The Will of Kings - Chapter 8

Story by Mewjen on SoFurry

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#8 of The Will of Kings

Sent on a mission to retrieve Jaller for his brother, Set must deal with those who will force their help on him, despite the fact that he is just trying to protect his friend from himself.

Disclaimer: The following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and will involve interpretations of deities from various religions. No offense is intended. This is copyrighted to me (mewjen(at), so no using it without my. This is a work of fiction.

Seeing Jaller again was hard. He looked so content, so happy with his life compared to just a month ago. It was made harder, knowing that I shared some responsibility in his and Anubis' current relationship, and that I was now to take that away. Worse still, he wasn't alone.

Neith, Gaia, the Grand Elder of Tem back in the day, she had many names. The only daughter of Ra to survive the first holocaust of the Devourers, and the only one to stay in Tem, after the rebirth of the Earth. She was strong when she wanted to be and infinitely patient when she needed to be. She would never let me take Jaller without cause, and turning him over to my brother would not classify as a just cause. She knows us too well. To even attempt to hide the truth would be folly.

I stayed in the shadows, using my darkness to remain unseen, waiting, trying to figure out a lie to tell him after he left her presence.

"This is too strange," Jaller said to her, from where they sat.

"You are still caught up in that," she said, amused. "This is your...sixth visit? Yet, you seem to need to come back to this point every time we meet."

"I'm sorry," he said, showing some nervous discomfort, "but it is weird to connect you with my memory of you and who you are now."

"Would you prefer the wrinkles?" she jested.

"Did An know back then?" Jaller asked.

"That I am his sister?" She chuckled softly. "I only met him once in this form, just after he was born. Afterwards, Ra sealed himself away," she sighed, "and there was no opportunity nor reason to further complicate his life."

Jaller glanced down, not looking at her, as he countered her statement. "It would have done him some good to know his family hadn't abandoned him."

She look down too, showing remorse. "He was supposed to be hidden. Very few were allowed to know the truth of his lineage." They both raised their heads, as she continued with a mild smile, "Anubis only told you because he was sweet on you."

Jaller visibly blushed, his inner ears tinting red. "He told me before that."

"Jaller," she said with a mix of humor and acceptance, "I warned you from the beginning, because the two of you were obvious. Why it took over a score is beyond me."

He reacted with humor. Whether he was covering up his true feelings or truly accepting of what happened, I could not tell. "You weren't very supportive, and we had to figure things out on our own."

"That was the Council's doing," she stated defensively, "and probably Ra's also."

Jaller remained calm, not blaming any involved party. "Oh, he takes full credit for the effort."

"He feels sorrow now because of it," she pointed out.

"I know." Jaller was looking rather uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. He continued, but it was easy to see he was hoping for a change in subject to come in the near future. "Ra is acting so pitiful now, only An seems to be able to stay mad at him."

It was probably true, but my distain for Ra's actions against me paled compared to everything else. Forgiving Ra didn't matter to me nor my guess did it matter to anyone but Ra. Even then, Ra only cared about one person's forgiveness in particular.

"You know why that is?" She asked the question as though the reason was unimportant, as though she was asking another question entirely.

"Yeah," he replied, after a moment.

There was a pang of jealousy at Jaller's assertion. Despite everything, I guess I still have some repressed feelings for An, and that I am not completely ready to accept that he should know my former boyfriend as well as me, if not better, considering the aftermath of my destroying An's heart.

"Be careful, Set. Brooding does nothing for you."

Neith's statement was enough of a shock that I jumped and tripped, becoming visible to an equally shocked Jaller.

"Set?" Jaller stared at me, probably off put by the lurking.

"Hey." I waved nervously, after standing up.

"Set," Neith gritted out, walking towards me.

She swung her fist at me, and acting on instinct, I raised a green ward to stop her from making physical contact. But the force was still enough to send me to the ground again. She stopped, staring at me in horror, as Jaller ran forward.

She didn't let him speak. "That was for entering without permission. The next would have been for your little vanishing trick, but I have a feeling your intentions are going to warrant much worst."

"And what makes you think my intentions are anything less than honorable?" I asked, staying down for now.

