The Inkasi Free State

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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#6 of Old Earth

This chapter is about 21k. Rik and Otho enjoy their time in Luo, and the free state in general. Although Otho isn't very fond of hospitals anymore. I think you will find this chapter a little more exciting in some respects.

Topaz, Mazia, and Petra all belong to Kalahari! As does the Inkasi Free state and its culture. You should probably check out his artwork.

Rik smiled staring up at the open shutter where the golden sun beams filtered through into the cozy dim home. The ground, nor the hammock could compare to sleeping on a bed. The material was warm and soft, something she had never known like this in her whole life. The sand vixen sighed happily. This morning felt oddly better than usual, but Rik didn't know why. Otho was asleep behind her as always, one arm threaded under her neck and the other draped over her front so that his hand was cupping a breast. She rotated a paw, brushing it over both of Otho's, and shifted her hips subtly.

"Ooh." She softly moaned surprising herself. Her body and especially her heart tingled excitedly from an odd yet very pleasant sensation within her sex. Rik peered down her creamy front where the pleasant feeling was coming from. Two fingers spread her labia revealing Otho's rigid male hood embedded inside her. 'His male parts.' The sand vixen remembered that one morning she woke up when it was sticking out between her legs and how it pulsed almost desiring to be inside her. She shifted her hips again causing the raccoon behind her to sleepily tense before mumbling something incoherent. Her heart skipped a beat as the warm tile briefly increased upon her movement before settling down at a lower level. 'Does he feel this pleasure too?' She thought squeezing her inner muscles. This time his hand shakily gripped her breast before slowly releasing with a moaning sigh. She smiled at the delightful feeling it produced and closed her eyes with a heartfelt sigh, waiting for Otho to wake up.

'Mm... A pillow.' The raccoon smugly thought remembering they were in Luo. The sounds from outside were practically the same as the jungle, but a bed made them more like music. He shifted only to feel a slight pleasurable tug in his groin. Otho didn't take any notice and remained snuggled close to Rik until he realized that his hips couldn't move back easily. The raccoon peeked over her front but didn't see anything abnormal. 'Wait a sec-' He looked down feeling his aroused length twitch except it wasn't in the open air. His eyes opened fully noticing the warm, wet, snug environment encasing his organ. Bringing a hand down to check, he silently gasped. 'I'm inside of her!' The fur on his neck bristled fearfully.

"Mmm." Rik mumbled shifting her hips causing him to tense. Otho clamped his muzzle shut to stop from moaning as his length throbbed in its environment. He needed to pull out before she realized what was going on.

"Rik!" He whispered as if everyone in Luo would hear him if he spoke any louder.

"Mm. What?" She yawned enjoying the best sleep in her life, oblivious to the awkwardness of their intimately attached bodies.

"We're stuck!" He begged through clenched teeth. "Lift your leg."

"Huh?" Her ears perked up not understanding him. Why would he want to get out of bed now? Cheeks burning from embarrassment, Otho lifted her leg and quickly pulled out of her wet snatch before rolling away. Rik felt his organ suddenly leave her insides and propped herself up to find out what was going on. Otho was breathing quickly and already facing away from her on the opposite edge of their bed. "Are you ok?" She asked wishing that the pleasant tingle was still inside of her instead of the now empty feeling.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He shook his legs and arms before taking a relieved sigh. "I didn't mean to wake you up, that's all." Rik remained unconvinced knowing when her friend was feeling uneasy, but chose not to say anything about it. His problem had fully retracted when he laid back down. 'Let's pretend that didn't happen.' He closed his eyes only to feel the bed jostle.

"Don't go back to asleep Otho! It's morning!" Rik hopped onto the floor. The raccoon watched the ceiling move as she pulled him out of bed.

"Alri-Ouch!" He fell onto the hard wood floor. Otho looked up finding Rik still smiling happily and holding his hands up.

"You look funny." She giggled at his leg still on the edge of the bed.

"Can I get my clothes first?" He sheepishly asked sitting up.

"Let me get them." She let go of his arms. Otho organized himself before standing up.

'Of all the close calls to encounter.' He mentally sighed stepping his feet into the underwear that Rik handed to him. His original uniform was starting to wear down on him very noticeably. The underwear was a dingy white and a few threads were missing creating faint tears within the cloth. It wasn't as comfortable as lying in bed with Rik nude and carefree, but he was still wary of foregoing his last two clothes. He picked up his equally worn flight pants that had been sawed down to a very short pair of shorts and put them on as well. The once stark white pants with the corresponding red stripe along its sides were darker in color and had numerous blended stains from plants, sand, and dirt. The jagged bottoms were partially undone and the threads appeared frilled. 'I might as well not even wear clothes while I'm here.' His gaze dropped to his unzipped backpack where his other uniform remained. Otho kept his second set of flight clothes untouched and sealed in his backpack for when he could go home, or at least having it kept some hope alive. At this rate it seemed improbable of making it back anytime soon, but traveling with Rik was definitely not boring.

"Hey Rik. Rik?" He didn't even notice Rik slide the door open and exit their guest home without him. Otho spotted her sitting in front of the door and joined her on the top step.

"The village looks beautiful." The fox stared at all the houses and trees in the background with the sun casting a bright morning glow.

"Mmhm. It's very scenic." Otho agreed. With all of the trees and the morning sun, the area looked like a hidden vacation spot that would be advertised at Otho's home planet. Otho looked down feeling something brush overtop his hand only to find Rik's holding his hand. The sand vixen smiled and he smiled back, his darker brown eyes to her lighter blue ones. They returned to watching the morning unfold in Luo together, this time silently.

"Hello and good morning Otho, Rik." A familiar genet approached them wearing a different beautifully red and blue patterned skirt, and she was carrying a plate in one hand full of food. Topaz had brought them a small breakfast to start the day! "I thought you two might like a nice Luo breakfast."

"No complaints here." The raccoon and sand vixen parted to make room.

"Let's eat then!" She sat between them on the front steps with the plate in her lap, and they happily ate. Not having to forage for once came as a nice treat for the vixen and raccoon. "You two look well rested." Topaz took a bite of another orange noting that patches of their fur were still disheveled from sleep.

"I had to pull him out of bed." Rik smiled seeing their sheets tangled behind them in the house. Topaz chuckled noting his ruffled cheek fur. Otho smiled and rubbed his neck nervously, thankful that Rik was as innocent as always.

"That was probably the best bed I have slept in for a long time." Otho concurred.

"I do love having a nice bed to sleep in and it sure beats a tree or the ground any day." Otho and Rik couldn't have agreed more. The best thing they could find was a warm spot in the sunlight or moss. "What are you two going to do today?"

"Hmm. We're not sure, so probably look around or something."

"For once we don't have to worry about hunting or traveling." Rik ate through her third piece of fruit before setting it in the tray of peels and cores. "What will you do with leftovers?"

"I'll find someone who plants them. I don't want a bunch of these growing around my house. Swimming in the river is a lot of fun if you like it."

"I guess we'll look around the village or something then." Otho looked around seeing a few others already starting the day.

"Everyone is hospitable and open. You can go say hello to whoever you want." Topaz stood up and took the empty plate away. "Remember, a stranger is a future friend." She added bidding them a good day.

