metaphors, comparisons and judgments. Displays an unusually mature independence. Was taught camping and survival skills from a young age._

Despite this, is not an outstanding student at school and considers himself stupid or, at best, average.

_ Likes : Pizza. Walking and exploring (preferably in natural surroundings). Physical and emotional closeness_. Puzzles. Video games. Snow. Apple juice, especially sparkling.

_ Dislikes : Vegetables. Too much sugar. Lime flavored candy. Loss of friends and family. Rejection. School._

_ Notes : Has trust issues: other kids betrayed him and adults never cared about him, even his mother. Tai is wary of others, and very shy, hoping most of the time that people just don't notice him, which shows strongly in his body language. I t is not easy to earn his trust, but if he is won over he becomes significantly more open - he wants someone to trust._

Ignored by adults and children, he's prone to fantasy flights, going for walks alone and exhibits very adult behavior as he had to look out for himself (including feeding himself, protecting himself from bullies, etc). Likewise this has made him a cynical and bitter boy. He still has a huge capacity for love and concern though, even caring about peop __le he doesn't know. Moral and_ very compassionate._

Sexually aware, Tai is primarily interested in other boys but this has been heavily tempered by his fear of other young males and their violent teasing. His mother has, perhaps accidentally, made him ashamed of his body and interests until Mike challenged his reticence by speaking openly and bluntly about sexuality to him, and encouraging experimentation.

Prefers and gravitates towards older males (such as Robert and Jake); though he loves his mother, he has a strong desire for a father figure due to his happy memories of his biological father.

A submissive in physical relations. It means a lot to him to know that he can trust the person he is with (usually Mike).His interest in things like bondage is complex - it has interested him since he saw kidnapping scenes in movies. He always found it arousing, giving him a funny feeling in his stomach, and had always wanted to try it for himself. His interest goes beyond mere tie-up games (but those are fun too!). He enjoys the thrill, as well as the sensations and feelings of deep, intimate trust.

His father died when he was four, leaving his mother and him impoverished; as such has little possessions and no special clothing, unable to participate in the preteen subculture. This, his smallness, his girlishness/androgyny and his guarded, intellectual attitude have made him unpopular in times past, with things being really bad the six months after he turned eight. He fears greatly that times are going to get wor __se for him as he gets older, though could not put those fears into words.

After his father's death, his distraught mother legally altered Tai's name. So, sadly, he only legally goes by his mother's surname now.

Tai's resourcefulness shines most when he overcomes his self-defeating attitude, such as when he conceives of a plan to escape from kidnappers when all hope seems lost. He also shows remarkable fortitude, enduring countless dire injuries and fighting through pain to save his best friend.

_ Height/Weight _: 22.7kgs, 124.5cm



_ Name _: Mike Donaldson

_ Age : 10 years, 2 months. Born 7 th_of August in New York City. Has been in the Big Apple all his life.

_ Sex _: Male

_ Appearance : Bark colored , almost chestnut_colored fur with the exception of his lighter-colored front and dark-brown extremities. Normal size and height for his age, and quite lean and muscular for a kit due to his swimming (and other active) interests. Overtly friendly in appearance and attitude. Hazel eyes. Head fur is a lighter brown than his body, and roughly neck-length, shorter in front to keep it out of his eyes. He keeps it in a popular, swept-over-face bangs style (similar to Tai's, though not as long).

_ Fashion : Mike often wears surf-brand clothing with logos and designs (something Tai finds interesting), or sports-related clothing, but also owns the occasional piece of more expensive fashion for nights out. Wears sandals, flip-flops or socks/trainers depending on the weather._ _Owns several necklaces of different types and can often be seen wearing wrist-bands or several, though mostly when he's going out. Despite being homeschooled, Mike dresses fashionably._

_ Interests / skills _: Swimming. Challenges/success and improvement. Music, television and video games. Reading and learning. Very intelligent and mature, with his father's education being effective and extensive; responsible and usually plans ahead very well, allowing him to bring his determination to bear effectively. A language genius, talking like a grown-up as a matter of course.