"You think I would not recognize that collar?" She pulled a bo staff from subspace and placed one end to my throat, on the collar itself. "What have you done, and what is your brother planning?"

It was my turn to stare in confusion. "What do you mean? I have never worn this collar before."

"Feigning ignorance is a waste of our time." She pressed down on the staff. "Is Osiris free?"

I felt the urge to lie, but not the requirement. "Yes," I answered.

She didn't release the pressure on my throat. "How?"

"He tricked Horus." I turned to Jaller, watching his confusion bitterly.

Neith must have noticed. "Why would he send you after Jaller?"

"I don't know." It was a lie and the truth at the same time. Osiris listed too many excuses for any of them to be his true reason.

"Jaller," she said, not taking her eyes off me. "Call Anubis. Have him find Horus and bring him here."

The panic was instantaneous. "No!" She dug the staff in a little deeper, making it hard to speak. "An can't be involved," I pleaded. "Please, keep him away from me."

I saw the shock on her face, as she realized my orders. Her gripped lessen, and I pushed her staff aside and stood up.

"Neith, don't make this any harder than it has to be." I conjured a set of chains around her, binding her hands to her body. "Jaller, you need to come with me."

Jaller stepped back. "Why would I do that?"

"Because you do not have a choice in the matter." I grabbed his arm, but pulled away moments later, as his fur burned my hand. I yelled out, as I grabbed my wrist, trying to hold back the pain, as I healed the damage with Horus' power. "Hasn't An taught you any control?"

"You still have an arm," he retorted.

"What have you and Anubis been doing?" I complained, as the scars disappeared.

"Making out," he shrugged.

I stared at him in disbelieve, not expecting him to answer and definitely not expecting that as an answer.

"I mean, we start out fine with training," he continued, trying to defend his statement a little. "It's just moving onto hands-on lectures and hand-to-hand drills that lead to hands on other things."

I was trying desperately not to think about the other things. Damn Jaller for bringing up such lewd thoughts. I mean I am starving myself of intimacy. I don't want to fall for Horus just to end up hurting him. I don't want to pull An away from Jaller, but I still haven't moved on to accept that he's my ex and only my friend, nor have I gotten use to the fact that Jaller is responsible for him now. Then there are these nagging doubts that Osiris has instilled in my head.

I heard Neith break through her bindings. I expected her to lunge, but Jaller cut her off.

"Grand-Neith, please, let me deal with this," he requested.

"Jaller," she countered, "that collar means he is under the control of Osiris. He cannot be trusted in this state."

"But he is also An's friend and Horus' boyfriend," Jaller retorted in my defense.

I flushed at his claim. "He's not-"

"I forgot you're in denial," Jaller interrupted, pushing passed my negation. "Still Set, what is your plan? To acquiesce? What happens when Osiris orders you to attack Horus or An...or myself?" Jaller glared at me, challenging my will to fight.

But I turned away. "I am already under orders to kill Anubis, if he intervenes."

"Should I call test your resolve?" I couldn't tell if he was joking or serious.

"I do not want to kill him," I answered. "But I will, because there is nothing I can do."

"You are an idiot." Neith grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face her. "If you will not remember by choice, then I will force you to remember."

My head exploded into pain, as a series of blurred images passed in front of my eyes. I staggered backward, tripping into Jaller. The images flashed again. This time a little more in focus. At the same time, Osiris' ring was beginning to burn, warning me that I had remained for too long.

I grabbed Jaller and held him tight, as the ring dragged us away. His instincts fought me, and I was forced to bail us out before the added drain became too much.

"Are you insane?" I shouted, after we were sent tumbling into the red sands.

I struggle to stand, as I drained more of Horus' energy to fix a couple of hairline fractures, but Jaller jumped up, completely unscathed.

"You are too raw." I grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "I can't compete with that. You'll kill Horus, if you are not careful."

His powers forced me away with a flash of orange, ripping his shirt, before it repaired itself. "What are you talking about? Last I knew you were going to have your powers bound, because they were endangering your health."

I guess An decided that Jaller deserved to be privy to our private conversations. "Which bound my powers to Horus, and then Osiris made me put on this be-damned ring," I held up my hand, "which bound Horus' powers to me, except I can't regulate them."