'A stranger is a future friend...' Otho reiterated to himself as Rik went back inside. It wouldn't hurt talking to a lot of villagers, but what could their primitive society offer to finding his way back home? "No skirt Rik?" He asked seeing the sand vixen donning the bandana as she came back out.

"No. I just wanted the bandana today." She looked up feeling over the soft material. It held the vulpine's hair up from draping over her forehead messily. "Besides, it feels humid already." Rik rubbed over her mound for a moment, really wishing that funny tingling in bed would return, but Otho's nervousness about it made the vixen hold her tongue on the matter. She really hated it when he didn't talk to her. That made her feel isolated all over again just like in the jungle so many dark years ago.

"So what should we do today?"

"No communication thing right?" Rik asked.

"No. Kirsch and the vixens were our best chance at finding one with their technology, but it just isn't that close to mine."

"What about a map? You used one to have her fly us here."

"Good thinking Rik." Otho went back inside and tore out three pages from his journal before folding them into his pocket. "Who should we ask?"

"Maybe Mazia knows." Rik went ahead to the civet's house before Otho could come back outside.

"Wait for me!" He hopped down the front steps.

"Morning!" Rik knocked on the door.

"Come in, I'm alive." Mazia replied with less cheerfulness than Rik. The civet was sitting away from the door in the buff with a paintbrush in hand. An easel rested in front of her along with a bowl of fruit to the side. An apple in particular had a bite mark by her leg.

'Her breasts are bigger than Lilly's!' Rik looked at Mazia's large black areola atop each one. "Wait, I thought you wore skirts that wrapped all the way around and shirts?" Rik stated kneeling beside the civet.

"For outside my house, maybe. But we're inside. I only need clothes and other apparels for outside the house if I'm running about."

"What about dinner last night?" Otho asked.

"We're in my home, and you do not need to wear something all the time when it's warm. Do I have to explain everything to you two?" Her face exaggerated annoyance making Rik chuckle quietly. She returned her gaze to the partially colored canvas before her and rubbed her chin in thought

"I didn't know that you painted Mazia." Rik moved her attention to the painting. The civet studied her unfolding artwork before setting the brush down. The civet nodded fervently as she laid back considerably.

"I paint to help remember songs I hear." She looked over to where a musical instrument was sitting in the corner.

"What is it?" Rik asked looking at the half finished work of colors.

"It's supposed to be a bridge with a waterfall behind it." She tilted her head as if the early image would reveal itself.

"I think I see it." Rik twisted her head.

"Do you know anyone who is a cartographer by chance?" Otho inquired. Mazia tilted her head and looked up at him.

"A what?"

"A map maker. We at least need to know where we're going after here." The civet lowered her gaze thinking.

"I think Lokos does that sort of thing. Lines all over paper, that sort of thing?"

"Yes! That's basically it."

"I don't know where he lives, but I think that's who you want to find. Just ask anyone and you will find out." She swirled her brush in a small cap of water and dried it off.

"I guess we should look for whoever this Lokos is... What do you think Rik?" He asked.

"Look for Lokos." She snickered at how it sounded.

"Why do you need to visit a guy who makes maps?"

"We need to know where to go, and I don't want to see another sand dune." Rik stood up.

"Alright, we'll search for him. See you later Mazia."

"Bye. I'll see you two later." Mazia bid them farewell, now hoping to focus back on her painting.

"Thanks. We appreciate it." He quietly slid the door shut. "Now who would we talk with to find out?"

'Whoever we want...' Rik thought leading Otho to a neighboring home. He didn't have any problem simply asking. This one was slightly larger than most of the other houses they had been in, yet it was still made of the same materials. She went up the three steps and knocked on the front door.

"Come in!" A female voice announced from behind. Sliding the door open, the duo entered the house. The home itself was larger than their single room guest home, but smaller than Baku and Tiranu's despite having two back rooms. Two adults were inside the front room with a small kit on the female's lap. Since it was the morning, neither of them were dressed completely yet, if they planned on that. Only the female had her skirt piece on where the clothing free male was busy finding something to go with the spear and fishing net he was carrying under his arm.

"Ah, hello. You two must be the ones who crossed the desert from the jungle we've heard about." The brown and golden furred male civet greeted them.

"That must have been quite an arduous journey." The female civet behind him added in. Her fur had more of a silvery brown pattern with the typical spots and stripes. Their daughter was a beautiful blend of the two coats.

"That's us. I'm Rik and this is Otho." The vixen introduced themselves.

"I'm Tula." The male grinned shaking their hands.

"I'm Tavi, and this is little Miska." The mother looked down to small civet in her arms. Her baby daughter took no notice of the two strangers in her home as she heartily drank her mother's milk.

"Aww, she's adorable!" Rik went over and sat beside the mother who smiled proudly.

"Thank you. I'd let you hold her, but we're kind of stuck together at the moment." She chuckled and pet her child's head lovingly. Otho made his way forward and sat down next to Rik so he could lean against the home's wall on a cushion. The home itself was uniquely decorated in basic Inkasi fashion with a low table in the other half of the room along with extra cushions, rugs, a small pile of balled up thread, and a small animal pelt were just a few things that decorated the space.

"Did I leave my lucky necklace at the dock?" Tula walked into the kitchen before coming back out.

"Either there or Chagatai's house dear."

"I'll stop by there on my way then of I don't find it here." The male civet went into the bedroom, still searching vehemently.

"So what brings you two to Luo?"

"I guess traveling around is the best way to put it. We entered this forest about a week ago after wandering through the desert." Adding in parts about robots and white bricks probably wouldn't get them very far in a primitive village.

"I'm sure that you'll find Luo and the Inkasi Free State very plentiful compared to the desert."

"We won't go back there. Luo is much better than the desert." Rik didn't like the sand, blistering sun, and especially the shirt she had to wear for a whole day.

"How long do you two plan on staying?" Tavi and Rik looked at Otho.

"A couple of days at least." Otho couldn't help but grin seeing Rik's enthusiastic smile. "We haven't had a lot of time to rest in one spot, and we stopped by here to see if you guys knew where to find someone by the name of Lokos."

"Hmm. No, I don't know anyone of that name. Luo is a big village after all." She stated before turning to the bedroom. "Do you know who Lokos is Tula?" Tavi called to her husband shuffling around in the room.

"No! But that name does sound familiar." He answered unable to come up with something.

"Sorry for not being of much help." Her black ears splayed as she gave a small grin.

"It's fine. We heard that he drew maps and knowing where to go next would help a lot."

"Aha! I found it!" Tula came back out with a sly grin on his face, necklace in hand. "I left it under my pillow last night when you were up and feeding little Miska."

"I'm a busy mother feeding her day and night." She watched her daughter suckling fervently at her breast. "And a busy wife since you like to replace her at the other breast." Tula's ears went back as he scratched his head, spear in hand.

"I'm going to the upper river to fish. Bye." He put on his chosen necklace before leaving hastily with his net balled under his arm.

"Tsk, tsk. He's always embarrassed when I talk about that, but I cherish every moment. We've never been closer as a couple." She kissed her daughter's forehead as she fed. Rik nudged Otho's side giving him a sly grin, causing the raccoon's ears to fold.

"I told you they are here for a reason." She looked down at her own chest.

