wolf infant

Story by demon545 on SoFurry

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a mom take care of her wolf baby until her heart attack the baby wolf had just turned two year's old the neighbor's heard the wolf baby howling his pain so they break the door to find his mom dead and the baby wolf next to mom crying in pain. So the wolf goddess picked up the baby wolf and calmed him down baby wolf went to sleep in the wolf goddess arm's wolf goddess put the baby wolf in the baby crib in his new mom's house new mom said I am honored to take care of baby wolf in his mom's place. Baby wolf wakes up scared and Start's to cry but the wolf goddess said baby wolf this is your new mom she will take care of you until your old enough to take care of yourself. Baby wolf looks at wolf mom and feel's the love his mom had given him for a month only. And thinks to the wolf goddess as long as my new mom is gentle on me I'll be good. Wolf goddess said baby wolf would like you to be gentle on him mom said I'm always gentle on baby wolf's as they need love and care to be responsible adults. Baby wolf said I'm sleepy and is put in crib. And baby wolf sleep for five hour's to wake up to a wet diaper that his mom changed cleaned baby wolf put new diaper on baby wolf and put baby wolf where baby wolf could have fun. But baby wolf is hungry so baby wolf cry mom asked hungry baby wolf nods yes rubbing stomach mom put milk bottle in mouth of baby wolf who slowly drink's the food up and is burped after finishing the bottle of food. After the bottle is finished baby wolf played with toy's until bath time came mom had to calm baby wolf down after he see the tub baby wolf said no tub bath in sink only. Mom said okay baby wolf I'll bath you in the sink if your good okay baby wolf said I'll be good I'm just afraid of deep water I understand said mom wolf picking up naked baby wolf and sitting him in the warm water in the sink clean the baby wolf and dry baby wolf put new diaper on baby wolf put baby wolf in his crib to sleep. Baby wolf slept till morning when his mom changed his dirty diaper. After cleaning baby wolf mom puts new diaper on baby wolf and puts baby wolf where he can play to his heart's content soon after mom heard the doorbell ring and opened the door to a friend of mom's called shiella coming over to meet the baby wolf of mom said he is shy so don't touch him the nurse made the mistake of touching him and got hurt ouch said shiella I'll won't touch unless you say I can. Mom came where baby wolf is playing with toy's and said my friend shiella wants to hug you and meet you will you be good baby wolf said I'll be good if shiella is gentle on me I'll be good. Mom said to shiella as long as your gentle your okay to pet him on the head only and you can hug him if you want to. Shiella walks to baby wolf and hugs him then pet his wolf head gentle. shiella's felt protective of the wolf cub in front of her. As he needed love and care only but with his new mom and shiella herself he will be well cared for.