Lapine Lessons - A New Life (Bunny Invasion Sequels)

Story by Kaizer Ryu on SoFurry

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#1 of Lapine Lessons (Bunny Invasion Sequels)

Aaaaaaand here it is: The start of the next phase in Marie's adventures. Like the prequels you will see several appearances by friends within this mess of breeding, including one big momma panther kitty that inspired the whole thing.

This chapter is effectively a transitional one between Lesson of Love and what is to come, but has plenty of messiness along for the ride. Less meanness, too. Lyla will be taking a more active role alongside Marie, and by the end of the sequels it will have tied in with the events of Flying Too Close to the Sun.

In the end, the house itself could not be salvaged. The volume and viscosity, the squirming relentlessness, and the overpowering aroma of Marie's output left Kit's home a disaster. Everything below the attic was so steeped in bunny cum that the workers brought in to try and clean it up ended up going lust crazy if exposed too long. Even with biohazard suits it was only a matter of time before the females ended up swelling or the males caused as much in others. The structure of the house, plus most of the piping in the neighborhood and a significant amount of topsoil were carted away, officially for safety reasons but unofficially for further research into what the effects were. As for the furniture, much of it was quietly moved to a Busty Bunny facility that began exploring what had happened to the workers in a more controlled setting.

The sheer size of bellies involved meant Marie, Kit, Fennith, and even Lyla had to be extracted, completely unable to move through the doors or hallways. It was quite the happening for the sleepy neighborhood, though after the blind fucklust Marie's flood had induced it wasn't exactly the weirdest thing. Authorities had shut down the water to the connected area, but the damage was done. In the coming weeks over a thousand reported pregnancies came in from the relatively small down flow area, though it would take a DNA test to determine if they were Marie's or just a coincidence. The cleanup did its best to be thorough, but mystery pregnancies that later ended up being bunny-induced cropped up for the next several months thanks to the persistence of hyper sperm. At least three dozen documented cases of temporary hyperism, and two cases of permanent, came out of it, though it wasn't exactly made public.

Marie was largely quiet while it all happened, responding minimally to questions or comments as they were moved to hir estate. The more hyper-friendly construction allowed the four well-bred ladies comfort and facilities to deal with the inevitable tide of young on the way, but what had been intended as a triumphant return for the rabbit was more of a somber time of reflection. For over a month shi seemed shell shocked, the events that had spiraled out of hir control so completely giving hir an almost endless stream of sensations and thoughts to deal with. Much of how shi dealt with it was through science. Shi'd had a few adjustments done for hir to allow hir to work and experiment even with a massive and growing belly, hours passing by as shi worked through the chaos Lyla had wreaked upon hir worldview. Anger and sadness ran through hir, but so did fear. Fear was something shi was completely unused to. Shi'd stared down roaring lions, broken a drake's mind despite his power, and fearlessly pursued hir goals regardless of whom shi angered. The only thing that came close was that time Lyla had been targeted instead. It'd fueled one of hir more sadistic reprisals, but now shi wondered if shi had just been covering up the fear that the tigress would have been hurt and taken from hir because of hir antics. had been hard to talk to her. The betrayal sat heavily between them, figuratively and literally. For the first month shi felt as if hir heart was breaking, unable to deal with the surge of emotion whenever Lyla was near. To her credit the tigress did not push, though she did go out of her way to help. Fennith did much of the mediating, wanting so desperately to see her Mistress happy. By the time the birthing started about five weeks after hir self-impregnation, Marie felt like shi might even start to understand why it'd been done.

That line of thought was put on hold as the bunnies came. They'd grown very fast, and by the backlog shi could feel shi wouldn't be done for a very long time. The haze of pleasurable hyper birth, something normals simply couldn't comprehend, gripped hir as they came out one after the other. Cared for by the medical staff shi'd hired for hir breeders, with the litters tended to by said breeders, the stud bunny turned baby machine could do little but let them come. Day in, day out, one after the other they slipped free. Every so often Marie was cogent enough to recognize shi was being drained in another fashion, cum gushing out of hir from the stimulation into a tube or a warm wet hole. Hir breasts were likewise always in use, drained of their constant flow to feed the swelling army, adding new heights to hir pleasure as time wore on. Even in sleep hir body kept working, the brief respites always ended by the next body-shaking orgasm brought on by a contraction.