"Rik, please don't mention it." He whispered as his eyes darted back towards the entrance.

"What reason?" The mother tilted her head at them.

"Otho and I did this once when he was starving." She looked at the tiny kit as if it was Otho, although the raccoon beside her didn't like it when she talked about it. "It felt better than I thought it would, and both of us were afraid that nothing would come out."

"Mhm." The civet nodded in agreement. "Every female has a small supply to start with after becoming an adult when both are developed, and I know how sore they can get." She sighed. Otho didn't like the look of revelation that Rik had staring at him.

"Oh! Otho can fix that! He's a masseuse."

"A what?" The civet asked as Otho's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"He rubs over a spot with his thumbs and hands," she demonstrated in the air with her own, "and then you feel great and refreshed."

"Are you sure?" The mother asked with a touch of skepticism looking over at the coon fervently shaking his head.

"Yes! His hands feel amazing on my foot pads. I love it when he rubs over them."

"You can do that Otho?" The raccoon could feel his face burning with embarrassment that only his fur could hide.

"W-well uh ma'am... it only works for muscles, not there." Otho sheepishly answered. 'This is embarrassing.' He glared with distress at his innocent friend.

"Hmm. I'll have to talk to Tula about trying something like that." Tavi thought aloud as her daughter unlatched. "All finished?" She asked sweetly while Otho nudged Rik to leave. Her daughter licked her lips and looked around as confirmation. "That's Rik and Otho. They're from far away." Miska made a few chirping baby noises as the two readied to leave.

"It was nice meeting you." Otho hugged the mother and Rik followed suit.

"You're both welcome to stop by any time."

"I'm glad to have met you too Miska." Rik shook the tiny hand before the baby civet could bite her.

"Good luck and I hope you can find Lokos!" Tavi waved.

"Thank you!" Rik called out as she quietly shut the door.

"Rik please stop trying to employ me as a masseuse, doctor, or whatever they call it to everyone. It's embarrassing to me." Otho kept his voice hushed.

"Sorry." Her ears pinned back. "Just saying what you do." Two cream furred fingers poked each other in apology. Otho sighed finding it hard to remain upset at his sand vixen friend for longer than a moment.

"It's fine, but please be careful." He felt better seeing her smile return.

"I will." Her contagious smile returned once more.

"Let's walk around to think then. I can look for Lokos while you go around doing whatever you want."

"Walk first." She guessed holding his hand. The raccoon grinned and intertwined their fingers. A few kits bolted out in front of him, each painted over with colors on their fur. Their skirt pieces flapped wildly with their small, yet fast legs.

"I'm the rain! I'll wash you away!" One excitedly yelled chasing another.

"No fair! The sun dries up rain!" The one being chased squealed while giggling. The little genet who called himself 'the rain' ran up to Otho and pressed his little hands against his stomach. He made a high pitched swishing noise before standing back proudly.

"I washed you away!" Rik found it amusing as the genet ran off looking for the others. The village was bustling with activity early in the morning. A band of young males carrying spears were ready to embark on a special hunt. A mother and her son could be seen sewing together a shirt. A couple were working in their small garden together. Everyone was doing something wherever Otho and Rik looked.

"Today must be a no clothes day or something." Otho remarked at how few of the villagers were wearing even basic pieces of cloth. Kits were the only ones who seemed to constantly wear their species' fashion while all adults and adolescents left all forms of clothing back in their homes.

"That's every day." Rik grinned.

"Yeah, for you." He ruffled her messy hair only to make the vixen laugh.

"Look it's Topaz!" Rik pulled Otho's arm over to their new friend's location. The genet was leaning against a large boulder in the shade, away from the bright morning sun. Her genet styled skirt was missing this time along with her bandana. She was bare except for her red feather earring and a bracelet from yesterday.

"Hey!" She spotted the traveling pair as they approached. "Enjoying your stay so far?" Rik happily nodded.

"I guess you mentioned the clothing yesterday, but there wasn't any mention if it would be worn or not." Otho realized that he was the only adult wearing something.

"Oh yeah." She chuckled. "If it's a little warmer, you'll see them begin to disappear on adults and adolescents." Topaz looked around the open area in the village's center seeing plenty of genets and civets that fit her description.

"Oh. Do you know where someone named Lokos lives? I heard that he draws maps, and that would help us a lot of we could meet him."

"Sure. Just follow this line of houses until you are at the end where the first large tree is. That's where he lives."

"Thanks. I'll be back soon Rik."

"Wait." Her hand refused to let go of his. "Can't I go with you?"

"I'll just be talking and drawing a map for a while. Don't worry, I'll be back here in a little bit." He convinced her.

"Ok." She quietly conceded, letting go. Her ears fell down as he turned and left them.

"Knowing an old timer, this will take an hour." Topaz ruffled the fur on her breasts before smoothing it out. "They love to ramble on and on about... anything." Her green eyes blinked.

"They do?" Rik asked wishing Otho was back already.

"I wish I was wrong! How did your elders act in your village?"

"Um. I don't remember very much. It's been so long." Rik could hardly remember anything from her childhood, let alone how elders acted around her.

'Oh. Right.' Topaz scratched her neck remembering the sand vixen's decade long isolation. "So what do you two normally do while traveling around? Walking so much requires breaks and rests right?"

"Mhm." Rik nodded with a returning grin. "We would wake up and eat and walk for most of the day before pausing once, then we'd stop to make a fire and eat again before falling asleep."

"I'd probably break my paw pads from all that walking. You two went through the jungle, desert, and this southern forest just to make it to Luo."

"Otho always rubs my paws after a long walk, if I'm sore, or if I just ask him. He says a masseuse does that."

"That's like a..." Topaz squinted her eyes in thought. "A..." Her foot tapped unable to find the answer. "A doctor. Go in bad, come out good. That was the muscle thing you two talked about at the river."

"Mhm. It's great." Rik smiled at the thought before remembering what Oho told her not to tell everyone. 'Oops.' The vixen bit her lip.

"I could probably use one of those." She looked down rubbing one over the other. "It sounds so relaxing."

Every house Otho passed was made of the same fine wood as all of the others, and had ornate plants covering any potentially dull place. Along with the buildings were families, neighbors, and friends of all ages and sizes talking or doing something while wearing little or no clothing. That didn't exclude their elaborate jewelry though. The only ones who seemed to be completely covered by anything were young kits, but that didn't matter. Everyone looked fairly friendly and a few even waved at Otho as he passed by. After all they must have been used to travelers or traders. Without any trouble he found himself at the end of the row of homes.

"Topaz didn't tell me which house he lives in." He realized feeling a sense of helplessness. Everyone else was either sleeping or somewhere else this far into the "neighborhood." Otho spotted an old grey and white genet with plenty of silver ticked fur sitting humbly under a large tree on its large gnarled roots. A pudgy layer of fat on his stomach reassured his guess that he was old. The genet wasn't wearing anything either except for a wooden beaded necklace like the other adults, but he looked very content sitting by himself with his long tail wrapped around his waist. "Hello. Do you know where Lokos lives?" Otho asked simply enough. The old male blinked his silver eyes and looked up at the raccoon. "I'm looking for him because Mazia told me he can draw maps."

