A Life in College: The Morning After

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#4 of Life In College

Well, aren't I the eager one? Ah well you know, that's me.

I'm really not a "get woken up" kind of guy. I'm more of a "wake up on your own" kind of guy. I like being able to sleep as long as I want, then wake up nice and slow, and steadily start my day. But, Anji apparently had other plans for me the day following my pool house night.

I heard his wide paw hit my dorm room door, and I snapped awake. I sat up, my arms and legs flailing, and I opened my beady black eyes. I looked around, my hair and fur sticking up every which way, and started trying to figure out what the loud noise on my door was. I turned my head when the noise came again. I groaned, and pressed my paws into my face. Then I ran my paws down my face, and got out of my bed.

My carpet floor wasn't the softest, and my forepaws scratched overt the floor as I walked for my dorm room door. I was naked, I always slept that way, so I pulled on some underwear before flinging open the door. And, just like I had thought, there was Anji. The black wolf was dressed in a set of grey shorts and a tank top, and his hair was combed. I felt myself growl, and my friend held up his paws.

"Easy Mr. sea legs," the wolf said with a slight smile. "Didn't mean to wake ya' up."

"You know how I sleep...." I paused, then heaved myself a large yawn. "Asshole," I finished my sentence when my yawn was complete.

"Touchy this morning aren't we?" Anji kept the light smile on his face. I gave him a nasty look, then turned around and went back to my dorm bed. Anji came into my room, stepping over small piles of clothes that were strewn here and there. I went over to my bed, then laid back down, face first.

"Someone one must have been out late last night," Anji remarked. I groaned, then rolled over. I pressed my paws to my face, rubbing my eyes. Then I pulled my paws away, and sat up on my elbows.

"I was out for your info, but that's none of your biz," I told him.

"Right," Anji nodded, leaning against the wall by my dorm door. "That's just your thing and hers."

I looked at my friend. Then I ran what he had just said through my head, and narrowed my eyes. "The fuck do you know about last night?" I asked him.

"Just that you had company," the wolf said. He had his arms crossed, and his long tail was laying past his legs. "Other than that, it's your secret."

"Right," I nodded. I laid back down on my bed, putting my paws behind my head. "Well, just because I don't want to kept it between myself and her, yeah I had company last night. Did I plan on it, no."

"Uh huh," Anji nodded."It is good to tell other people about things ya' know."

"Aw, shut the fuck up," I threw a paw in my friends general direction.

"I'm just saying bro," Anji left the wall, and walked back towards the door. "You should hit her up. If you just throw a fuck at a girl and don't call, she's going to get the wrong idea."

"Again," I held up my middle finger, now picking up my head to look at Anji. "The fuck up."

"Ah, that's the Thomas I know," Anji smirked. "Always on the offense for his ladies."

"Go away!" I drew the words out, but used a sarcastic tone. Anji laughed, then did go away. The wolf walked out of my dorm doorway, then down the hall. I heard his feet hitting the floor, then the sounds got more distant.

I let out a sigh, and put my paws behind my head again. I ran last night through my head. How Kiylee had come into the pool, then how we and talked some. Then I had pretty much thrown myself at her, and we had sex. I closed my eyes, running the images through my mind now. It had been good, I won't lie, but Anji was right. I couldn't just ignore Kiylee now. Especially since she and been a virgin, and I had been her first.

I sat up on my bed, then ran a paw through my hair. I stood up, then stretched. I walked past my bed, stepping over clothes. I went to my desk, where my computer was set up,and I picked up my phone. According to my phone, it was almost 12:00. I sighed, then put my phone back down. If it was almost noon, it would be smart to get moving now. I had a night class at 8:30, and had plenty of time to kill in between here and there.

I went from my desk, then picked up a set of torn jeans that were laying on my dorm floor. I pulled them on, did the button, then started looking for a belt and and a shirt. I found a belt under my bed, then a shirt laying on my bed. I pulled the belt through the loops, buckled it, then pulled on my shirt. It was a Green Day t-shirt, and one that I'd had for a long time now. Maybe not the best album, but a really cool shirt. A nuke bomb cloud and the bands name in big green letters. I rubbed my face again, then pushed my white sliver hair out of the way. I and carried over my dads opossum hair, and it never laid down. I pushed it out the way though, then did my best to tame it with a paw.

My wallet chain, and my wallet, were laying on top of my closed laptop, and I snapped the end of the chain into my belt loop. I tucked my wallet into my back pocket, then paused. I ran last night through my head again, then put my face in my palm. I hadn't used a condom, and to make matters worse, had definitely not pulled out when I should have. I groaned, wondering how I could be so dumb. But then again, I hadn't know it was going to happen. It just did. So I told myself it wasn't my fault, and picked up my cell phone.