_ Likes : Meat, particularly curried. Video games. Peanut-butter-jelly sandwiches. Pop and rock music. New York City. Playing active games with friends. His father._

_ Dislikes : Vegetables. Most confectionery. Arrogant and mea n people. Being condescended to_. Social workers, government bureaucrats and police. Failure. Noisy, "angry" music. Sitting around.

_ Notes : Amicable and intelligent, very good with details. Mike has been home-schooled to a level well above most elementary kids and has the attitude, focus and responsibility of a boy ma ny years older. He lost his mother in a car-crash years ago, which is one of the many things that attracted him to Tai in the first place, and he secretly harbors a desire to see his father and Eraline together so he and Tai can be brothers and b e happy as a whole family. After getting to know Tai , he values him as his_ _closest friend, desperate to discuss his most guarded secrets with him and eventually loving him like a brother. He's a very selfless , serious kit, and cares more for Tai's wellbeing than his own health; when worried about his younger friend, his judgment can be impaired and he'll rush to help however he can._

Wa __s raped when he was Tai's age. H_ is assailant didn't physically harm him, instead trying to make it as pleasant and brief as possible, apologizing as he left. H is sexual interests were NOT totally shaped or "because of" this; he was already sexually aware, but the incident confused him._ _The rapist was never found and Mike started to use his internet access to learn more about his confusing sexual feelings . As a result, he quickly discovered the world of erotica and pornography. The incident certainly affected his interests and made him mature in this area far quicker, but he is fairly sure he isn't the way he is because of - but regardless of why, he is the way he is and doesn't see anything wrong with it. He likes bondage and sex-play as it was portrayed in the consensual stories he has read: not the way he was introduced to it, and he has no desire to inflict anything on another._ He wants to i __ntroduce Tai to these pleasures_ without the fear and anxiety he felt at the time , and is quite certain of his sexual interests in other young males, particularly the lithe, gentle Tai._

The rape rattled him far more than he admits. Though on some level he found he enjoyed some of the things he was introduced to that day, he was so terrified by the rapist's threats that he didn't resist. Despite everyone's best efforts, the boy was ashamed of himself; that he got caught so easily and was so ineffectual and scared.

Nearly idolizes his father, who he is very close with. Wishes to be the best he can be for his dad, and to be as mature and grown up as possible, not just so his dad would be proud of him, but because he doesn't want his parent to expend energy worrying about him. The rape made him feel like he had disappointed his father and he lied that it hadn't bothered him at all.

His father's good opinion is everything to him, and like Tai, it takes only a few harsh words to reduce him to tears. Robert knows this and is usually gentle with his reprimands.

Mike _'d be a therapist's goldmine, but he refused flatly to see one for more than a few cursory, barely cooperative visits, insisting he was fine.__ He might be cordial to a psychologist, b_ut guards his answers carefully. Detests most social workers. Already distrusts the government and police to some extent. Secretly afraid he could be taken away from his father by the government for no good reason. His father does not encourage this fear, but doesn't seem to be able to do anything about it.

His maturity, focus and ability to plan ahead helped the boys escape. Regardless, he credits Tai as his savior.

_ Height / Weight _: 145cm, 33kgs



_ Name _: Eraline Sundafyllisson

_ Age : 36. Born in Stavanger, Norway on the 14 th_of July.

_ Sex _: Female

_ Fashion _: Basic casual wear and simple evening dresses. When working, wears a business dress.

_ Appearance _: A light tawny-brown color fox, Eraline has very long hair down to the small of her back. Her eyes were often described as "icy", a vibrant blue color that emphasized her aloof and cold behavior at times.

_ Interests / skills _: City life; hand-to-hand combat; espionage; weapons handling; painting.

_ Likes _: Cocktails. Her son. Artwork. Good wine.

_ Dislikes _: When her son complains/talking with her son. Banana flavored drinks. Unhygienic habits. Her job.