"Maps huh?" The genet scratched his head. "Yes I'm Lokos, and I can help you." He strained to stand up before Otho helped him. "Ah, thank you. You don't look like you're from around here." His trained eyes looked over the raccoon.

"You could say that I'm from far away."

"Let's go inside then. My house is this one on the left." He pointed to the last one in the row. Lokos led Otho up the four steps and inside the small but quaint home. "Sit wherever you like." Lokos pointed out the small room before heading into what Otho guessed was the kitchen. The other doorway revealed the corner of a bed. There were a few extra cushions stacked in the corner by a mat probably for a guest sleeping over. Otho grabbed one and sat by a low rectangular table that faced a large wooden chest against the wall. He felt over the smooth lacquered surface as his palm glided over the table.

'Very nice woodworking.' A few painted wooden masks that covered one's upper muzzle and face hung above the door like delicate leaves. Some small soapstone bowls and plates lined a shelf or two as well. A large wooden block with a grid pattern on top sat in the middle of the other half of the room with square cushion surrounding it. Two wooden bowls with corresponding white and black stones rested on the gridded wooden block. "Ever play Go before?" Lokos asked standing in the doorway with a cup in hand.

"I haven't heard of the game. Is it hard to learn?" Otho stared at the setup curiously.

"No, but it takes years to get better at." The genet turned to him and approached. "How can you still be wearing something when it's so nice and warm?" Lokos asked taking a seat on a cushion across the table.

"Well," he glanced at the genet's grey nether regions, "I guess you could say I was raised different."

"Makes sense." He chuckled. "So what do you need? A map drawn or something?"

"Actually I just want to look at one if that's alright."

"A map of where? I have plenty to go through."

"Just a large area of Inkasi and as much surrounding land as possible. After Rik and I stay for a while, we'll need to have a general idea of where to go."

"Ok. I'll see what I have." Lokos turned around and opened the large chest behind himself. "I like keeping them here so sunlight and moisture don't ruin them. Besides, we used to get paper from a northern village or desert traders until we cultivated papyrus." The genet dug through the container before pulling out a nice fourteen inch by fourteen inch papyrus paper where he laid it on the table.

"It looks beautiful." Otho looked over the detailed map. There weren't any words or letters, but a few small circles and plenty of drawings dictated cities and terrain respectively. There were trees, rivers, and hills drawn to match the terrain along with a few animals and various plants.

"Thanks, but try to ignore the stains from drinking tea." He grinned smoothing out a wrinkled corner.

"Can you point out every part for me?" Otho asked seeing that there were no words or even letters to mark a feature.

"Sure. What faces me is north, and you is south. East and west." He pointed with his hands respectively. "All the dots are villages within the Inkasi state here." He pointed to the center. "As you know everything here is heavy forests." The genet chuckled.

"What about everywhere else?"

"If you go far enough north, past the Inkasi villages, then you'll find yourself in a giant swamp with little stable ground to walk on. Northwest are a lot of hills and mountains covered in forests. Far enough west will land you in a desert area without any water, but I heard a jungle exists past it all."

"That's true. My friend Rik is from that jungle."

"You know someone from a western jungle!" His silvery eyes widened with surprise

"We actually met there before coming here."

"How many feral leopards did you cross to get here?"

"Um, zero. Rik and I took a detour to the south through the desert."

"Ah, that makes sense. There are countless leopards in the western hills, so you avoided a lot of extra trouble by skipping the western desert." The elder frowned catching himself rambling. "Anyway, south is more desert and a bunch of mountains that bake under the sun. East has a few villages that I know of. The Luo river widens that way and the forest has more pine trees there." Otho hastily copied down what Lokos said onto his torn pages and the eastern half of the map on a much smaller scale.

"Villages like here?"

"For the most part, but they tend to be smaller in population. And the further east you go the more they vary in culture, but I don't know where the river ends or who lives past the smaller villages." Lokos leaned back and sipped his water. "If you're writing down information, then do you mind writing down some of the Inkasi's obscure history for me?" He asked resting an elbow on the low table.

"Oh, of course not." Otho readied his pen and paper. "Talk away." The genet cleared his throat.

"Long ago the Inkasi used to be divided into numerous clans that fought in endless warfare and rivalries for countless generations. The Lashuna, Surasena, and Hagaromo are the only prominent clan names that I can remember from that time period, but most of them were constantly fighting each other regardless. However, war cut down so many that marriage between different clans started to become commonplace. Clans even came together to form small villages rather than living in semi mobile camps. Eventually warfare died down as clans continually intermingled because bloodline diplomacy ceased to exist. This is when larger villages emerged like Luo, and younger generations began changing their last names erase past grievances. Trade soon opened up from the outside which created a lasting peace with little infighting." Lokos paused to drink some water.

"Of course that is largely folklore and I never lived that long ago despite how old I look now." He grinned. "Flooding of the many streams and rivers within the Inkasi Free State has always been hazardous. Before homes were developed a few steps above the ground with better foundations, everything waist high could be swept away after a heavy rainstorm during the monsoon season. The only place anybody could go if you weren't swept away was into the trees or a canoe for a few days if there was no more rain. Perhaps this tale is more relevant to small family based communities developing into large villages instead of the warring states theory." Lokos finished with a nod and drank from the small cup he had.

"Those are the two histories of the Inkasi?" Otho wondered if there was a third version at this rate.

"Yes, but not too many care which version is true or false anymore. Many elders when I was your age seriously pondered both possibilities since we were taught both as kits."

"Which do you believe?"

"I like both, so I try to combine them." He smiled.

"Thank you for the details then." He quickly wrote down the last bits. "I have a more curious question to ask now." Otho flipped the page. "Not personal though."

"Sure." Lokos adjusted his legs to stave off any cramps.

"Why do all the little ones keep their clothes on while most everyone else doesn't have a garment on? Isn't it humid for them too?"

"It isn't showing off or anything, but you do it when you have something to show... No that sound wrong." He scratched an ear before pointing somewhere to focus. "Little ones always wear clothes because they can't physically show how mature they are. You have the choice to forgo them when you physically mature at the chest or groin, but if you do anyway I guess it doesn't matter. Then again what you wear normally depends on if you're a genet or civet. You know genets prefer to wear a partial skirt and bandana, that's all, and of course none of this applies to foreign traders. Does that answer your question?"

"You can only go naked if you're developed in that area. Got it." Otho processed the chunk of information.

"That's a crude way of putting it." The older genet murmured to himself.

"Thanks. That's all I need." Otho folded the pieces of paper before stuffing them back into his pocket.

"You're not from around here." Lokos rolled up the map and put it away. "Are you and your friend lost?"

"I guess you could put it that way. We're wandering around but knowing where to go next is important."

"Well I hope my map helps you two." Lokos stood up and walked to the door with Otho.

"Thanks again for everything." Otho shook hands before stepping out of the genet's home.

"You're welcome." Lokos headed back over to the large tree to sit under.

"Now to get back to Rik and Topaz." The sun was higher in the sky than he expected from the lengthy interview he had. He hurried back to the open area only to halt as a large piece of wood nearly collided with his head.

"Careful!" Two woodworkers yelled carrying a large shaven piece of lumber.