"Mmmeph. So that explains the green," he sighed. "So if I fight, you kill Horus. If I wait, you kill An," he stated. "You really know how to trap someone."

I stood up, but immediately fell to my knees, as another series of images scrolled across my eyes, each one seeming to be of Osiris looking down at me in some gray room.

I looked up and found Jaller's hand outstretched. I took it and returned to my feet. "Thanks."

"There has to be a way around this, you know?" he said. "You defeated Osiris once."

"Ra defeated him," I muttered. "I just found him and swapped places with him."

Another wave of pain.

__________ __________

I ripped Osiris' collar off my neck, as I trembled. I felt the loss of my familiars clutching at my heart, just as much as the lack of rescue by Horus or An. My body was in pain. My mind was in pain. My soul was begging for it to end. I crawled out of my cell. My only lock was finally gone, as I dragged my body to the bars. I tried several times to stand up, but fell as soon as I let go, so I hug the wall, tripping every few feet, as I made my way down the greenish hall.

__________ __________

I was shaking, as I pushed off Jaller. "What did she do to me?" I gasped.

__________ __________

I was chained to a table, as my brother stood above me.

"Hush now, dear Set. Ra has already given up on you." He stroked my face, speaking loudly, making certain he was overheard.

I screamed, as the scalpel cut into my scalp.

__________ __________

I let go of Jaller's shoulder when I realized just how hard I was squeezing. He started to speak, but the next vision overwhelmed my senses.

__________ __________

I was on my knees, hands bound, before Ra's cell, as Osiris presided over me.

"You saved him once," Osiris spoke to Ra. "Then you cursed my family to our deaths."

"I was only protecting him from you!" Ra roared.

"He does not deserve to live!" my brother roared in answer.

"You are not allowed to decide his fate," Ra countered angrily.

"I am in control now! Not you!" My brother grabbed the back of my neck and threw me before Ra. "Fix him. Undo your mistake."

"I will not interfere with free will," Ra stated defiantly.

Osiris used his foot the press my head into the ground. "He is diseased. You are forcing him to live through this sickness, when you can cure him."

"There is nothing wrong with him." Ra spoke with such determination, despite his long imprisonment.

"Just think of him as the first step. A test." Osiris sighed. "Once you change him, you can do the same to your son. You can save him so much pain and show him such love."

"And you would be able to do the same to yours," Ra said with disgust. "Even make him think of you as his father."

"I am his father, whether he likes it or not." My brother stepped off my head. "What happens now is up to you. How much does the boy you saved matter?"

Ra stared back at Osiris, his gaze unwavering. "I will never give you the power to manipulate free will."

Osiris tsk-ed his tongue. "Very well." He spoke with serene resolution. "All I have to do is give you a good enough reason. You do not want a son-in-law any more than I do."

Ra's face flashed with anger and revulsion. "Never compare yourself with me. I have my reasons-"

"And I have mine!" Osiris screamed, before continuing with a bone-chilling calm. "You forced this. Now my brother will suffer, until you end this. I have control of the cycle. He will die and die, until you break the curse or he is no longer a faggot."

__________ __________

I pulled Jaller down with me, as the vision evolved into a series of concrete scenes of Osiris doing things I don't remember happening. Not even my memories of Ra's torture compared with what I was forced to witness.

__________ __________

"Please take them away," I pleaded. "If you cannot grant me peace, then you can at least take my memories of this war and this place."

I had cocooned myself into a fetal ball, as Ra knelt next to me, trying to sooth the tremors of my body.

"Set, just focus on Horus. You will be able to get through this in time," he offered, trying to comfort me.

"You have no idea what I have experienced. How many-oh god, An!" I was crying uncontrollably. "Please An, forgive me."

"Shh." Ra wrapped his arms around me, rocking me, trying to calm me. "Anubis is safe."

"Please, I can't go back," I begged.

"I hurt you and Horus the last time I meddled with memories," he whispered. "I cannot be allowed. Not again."


__________ __________

Remembering being in Ra's cell triggered a memory I actually have. In fact, the worst memory I have, but the clearest it has ever been.