_ Notes _: Eraline's mistreatment of Tai is double-sided. On one hand, her job takes a lot out of her, placing both her and Tai in extreme danger. On the other hand, she really doesn't notice her boy growing right under her nose, and tends to be inconsiderate of him, and appears markedly disinterested. As such a distanced parent, she's rarely involved in Tai's personal problems. She isn't evil or totally neglectful, just too self-occupied to listen, busy and has trouble seeing the things Tai wants to show her without words.

Her husband Thomas was killed years ago in Alaska, leaving her ostensibly poor. In reality she had quite some money being given to her by the CIA and saved up for a long time. But playing the poor widow with a young boy deterred suspicion - critical at the time, as they believed their cover had been blown.

She suffered fatal injuries in an assassin's attack, including a shot to the liver. The assassin had tried to kill Tai first to make it appear a murder-suicide when Eraline stopped him. She used everything left in her to defend her son, incapacitating the assassin and preventing any injury befalling Tai. She passed out beside him, apologizing for being a bad mother - and died in hospital only a few hours later, the last image in her mind that of her son and her husband.

The CIA released her superannuation, bank accounts, life-insurance and more to Tai in a trust fund.

In her final message to her son, she discusses the effect her husband - his father - dying had on her. She was extremely depressed and became despondent; the isolation, living alone with a shy son who was very young and demanding at the time, did not help. She become remote from Tai, and as a result didn't realize that he had quickly matured because of their situation - she still thinks of him subconsciously as the burden that made her difficult life after losing Thomas even harder; a brainless young child with no significant problems instead of a brilliant, sensitive boy beset by crippling issues with his life and emotions. Her understanding of him is frozen at when he was five or six.

She did still love him and hoped that some time in the company of Robert (an old friend) would help her learn to feel again; and help her reconnect with her son. Her love for them both was perhaps the only thing she could_still feel._

_ Height / Weight _: 162cm, 53kgs



_ Name _: Robert Donaldson

_ Age : 38. Born 15 th_August in Chelsea, Great Britain to an Irish and Scottish pair. Moved to NYC at age 27.

_ Sex _: Male

_ Fashion _: As a professor of English at NYU, Robert wears clothing befitting an older fur. Corduroy, pullovers, jeans and such. Outside the university, he may occasionally be seen to wear more comfortable clothes, but almost always long pants and classy, leather or canvas shoes.

_ Interests / skills _: Played "_football" (as he emphatically says) and rugby during high school. When he came to America and started work at the university, developed an interest in their collegiate football. Language. Highly intelligent, loves jousting verbally with his ten year old son. Debating. Lateral thinking._

_ Likes _: Ball games. Seeing his son succeed. Movies. Coffee. Reading. Sit-coms. Stand up comedy.

_ Dislikes _: Most television. Most vegetables. Tofu. Alcohol.

_ Notes _: Originally an analyst at MI:6, Robert was recruited to the United States of America's CIA and moved to America where he met Eraline. Aside from teaching, Robert also was in the employ of the CIA. It was a safe job that brought him extra money just for being there and he generally was never bothered. However, one day his son was raped and Robert realized it was merely a distraction - the invader had actually sought information in their apartment.

Robert loves his son and as a close friend of Eraline he views Tai almost immediately as a son too. He cares about Mike more than anything else and would gladly give his life for his son, who has lost a mother and been raped already in his short life. His feelings for Tai are just the same and he adopts Tai against the wishes of the agency. He refuses to let all he had left of Eraline and Thomas be sent to an orphanage, especially not when it became clear that Tai and Mike were becoming so incredibly close.

Plays American football with students at the college, casually. Having been an athlete all his life, he is in good shape. An injury has damaged his knee, however, and that has badly interfered with his playing ability. In spite of his injury, he is still quite physical and cares quite a lot for his health, going as far as to reject alcohol and caffeine. He is a capable fighter, with some combat training, but doesn't approach the level of skill and training of a soldier or field officer - a fact his old friend, Nathan, enforced starkly in their rooftop meeting. Regardless, he is still willing to fight the younger, stronger and manic Darron at the docks to protect his son(s), and clear Eraline's name.

Eraline met Robert Donaldson eleven years ago, but before Robert could court the lady, his colleague and best friend Thomas made the first move. Robert was then wooed by Mike's mother, Haley. Despite his interest in Eraline, they are both aware they could never be anything more than very good friends as they are still too hung up on their previous partners.