"Excuse me!" Otho dove under the wood and between them. One barked back at the raccoon, but Otho didn't retort and quickly found Topaz with new company. Two small kits stood before her with a wanting look on their faces.

"Can you tell us another story Topaz?" One of them pleaded.

"I just told you two stories: the villager on the moon, and the old conger."

"Pleeeeease." The other dragged out. "It's just one more. You know every story!"

"Maybe another day." She smiled seeing their mother approach.

"Topaz!" They protested with adorable squeals.

"Come along you two. Topaz has her own things to attend to." The young ones' genet mother placed her hands on a little shoulder apiece.

"But it was just one more story mom!"

"Can you tell us one mom?"

"Thank goodness for mothers." Topaz waved as the three walked away. "Find Lokos Otho?" She turned to the raccoon.

"I did. Where did Rik go?" He didn't see the sand vixen anywhere.

"Mazia took Rik for some girl fun or whatever she told me," Topaz shrugged, "but I'm about to go forage with my canoe." Otho looked around having nothing else to do.

"Do you mind if I come with you?"

"If you want to that's fine by me." She took him to the edge of the village before following a thin snaky trail through the tropical forest all the way down to a dock made out the same Inkasi lacquered wood. The genet led him down the wooden planks to where at least one dozen canoes were tied to a few posts, gently bumping into each other with the subtle flow of water. The river water itself appeared somewhat brackish and less transparent than shallower rivers he and Rik had crossed.

'They look advanced.' He peered close to one only to find out that each was made of wood and had a few basic items inside such as rope and an oar or two.

"That one is mine." She pointed to the short one on his right with a small pattern to distinguish it from the others. Her canoe was barely two meters in length, if it was even that long. "Will we fit in it?"

"It's made for one or two persons to use. Haven't you used one before?"

"Uh. No." He shook his head.

"Get in. You'll love it." She nudged the nervous raccoon. Otho planted one leg and held the canoe as it moved. With careful balance he quickly sprung back. The wooden vessel rocked unsteadily as he scrambled to hold on.

"Ok, I am ready." He quickly sat down holding both sides as Topaz gracefully hopped in. The canoe dipped down from the sudden impact but didn't sink, much to the raccoon's relief.

"Relax. I've been doing this for years." Topaz wielded the oar like a sword before paddling from the shallow area to the adjacent river.

"Easy enough to say." Otho found it hard at first to relax while floating above an entire river, plus getting his clothes wet way out her was not an option.

"At least try relaxing." She looked back finding her passenger nervously watching the water. "I promise I'll go slow."

'Imagine Rik's sitting beside you.' Otho released a tensions breath and leaned back. The thought that she would probably be leaning back on him in the small sized canoe brought a grin to his face. Topaz took her time going down the river she had lived by her whole life. Plenty of cherished memories were shared on her village's namesake river with her friends. Plants of all shapes, sizes, and colors were more prominent around the calm waterway as they coasted along its gentle course. Each tiny piece of nature's artwork caught Otho's eye. He had to blink and remind himself he wasn't in a virtual reality program back on base, but not even an advanced program could capture everything. Sticking a hand out, Otho touched the cool water before flicking droplets off. 'Now that I have a map drawn, we can think of where to go next.' Although Otho was predetermined on loosely following the Luo river downstream. Going into a desert, swamp, or through some hills back to the jungle would be more arduous than traveling east.

"You didn't have to tag along and help forage. Enjoy your stay." Topaz adroitly guided the canoe's course with the oar provided.

"I'd feel guilty then." Otho admitted while watching the world calmly pass by. He spotted a small genet treehouse above them with a long tail hanging out the front signaling that it was occupied. "And I'm enjoying the water ride for the most part." He held a finger out to touch the water beside him once more.

"I can feel the silent excitement." She grinned paddling slowly down river. They soon floated over a few water lilies as Topaz neared the edge of a few trees growing on the water's edge. "This is the tree." She slowed down and found a sturdy spot to tie the vessel to. Otho looked up seeing a bunch of ripened fruit on the overhanging branches. "Pick until you fill this." She handed him one of the small sacks between them and started picking. Otho took his time and looked around the lavish scenery.

"What are those two doing over there?" He spotted two males knee deep in the river with baskets half filled with dark mud.

"They're gathering up some soil to use for planting." Topaz explained as the two continued scooping up clumps of mud into small woven baskets. "Is your bag full yet?"

"Almost." He plucked another piece. "I have to admit. This place is pretty perfect with only a recent history of violence."

"I wish it really was perfect." Topaz tied her filled bag up. "Hardly anyone travels between villages since then. Not even the groups of desert traders came by recently because of the fighting. We're still rebuilding."

"Lokos told me the tough warfare that plagued the country for so long before finally being resolved, but there was an alternate story-"

"Of constant flooding every monsoon season. We hear that all the time, but it doesn't flood too bad like they said it once did. The worst was when I was six years old and two days of heavy rain caused flooding in the village for a week."

"How high was the water level?"

"It reached my ankles." She smiled playfully. "That's when I learned how to canoe."

"Aright, this bag is full." Otho tied up his bag and set it beside Topaz's.

"Thanks. One is for me, and one is to share with my friend Petra." She laid back on her side of the boat.

"So did you and Rik talk much before Mazia took her?"

"We talked for a while," The genet's paw rested against his leg, "but Rik mentioned that you are a talented masseuse."

"Oh. Well, it isn't that much of a talent." He played down the statement. "Rik just likes it a lot." Otho looked down and noticed Topaz's paw creeping closer.

"I'm curious." She gave a slightly nervous grin edging her mostly light brown furred paw further onto his lap. "Rik said it feels great when you do it, and we don't have anyone in Luo that specializes in that." Otho looked down finding her paw resting sideways in the middle of his lap while the other was curled under his leg as if in queue.

'She is our host.' Which meant an exception was in order. He cradled the body part before tracing his thumbs lightly over the lower pad. Topaz was intrigued with the strange pattern until he pressed his thumbs in earnest.

"Ooh! That does feel nice." She laid back closing her eyes. "Why would you not want to do this for someone?"

"I just don't want to be doing this for everyone and anyone on their whim. Rik loves to talk about nearly everything that comes to her mind."

"You would have a lot of patients every day." She made a funny purring noise as he went over a softer tender area

"Just be careful with your claws please." He chuckled and lowered his thumbs to avoid the curling digits. Topaz couldn't help herself as he took his time unwinding her muscles.

'Rik wasn't kidding around about this.' The genet thought to herself when he finished going over the first paw. Much to her delight he picked up her other paw and began working over it just like the previous one. Topaz was nearly lulled into a blissful sleep as his hands worked their dedicated dance for an extended amount of time. "That was heavenly!" Topaz sat up with a stretch when he finally finished and set them down.

"Well it was nice since your pads were already very soft. So you made it easy in a strange way." He admitted.

"I hope you won't mind me leaving them in your lap while I paddle back." She grabbed the oar and pulled the rope back onto the vessel.

"Whatever floats your boat." He chuckled resting his hands over them as Topaz undid the rope and pushed off into the river.

"You do this for Rik every day?"

"Do what?"

"You know, the utterly divine paw rubs!" She poked his lower belly with one.

"Oh the massage stuff? Just whenever she asks." He shrugged unable to count all the times he had the sand vixen's paws in his lap.

