Fursona High: Chapter 3 Always There For You

Story by Timid Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of Fursona High

Author's Note: Sorry it took a while to get this chapter out. I've been busy...

Anywho, leave comments if you enjoyed. XD


Fursona High School

Chapter 3

Always There For You


A tawny sunset behind Tom cast long, menacing shadows against the black asphalt. He stood in the center of a circle of furs, a steady stream of tears flowing from his eyes. The furs around were familiar yet unknown, their faces distorted, but only one mattered to Tom. Anthony wore a cold, disgusted look on his face directed towards the fox, freezing him in place.

"I knew there was something wrong with you," The husky spat. "I would've never hung out with you if I knew you were...gay." The words cut through him like a knife, truth bleeding from the wounds. He couldn't deny them and only whimpered in response. At that moment Tom would have given anything to have his friend back. His heart lurched painfully as the husky turned around, his back to the fox. Whatever courage was left in Tom burned up into his final plea.

"Anthony...don't go!" Anthony stopped midstep, but then continued walking, engulfed by the cruel world of whispering, watchful furs. Despair consumed the strength left in the fox as he sunk to his knees, sobbing into his paws. He had lost, and unkown to the fox, his surroundings began to dissolve; the nightmare slowly dissipating with the growing void.


Tom opened his eyes, sitting up only to find himself in the same darkness that had awoken him. His eyes adjusted and he looked around, finding himself in a bedroom. The room was big enough to inhabit two people: a desk and computer next to the only bed in the room. The heavily curtained window on the opposite side of the room choked off all light from outside; the bed being on the left and the door between them. He could hear the dying thunderstorm beyond the window. His nose suddenly twitched at the strong scent of someone familiar blanketing the room. He was definitely not at the party anymore, so where could he be? It suddenly hit him faster than a bullet. Anthony!

He had completely forgotten about the husky during his whole ordeal. A twinge of guilt filled him before the previous dream lay claim to his mind once more, tears running down his face. He hid under the covers and silently cried, unable to think of anything else but what a fool he had been.

What will Anthony say to me? What will people at school think? A multitude of thoughts raced through his head, all of them painful in their own way. His emotional trauma inhibited his rational thinking, bringing the thought of running away from it all the only choice the fox could make.

I can't let Anthony see me like this. He set the blanket aside, brushed away his tears, found his shoes and padded towards the door. He opened it carefully and found no one in the lit hallway.

Anthony had told him his family was away, so the only other person in the house was Anthony himself. Light steps led him to the top of stairs; peering down he saw the front door, next to it was the entrance of the kitchen. A glow of fluorescent light illuminated the arched entrance. The fox silently descended and peeked into the kitchen.

There he saw Anthony rummaging around high cabinets, apparently too busy with his search to notice anything else. Seeing the husky like that reminded him how large his friend really was, able to reach the highest cabinet with ease. He was tall compared to other people, but not basketball player freakishly tall. His back was to the fox as he pulled open a cabinet, a plastic bowl then clattering to the floor behind him. Anthony turned around to pick it up, and Tom ducked back around the corner, but not fast enough.

"Tom?" he heard the husky ask. The fox wouldn't have minded melting into the wall, pressing up against it and hoping Anthony had imagined it. He heard footsteps approaching the entrance; his tail ceased its movement. I need to get out of here Tom thought, looking at the front door.

Before he could manage his first step, Anthony stood in his path. He gave the husky a sheepish smile, his ears folding flat against his head.

"Tom! You shouldn't be walking around!" The husky said in surprise. Before he could say anything, Anthony grabbed his paw. Tom found himself blushing despite his terror as he was holding paws with another male for the second time that night. Up the stairs and through the hall, Tom re-entered the husky's room. Anthony turned on the light and closed the door, the lock turning as loud as a hammer pounding against a nail to the fox's ear; he couldn't leave now.

_So much for the plan that didn't even last five minute_s The fox thought in dismay, his whole body sagging as he was led back to the bed. Anthony placed him down on the bed, checking his head for bumps. The special attention turned him to putty in the husky's paws. Tom couldn't find the courage to look into his friends eyes and thank him.

Anthony stopped his examination and sighed in relief. "Looks like your okay. Does your head hurt?" Tom shook his head weakly, still avoiding eye contact. An awkward silence followed before the husky put his paw on his friends shoulder. "Tom, what happened?" The fox's face was drained of all color; breathing seemed to take more energy than usual. The party's events flashed in the fox's head, bringing back panic as well.

