Nothing I can do

Story by Sebastian Fox on SoFurry

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Hey all, here is a little something, a small piece of poetry in a whatever style. I figured I'd regale you with the inner workings of my mind while I wait on Maeve for the next bit of In the World After. It's kind of a downer, but try to enjoy it for what it is :)

Is there nothing I can do?

Nothing I can do to help?

These are the thoughts and feelings I battle constantly;

Everyone around me seems draped in the grim shadows of depression

Sadness and fear, terror of what won't come,

And here I sit, with a blank stare and an open heart.

Depression, with its fowl fingers, has never touched my soul

Invaded my heart

How I've evaded it, I can't say

Life, as dark as it can get, has never struck me as dim

For all the bad thing, there are a million more good that just need to be found.

And so, with a blank stare and an open heart,

I battle constantly the feelings and thoughts

Of helplessness

And hopelessness.

Am I simply destined to be the rock in everyone's swift waters?

In the turbulent waves my loved ones face,

Must I always be the one to help bare the burden?

I don't complain, as long as I provide the help they need.


Who, I ask, can be there for me

When I break?

When the storm rages in my heart?

Is everyone but me

blind to how hard I try

To smile

and shrug of the blows?

Can they not see, with my blank stare and open heart,

How my internal torment thrives?

In this not-so-dim life, with all its dark things,

and all it's good things that outweigh the bad,

I try and hold lights up for those lost in their darkness,


What light can I offer,

When darkness is all I see?

With a blank stare and an open heart,

I weep silently,

no one sees my tears.

These are the thoughts and feelings I battle constantly...

Is there nothing I can do?

Nothing I can do to help