Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia, Ch 1 - Lucario

Story by TheGuideGod on SoFurry

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#2 of Rosa's Guide to Poképhillia

Rosa is the very curious Lab Assistant to Professor Juniper who has the lab to herself. She is given the task of learning about Pokémon breeding habits, and with the help of a secret serum, will learn first-hand on how Pokémon reproduce. Warning: Some Chapters deal with kinks appropriate to the specific Pokemon in that chapter. No Gore, but some chapters might get kinky. (This is a reupload from fanfiction, where it was deemed non-appropriate. Will be continuing here, as well as adult fanfiction! Also, I do not own pokemon, nor am I in any way affiliated with nintendo!)

Welcome to Rosa's Guide to Poképhilia! I will be your guide in attracting and mating with Pokémon. I will be recounting my stories of all the different Pokémon I've had sexual intercourse with as well as giving you helpful hints throughout. Make sure to purchase a Mega-Potion from your local PokéMart if you attempt anything in this book.

Rosa's Log: Much of this was written before the SX-151 serum was given the more common name Mega-Potion. It is recommended you don't create your own homemade Mega-Potion at home, like I did. Leave that to the professionals.

I sat alone in my room, staring at the tiny vial of super-serum that I brought home from the lab. It was as ominous as a secret lab potion could be. My trembling hands uncorked the brew and wafted it towards my nose. "Huh, doesn't smell that bad." I dipped my pinkie in the tiny test-tube and licked the dripping green liquid. It had a faintly coppery taste, but was not otherwise unpleasant. In fact, the small taste that greeted my tongue filled me with excitement. I could almost feel a glow come over me with just the tiny sample I had.

On my way to work I saw that there were plenty of wild Pokémon around the reserve, and I wasn't sure which I would like to have fun with first. After sorting through the daily mail, I went outside and decided on taking a hike, as well as explore the local area. I chose a path to take and just kept walking for about an hour.

The path I took brought me through a dense forest filled with Pokémon of every type imaginable, but I was still unable to choose just one. I wanted my first to be special, after all.

I brought a backpack filled with the essentials for my mission. I brought the serum, a notepad, a tape recorder, and some Pokémon food. Before long I decided to drink the serum, just to see the effect it would have on all the other Pokémon in the forest. It went down smooth, and there wasn't much of an aftertaste, other than the mild metallic sensation between my gums. "Ah~" I sighed in pleasure. I felt good, delightful even, and when I looked about, the Pokémon in the forest seemed to be staring at me for some reason.

Rosa's Log: So you've decided to try your hand at having sex with a Lucario, huh? My first sexual experience was with a Lucario, and while they are bold fighters, they are very loving and stay loyal to their lovers. The first step to Lucario intercourse would of course be locating a Lucario. Now, you can breed for one yourself, or you can try your hand at attracting them in the wild. Be warned though, as they are incredibly rare, and the only reason I got so lucky was because the Lucario I copulated with was on a Pokémon reserve. If you do feel like finding and seducing a wild Lucario, I suggest checking dry mountain areas.

I kept walking past the confused glares of some Pidgeys and Caterpies until I made it out of the forest and onto a rocky mountain path. I walked up to a flat point in the mountain until I just couldn't walk anymore. The trail up would normally tire me out completely, but after a few minutes I was experiencing a pleasant boost of energy. I worked up a bit of a sweat on the walk up, which completely soaked through my shirt, and I felt the need to change my clothes. I brought a clean change just in case I got lucky up here, though now seemed as good a time as any to bust them out.

As I removed my white and blue pokéball T-shirt, I felt beams of sunlight pour down onto my chest. I was wearing a black bra underneath my shirt, and I decided to undo it as well. With my breasts free to the cool mountain air, I felt my nipples perk up. It was far from chilly, so the breeze was certainly welcome.

I found a nice rock overlooking the entirety of the reserve to rest on, and my skirt brushed against it's rough exterior. I wasn't wearing my usual leggings underneath, since I thought it would be too warm, so I made sure to just apply extra sunblock. Now my legs are shining in the afternoon sun, and as I sit on the rock, so does my smooth slit.