"I-I don't know..." The fox mumbled, fear clouding his mind. He tried to get up but was firmly kept in place by the husky's paw.

"Oh no, your not going anywhere until I know you're okay...and after you tell me what happened to you." The husky said in mixture of sympathy and seriousness. They locked eyes, green fear on blue concern. Tom could feel pain building up inside him again, small tears forming around his eyes. He looked away, embarrassed.

Gentle yet strong arms encircled him, pulling him into a warm and comforting embrace. The tears rolled freely down his face, falling onto him and his companion. Tom wasn't the kind of person to cry easily, and the husky realized that something serious had happened to the fox. Tom looked up, barely making out Anthony's warm smile through his hazy vision.

"Its okay, I'm here," The husky whispered into his black pointed ears. Tom continued crying into his chest, feeling the hug tighten a bit. A small sob escaped his mouth as he tried to speak, but unable to.

He couldn't bring himself to lie to his friend. He didn't want to tell the husky of his feelings and ruin their treasured friendship. He was gay and he'd wanted to avoid this moment for what felt like forever. Now it was here, mocking him.

The husky rubbed the fox's back in an effort to comfort him. "Tom, please don't cry anymore. It's okay." Tom continued sobbing, trying his best to contain the loud whimpers that escaped his from his maw. He somehow managed to quiet down a bit, thoughts still jumbled and confused. Anthony continued holding the fox.

"Please tell me what's wrong," the husky asked again, this time with a surety of a response. Tom had stopped sobbing, brushing the wetness off his cheeks.

"I..." Tom found it difficult to speak after crying. "I can't." he said softly, feeling defeated and avoiding the husky's eyes.

"Yes, you can," the husky supported, pressing himself closer to the fox.

What he feared the most was not actually telling Anthony he was gay, but what the husky would do after he told him. The fox was afraid of losing the one person he trusted above everyone else. All the moments they had shared together would become meaningless after that one instant, sending Tom spiraling into a world of loneliness. Up until now Tom had not realized how important that friendship was to him and how much he had taken it for granted.

"Whatever you say won't make me think badly of you," said Anthony, a slight hint of pleading. Tom finally came to a realization.

He loved Anthony. The fox had slowly fallen in love with his best friend. He loved the way he smiled, the way he watched over the fox, the way he protected him. Now here he was, having to confess all that to the husky. He looked up at Anthony, who smiled back down at him.

His mouth felt dry as he tried to speak. "Anthony..." He paused, thinking about the right words to say. "...this is hard for me to say." Anthony nodded, waiting for the fox to begin.

"When we were at the entrance, I was walking in behind you when the doorman stopped me. He told me I needed an invitation to go in, but we only recieved one, so... he kicked me out." Tom felt a little more relaxed now that he had started.

"I was going back to get in, and luckily Mike was there. He took me to his room and gave me clothes to put on because I had gotten wet outside. After that I noticed Mike's clothes were wet and he began to undress..." Now was the harder part of the story to explain. Tom looked up into the husky's face, who was concentrated on the space ahead of him, but listening nonetheless. He looked down into his paws, occupying himself by stroking his fur. "H-he caught me looking, and he knew why. He tried to...kiss me."

Tom didn't need to look to know that Anthony's attention was completely focused on him. "I couldn't move. I couldn't stop him, because it felt like I wanted to kiss him too. Then some of his friends burst into the room. They had caught us so close together, and on camera. I knew what it meant and I believed that Mike had set me up. I ran out, but I fell down the stairs...after that, I don't know."

Tom looked at the husky, unable to guess what he was feeling. Anthony knew what he had said, but Tom still felt the need to clarify. He took a deep breath that sent his insides churning.

"Anthony, I'm gay. Its true that I felt something for Mike, but... I feel different...with you." Anthony's face began to show some emotion, Tom looked into his eyes."I'm in love with you...and I'm sorry if you don't-"

Tom didn't finish his sentence as the husky threw him on the bed with surprising strength, painlessly bouncing back. Tom closed his eyes, expecting a puch to land on his face. Instead he felt Anthony jump atop him. The fox opened his eyes in time to see the husky lower his head, their muzzles meeting in an unforgetable kiss. Electricity zoomed through Tom's body, pulling him closer to the husky, who wrapped his arms around the fox. They stared into each other's eyes as they kissed,emerald fox eyes full of confusion and cerulean husky eyes full of want and desire. Anthony broke the kiss as quickly as he had started it, falling down and laying next to Tom.