"No wonder she likes you so much."

"Wait. What?" The raccoon's spine stiffened as he turned to Topaz.

"I'm not blind. I can see it across the village and the river."

"You can?" He dumbly stated as she canoed up the calm river.

"I know that you two like each other." She replied making his ears lie down. "The way she looks at you and the way you look at her, how is it not obvious?" Rik smiled paddling passed the lily pads and up the calm river.

It didn't take long to reach the dock despite a few others traveling on the waterway, but there was never anything to be rushed in the village of Luo. "See how we are back safe and dry?" Topaz couldn't help but poke fun of his initial fear.

"Ok it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Otho admitted. The civet hummed happily and "parked" the canoe against the dock. The raccoon didn't waste time and jumped out. "Oh. What about the two bags."

"I just need to give one to Petra so we can leave one here for the time being." Topaz left her bag and jumped out with the other.

"What if it rains or something?"

"I'm not leaving it here all day and night, but if it rained then I would only have to empty the canoe." She stooped down and tied the vessel to the dock.

"Otho!" The raccoon looked up and spotted Rik on the end of the pathway. The sand vixen ran down to the dock where he and Topaz were.

"Hey! What have you been up to?" Otho smiled as she grabbed hold of his hand.

"Playing shooting game with Mazia and others. You?" She swung their joined hands. Topaz wore a knowing smile as they stepped off the dock.

"I helped Topaz out canoeing for food after talking with Lokos."

"Oh. You found him?"

"Yep, and I have a decent map of the area down in my journal thanks to him." He replied happily, unable to ignore the warm smile she wore looking at him.

"That's good."

"Hey Rik. Have fun with Mazia and the others?" Topaz went ahead leading them back through the path.

"Yes I did." Rik continued swinging their joined hands as they followed Topaz.

"Why were you down here at the dock?" Otho asked.

"Mazia showed me where Topaz would be since I couldn't find you. I thought you were with her."

'Wow. Does she really like me?' He looked at their hands clasped together as one. His body and mind felt giddy and excited at the possibility. The raccoon wasn't paying attention to the pathway as Rik and Topaz moved aside for a few other villagers heading to the dock. The sand vixen unexpectedly bumped him off the path and into a bush. "Ow!" He quickly jumped back finding a trio of brown-black needles sticking out from his shoulder.

"Sorry. Are you okay?" Rik asked as he clutched his shoulder. Otho tried pulling one out only to groan.

"I can't pull them out." He grunted as more pain radiated when he touched them.

"Do you need to see a doctor?" Topaz inquired.

"Y-yeah. I need to see a doctor." He wearily walked forward feeling a painful sting. The drop of blood oozing from his arm wasn't too promising either. The images of hospitals with supercomputers, stasis pods, and aero-nano recovery units appeared in his mind only to remember he would be receiving a tribal version of all three.

"Kano is visiting relatives in Laepa, and I think Biyu is with him." Topaz muttered to herself.

"Are they doctors?" Rik asked.

"Yes. Which leaves Naomi as the only one here right now. Don't worry, her house isn't far from here." Topaz assured them and hurried along the path.

"Is it serious?" Otho kept his right arm still.

"No, but if it hurts you don't want to just sit around."

"Good point." He mumbled as she led them back into the village. The pain was obnoxious and irritating as it radiated around the wound. Topaz followed the first few houses before turning left by a large tree.

"It's this house." She pointed to the medium sized one to their right.

"Are you leaving?" Rik asked when the genet didn't follow.

"I'll check on you guys later. I need to get a few errands done." She patted the raccoon's back. "And don't fret. Naomi will take good care of you." Topaz left as Rik led Otho up the steps.

"We don't need to worry then." Rik held him close by her side.

"I'm not worried. I'm afraid." He frowned as Rik opened the door revealing an empty front room. Otho wasn't too fond of the makeshift hospital bed, if it could be classified as one. It was just a typical low lying table with a blanket covering it. A series of of small covered cups lined a shelf above the bed along with a clean pile of fresh bandage among other things.

"Naomi!" Rik called out.

"I'm back here!" A civet head poked out of a back room. Seeing the raccoon's pained expression, she immediately jumped up to help. "A patient? Lay down here." She motioned him to the bed.

"Please don't saw my arm off." He whined.

"Why in the forest would I do that?" Naomi looked at him funny.

"He's afraid of doctors." Rik answered receiving a quick glare from Otho before he lied down on the solid wood.

'Not comfy at all.' Otho grimaced staring at the ceiling. Rik occupied a cushion nearby and allowed the doctor to do her work.

"What's wrong?" The civet doctor asked simply enough kneeling down beside him.

"The spikes on my right shoulder from a bush. They sting a lot." He clenched his teeth afraid to touch the spot again as sharp and dull pains alternated throughout his arm.

"Bush huh?" She observed the area for a moment. "Oh." She sounded a little less optimistically than Otho liked. "Those are stinger thorns from the widow bush."

"The widow who?" He nervously asked.

"That's the bush you ran into. I'll have to remove them, and It's nothing complicated." Naomi grabbed something from the shelf. The civet then dabbed her finger in a small canister full of a white powder before bringing it to his face. The powder smelled funny with a hint of pepper as she liberally dabbled it on his black nose. Naomi quickly jumped out of the way as he sneezed. "Careful! It will numb the pain." Naomi said rubbing the rest on his nose. Otho sneezed two more times and wiggled his nose.

"My head feels funny." He complained at the growing fog within his skull as it was inhaled.

"Stay still and stare at her." She nonchalantly grabbed a few items to remove the thorns and clean his wound up. The raccoon obeyed and stared at his friend patiently waiting. Rik grinned at Otho seeing him look more and more relieved. 'Wow, he isn't even flinching!' The sand vixen watched Naomi remove the spiny thorns from his arm using a small pair of tweezers. She noticed the raccoon's pupils were dilating and shrinking repetitively, but he didn't grimace in any pain with his mouth open.

"Ah done!" She smiled wiping a clean cloth with an antibacterial resin over the wound. "Now that wasn't too bad was it? I barely took a minute." Otho didn't seem to get the message and continued staring at Rik even as the civet helped him up. If it wasn't for Naomi he would've fallen off the small table bed entirely as he stood up. "Can you help him over to the seat?" Naomi struggled keeping the raccoon on his own two feet. Rik hurried over and wrapped an arm around the raccoon's side steadying him.

"Let's sit down." She walked him over to the large cushions against the wall. It took a minute, but he finally seated himself, but had to lean against Rik for support. The sand vixen normally loved the intimate contact with him, but this was far beyond the norm for the raccoon.

"Rik... That bandana on your forehead is sooo cool!" Otho exclaimed as if he hadn't seen it yesterday.

"It's not cold. Are you feeling ok Otho?" She looked at his glazed over eyes that just couldn't seem to adjust to the lighting very well.

"Yeah. I'm with you." He gave a dumb grin making her giggle for a moment. "You." The raccoon happily repeated in a sing song voice and rested his unsteady head on the vixen's shoulder.