Up above the facility, I felt all responsibility leave me and I just started to play with myself, out in the open and ready for any uninvited guests. I was sitting up on the rock in just my shoes, hat and skirt. SX-151 really seemed to do a number on my libido, and I felt hypersensitive to stimuli. So far, I didn't see any downsides to the chemical cocktail, and I couldn't wait for the stuff to become publicly available.

My fingers were softly and inexpertly grinding themselves up against my clit, and I could feel myself on the verge of orgasm. I was getting very carried away, and I would have continued, if not for the sound of pebbles falling from further up the mountain.

I reached for my sweat-drenched t-shirt, in a fit to get it on in case there were any hikers traveling through the area. "Hello, who's there? Come out!" I was just about to put the shirt over my head as I saw a blue jackal-like Pokémon staring at me from a higher cliff. I sighed, worried that I had gotten a bit too carried away with myself. As I lowered my guard a bit, I beckoned for the Lucario to make himself known. "C'mon big guy, don't be shy!"

He confidently jumped down in front of me, but kept his distance. He was sniffing the air like he was searching for something. He only seemed confused as he brought his inquisitive nose closer to my sex. I was stiff and still, not daring to make a move in front of him, in fear of scaring him away. He stood back and cocked his head, just staring me, as if sizing me up.

Rosa's Log: As with most male Pokémon, a Lucario's penis will flare up and erect itself as soon as it deems a partner worthy. If you are currently in a state of arousal, many Pokémon will see this as permission to mount you. Do not be alarmed, just let nature take its course.

I was being pinned down against the rock in a matter of seconds. Whatever I did to arouse the Lucario sure seemed to be working. His canine cock was batting against my vulva, and he was desperately trying to establish a connection between us. I was pushing against him, trying to keep him away, but I soon realized I was getting exactly what I expected. He saw me as a fellow Lucario, and was just relieving his natural urges, just as I had been planning to do.

"Ack- Easy boy!" I stopped fluttering my arms around and gently laid my hand on his shoulder, calming myself down, as well as my blue companion. After he calmed down a bit, he stopped violently trashing his genetalia against mine and composed himself enough to enter my soaking lower lips. It was then I realized it.

It was both of our first times.

Or rather I realized it as soon as he had popped my cheri berry. It wasn't too painful, but it gave me a longing feeling. I felt like I had a void inside me that required filling. Clearly I couldn't be in any better situation. After initially breaking through my hymen, he started to buck his hips against mine, and with my back against the flat sarsen boulder, I pulled him in closer.

Rosa's Log: Fun Fact! The average Lucario penis is 5 inches long, with an average knot diameter of 2.5 inches.

His thrusting was erratic and unpredictable. He was surely a strong fellow, and had I not taken the SX-151 beforehand, I feel like he very well could have done some serious damage. For such a young Lucario, he was certainly well endowed. From what I estimated, he was about 6 inches long fully erect. That might not sound like much, but for a four foot tall Pokémon mating with a human teenager, it was plenty long enough.

Not to mention that canines knot, so as a virgin, human girl, I was running out of space to fit the entirety of his length.

Luckily for the both of us, the SX-151 did its job at making my pussy both incredibly wet and incredibly flexible. While there was some struggle for Lucario to push is knot any deeper than it already was, with just a little force he could always make more.

Rosa's Log: Due to their high intelligence and bipedal stance, Lucario's are described as being very similar to humans as sexual partners. I wouldn't know, since sex with humans isn't exactly how I roll, but they are known to show affection similarly to humans.

I was practically crying at the experience. No longer from the fear which subsided immediately, but from over-stimulation. I was having my first of a few orgasms with the Lucario as he was on top of me. He might not have been a veteran lover, but neither was I. He was however, very passionate.

As I was being grinded mid-orgasm, he leaned in as far as he could to lick me from my cheek to my hairline. As he got back up to his original position, he rested his paws upon my chest, one paw per boob. I thought he just wanted to cop a handful, but from the look on his face, I could tell he was actually just trying to keep himself balanced.

Rosa's Log: The average Lucario holds about as much sperm as the average human penis, but the velocity at which it ejaculates is much faster than an average human. One might think that their semen is solid from how quickly it is shot out, as some may describe the feeling of being hit by Lucario semen as similar to being hit by a small slingshot.