"If I don't what?" asked the husky, beaming with happiness. Tom was utterly wordless. The husky gave a lighthearted laugh. "Tom, I've been in love with you for a long time. Almost what feels like forever. Every moment I spent with you, I wanted to tell you, to share those feelings and for us to be together." The fox couldn't believe his what he was hearing."I'm glad you came out to me." The last part was said in a sad, almost regretful way.

Tom regained his vocabulary. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Anthony smiled meekly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how you would react if I told you I loved you." It was an understandable, if not awkward, situation. Both had loved, and wanted, each other, though doubt had kept them apart.

"I guess you're right..."

Anthony smiled, edging his mouth closer to the fox's. "Do you want to?" asked the husky hesitantly. Tom couldn't compare how good his first kiss had felt to anything he had ever experienced before. He nodded, willingly meeting the husky halfway. Their muzzles collided and Tom shut his eyes, basking in the warmth of the husky's body against his own. Anthony pressed the fox down, the larger husky grinding against the small fox. He lost himself in the kiss, slightly aware of the musky odor wafting from them. The brushing of the husky's tongue against his lips told him that he wanted to deepen their contentment. He opened his lips, feeling the husky's moist tongue slide in and rub across his own. His body squirmed at the foreign yet pleasurable sensations, widening his mouth to let more of the delectable tool in. He could feel the tongue exploring the crevacies in his mouth, rubbing across his tongue every few seconds and sending shivers throughout the fox's body. He wrestled the husky's tongue, coaxing out lustful moans.

He suddenly gasped , feeling paws wander beneath his shirt, scratching and running under his fur. The fox opened his eyes, staring right into the husky's own. The paws massagged his chest, slowly wandering lower. Tom pulled out of the kiss, staring at the husky in panic. He stiffened under the husky's powerful paws, now slowly rubbing his belly. They grazed lower, until they stopped at his waist.

"W-what are you doing?" asked Tom nervously. He squirmed a little under the husky's touch.

Anthony gulped a little. "I'm not sure. I-I wanted to make you feel better." He moved away, blushing unnoticably beneath his red fur. Maybe he had pushed the fox too far; it was their first night together after all...

"Wait, Anthony." His ears perked up. "I want you to feel better too." Tom anxiously pulled him close again. "What did you have in mind?"

Anthony gently ground against the fox, still a little nervous in frightening him. "I thought we could, I don't know..."

"Please tell me." The husky wanted to lose himself with the fox, but how should he tell him? At that moment Anthony was the apprehensive one between them.

"I-I wanted us to share our first time together." The fox stared blankly at him, wondering if he had misinterpreted.

"You mean-"

"Tom," the husky pleaded, cutting him off, "I want you to know that I won't pressure or force you to do anything like that with me. We don't even have to do it...but I'd really like to." Anthony finished, looking eagerly into his lover's eyes. The husky's fear was set aside as the fox's muzzle grew into a smile.

Despite the butterflies in his stomach, Tom nodded and gripped the husky's t-shirt. Anthony watched with lustful eyes, helping Tom pull the shirt over his head. The fox's heart raced faster as he admired the husky's incredibly sculpted body. He always knew Anthony looked good underneath but he could have never guessed close to what he saw now. The husky's huge arms and chest bulged out in every direction; his perfectly formed six pack and pectorals stood out the most, being centered around his creamy white chest fur. Power seemed to flow from the husky, yet he remained unscathed by the overdone, veiny quality that engrossed bodybuilders possessed. It was an incredible sight for the fox to take in, having never witnessed an impeccable creation. The urge to touch him was unbearable; his paws reached out and explored the various brawny expanses. The strength behind the simple layer of muscles imposed a sense of physical superiority that Tom found not overwhelming, but protective.

"Wow. Anthony, you look...amazing. How did you hide this the whole time?" Tom said in awe. There was more strength behind the husky than even his body showed. The fox would probably feel sorry for anyone who made Anthony furious enough to throw punches.

"It was hard hiding it from everyone...But then again, I only wanted one person to see me." The husky added, giving Tom a wink that caused his face to blush over. Anthony grabbed the fox's shirt, and after an approving smile from Tom, lifted over his head.