I ran through all my contacts, then found Kiylee's number. I felt my heart tap at my chest a bit, then I shook my head. What did I have to be nervous about? I pulled up my messenger, then ran my thumbs over the screen of my phone. A simple message, and nothing to big.

"Hey, this it Thomas. What's up?" was all I typed. I sent the message, then tucked my phone into my front jeans pocket. Kiylee could have bee in class, or even still asleep. But she would either text me back or she wouldn't, so I told myself it was totally cool. Before I left my dorm room and crouched down, then jammed a paw under my bed. I stretched it out far, then managed to pull my skateboard from under the bed. Living in California for all my life now, skating was in my blood. It was fun, competitive, and a good was to blow of some steam or release stress.

I left my dorm, closing the door behind me. My roommate hadn't been in the dorm for the past couple of days, but that was cool with me. That meant he wouldn't be slamming and crashing into the room at 2 or 3 in the morning and waking me up. The hall was also quiet, and I could only see a short collie dog leaning against the right wall. The boy looked at me and nodded, and I nodded back. I passed the dog, my paws in my pockets. It was almost cold in the hall, but I knew that wouldn't matter when I got outside in the blistering California sun. Of course it would be a bit worse for me, since I was a total genius and had decided to wear a black t-shirt and jeans.

Outside, my nightmare came true. The sun ran over my white and grey fur, and I put a paw to my face, shielding my eyes. And man was it hot. I was used to California, having lived here my whole life, but sometimes it can still surprise you. I walked outside and put my free paw in my pocket though. I felt my fingers touch my phone, then a second later it buzzed. I pulled my phone out, looking at the screen.

"Hey! This is Kiylee. I'm fine thanks for asking. Wbu?" I read the message, then smiled.

"I'm good," I ran my thumbs over my phone keys, my skateboard tucked under my armpit. "Just got up really. Don't have class till tonight. Wbu?" I looked up, then after I saw that I wasn't going to run into anyone, I looked back at my phone.

"I have a class tonight to! It's at eight or so" was my reply.

"Cool. Well, I don't actually have work today, so would you want to hang out?" I looked at the message, then sent it. I didn't have work today, that was true, so what else was I going to do? I stuck a paw in my pocket, then yawned. My phone buzzed, and I looked back at the screen.

"Sure! That'd be fun!" came her reply. I smiled. I felt those wings on my heart beat at my chest again, but shook it away. I liked Kiylee, and I didn't need to be nervous with her.

"Okay," I ran my thumbs over the screen. "Well I'm dressed and just walking around outside, so I guess when you want to get ready you can meet me outside by the fountain." I paused, waiting for a reply. It only took a couple of seconds, and I looked at my phone yet again.

"Okay!" the reply read. "I got up a hour or so ago, but I can throw something on! I'll see u soon!"

"Alright, cool" I typed back. I sent the message, then put my phone away. There were walkways all over Green Pine campus, and there were also staircases, planters and ledges spread all over the campus. So it was a good place to skate. And as long as you didn't bust anyones teeth out, or screw up any of the ledges or plants, all of us skater types get left alone. The professors and deans let us skate, as long as we don't destroy stuff. A simple and fair understanding.

So I dropped my skateboard, gave it a push with my left foot, then hoped on. The wheels were good and hard, and the trucks were super loose. Me personally, I don't do many tricks, but I have a skateboard because I love flying down the hills during the summer, and feeling the wind fly through my hair. There's just something fun about it. And if I listen to rap or metal? Shit its even better. So I skated down the sidewalks and paths of Green Pine, and kept well out of the way of other students.

The wheels rolled over the concrete, and I swung around the side of where Kiyee's dorm was. There were stairs that lead down to a sort of "hub" for the college. The hub type place was where you could find a map and get to where you wanted to go. This is also where most of the dorms are, including my dorm and Kiylee's dorm. So I was going to chill out here until Kiylee showed up, and I figured I could get a few tricks in while I waited.

I came around a corner, saw all the stair that lead down to Green Pine's little center, and I pulled the front of my board up. My tail hit the ground and slowed me down, and I hoped off the board, then kicked it into my paw. I caught it easily, then zipped down the stairs. I could have gone down the wheelchair ramp on my skateboard yeah, but if you hit all the ramps and go all the way to the fountain, your going to either hit the fountain, or go past it and run into one of the low planters. You can't really stop either, so its smarter to just go from the second ramp, then ride the third ramp to the fountain. So that's what I did.