I could feel his knot tense up inside of me; before he took a large inhale. With one final plunge he held his breath and let a long shot of cum into my vaginal cavity. It felt like it would tear up my inner walls, as it was excreted with so much force I actually shrieked a little bit. Some of the Lucario semen shot straight into my cervix. I felt like I wasn't being filled with his seed at all, at least not until his final gush.

The stinging feeling inside me abated and I soon felt a pleasant numbing sensation, followed by a warm glow passing through my body. Finally, during the glow, I came again, gushing my own nectars with his. With his member still in me, the Lucario let out his hot breath onto my breasts. I was feeling incredibly shaky due to the raw lust I was radiating, and as his much-reduced knot exited my body, a puddle of our combined juices poured out onto the rock under me.

I was wiped, and I could very easily tell that Lucario was as well, as he just seemed to collapse on me. He was resting his head close to my neck, and I gently pat him, satisfied with both him and myself.

I had finally fucked a Pokémon! Pardon the language, but it was about time. I was so satisfied with myself, though I didn't know how to react to it. It had been my lifelong dream to do so, and I finally got the chance to have the fantasy pokésex that I always wanted.

I felt Lucario stir. He loomed over me, a new ferocity in his eyes. Until but a minute ago, I thought he was to weak to go for round two, but something seemed different this time. Something...

Rosa's Log: Remember that Lucario's are known for their aura. Aura is a mystical power that increases their strength as they become weaker. When you see a Lucario start to glow with a myriad of blue flames around it, it's going to put up even more of a fight than it would previously. This translates directly to sex, by the way.

The Lucario was now drilling me, almost tearing me apart with the speed and force at which its dick was penetrating my slit. I had a glimpse of it's beastly features; blue flame radiating from his pores, claws digging into me, it was starting to become too much. "H-hey! I've already had my fun, I th-think I'm good n-now!" With one powerful thrust he shot another gooey load into me. "F-fuck, oh fuck ohh..." I was finished, but he wouldn't listen to me. At the rate we were going, one of us were going to pass out before this ended.

"...fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh-" I suddenly felt very different. I felt less attached to the Lucario somehow. I think he could sense it as well, as his penis became flaccid mid-penetration. He removed the three-inch knot from me before giving me one last final sniff. The ferocity in his eyes had dulled, and he started to seem apologetic, before scampering off down the mountain.

I was very confused. "What the hell just happened?" I realized I didn't feel as good as I did a moment ago, instead I felt rather sore. The delightful glow from SX-151 wore off, and with it, Lucario's attraction to me. It suddenly saw me as just a regular human. About time too, as I couldn't deal with him being so rough for much longer. Now I had only one more problem.

I had to walk home.

Rosa's Log: That's about all the information you need if you're planning on getting it on with a Lucario. My advice? I would get familiar with other Pokémon first, and know what you're getting into when you do decide to go for a Lucario. Watch out for when they get tired, as soon as they seem like they're done, get away, unless of course you think you can handle it. Nowadays, I can actually outlast a Lucario in this state, but only after lots of practice.

By the time I got home, I was sore and bow-legged. I really didn't want to do anything but get a shower and rest. After feeling sufficiently clean, I decided to sit on my bed, looking at my end table. On it was a bunch of supplies from the PokéMart, as well as a bunch of test tubes from the lab.

Tomorrow I cook.


Actual author's notes this time! I just wanted to post a few things I had on my mind.

*-First off, if anybody has anything they'd like to say or ask, send me a message or a review, I love feedback! *

-Secondly, I was asked why Pokemon won't have sex with humans or around humans in the previous chapter. My answer to this is because in the games, nobody knows where Pokemon eggs come from. So instead of having a bunch of stupid scientists, I decided to just make the pokemon really sneaky about it. Fun times!

-Thirdly, if you liked what you read; follow, favorite, etc!

-Fourthly, I'm very sorry for the tag problem with the last chapter, I'm new to this site, and I'm still learning the ins and outs! Though I do find it lovely~

-And Lastly, if you'd like to request for me to have a specific Pokemon in a chapter, I'd love to hear your suggestion! I'm open to anything, even anything weird like Muk or Steelix or Stunfisk or something. I chose Lucario today as I thought he'd make a great first chapter, since he's so popular. But send me a message if you have a Pokemon that you're really into! I'll credit you upon request for the suggestion! ^_^

See ya!