Haley Donaldson was killed in a gruesome car crash that appeared to be a genuine accident. It was a head-on collision with a lamp-post.

_ Height / Weight _: 178cm, 79kgs



_ Name _: Thomas Shepherd

_ Age : 33 (deceased). Born in Nebraska, United States of America on the 18th_of July.

_ Sex _: Male

_ Appearance _: Tai has difficulty remembering his father's appearance, aside from vague things like his smell, his attitude, how much Tai loved him, etc. Eraline says that Tai looks very much like him, with his eyes. A photo of him would reveal his neck length yellow, nearly golden head-fur, tall tawny furred frame and emerald eyes, and almost cheeky muzzle-structure. Tai being a mixture of these features and his mother's refined, effeminate traits.

_ Fashion _: Wooden overcoat at present.

_ Interests / skills _: Rotting. Family. Sports, especially football. Camping. Hunting.

_ Likes _: Unknown aside from Tai and Eraline.

_ Dislikes _: Unknown.

_ Notes _: Tai's father dies long before the start of the story, and all that remains of him in the story-world is Tai's nebulous memories and Eraline's more specific ones. Before she falls prey to her wounds, Eraline reveals that Tai looks very much like Thomas.

Thomas was killed on board a fishing trawler during a minor mission (?!) in Alaska.

Though it was deemed an accident, Thomas still died in the line of duty. In addition to Eraline's money, Tai's trust fund contains the remnants of his father's too.

An intelligent, emotional male from the Midwest, he would've given his life for his family or friends.

_ Height / Weight _: 175cm, 73kgs.



_ Name _: Darron Mathews

_ Age : 17 (deceased). Born Yellowknife, Canada on the 25th_of February.

_ Sex _: Male

_ Appearance _: Fur is dark grey, shot through with white giving his fur an appearance much like dark storm clouds. Amber/yellow eyes. A tall, bulky teenager, surprisingly muscular.

_ Fashion _: Gravitates towards simple urban clothing, though keeps his fashion choices "functional." Tracksuit pants, cargo pants and oversized t-shirts; preferring dark colors. Due to his interest in urban artists, as well as a desire to fit in with a subculture of some kind, Darron wears clothes in their style. He finds it liberating and allows him to retain an identity.

_ Interests / skills _: Brawling, boxing. Urban music. Is a decent hand-to-hand fighter. Somewhat cunning and resourceful. Is an excellent shot with a firearm. Knife fighting - very good at using a bladed weapon.

_ Likes _: Rap, fighting, aggravating authority figures; watching boxing matches; drugs - is still slightly addicted to the heroin he was forcibly injected with as a child.

_ Dislikes _: Just about everything and everyone. Tai and Eraline. The CIA and American government. Marco and the others that are working under him.

_ Notes _: Little is known about Darron's past. He and his mother were tricked and forced into a life of forced prostitution since he was five. He has endured much, including rape, being forcibly drugged and beaten viciously by adults who simply wanted to enjoy inflicting it on him for their own amusement.

With only a perpetually drugged, terminally depressed mother to be by his side, Darron had little to cling on to for support in his early years, though he fought hard to maintain a sense of self, in spite of abuse from the criminals he was exposed to. One day, he and his mother were purchased by a powerful criminal, who was interested in keeping them both for himself.

Though things improved, Darron's mother was driven to bring down the trafficking rings. She contacted the US government who handed the case over to the CIA rather than the FBI, as it involved Canadian and European criminals and they felt the CIA could be more secretive (this in direct violation of the CIA's mandate). However, Darron's mother, Kayla, was compromised quickly and forced to either attack the agent she was in contact with, or her son would be killed. She told none of this to her son.

Darron followed his mother one night, and he was to witness what seemed to be, from his point of view, a betrayal by the government agent. His mother was killed by Eraline Sundafyllison, by accident and in self defense, though he did not realize this.