When it finally ended, hir body tired and belly greatly reduced, shi lay upon hir still heavy middle panting and shivering. There would be more to come, now and for the foreseeable future given how shi would not stop popping out already fertilized eggs, but for the time being shi was done. A full two weeks had passed hir by with a rough estimate of about 500 new daughters filling the estate to add to the numbers shi'd pumped into bellies for the last decade. The achievement, the act of giving birth and creating life, gave hir a sense of fulfillment shi hadn't experienced before. It was like some drive had been begging for hir to do just such a thing and been ignored and was now thanking hir profusely. As shi looked over the veritable sea of bunnies shi found shi was looking forward to the broods currently baking inside hir, paws running across the still swollen dome and feeling the multiple litters at different stages within.

Yet that feeling was not the biggest surprise. Three developments competed for that title. The first was readily apparent as shi looked over hir new daughters: They were still growing rapidly. The first that had emerged were already the equivalent of several months old, yet they should barely have opened their eyes at this stage! They ate ravenously, gorging on hir motherly output, fueling an accelerated development that would eventually show itself to be cognitive and emotional as well as physical. A year for the bunny matron's offspring through others was a decade for the ones shi'd bore hirself!

The second was brought to hir once shi'd gotten some much needed rest: A fluffy kitten that was the spitting image of hir father Sinasa. The little herm mewed and latched on to hir sire, suckling like shi'd never eaten before despite appearing larger than any of the bunnies. To Marie's utter shock, followed quickly by the delight and manic grin of discovery, the kitten at hir breast was hir firstborn. As far as shi knew such a thing had never happened before. There was no record shi was aware of, and no scientific establishment even considered such a thing possible. Hir effective cloning of hirself through self-impregnation had resulted in Sinasa's DNA being recombined successfully enough to create a tiger borne from a rabbit! Appropriately enough Annabelle had chosen the name 'Sinabun' for the darling little kitten. A feeling of both thrill and maternal pride burst forth, nuzzling the miniature feline closely and cooing without a care for who saw as those paws wrapped around hir head. "Who's my little miracle of science? You are! Yes you are! You are so cute I can hardly stand it!" It would take some time for hir to grasp it, but for the rabbit that barely flinched at using others, even family, to hir own ends, such a display of genuine affection was quite the shock to hir breeders and employees.

The third and final development was shown to hir once shi'd gotten a chance to spend time with hir new legion, the happy mommy learning the names they'd been given during hir incapacitation. After shi'd gotten over the fact that shi'd borne a kitten not just once, but three times, shi was brought to the one that'd caused it all. The joy that washed over hir, the breeder's pride that came with not merely sowing seeds in others but actively growing them hirself, had let hir forgive Lyla for what she'd done. It made sense, and hir kitty had known shi wouldn't let it happen willingly. Stubborn and powerful enough to keep anyone from making hir, shi'd refused to see what shi really needed. Much as shi hated being surprised by it, hir long birthing had let hir understand that Lyla'd had little recourse. The look of sadness in the kitty's eyes as it had happened clicked into place at some point, and as shi walked in to greet Lyla and prepared to apologize the words fell away.

The vision before hir was of the Goddess incarnate, the air thick with fertile pheromones, the feline female before hir smiling cattishly before curling her finger at the lust-stunned bunny. Rising to attention, Marie's cock dribbled profusely at the sight of hir mate as much as hir mouth did, eyes wandering across that fecund form. Two massive pairs of breasts leaked a steady stream as Lyla lay there, hips that could only be made to grip for breeding or spread wide to birth and a belly ready to swell with young on display for the suddenly very randy rabbit. "Congratulations, mommy~ I finished birthing a bit before you did, so here I am for your surprise~"

Marie was on her in a second, drunk on the tigress's powerful scent and grinding against her with a near feral need. Copious pre gushed out to soak that chubby belly, rubbed in by the lapine's pregnant swell as the pair kissed and wrestled tongues. A muffled mrowl escaped the heated feline as she was penetrated for the first time by her mate, the bunny squeaking and moaning as shi sunk hir cock deep into those fertile depths. The long awaited, long denied consummation of their relationship was better than either imagined, the recently awakened breeding bunny and the newly minted hyper feline losing themselves in the pleasure as apologies passed by wordlessly. Inner muscles sucked Marie inside, all the way through Lyla's tunnel and up into that inferno of a womb. As if wanting to make it all count, Marie's pre turned cloudy, then pure white inside, sperm gushing into the eager female by the gallon as their hips crashed together and mixed fluids squirted out to soak thighs, balls, and the bed. Milk sprayed everywhere as they groped, squished, and thrust, Marie's bigger two slipping between Lyla's four often and leaving both hypers drenched head to tail in rich cream.