"You're acting so strange." She straightened her bandana while keeping a watchful eye on him. His head suddenly slid down from her shoulder. "Eep!" The vixen squealed as his muzzle dove, wedging itself between her legs. A hot rush of air made her spine shiver. His arms groped to find purchase on her legs only to relax in place. To her surprise Otho didn't remove his nose and instead kept it planted betwixt her legs. A loud breath was heard startling the sand vixen only for another blast of hot air to warm her crotch. "What is he doing?!" Rik shockingly watched him practically drink in the air around her.

"Don't fret." The civet doctor said casually. "He just likes your scent, especially when it's from the purest source." Rik only whined fearfully trying to scoot away from him to no avail.

"Ah! I-It's strange. He wouldn't do this!" She squirmed as his nose remained strangely close.

"Your friend is just under the medicine's side effects. It's nothing to worry about." Naomi happily replied to reassure the distraught vixen. That didn't explain why Otho was doing it unabashedly. The raccoon in her lap shifted causing the fur on her spine prickle up once more.

"Your nose is so cold Otho!" Rik's voice rose an octave unable to draw her legs closed with his head between them. Naomi luckily knelt down, pulled him off and looked over the raccoon's wound and facial expression. Rik crossed her legs with a sigh of relief.

"He can go home and rest now. The arm should heal." Naomi told Rik while keeping her patient steady. "You two don't look like you're from around here."

"No, but we have a guest house."

"Good. Take him there and don't let him run around unsupervised, and don't let him eat or drink anything." She instructed. Otho's far out expression looked at everything as if it had just appeared before him, and his gaze didn't exactly sharpen when it spotted the covet's chest. "Make sure that he-hello." Naomi looked down and found a grey hand curiously squeezing her breast. "Does he do this often?" She looked at Rik while Otho played with the open mammary.

"I thought he was afraid of them." The sand vixen shook her head wondering why he would have such a sudden change of heart.

"Lastly, make sure that he rests today and tonight so he will be back to normal tomorrow." Naomi helped him stand. Rik went to his other side as they walked him to the door.

"I crashed here," He mumbled dejectedly, "but then you helped me." His black lined lips curled into a grin looking at Rik with half lidded eyes.

"Don't worry! He will heal just fine!" Naomi called out as Rik dragged her loopy companion outside.

"Otho! Please stand up." She begged trying to securely hold the squirming raccoon. He garbled out some strange sentence as he nearly fell down the front steps. Feeling distressed, Rik hurried him to their guest home nearby. The attention they drew received a few laughs and questioning looks, which only made the sand vixen more distraught. The front steps to their guest home came with relief as she half dragged her raccoon friend inside. His body acted mostly like deadweight unless his legs tried pushing off the ground by themselves, which only helped him stumble more. He even fell to the floor twice without complaint when Rik closed the front door. "Careful! Your legs!" She warned him before tripping over herself. Both fell down to the floor with a clobbering thump. 'Ow. Wooden floor.' Rik grumbled rolling onto her back. She missed the ground beneath her paws and sat up against the wall releasing a sigh. Otho inched forward, already between her legs, and rested his head against a thigh. Rik shivered feeling his nose press against her womanhood taking in renewed breaths. Well over half an hour went by where Rik tried maneuvering herself away from his invasive nose, but the raccoon seemed to be a permanent anchor between her legs. The vixen closed her eyes and gave up altogether, allowing him to stay there.

'Why me?' She stared up at the ceiling hoping an answer would fall through the roof. Rik didn't know why the doctor's medicine caused Otho's strange behavior, but she felt sorry for him. "Well you can't make us fall over again." She pet his head hearing the raccoon murr pleasantly from the affectionate touch. At least his nose warmed up from her body heat. 'I wouldn't mind if you did this, but stop acting goofy.' She watched him simply lay there grinning. A sound from the doorway caught her attention.

"Hello? Rik? Otho?"

"In here." Rik answered hearing the voice from the door. Steps quickly proceeded.

"I have food for our raccoon." Topaz walked in with a plate full of food. The genet stopped in her tracks seeing the spectacle on the floor. "Oh! Am I interrupting something?" She asked keeping her distance with a perplexed look.

"N-no I don't think so. He's been like this since Naomi gave him that powder medicine." Rik scratched an ear nervously. Topaz nodded understandingly and sat down beside her with the plate of food, while giving Otho an estranged look.

"So his pain is gone?"

"Mmhm. She healed his arm, but he acts different."

"I have never heard of this being a side effect. You're right, this is strange, but as long as he doesn't hurt you or himself."

"No, Otho wouldn't hurt anyone, even if he had to. I had to practically carry him here before his legs tripped me." Topaz chuckled at her comment.

"I remember when Mazia was little she accidentally used some of that medicine. The civet talked to a chameleon for an hour before her parents figured out what was going on."

"Nothing like this?" Rik asked with concern.

"Thankfully no. But anything could've triggered him to do it. His mind should be really blank right now anyway." A rumble from both their stomachs made Topaz chuckle. "Ah, let's eat and fill our empty bellies." The genet remembered why she had visited in the first place. Rik liked what had been brought. There was a large pile of stringy fibers that resembled thin noodles. Bananas, mangos, and an unknown meat drizzled over with honey also occupied the filled plate.

"How much does you mother cook?" Rik asked picking up one of the bananas while Topaz tore off a piece of meat.

"My dad helps a lot, but at least you don't need to cook fruit. Either way I hope you like it."

"Mmhm." The forest bananas were sweeter than the ones from her jungle, and very delicious. The two ladies enjoyed their meal and chatted all while the drugged raccoon enjoyed his spot silently.

"Shouldn't he eat as well?" Rik asked after eating the last of the noodles.

"No, not while that medicine is inside him. He could choke easily or simply puke. Yuck!" The genet wrinkled her nose.

"Won't he complain?" She asked only to receive a shaking head.

"He can't feel hunger until it wears off. That's part of why he walks funny, because he lacks proper energy and balance."

"Did you take medicine before?" Rik wondered how Topaz knew so much about the side effects.

"No, but Mazia remembered everything she did in great detail. She felt so embarrassed afterwards." They both paused to take another bite. "The civet wouldn't talk or play for a dozen days." She pointed towards the ceiling remembering.

"Then why take it?"

"Best relief of pain that I know. He won't feel a thing the rest of the day, even if you broke his arms and legs."

"Oh." Rik looked back down at her loopy raccoon.

"How long again has he been like... this?" Topaz looked at the vixen with her legs kept open to accommodate the raccoon situated between them. The genet held in a laugh despite how silly the predicament was.

"Hours." She replied with a shiver as he exhaled strongly.

"Otho should be back to normal by morning then. The medicine will lose its potency during nighttime when he sleeps." Rik didn't want to wait that long though. Both females looked at Otho hearing him sigh contently. "I could've given you one of my skirts to wear if you wanted another one. They're very fashionable."

"No." The vixen shook her head. "Clothes are itchy and feel bad." The ones at the desert were unbearable, especially when sand was caught between her fur and the fabric.

"I thought you liked what you picked out?" She said with mild surprise.

"I love it! She looked over on the end of the bed where the silken skirt rested. "But I prefer having none, it's how I grew up."

"I respect you for that Rik. Sticking to what you like no matter what everyone else does is pretty bold." Topaz grinned with admiration. Rik grinned as well until Otho mumbled something to himself.