Convinced the CIA had betrayed them, Darron told the crime boss everything, and from that point it was revealed why he and his mother had been bought in the first place. His mother was to be, essentially, a private sex slave, albeit with some dignity and standing, before her betrayal. However, Darron's role was intended to be very different, and he was adopted.

As a result, Darron was taught how to handle firearms and fight in hand-to-hand combat, amongst other skills. He was not alone - two other young boys were involved as well. Despite his fury at the situation, he accepted the training, excelling at shooting; but ever he detested the people who had taken control of his life - the only group he despised more was the duplicitous CIA. He resisted the mental conditioning he was put through and eventually his adopted father/owner decided to put him through public school, deciding he wasn't worth the effort, and at the request of Darron himself, wanting a normal life. Darron continued to misbehave there, and one day attempted to assault a young child - Tai - and his father withdrew him from the system, again giving him local work within the criminal organization. Angry and looking for a way to strike back at the world, Darron took to his new appointment with abandon, ironically becoming something similar to what he was intended to be from the beginning.

When Eraline returned to New York City, getting a job at the New York City dockyards, the one person who knew her identity as a CIA mole, Darron, recognized her and immediately told the best assassin available to him - Nathan Silverman - to end her life.

Unsatisfied, he had Tai and Mike kidnapped, with the intention of forcing them into the same slavery he had suffered. The children proved even more resourceful than he expected and they escaped - and Darron finally turned on the syndicate itself, murdering one member in cold blood. Though Darron managed to shoot Tai through the chest, the fox-boy survived and Darron was forced to face a vengeful Robert Donaldson in one-on-one battle. A battle wherein he proved his skills, despite underestimating his older opponent, but was ultimately defeated by the precise technique - which he realized almost immediately to be_defensive- that had killed his mother._

Realizing this, and hearing Robert explain the truth about his mother's death and pointing out that he had betrayed her ideals, enraged and shamed Darron. He broke free and acquired Robert's gun, only to urge Robert to save those he had consigned to slavery, then kill himself - a result that greatly displeased and upset Robert.

Darron's actions caused the utter destruction of the New York cell of the syndicate, but the syndicate's leaders remain at large and unidentified. In his final moments, the wolf redeemed himself.

_ Height / Weight _: 176cm, 77kg



_ Name _: Nathan Silverman

_ Age : 32 (deceased). Born 26th_of August.

_ Sex _: Male

_ Appearance _: A slender, wiry weasel with brown eyes and short head-fur.

_ Fashion _: Unremarkable clothing, usually just wears whatever is on hand that won't draw attention. Though he perhaps one day had an interest in such things, he no longer seems fazed by fashion or personal appearance.

_ Interests / skills _: Martial arts (Muay Thai champion at a young age); firearms; long distance running;

_ Likes _: African cuisine; may have a prurient interest in cubs.

_ Dislikes _: Criminals; murder (in general), housekeeping.

_ Notes _: Nate was a soldier in the CIA's Special Operations Group, one of the USA's most secretive Special Forces groups. He was one of the few recruited directly from within the agency, and was initially a CIA field operations officer stationed in South Africa.

After applying to the SOG, Nate's first long-term assignment was to the deserts of middle Africa, where his squad was instructed to paralyze a terrorist cell and protect American interests through unremitting assaults, ambushes, sabotage and even terrorism of their own - as an SOG operative, Nate was asked to commit some truly heinous acts in order to neutralize a cell of 'rebels'/terrorists in an African village. It is unknown how much he actually made himself do.

Regardless, the events of that period in his life had an undeniable effect on the ferret.

Formerly a semi-professional Muay Thai competitor (as well as triathlete) before joining the CIA, Nate's hand-to-hand ability was augmented by further training as an operations officer and then as a special forces soldier. He is an expert in controlling and eliminating opponents, whether armed or not. He also became a friend of Robert Donaldson at one point.

At some point, a criminal organization managed to gain his allegiance, and Nate betrayed his country. It is unknown exactly how they managed to turn him, though Nate himself dropped hints that it was all against his will.