The fox was not as well conditioned as his friend, but his sleek body produced a murr from the husky. Although Tom did not work out as rigorously as Anthony had to in football, he still managed some kind of exercise once in a while, combined with healthy, habitual eating habits enforced by his parents.

Anthony placed a paw on the fox's white belly, running up and down the soft fur and nuzzling the fox's neck, inhaling his scent, pure and deep, for the first time. Tom did the same, burying himself in the husky's neck fur, commiting the wonderful incense to memory.

He giggled as the husky began brushing his sides gently, running his blunt claws along the skin. The fox, with a sly grin, did the same to the husky, who began to laugh as well. He countered the fox by tickling even harder, producing the fox's full blown laughter, causing him to back up against the wall.

"Okay! Okay! You win!" managed the fox after seconds of ferocious tickling, giggling with watery eyes. He held his sides as the cramps settled down, breathing deeply and watching the husky grin triumphantly.

"Okay, but what do I win?" asked the husky, holding the fox close.

"I dunno. Whatever you want..."

"I already have what I want."

"What would that be?"

"You." stated the husky. Tom blushed, planting a warm kiss on the Anthony's cheek. He felt the paws wander down his sides again, thinking that maybe Anthony would start his tickling attacks again. But the thought passed as soon as the paws went even lower, now unbuckling the fox's pants. He watched breathlessly, taking in the scene until his pants were slipped off.

Anthony hooked a finger on his boxers. Tom felt his heart beating faster than before, anxiety's grip tightening. Was he even remotely ready for this? The fox wanted this to stop, to keep going, and searched the husky's face for an answer.

"If you want me to stop, just say so, okay?" The husky barely managed a nervous smile, asking himself the same question the fox had thought of.

Tom had fantasized many times about the husky, wondering whether he had also done the same. They loved each other and they knew it, so why shouldn't they do this?

The fox nodded, watching the husky's red and white tail swinging in a gentle rythm behind him. Anthony pulled off the fox's boxers, revealing the aroused pink foxhood to the cool room air, causing Tom to shiver slightly. The fox felt his face glow, now completely exposed to his friend. He hadn't even realized he had a hardon.

Tom shuddered suddenly, feeling the husky wrap his paw around his shaft. His body tensed as the husky gave a few strokes, letting out a small moan of ecstasy. Pre leaked and lubricated Anthony's warm, firm grip, causing the fox to groan and pant in pleasure. Tom felt himself relax and fall into the pleasure, giving small thrusts when certian strokes felt extremely good.

Tom had pawed off before on some occasions, but nothing compared to the skilled paw wrapped around his foxhood. Anthony smiled down at his fox and continued a steady rythm, trying hard to contain his own arousement in his tightening pants.

The fox's moans and grunts grew louder. He felt the paw increase in speed every few minutes, sending him into a whole new level of pleasure. Precum continued flowing out of him faster than before, providing smoother strokes that made the fox murr. Tom now met the paw strokes with his own thrusts, unable to resist the building pleasure. The husky quickly pumped his shaft, drawing out a loud moan.

Tom wanted this to last forever, and he vainly tried to keep from climaxing. He impulsively gave a hard thrust that sent the paw slamming down around his growing knot, coaxing out a small yiff. Anthony sped up as fast he could, squeezing the extra sensative knot repeatedly. Tom closed his eyes, drowning out all his senses in bliss. He was too close and he couldn't stop it. The paw worked quickly, nothing visible but a red blur.

A final, hard thrust that gripped his fully engorged knot pushed him over the edge. Anthony locked the fox in a kiss, rapidly stroking the pulsing cock and milking out the foxcum within. He could feel the fox's muffled yiffing, a sign of the immense pleasure that coursed through his body. Globs of sticky spunk stuck to his paw, but he continued pumping the spurting shaft and coating it even more. Tom's hips moved on their own accord, thrusting into the paw that had so willingly freed him. The fox floated through a momentary daze, the throbbing release lasting only a few seconds before a strong pulse announced the finale of his orgasm, covering his belly in glistening, long trails.

The fox's afterglow could not have been more perfect, a few strokes on the husky's behalf before his foxhood receded into its protective sheath. Tom opened his eyes, panting and watching Anthony.