The feline's belly bloated bit by bit with her bunny's cream and kits, Marie's cock not once leaving the tight embrace of Lyla's pussy as they shifted positions again and again. Whether on top or on the bottom, Marie couldn't stop exploring Lyla's increasingly pregnant form. Shi was intoxicated by that scent, ready to breed her day and night, eager to see hir kitty swell with their young and even now thinking of how the little Sinabun could lead the way to making a true hybrid with hir kitty love. Climaxes seemed to come in waves like hir cum, no distinct plateau or crash, but a long rolling rise and fall, rise and fall that had the pair locked together for days. By the time they finally spent their pent up lust, Marie's belly already giving signals it was ready to drop the next litter, Lyla shivered atop their now completely stained bed with a belly packed with dense bunny cum, snogging hir wife before they had to pull apart. "That was...thank you, honeybun."

As Marie pulled back, Lyla's suckling cunt dragging the dregs of orgasm from hir and making the bunny shiver, shi squeezed that prodigious rump, ears flopped over that spunk-crammed belly as shi heard hir seed going to town. "Now that I'm a bit more clear-headed...when did you turn hyper?" Lyla giggled, her tail running over Marie's belly as the eager bunnies inside made their presence known. "I've got a notebook in the lab you'll want to read. Fascinating stuff, but I think my lovely Science Bunny will get a kick out of it more than I did. Turns out that what happened was that only my womb went hyper back at the house. I was in a bit of a tight spot and you were out of it, so I went off your notes and got a bit of help from Zana and Riddle. I am. Fully hyper." She wiggled her butt at her bun, getting a grunt and a twitch of that thick cock. "Of little side effect. The transformation as you planned it? It hyperized my womb all over again~" A moan of delight and desire mixed with that joy of discovery, Marie's paws gripping tightly to hir kitten's hips. "So that's why I feel a need to fuck you and never stop... Mmmph...I'd do it, too, if they weren't getting antsy." Patting hir belly, the taut hide twitching and the rabbit creaming hirself from the contraction, Marie panted hotly as shi struggled to deny the primal calling of that kitty cunt. "Once these ones are out and taken care of, you can tell me all about it. I'll meet your kittens, and...we'll talk." Giving hir mate a nose rub and a kiss shi made hir way back to the birthing rooms, a trail of cum and milk dribbling behind hir.

As she felt Marie's sperm crawling about inside her, caressing her massive middle while fertilized eggs attached again and again to join the ones already in place for their first litters together, Lyla watched with a smile as her bunny fell into that joyful bliss of hyper birth. Things weren't perfect, there were still challenges to face and amends to make, but just seeing her bunny so happy as shi did what hir body had so long wanted to do gave the swollen tigress a sense of pride for helping hir realize what shi needed.

As time passed, Marie would get used to the new arrangement. Much as shi wanted to keep Lyla all to hirself, to claim the most fertile womb in the world as hirs and only hirs, shi found shi loved Lyla enough that shi would not deny hir kitten's requests. Marie still had a job to do, still had a company to run, and shi couldn't be there to satisfy every craving Lyla had. The feline was always a bit of a wild spirit, her time with Marie the first time since she started dating that she had only one partner. The long repressed polyamory came back in full force, backed now by a burning need. Yet she always came back to her mate as promised, just as Marie had and continued to as shi filled hir own needs, though normally as a much more pregnant kitty than when she left.

When she became a hyper, Lyla had been introduced to a whole new world alongside Fennith. She'd been marginally privy to it through Marie, but the full extent of it was not made available to her until she was 'one of them'. Even Zana, the loyal bunny breeder that had mentored college-bound Marie in all things Hyper, challenged for dominance and lost to become a new cockslut for the stud lapine, had not divulged what was really going on...

Though hypers were not a large proportion of the population, to see the full extent of their influence was staggering. That same energy and drive that Marie had shown had woven over millennia a network of power that sat at key spots in society, pushing it towards whatever ends were desired. Some of the paranoid mumblers in college would have had a _field day_with what she learned, though it was not so much nefarious as it was arrogant. Much of it she could see sense in. Hypers were very strong personalities. They could cause a great deal of collateral damage when they fought, so organizing them into a more coherent whole served to reign in the more destructive impulses. Yet, seeing hypers organize could cause incredible backlash among the population. One hyper alone was enough for alarm and the reason so many stayed hidden. Learning that hundreds worked together globally? Pitchforks and torches, even if the only aim was to give hypers access to one another and keep them from going crazy for lack of sex.

The arrogance came in the same flavor Marie's had. Normals were lesser. They weren't as good at anything, and the only reason they still existed at all was because of the infuriating tendency for even hyper pregnancies to produce non-hypers. What she had initially thought to be merely Marie's goal of flipping the population statistics on their head and having hypers grow dominant ended up being reflected quite well by hyper society as a whole. It was just how they thought. Who wouldn't want to be a hyper?

