Prince Alexander Wayne Selenveen [Character Information]

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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Updated Alexander Information.

Alexander's Combat Theme

Alexander's Theme song (Normal)

Alexander's Fully Powered Theme (Full Power/True Form)


Alexander is a Selenveen,which means he has no heart,literally.He has no organic heart and stays alive as long as his soul (a transparent glass sphere with a swirling blue mist) remains intact,however he has every other vital organ such as the liver,lungs etc. Unlike most Selenveens, Alexander isn't human, he is in fact a black and white wolf. Black on the right side and White on the left. His sclera is black while the iris is white and the pupil blood red. His most notable features are his left arm,which is always wrapped in red bandages from the wrist all the way to the shoulder and his right arm,which is auto-mail made of carbon to create an arm that could never be cut. The last notable feature is his right eye. Unlike his left eye,Alexander's right eye's sclera is white while the iris is pitch black and the pupil Sky blue. Its theorized that this is because the energies inside Alexander that makes his right eye like this.

Alexander is at least 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs only about 160 pounds. Through various examinations,it was discovered that,despite Alexander looking rather normal and not like a body builder,Alexander could lift up to one hundred tons or 200,000 pounds. Like wise, Alexander hits extremely hard when punching at full strength,able to shatter nearly every bone in the victim's body with a single punch if not kill them outright. Due to his strength,Alexander has massive leg power too,allowing him to run up to speeds of five hundred miles per hour at full speed. This is often mistaken for the ability 'Blinking',which is the ability to appear anywhere if the person has enough power.

Combat wise, Alexander combines his speed and his strength to unleash devastating combo attacks and power attacks that would otherwise eradicate the average person in just a matter of seconds. When fighting,Alexander will almost always call upon a white longsword which goes by the name of 'Kalistora' or 'The Dawning Light', a sword that is rumored to be the same sword that the Creator used in the war with the Deconstructors during the first few years of Creation's inception,however there is no way to prove or disprove this. The sword is able to take the form of any weapon but cannot mimic its abilities. Alexander also utilizes his power to control Light Energy,Chaotic Energy,Insane Energy and Spirit Energy to create devastating attacks when not fighting with his sword or his fists.

As for clothing, Alexander usually wears designer clothing or a black and white vest with black jeans and black metal greaves or boots. Around his neck is a talisman shaped like a key that seals his true form within him so he doesn't accidentally activate it,as doing so could decimate an entire city if Alexander got angry. He wears a silver wedding ring on his right index finger,the same wedding ring that his long since deceased lover Brutis gave to him many,many years ago. Engraved on it are the words 'BxA' or BrutisxAlexander. He wears it at all times and is extremely protective of it. Alexander usually wears glasses due to his bad eye sight but almost always wears contact lenses and rarely wears glasses.

As for personality, Alexander is a mysterious type not to mention a lot smarter then he leads on. Almost always one step ahead of the others, Alexander is known for his cunning tactics and having a sharp tongue. Although he acts like a typical 'high school bad boy' he's actually very sweet and loving to those he trusts and even to those who need a friend in the world. Don't let that fool you though, if you've betrayed him or even hurt one of his loved ones, he'll hunt you down until the end of time itself and usually succeeds in tearing the person to pieces in the process. What he's most famous for,and infamous for,are his battlefield tactics. He won't use brute force or overwhelming numbers like most. In fact he does the opposite,he uses minimal numbers (a maximum of ten) and quick yet silent tactics rather then charging in through the front door. However when he does have to lead an army,Alexander tends to use confusion tactics or he'll just end it himself without the aid of the army he's leading to keep casualties very,very low despite being a risky tactic.

Despite Alexander's kind and caring demeanor,he is in fact extremely dangerous. Not because of his power or his combat experience but because of his intelligence. Alexander has an IQ estimated be between 330 and 450 at a minimum,making him the smartest person in Purgatory and perhaps all of Creation. Due to this,Alexander is said to posses the ability to 'see into the future' although this is false. Alexander is capable of thinking ten steps ahead of the average person and can usually read a person's feelings just from how they're breathing or the way their eyes move. Several times, Alexander eradicated at least two hundred galaxies by spreading rumors and making people question they're beliefs,creating a galaxy wide war that inevitably lead to the galaxy's destruction. However,when he does go into,as he puts it, 'A ruthless state' it isn't always to do evil acts,but to protect the people he loves and the lives of others or if a certain person (or galaxy) is a serious threat to any of the nine universes.

As for family, Alexander has an adopted daughter named Elizabeth who is a wolf like him,but does not share his unique fur pattern or traits. She is however,a lot like Alexander personality wise as well as ideals. She's not the typical damsel in distress or 'maiden'. She was trained by Alexander to defend herself if she ever found herself in a fight and was even granted a small fraction of his power to protect her and watch over her where ever she may be in the nine universes. Her full name is Elizabeth Natasha Selenveen the second,taking her father's last name since she did not have one of her own. Like her father,she has an auto-mail arm but its her left arm that is auto-mail however this one is more combat oriented unlike Alexander's arm. Elizabeth is currently an assassin for one of Alexander's friends,who promised that he and his wife would look after her when she turned twenty one for an unknown reason that Alexander will not reveal. Elizabeth,like her father,is very dangerous and intelligent but her IQ is no where near her father's,as her IQ is only somewhere between 120 to 140.

Moving on, Alexander is the heir to the Selenveen family throne,making him an official prince. The throne is located within the ancient Selenveen family manor which is inside Alexander's own plane of Light. However he cannot claim the throne until the Selenveen family is fully restored to its original strength which may not be for thousands of years. Due to this, Alexander must learn to become a proper king before he takes the throne,which Charles,a father figure and close friend to Alexander,is teaching him how to be a proper king. Until that time comes,there is no true Selenveen family Head (or king) but only the heir which is Alexander since he shares his father's unique eyes and fur pattern,who was the last king/family head of the Selenveens.

Lastly, Alexander is a Guardian of Creation,what this means is its his duty to protect Creation from significant threats,whatever they might be. He is not the leader but he is the most famous of the Guardians because he is a Selenveen. The leader is actually Vincent Ezarald,one of Alexander's rivals since they were both little. These two have always butt heads about whos stronger but its obvious that Vincent is stronger then Alexander in numerous ways but Alexander is stronger when it comes to brute strength. Alexander is the smarter while Vincent has more leadership then Alexander.