I hoped back on my skateboard, then rode then second ramp down. I picked up some speed, but kept my steady tall posture. If you crouch on a skateboard you'll put more weight on it, and that's going to make you go faster. I didn't need to go faster, because I didn't want to turn into paste when I was heading past the fountain. So I stayed standing on my board, with my paws in my pockets. I pushed with my right foot, my wheels rolling over the concrete. The smooth sound of wheels over concrete reached my ears, and I smiled. I pushed a paw through my hair, my tail flicking happily. It had been a long time since I had skated anywhere, but I hadn't forgotten how good it felt to have the air run across my fur.

I gave another push, then leaned back on my board when I dipped into the third and final ramp. The ramp made me pick up another burst of speed, and leaning back on my board kept me balanced. I rode the ramp, my wheels rolling over the smooth concrete, then I stood straight after I had hit flat ground again. I kept my paws in my pockets, then put my right foot on the ground. I felt my forepaws slap the concrete, and I picked it up, then hit the ground again. I felt myself slow down, then I put both feet back on the board. I leaned back again, then pushed hard with my back foot, making the tail of my skateboard drag on the concrete. My board was already old and crappy, but it still held together. My tail made a harsh wood on concrete sound, but I slowed down all the same. I came to a slow stop, then I kicked my board back into my paw again. I caught it easily, then held it to my side.

"Hey Thomas!" a voice called out suddenly. I looked to my right, where it had sounded like the voice was, then I smiled. I could see Kiylee, leaving her dorm from the front. Last night we had gone around the back, and the husky girl came down the stairs to greet me. I walked towards her, my skateboard in my paw.

"Hey," I called out, tossing up a paws. "Whats..." I stopped suddenly. I had meant to say "Whats up?" but hadn't quite gotten it out. Kiylee had stopped me mid sentence when she threw her arms around my neck, then kissed me right on the lips. Without any explanation. She just did it. But it felt good. Her lips were soft and smooth against mine. So I put my skateboard down, put my own paws around her waist, and kissed Kiylee back. Her arms tugged at my neck when I kissed her back, and I pulled her closer to me.

She pulled away though, much to my sudden dismay. Her light blue eyes looked at my own dark beady eyes, and she smiled. "Hi," she said.

"Uh..." I stopped. "Hi," I repeated. Kiylee smiled, then put her head on my chest. I kept my arms around her, then smiled. I put my chin on her head, then kissed her on top of her head. She picked her head up, smiling still.

"Whats up? I was going to ask you that before you punched me in the face with your lips," I said. Kiylee laughed.

"Nothing really," she said. "What about you?"

"Same," I shrugged. "Not a whole lot going on."

"Cool," Kiylee smiled at me. I smiled back, then took her paw. I picked up my skateboard in my left paw, and Kiylee squeezed my right paw with her own. "So, what did you wanna do today?"

"Oh," I shrugged. "I don't know. I have that class tonight 8:30, so I was thinking you might want to catch a movie or something."

"What movie did you want to see?" she asked me.

"I don't know," I shrugged again. "I've already seen Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, but it was pretty freaking good."

"Oh I haven't seen that yet!" Kiylee squeezed my paw, then took my paw in both of hers. "Was it really good?"

"It really was," I laughed, nodding. "The whole movie I was like "Holy shit this is fucking amazing," like the whole time."

"I want to see that so bad!" she said.

"I would so watch it again," I looked at Kiylee, shrugging. "Since you haven't seen it I promise not to spoil any of it."

"No, I mean if you've already seen it we could watch something else," Kiylee said.

"Nah, come on lets go see that one," I said. "I'd watch it again."

"Okay," Kiylee smiled. I let go of her paw briefly to pull out my cell phone, then I looked up movie times for the nearest theater. I found a time, marked it down, the stuck my phone back in my pocket. I took Kiylee's paw again, and she smiled at me. I glanced at her, then smiled back.

We walked through Green Pine's campus, the hot California sun bearing down on us both. Kiylee had been a lot smarter than me, having worn a pair of jeans shorts and a loose dress top. Her short black hair looked shinny and clean, and her fur was smooth and soft. She and worn eye liner and a light color of lipstick, but I still couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was so fucking cute. Her slim body and wide thighs were also a turn on for me, and her long busy tail was easy to look at. But last night was still tearing through my mind at full throttle, and I couldn't it out of my head. Not that I wanted to. It had been good, and for Kiylee it hadn't probably been pretty special. So, while the two of us walked to the parking lot where my ride was, I casually brought it up.

"So, about last night," I began. Kiylee squeezed my paw, then looked at me. "Uh," I looked at her, suddenly not sure what I was going to say.

"What about it?" Kiylee asked. Her voice was even, but I saw her eyes brighten.

"Uh I forgot," I said. I looked away. "It was probably nothing..."

"No, hey come on tell me!" KIylee said. She came closer to me, putting both of her paws on mine. She pushed herself against my arm, and I smiled. I leaned over and kissed her on her cheek.