Under their direction, he raided Robert Donaldson's New York apartment for information, sexually assaulting his son, Mike, to disguise his actions as a rape-assault (likely as an on-the-spot decision to avoid having to simply kill the kit) and nothing more. He tried his best to leave Mike unharmed, but he terrified the boy. Mike proved more wily than expected, managing to snatch a glimpse of him and describe him to his father, who then incredibly managed to track Nate down before he could flee town. Nate escaped during their confrontation, unwilling to do any more harm to his friend or an innocent child - though he did decisively beat Robert with nary a couple of blows.

Nate was the assassin ordered to kill Eraline Sundafyllison - a female CIA field operations officer. Despite Nate's skills, Eraline proved too determined to protect her child. Even though Nate was stronger, larger, better armed and better trained, he failed to take out both Eraline and her son. He was grievously wounded by Eraline's final actions, and Tai survived mostly unharmed - though Nate personally was not upset by this, as he truthfully hated harming children especially.

Regardless, he found himself faced with Robert Donaldson once again and they fought to the death in a hospital room. Grievously wounded from his attempt to kill Eraline and simultaneously prevent her agile son's escape, Nathan was unable to fight to his full capacity - Robert tricked him with an unloaded firearm, outmaneuvered him and killed him by defenestration.

Nate respected and admired both Eraline and Robert, and he detested harming innocents. In his final years, Nate was depressed and barely cared about anything at all; his abode was a stenching mass of rotting food and body odour, and he forwent bathing for months on end. Initially a patriotic and upstanding CIA agent, the circumstances surrounding his betrayal of the United States of America and his own principles are unknown.

For now.

_ Height / Weight _: 171cm, 70kg

(Unofficial) Hypothetical Soundtrack

And lyrics!

Ever since I first started the story, I had several songs in mind that I felt suited the mood and themes of Tai's Story perfectly. I include their names, lyrics and a link to their YouTube videos here - if you can't listen to the video links I provide, please do a search of your own for the song in question, and feel free to let me know what you think of the songs I've chosen!

Obviously, this is completely hypothetical and without the endorsement of the original artists, or anyone at all. Merely my opinion; these are just some great tracks that I feel fit the story very well.

Note: Sorry, SoFurry readers, I couldn't get this section to behave here. I'll work on it later. As always, better to check out the original document! It's safe, I swear!

Main theme:

Savage Garden - Affirmation.



I believe the sun should never set upon an argument. I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands. I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you. I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do! I believe that beauty magazines promote low self-esteem. I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone. I believe in Karma, what you give is what you get returned. I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned. I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side. I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye!

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality. I believe that trust is more important than monogamy. I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul. I believe that family is worth more than money or gold. I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair; I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires!

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned. I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned. I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side. I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye!

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness. I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed... I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists! I believe in love surviving death into eternity!

[CHORUS x 2]

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned! I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned! I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side! I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye!!

Feeder - Feeling a Moment.


Feeling the moment slip away Losing direction, you're loosing faith You're wishing for someone, Feeling it all begin to slide Am I just like you? All the things you do - can't help myself...

How do you feel when there's no sun? And how will you be when rain clouds come and pull you down again? How will you feel when there's no one? Am I just like you?

Turning to face what you've become, Buried the ashes of someone Broken by the strain Trying to fill that space inside Am I just like you? All the things you do - can't help myself

How do you feel when there's no sun? And how will you be when rain clouds come and pull you down again? How will you feel when there's no one? Am I just like you? All the things you do

Don't ever feel that you're alone I'll never let you down, I'll never leave you dry Don't fall apart, don't let it go Carry the notion, carry the notion back to me, to me...

Feeling the moment slip away Feeling the moment slip away

Cause I'm just like you

How do you feel when there's no sun? And how will you be when rain clouds come and pull you down again? How do you feel when there's no one? Am I just like you?

Janelle - Amazing.


The morning cold and raining, dark before the dawn could come. How long in twilight waiting, longing for the rising sun? Oh oh oh oh

You came like crashing thunder, breaking through these walls of stone. You came with wide eyed wonder, into all this great unknown. Oh oh oh oh... Hush now don't you be afraid! I promise you I'll always stay. I'll never be that far away I'm right here with you...