"How was that?" asked the husky. He gave a huge grin, and to the fox's amazement, began licking the vulpine seed off his paw; his tongue traveling around the palm and between the fingers, making sure he swallowed every drop. The husky finished with a wet slop, grinning like a maniac. "Dang, you taste good."

"T-that was amazing," responded the fox. He realized with a blush that Anthony was wearing only his boxers, now unmistakably tented. The husky had followed what he had been looking at, grinning as he asked,

"Wanna see?"

Tom flushed even harder, having been caught in his act. Although stiffly, he nodded.

Anthony, unlike the fox, showed less timidity as he slid the last article of clothing off his body, laying down on his back. The husky's pride stood erect before the fox, pointing upward at a slight angle. The large, bright red length was half longer than the fox's, definately thicker. While not a full adult penis, it was impressive for someone as young as Anthony.

Tom gaped, embarrassed at how much larger it was compared to his. He felt a little self-conscious for a moment before realizing that their size shouldn't ruin this moment.

The fox gripped the lower half, giving a slight pump that sent a jot up the husky's spine. Another pump and an added squeeze urged a few drops of pre to form on the tip's spire. Tom blushed harder than he ever had, moving down to level with the cock. He leaned forward to lap up the husky's leaking tip, finding his first taste fascinating. Anthony stiffened below the fox.

"Tom, that was-AHH!" The husky moaned as his first inch suddenly vanished into the fox's slim muzzle. Tom urged down another inch, a louder gasp escaping Anthony. Tom, delighted in his efforts on his friend, pushed down, half of the husky cock now filling his mouth. He moaned around that half, scents of their arousal filling his nostrils and the air; the taste nearly indescribeable as he slowly suckled and slid his tongue around.

Anthony had not expected this to feel so good. He bit his lips to keep down the moans, gripping the bed in order to prevent himself from mercilessly thrusting his lower half into his friend's mouth. Tom gripped onto the husky's muscled legs, worshipping the tip and watching the husky's face contort into masks of pleasure as he arched his back.

The fox couldn't believe he ws doing this, sucking his friend off; but it was happening and they were enjoying it. The shaft in his mouth continued to harden the more it sank into his mouth, nearly enclosed by warmness. Tom moved up and down the length, slowly working his way and watching how close he got the taking it whole. Time seemed to pass slowly for Anthony, who struggled between blind instincts and adamant compassion. He wanted to let go and jab his entire length into the fox, but he couldn't risk hurting the fox.

Tom continued running down the length, teasing the tip with his tongue and gulping the precum that began to thicken. The fox pushed down, his nose suddenly bumping into an unexpected obstacle. Drawing back, he saw the problem. Anthony's canid knot had formed, preventing him from taking Anthony's entire length.

It was a bit larger than lemon; he doubted it would fit in his mouth. He didn't let this deter his efforts though, instead grasping the knot in his paws and sucking even faster. Anthony groaned blissfully as Tom began massaging his bulbous knot, which began expanding slowly. It felt too good; He couldn't hold himself back anymore.

Tom's focus broke when he felt Anthony place one of his paws behind his head. It scratched his headfur, guiding him down to tell him to speed up. Tom squeezed the engorged knot and nearly gagged on the fleshy pole that moved into his mouth. The fox could tell the husky wouldn't last any longer, as noted by his behavior. He kept the head in his mouth, rapidly stroking the length. He pumped the hard cock between one paw, his other paw simulating the tie that spurred Anthony's release.

A relinquished howl shook the bed. Anthony thrust his pulsing cock into the fox's mouth, emptying himself inside the warm cavern. Tom flinched, swallowing the first waves of warm cum that burst directly down his throat. Another thrust filled his muzzle, he gulped down whatever didn't dribble outside his mouth. Anthony gripped his length, jerking it quickly and growling dominantly as more cum flowed through him, sending ecstatic waves thrashing through his body. Spots danced before his eyes as Tom sucked earnestly on the sensative head, drinking down the husky's lessening load. The husky's body floated through a cloudy heaven, so many sensations running circles in his body. A final jerk burst into the fox's mouth before it dripped down his muzzle, landing alongside other spots around the husky's crotch. Tom licked the huskycock clean, now too sensative as it retracted into its large sheath, leaving small roads of cum as it twitched weakly.

Anthony let out a sigh of content. He pulled Tom up into a powerful embrace, followed by a passionate kiss, both which to fox returned gratefully. He couldn't help but enjoy the salty, bittersweet taste that filled both lovers muzzles.