__________ __________

I awoke to find myself laying on the black floor. My body was physically fine, but I could feel the ghosts of the pains that had been inflicted. My memory was a haze, but I recalled parts of the torture. I remembered Ra standing over me, as I suffered. I turned over and threw up, as more fragments drifted into my head.

I heard the flutter of wings, and found Ra standing there, not looking at me.

"Why?" I was crying, as I pled for understanding.

I saw his cheeks lift, as his eyes clenched shut.

"It was for the best," he said halfheartedly, not turning to me.

I stared up at him, on my knees, utterly confused. "Why would you?"

He didn't answer.

So my mind searched for something connected, and it fell to the ring I found on the floor several feet from Ra. The ring Isis used to trick Ra, which led to him being locked away in this cell and me spending years, trying to find and free him, while battling my brother and Isis. My brother, who decided that because Horus refused to fight alongside of him, he should take Horus' form, so the peasants knew their conqueror. But Horus stayed....

"An?" I asked aloud. "Where's An?"

"Safe," Ra muttered. "This war is almost over. You are going to need to stay here, while I end this."

My mind went back to the fragments where I remembered Ra torturing me. "Why did you?" I barely had voice enough to ask. "I was helping you. An? I love An. Why? We were.... I proposed? He said yes?"

"You are not getting married to my son," Ra interrupted calmly. "My son cannot be with you."

"But why?" I asked.

He turned to me, sorrow etching his features. "This was the best option."

"To torture me?" I yelled, gaining my voice.

"Yes," he replied. "Your relationship with my son is over. I want him back-whatever it takes or I will feed him to the Devourers and make sure you never forget the sight of his corpse."

I swear I saw a tear nearly form.

He turned away. "Horus is your first love," he said quietly, before walking away, as I broke down into tears, as the cell's illusion took my body.

__________ __________

My body was shaking, as I stood up. The moments I relived still fresh. Everything was different. Everything felt like a lie, like some cruel cosmic joke the universe decided to play on me.

"Set, are you okay?" Jaller asked, standing next to me.

I stared at him. It was hard to look at the one who stole An, but still he was the only thing in this desert that told me I was not just imagining these memories.

"Set? What's going on?" He pulled out his cell. "I'm calling An."

But I pushed the phone away, before he finished dialing. "Not yet," I said. "There is only one person, who can help me understand."

"Set, if you need to go then leave me," he replied, pulling his wrist free of my hold.

"I can't," I stated. "I'm still under orders, and I don't know how to fight this."

Jaller scanned my face for several moments. "Are you going to fight Osiris' control?" he asked cautiously. "Because I will fight you, if you don't."

"You lack the skill to win," I answered, brushing off his words, not wanting to deal with the question.

"You lack the will," he retorted quietly.

I sighed, letting my arms go slack.

"You need to love Horus," he said. "I know what it is like to be afraid of yourself. You know in your heart you will hurt him, and you will. But you will also bring him joy and happiness in every other moment. Love, a thousand-fold or more compared to a few bad days."

"Bad days?" I questioned. "I have proved I'm pure evil."

"Is that what your brother told you?" he asked. "Because he isn't the most honest source."

Some part of me said to listen to him, but I refused. "History states that my ambition leads to nothing but pain."

He shook his head at me, pitying me. "History is written by the victor and seldom overwritten by the loser. Your brother won, and Ra's return was ignored, as my fellow mortals found their next god."

"Or changed his name." I sighed, knowing he would win the discussion of my lack of will to fight, but also knowing that that was only the smallest part that needed to happen next. "Ra is the only one who can help me," I said, being honest, despite the fact that seeing Ra meant rejoining my brother. "I need to know whether these visions are true or not."

"You are going to get me killed," he replied, closing his eyes.

"Hopefully not," I said, brushing away the sand that had crept up my arm.

His eyes opened again, staring at me. "Which one of us are you going to betray, I wonder?"

Author's Note: Things are starting to get complicated. This is basically as far as I had thought ahead when I started this sequel. Even with an extra week, I have not figured out the end goal for Osiris and how this thing ends. So one step at a time. Despite the darker tone of this, it was nice to reconnect things to A Failed Duty, and show things I never had the chance to previously.

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