"It's nothing, really," I said. "I just wanted to know if it was any good or not."

"Oh," Kiylee looked at me, still pressed close to my arm. She took a paw from my paw, then completely surprised me. I figured she would put it back to her side, but instead her paw went to my crotch. Almost instantly I was pulling her paw away though, and my head snapped around to the left and right so fast I thought I would break my neck. But while Kiylee and I walked to my car in the parking lot, we were alone.

My paw was over hers, and her paw was gripping my crotch. I was in no way shape or form hard, or anywhere near hard. But when she gave me a small and gentle squeeze, I felt myself jump a small bit. I let out a light moan, then looked around again. We were still alone. I gripped Kiylee's paw, but she squeezed my crotch again.

"Uh..." I drew the word out, trying to think of anything to say. "Wait till we get to the car," was what I came up with. Kiylee squeezed me yet again, and I let out another small moan. I squeezed her paw over my crotch, now feeling myself perk up a bit. But she took her paw away from my crotch, and we kept walking to my car. It took no more than seven seconds, and I threw my skateboard in the trunk of the 98 Ford Mustang hatchback. Yeah, I've got a hatchback.

Then, I all but jumped into the drivers side of my car, while Kiylee got into the passengers side with a bit more dignity. Once we were both in though, both doors snapped shut, and I put my arm around the headrest of the passenger side. Kiylee leaned over, her slim sides then laid herself in my lap. I ran my paw down my cars seat, then put a paw on her leg. She looked at me, her icy blue eye inciting, and I leaned down to kiss her. She came to meet me, and I gripped her leg with a paw. Our lips meet, and I felt my sex shift in my pants again. Kiylee's leg was smooth under my paw, and her lips were soft.

We pulled away though, and I gripped her leg again. She moaned, bitting her bottom lip. Then I told myself "fuck this" and stuck my entire paw into her shorts. She let out another moan when I ran my fingers down her bottom, then she let out a small cry when I slipped a finger into her slit. She was warm and slightly wet, and I closed my eyes. I put my head on top of hers, now pushing my finger in and out of her slit with a steady rhythm. Kiylee moaned, her own eyes closed. She started to move against me, my finger going in and out of her slit. I was also getting harder now, and I put my free paw in Kiylee's hair. It was soft and I ran my finger faster in her slit. She moaned, her eyes closed and her mouth open.

I ran my free paw down Kiylee's cheek, then gripped her breast through her shirt. She let out another moan, and I let out a small moan of my own. She was getting wet, I could feel it. I took another finger, then pulled my occupied finger out. I put two fingers together, then gave a light tug at Kiylee's arm.

"Little more room cutie," I whispered to Kiylee. She moaned, then shifted some. Her shoulder dug into my crotch, and I grunted. She moved again though, now putting her shoulder on the far side of my legs. I pushed my fingers into her slit, feeling her wetness. She moaned again, her mouth open and breath coming out in rapid gasps.

"Oh fuck..." her moan came again, and I gave her neck a light lick. She moaned again, louder this time, and I pressed my fingers harder into her slit. "Fuuuck..." she drew the word out, thrusting herself against my fingers faster now. I licked her neck again, then nipped her gently. She let out a cry, then put an arm around my neck. She tugged at me, and I picked my head up some. I licked her neck, then her jaw. She moaned, and I speed up my fingers. She was much wetter now, and her cum was running down my fingers. I kept at it though, even though my fingers were starting to cramp.

"Ah..." Kiylee moaned, her cheeks almost red and her eyes closed. "Mmmmm..." another long moan. I felt lips brush Kiylee's ear, and I bite her gently. She moaned, her breath warm agisnt my face. She was thrusting against me quicker now, her moans and gasps coming out in short sweet breaths.

But when I started to slow down, I heard her whimper. I bit her ear again, then kissed her cheek. "I'll play with you again later baby," I whispered to her. "But we need to get moving if you wanna got see that movie."

"Hmmm...." Kiylee opened her eyes, looking at me. She leaned up, kissing me quickly and deeply. I pulled my fingers out of her slit. They were covered in cum now, and I wiped them off on the front of my jeans. Kiylee very reluctantly sat up, her blue eyes looking at mine. I took her chin and kissed her again though. She kissed me back, putting a paw on my chest. Her fingers snuck into the collar of my shirt, and I pulled away. I growled, smiling at her.

"Yeah, I'll defiantly be playing with you later," I growled to her. She moaned, her mouth opening some. I gave her another small kiss, then pulled my car keys from the middle counsel in my car. I started the car, then pulled out of the parking lot. I was stiff down below now, and in desperate need of a hand job. But I had told Kiylee I would play with her later, and I was more than sure that deal could work the other way around.