They gazed into each other's eyes, relishing in their afterglows as the held a hug. Tom glowed inside, knowing that Anthony truly shared his feeling of love, a love he hoped would form the relationship he wanted between them. He still wanted to hear it.

"Anthony, I-I need to ask you something." The fox said nervously. This was something he had to go through, regardless of the answer.

"Yeah Tom. What is it?"

"...Are we still friends?" Anthony gave him a surprised look.

"Of course we are. Why would you ask that?"

"I thought that maybe you would regret what we did, because honestly, I don't."

"Tom, what we did is something I only dreamed we would do. I would never regret this moment, especially since we found out we were in love with each other."

"...Thanks, but I still want to know If It'll change anything between us, even for the better."

Now Anthony was slightly confused as where the fox was leading this talk. "What do you mean 'for the better'?"

Tom gulped. Chills swept throughout his body, contrary to the warmth radiating off the husky. He could probably guess what the husky would answer, but he still was a bit scared about asking the big question. Come On, Do it! a voice urged in his head. Tom started " I-I wanted t-to know if...we could be, uh...boyfriends?" The question hung in the air like a leaf on a tree, before descending towards the grass below.

Anthony remained silent. Tom frowned and moved away; maybe he doesn't want to after all...

"What's wrong?" asked Tom. Regardless of his false tone of bluntness, the husky had felt the saddened dissapointment in his voice. He guiltily realized how Tom must have taken his action and pulled him into a hug. He had to confess now, albeit reluctantly.

"Its not you. Its just that, that I'm the one who wanted to come out to you. I wanted to be the one to ask you out. I always pictured this moment as me being the brave one, who would lessen your worries. But now, I feel like such a idiot for being afraid." The husky looked away in shame and self reserved anger. Tom now understood why his friend had been acting strangely. Although he didn't show it, Anthony wanted to be the dominant abettor in the relationship. Having the fox come out and then ask him out was a little embarrassing for Anthony.

Guilt urged Tom to console the husky, half-forcing a kiss between them. Anthony tried to pull away but a new sensation stopped him. A fox tongue urged on his lips, demanding entrance and enticing the husky's curiosity. He parted his mouth slightly, enough to give the warm, wet ribbon access but keeping them locked in ardorous passion. A new kind of pleasure filled the husky and fox, sending jolts of bliss rushing through their bodies. Every nook and crany in Anthonys maw was explored by this trespasser, retaining each one to memory. It carressed in the right places, knowning that below the tongue would elicite a blissful groan; rubbing in concentric circles on the mouth's roof would quicken his heart's pace. The husky's own tongue moved on its own accord, fighting a heightening battle against its curios, lively intruder. That kiss lasted minutes, leaving them breathless and forcing them to seperate. They stared into each into each other's eyes; searching through heavy pants for the right gesture to bring them to the ultimate closeness. Anthony smiled: the answer had come to him.

"Tom... I have a big question to ask you." was said between pants. Anthony nearly burst with contained happiness. "You want to be my boyfriend?"

This brought tears of joy to Tom, rimming his eyes with a glistening wetness. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Anthony grinned wider, giving the fox a small peck on the cheek. The fox didn't want their tender moment to end, but a yawn from both of them stated otherwise. Anthony lay Tom down between him and the wall, pulling the blanket that had fallen over them. They recuddled beneath the covers, Tom nuzzling against the husky's neck. They closed their eyes, but Tom could not find the relaxation that brought fitful sleep, even with the consoling scent of the husky and the comfortable position he was lying in. He recurred all events of the night and there was still one troubling problem.

The soft chest moved up and down evenly, signaling Anthony's sleep. Tom didn't want to wake him up, but no other choice occured to him.



"Anthony?" he said shaking him lightly.

"Hmm..." The husky replied groggily.

"...What should I do about Mike and the video?" A moment of silence followed.


"What do you mean nothing?!" The fox was surprised by the suggestion. He had expected something more supportive.

"I mean you will do nothing. I will talk with him and get the problem taken care of. Don't worry: just leave it to me." The fox smiled gratefully, edging closer to his companion.

"I trust you." He could feel Anthony beaming, happy to fulfill the role he wanted. "Love you."

"Love you too." Tom closed his eyes, finally free of those haunting thoughts. He bridged the gap between him and dreamland.