Red Sun and Moon, Chapters 5 and Six

Story by DrKirre on SoFurry

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#4 of Lunar Aria

CHAPTER FIVE: Â Â Â Naked Truth Revealed

   I lie in bed, eyes closed tight, head on Diem's chest. It's dawn, but that's okay.. dawn means they won't come. Months have passed since... those things... first struck. So, so much has happened since then. Too much for me to ever say, too much to remember. They've started. It's as if my slaying of Rikk's attacker was a key. More keep coming... thank the gods for Diem, and Eldar. They keep me strong. There haven't been any big attacks, but there've been so many. I strike them down as they come, but it's been tiring. I feel so tense inside, too. Like something's about to happen. No, that's not right. Like something MUST happen, or else. It's been getting harder fighting them. I feel as if weighted with lead, as if I must break somehow. I feel like.. like..



    Diem grins evilly at me. "Nuhuh, you're not doing that again. No getting yourself lost in thought all day." Before I can glare at her, she gives my nose a kiss! Ah.. it's like getting melted, in a good way... "Besides, my nose isn't THAT frigid... and you promised Eldar we'd meet with him today, now. Remember?"

   I blink a bit, then nod. "Yeah, that's right.. let's go, while everyone's still asleep. What do you think he wanted to see me for, anyway?" She just smiles at me, pulling me into a tight hug before getting up. "I dunno, but we'll find out."

   "Greetings, children.. it is good to see you're awake, if a bit late. I was afraid something had happened again.."

   Before I could stop her, it was too late. Diem had already started. "Heehee! Well, we WOULD have been on time, but a certain tabby didn't think he had to pee last night, and ended up waiting until he saw the restrooms..." I hid my face in my hand, trying valiantly to hide my blush.

   Eldar merely smiled and patted my head. "It's alright, Hymnal. We all make mistakes at times. Besides, you're here now, so all is well. Now then.. I have been reading my old books, and discovered a few oddities. Oddities that may explain the demons which you combat, among other things. As you may know, this town is built on the ruins of an ancient city. Back in my day, I used to explore the ruins, though they were restricted. Hah, those guards were so easy to trick! Er... why are you laughing?"

   Diem and I both tried to stop giggling, but it was rather difficult. "Well, heehee, you see.." "It's just.. hahaha, well.." "It's hard to imagine YOU as.. well.." "Eldar: Dungeon Delver!"

   The old human just shook his head, smirking. "Typical cubs... well, ANYWAY.. yes. In those ruins, I found a few things. I've recently re-read them.. and.. well, I know a bit more about you then I thought I did. Hymnal... I know who destroyed your arm, as well as he who created those demons. They are one and the same, and far more then I ever would have expected.."

   I couldn't help but shiver at that.. I wanted to leave. I needed to. This was about to turn bad. Very, very bad. But.. I couldn't. Something in me, something warm, made me ask. "Who is the one? Who created the Shadowkyn?" Diem and Eldar both jumped slightly at the word.

"What? What is it..?"

   Diem nudged me gently. "Hymn... that's not a name you can know. Noone knows it but Eldar and I, and I only know because he told me, last night. You know what these creatures are called, without possibly knowing."

   A nod from Eldar, and a grave look. "This confirms my suspicions. Hymnal, Diem.. this must be fate, that you two meet.." He held up a box.. it looked like a book, but with gleaming gems on it.. a priceless artifact. "This..."

   Diem's eyes seem to dim at the sight of it, her hand going to my wounded one and holding it gently. "The book.. of Red Sun and Moon. I know that book. It's an old storybook, telling of an evil that would plague the world. It's what wiped out almost all of your kind, Eldar, as well as severely reduced the numbers of others. It tells of a warrior, born to fight them, but dead before he could, and of spirits sealed within itself. It's just a story, though.. right?"

   A shaken head, and a warm smile. "Yes.. this is the book of Red Sun and Moon. Or, more accurately, THE book of Red Sun and Moon. This is an ancient journal. Your summary is apt, save the last part. Diem.. in this book are the words of the creators of the warrior. The one who would end the plague of shadows. He didn't die... he fought. But so did they. When he eventually fell, there were others who took up his power. The Dra'Alun stems from his name and deeds. Alundra." At that name, my heart felt tight. I know that name... "They fought fire with fire. This shadowy evil is a thought virus. Your power is such as well, an infection of sorts. It attaches to those compatable.."

   "And provides the aspects of power. Blackout. Lucid. Corruption shield. Lightsys. Nanostride. E(nergy/Lemental) Nocturne Augmentation system ELNA."

   "...yes.. exactly that. Hymnal... Diem.. both of you are spoke of in this book.. at least, I believe so. Only Hymn is spoken of directly. But I know you are what is meant in the back portion, Diem. This tells us... Hymn? What are you doing...?"

   My arm.. my wounded arm. It was moving of it's own accord. Fluidly, as if it were whole again. I touched the gems on the cover, holding my palm to the Sun, and Diem's to the Moon. "They are within.. they are tainted.. they will be, for they must not be not." My forehead burned with the force of a thousand stars, charring the fur into the sigil from before. "Somniaa!"

   All fades to black... the time to awaken the Sleepers has come.

_o/' Atrum catena, modus vita... Hymnal, proeliator... LICENTIA!! o/'

Chapter 6: cOr//!p+0nn

   I feel it. The surge, the heartbeat. This is how it is, this is how things shall be. The inexorable tide of power... I know what was slowing me. I don my armor, knowing full well this fight will need it. My head tilts back, words flowing freely from me, a river of power releasing the seals. "I am the master of the dream realm! I am the Sleeper! I am the Waken! I am the Walker! I am the Speaker! I am the Thinker! I am the Binder, and I am the Sorrow! Grant unto me the truth of my power!"_

   My armor shatters in an instant, fragments blazing into light, revealing my new form.. I feel the power surge, lines of energy dancing over my bare fur. "Armor exists to protect from harm, be it the wearer who is shielded, or the innocent bystander from his power. COME FORTH, ShadowKyn! Take me if you can! I shall not falter!"

   I stand proudly.. waiting, listening. It is here. They are, as well. I know why I felt so horrible before... the armor was slowing me, weighing me down. Any clothing at all would merely contain my power, limit it.. thus, I stand as true, the proof of my birthright all that I wear.

   "you cannot reclaim them, lightbringer. they are ours now. forever."

   I remain still.

   "leave this realm, or we shall destroy you."

   Nothing. Not even a blink.

   "so be it. we shall rend you first, lightbringer. you may have reached your second form, but you are no match for us."

   The darkness pools in front of me, forming into a shape... no.. two shapes. They're... bodies. Two felines.. I gasp. I know the truth of their words now. I am indeed no match for them... the shadows which have no form, stealing the bodies and souls of others. This is one battle I must not fight... but I must.


  "Dime! Artemis! I swear, upon my life, YOU SHALL BE FREED!"

o/'Decerto, Hymnal... servo tui creators... o/'