Now that she was one of them, the transformation in and of itself a fairly new phenomenon that hypers were still trying to make sense of, she had another choice to make. She was a hyper female, and though not submissive as a rule she was going to be seen as immensely valuable to them. That meant influence, and influence meant the chance to change the culture. Marie was hirself a bit unique, with only a few known hypers sharing hir ability to change a normal to a hyper. Perhaps as they adjusted to this possibility, she could help change it from a chance at conquest to a means of reaching out.

With a grunt and a shift away from the viewing window, Marie's fourth kit being dried and swaddled, Lyla waddled down the hall towards the harem wing. Perhaps as a start to such an effort, a means of showing that hypers could be a boon to society instead of just a sexy threat, they could bring Kit back to hir senses. Though shi was stuck with a perpetual belly full of Marie's kittens, the larger tigress should have hir mind back. Once Marie was done birthing hir next litter shi could join them to restore a bit more of the rubble that had been Marie's lesson. They had their whole life ahead of them, and Lyla hoped to clear out her bunny's skeletons and give the reborn lapine a fresh start.

As she slipped into the room, slippery sounds filling it as Fennith's head bobbed back and forth on her wife's cock, Lyla looked over at her elder sister. The gender shift had been permanent, the partially bimbofied feline using it to slake hir tremendous libido until it'd finally calmed down to more manageable levels. A number of Lyla's kittens had been sown there by the dick Fennith was slobbering over, the spongey barbs only making her womb sing that much louder as her sister had enjoyed the inferno of her belly. Slipping up next to them, a paw running across Kit's pregnant dome, Fennith gave her a muffled greeting that only ended up getting her front sloppy with pre and drool. Kit patted hir little sister's head as shi yowled and came again, thick seed pouring into hir hyper wife's gullet and milk gushed outward from breasts bigger still than even Marie's. Unlike Lyla, Kit hadn't been permanently transformed. Shi would be dependent on Marie or some other hyper that could trigger the change for the foreseeable future, hir permanent pregnancy a continual drain on hir otherwise normal form.

"Hahh...hahhh...h-hey, sis. Finally done giving me kittens~?" Planting a kiss on the larger tigress's nose, Lyla nodded with a matching grin. "Lots of them, too. I wonder what Mom will think when she finds out." Kit gave a dismissive 'ppfft' before patting hir own belly, footpaws rubbing Fennith's own doubly swollen middle. "She can think what she wants. If she wants to complain she can come here and do it. I'll just knock her up till she likes the idea, assuming I get to her before Mistress~" The lust glazed look was a mix of genuine anger and the altered mind, Kit having been only partly successful in withstanding Marie's gambit to break hir will. Shi still retained much of hirself, hir hurt at the way their mother had disowned hir plain, but at this rate shi wouldn't be much of anything but a kitten factory and randy stud pouncing the all-too-willing wolf between hir legs at every opportunity.

Both had endured the full force of a rutting hyper rabbit, and the size of their bellies made that painfully clear. Unlike Marie or Lyla, they wouldn't be done swelling with the consequences of that day for several more months, the room they'd been given huge to reflect the true magnitude of their future growth. Already Kit was big as any full term mother, Fennith looking to be carrying several litters with her pair of hyper wombs, and they weren't even a third of the way done. Judging by the looks Lyla got when she mentioned as much, they were very much looking forward to it. "You've got it worse than us, sis. Think about it. I saw how fast you grew. I'd go crazy trying to keep myself full and pregnant at your pace! At least Fennith and I aren't dropping eggs constantly. I've just gotta worry about getting Mistress to fuck me every few days or knocking Fennith up every few weeks, leaving plenty of time to keep my puppy nice and sticky~ Right, hun?" Looking past hir fecund swell to the pregnant canine down below, shi got a sloppy bark of assent and a mad tail wagging, the insatiable cumslut working her other Mistress towards hir next orgasm with enthusiasm.

When, or if, Kit got off hir sex high shi'd likely be mortified for a while by how shi behaved. Then again shi'd have to adjust to Fennith's much increased needs, so perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. It was Lyla's fervent hope that shi could be restored enough to function on hir own, paving the way to return some autonomy to Marie's other casualties. A reminder of what the bunny'd been like would be helpful, the hyper lapine having to make amends for the lives shi so casually upended, but having the victims capable of understanding and appreciating the gestures would be so much better.

It was a matter of patience, understanding, and love. Marie was a hyper, and that meant needs that Lyla now understood keenly, but it came with responsibilities shi'd never been taught. There was life beyond the overwhelmingly sexy bunny, and shi would have to get used to that. So long as shi did hir part, made the effort and asked for help, shi'd have hir mate at hir side to take some of the burden of this new life. That, and to bring home new friends and perhaps even lovers that could match the eager rabbit's desires...