[Chorus] You're so amazing you shine like the stars You're so amazing the beauty you are You came blazing right into my heart You're so amazing you are... You are

You came from heaven shining Breath of God still flows from fresh on you The beating heart inside me Crumbled at this one so new oh oh oh oh

No matter where or how far you wander For a thousand years or longer I will always be there for you Right here with you


I hope your tears are few and fast I hope your dreams come true at last I hope you find love that goes on and on and on and on and on I hope you wish on every star I hope you never fall too far I hope this world can see how wonderful you are


You're so amazing you shine like the stars You're so amazing the beauty you are You came blazing right into my heart You're so amazing you are... You are...

Dream Theater - Hell's Kitchen.



Evanescence - Listen to the Rain.


Listen listen... Listen listen... Listen (listen) listen (listen) Listen (listen) listen (listen) Listen (listen) listen (listen) Listen listen

Listen to each drop of rain (listen listen) Whispering secrets in vain (listen listen) Frantically searching for someone to hear; Their story before they hit ground Please don't let go Can't we stay for a while? It's just to hard to say goodbye Listen to the rain

Aa...ah Listen listen listen listen listen listen to the rain. Weeping. Oo...ooh oooh ooh oo...ooh~

Listen (listen) listen (listen) Listen (listen) listen

I stand alone in the storm (listen listen) Suddenly sweet words take hold (Listen listen) Hurry they say for you haven't much time; Open your eyes to the love around you You may feel you're alone; But I'm here still with you You can do what you dream Just remember to listen to the rain

oo..ooh oh oh oh oh... ooh ooh oh oh oooh... Listen

Original Music : a certain furry musician made a small track for the story, and if it were a movie, I'd love for him to produce the whole score. In the realm of fantasy, James Horner's music has always been just right in my mind.

Notes and Cool Things!

Tai's Story took years to finish, and during a year-long interim between updates, the author actually traveled to New York City.

Eraline's fighting style, though very little is "seen" of it, is based on an ancient (Koryu) form of jujutsu. All fight scenes were choreographed in real life, and all characters have their own fighting style, that was researched.

The "finalized" version of Tai's Story was released in 2012. The story was started around 2005. The author must be such a lazy moron...

All major characters are carnivores or omnivores.

Even though the story seemingly takes place in modern day New York City, no brands, franchises or companies that exist today are mentioned - canonically, the story takes place in the future, where mankind no longer exists, possibly having genetically engineered the anthropomorphic furries before fading away.

In an earlier version of the story, Eraline valiantly defended her son by stabbing their assailant with a skillet... which is a frying pan, if you didn't know. No, I have no idea how that got in there. Maybe I was thinking of a fillet knife.

A reader has compiled a "TVTropes" list for the story - unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it can be hosted on the TVTropes site.

Tai's name was not inspired by a _Digimon_character, but by a character in a book in the _Dragonriders of Pern_series. At the time, I had never seen the name used in real life. Since then, I've encountered it a few times.

The title of the novel, although pretty plain and lame, was intended to reflect that, while this is Tai's own story, every other character and life around him also has their own - everyone has their own stories. From Mike's traumatic past to Robert's pain and loss to Darron's endless fury, they all have tales to tell.

Originally, the story was presented in HTML, using blue font on black background - and the font was Comic Sans MS. Funnily enough, nobody complained about the font, only the color. The color was intended to allow easy readability in low-light conditions.

The Future!

It's my intention that Tai's story will be continued in the future. There is still much to improve, even within the first story, and wrap up, and I would like to see more artwork of the characters and events - no matter what happens, I'm not going to leave this story unfinished.

Once more, thank you so much to those who were there for me, who helped me write this any my other stories, and those who sent feedback.

I'm both humbled and incredibly proud to know that my story has inspired so much love, and meant so much to people.

Thanks, to each and every one of you. I'll catch you all soon, with new, better, and more powerful tales to tell.

Again, as I can never say it enough, thank you all,

Kichigai Kitsune.

Copyright 2014, Kichigai Kitsune

I like turtles.