"Why is he doing this Topaz?" She returned to watching the raccoon smiling goofily between her thighs.

"Why don't you ask him?" The genet suggested. "As a side effect, the medicine should make him answer honestly and be more vocal about it." Rik didn't see any harm in trying.

"Otho... Why do you keep your nose there?" She asked simply enough. The raccoon smiled and hid an eye in her thigh fur mumbling something inaudible. His ears were pinned back in embarrassment.

"Don't be shy Otho. Rik only wants to know." Topaz rubbed his back encouragingly. He shifted as if the floor suddenly made him uncomfortable, yet he still smiled.

"It's Rik. She's right here." His loopy voice made the females giggle despite his position.

"Of course I'm right here Otho, where else could I be?"

"Not with me." He rubbed his cheek against her leg affectionately. Rik grinned at the sweet compliment.

"Aww. He's a good raccoon." Topaz patted his back hearing him murr contently. "Use this time to enjoy his company and bond. He's very fond of you from what I've seen." The genet stood up with the empty plate. "Although you should find a way to separate him so he doesn't sleep like that."

"Thanks." Rik sighed with a semi content grin looking at Otho.

"But if you need any help, just yell for me." She bade the sand vixen and less aware raccoon a good day. Rik felt better knowing that Otho was doing this more for closeness than anything else, although he was very close!

"I like the company." She whispered to herself and watched him. Without him, she would've been the loneliest person in the world, and the vixen had never been happier since finding him. "But he just isn't himself right now." She finished hoping that the medicine would wear off by tomorrow. Rik shivered feeling Otho give a hasty sigh below. 'Hm. Vocal and honest.' She looked at the raccoon pleasantly resting between her legs. There had to be something interesting to ask him. "Still awake Otho?" She nudged his shoulder receiving a whine.

"I'm here." He grinned looking at her cream colored nether fur on the tip of his nose.

"Let's have you sit up." She held up his head so that he was looking at her.

"Mmm. You smell nice." He mumbled goofily as if she hadn't asked him a question. Rik blushed lightly from the odd compliment.

"No. I want you to sit next to me." She lifted his head from between her thighs. As if he had just heard her for the first time, the raccoon unsteadily went from all fours to sitting with her. "There. Comfortable?" She asked placing her arm around his shoulder.

"Mhm." He nodded as the sand vixen kept him steady.

"What would be something good to ask you?" She mumbled looking at Otho's completely unfocused expression. Rik thought for a moment until her gaze traveled down to her chest causing an idea to light up in her head. "Aha! Um, Otho?" She nudged his shoulder to bring his attention back.

"Mmm. Yeah?" The raccoon half mumbled.

"Do you remember being really hungry that one day in the jungle?"

"Yeah. Stomach painfully hungry." He nodded remembering.

"Would you like to do that again some time?" She asked. His ears flattened shyly as he looked down shaking his head.

"No, that's embarrassing." His body wobbled as he tried focusing his eyes. Rik kept him steady and rubbed his shoulder soothingly.

"It shouldn't be. I liked it."

"I-I'm not sure..."

"But I want to feel it again Otho. It was really nice without your teeth biting." She did her best to persuade him. "The experience was wonderful for me. It helped me feel happy, and forget how lonely I once was." Her hand rubbed his shoulder. This time the coon took a while to respond.

"I don't know, I guess if you really want to." He conceded making her smile brighten.

"Thanks Otho! Don't worry, I'll remind you to use your tongue." The sand vixen hugged him causing the raccoon to smile again despite the sensitive topic.

"Ok." He rested his head against her shoulder. Otho loved it when she was happy.

"I like you a lot Otho, you're a sweet raccoon." She snuggled close making his stomach and heart flutter.

"I-I am?" His mind tried processing the information concretely in its handicapped state.

"Yes!" She giggled giving his cheek a kiss. The raccoon's mind buzzed at the loving gesture.

"Thanks." He hid his face into Rik's shoulder.

'I wish he was close like this more often.' She contently hugged him only to hear the raccoon start to fall asleep. "Ok. We need to sleep in the bed Otho." She nudged his side hearing a disappointed whine.

"Did I do something wrong?" He looked up with a yawn.

"No, we need some rest. The sun has almost set." With that said, Rik helped him up and shucked away his clothes.

"Look. No pants!" He laughed hopping in place only to stumble as Rik caught him.

"Hold on, let me help you." Rik got him to sit on the edge of the bed. She lifted the raccoon's legs up and pulled his clothes off before setting them aside. The raccoon crawled into the bed with some effort before unceremoniously laying down.

"Rik!" Otho whined seeing her not join him, and held a hand out for her.

"No, I'll be back. Stay right there." She backed away making sure he didn't slip out to follow her. The vixen took care of the shutters and inverted them in case of a nightly rain and her companion watched with half open eyes. "That's should take care of everything." Rik crawled into bed with him. She barely laid down before Otho's entire body practically coiled around hers. "Goodness you're clingy Otho!" She exclaimed trying to make herself comfortable with the raccoon all over her.

"Mmm. Rik!" He moaned and mumbled at once, keeping his body tightly wrapped around hers.

"Stop sounding like a ghost Otho. That scares me." The vulpine shuddered despite having their combined body heat. He whined apologetically wrapping his tail around her waist, and hid his face into her shoulder and chest. 'Better.' She sighed before rubbing his neck, although the vixen couldn't help but giggle feeling his whiskers tickle her jaw. "Goodnight Otho. You'll be normal in the morning." Rik promised the already sleeping raccoon.

Otho woke up sprawled out on the bed in the guest house he had been living in with Rik since a two days ago. Insects and birds charred and buzzed through the open shutters above.

"Ugh... My head." He sat up rubbing his sensitive skull. The air felt oddly fresh to his nose and the humid air felt clear and clean for once to him. The raccoon stared at the wall and rubbed his eyes. His stomach growled obnoxiously at him, demanding something to eat. His shoulder was remotely sore from where those thorns pricked him. "How did I get back in bed?" He groaned feeling the soft mattress underneath him, and remembered how his shoulder was stung by a bush. The raccoon sat up with a stretch and waited for the grogginess to exit his head. His nose twitched catching Rik's scent. "What hap-" His eyes widened seeing the vulpine's sleeping form facing away from him. All of the memories from yesterday came rushing back to him as his jaw fell unhinged. 'That whole dream was real!' He nearly fainted.

Rik clenched her eyes shut feeling a beam of morning sunshine. The vixen grumbled and brought a free hand to cover her face. Her trademark smile returned remembering that Otho was asleep beside her, snuggled close to her front. She liked the different sleeping position and the closeness that it provided. Maybe he would sleep this way more often? Rik held him close working over the idea.

"Morning Ot-" The vixen's smile dissipated realizing that it was just a pile of sheets in her hand and arm. "Otho?" She rolled over, half expecting to bump into him, only to find more empty space. Sitting up, Rik frowned finding the entire home empty but his belongings were remaining by the wall. The raccoon had never woken up and left her. 'Where are you?' The vixen quickly jumped out of bed and went outside to find him. It was an otherwise busy morning morning in Luo as plenty of villagers were going about their duties. The vixen immediately asked the first person she spotted, a male genet varying an empty basket. "Have you seen a raccoon this morning? I can't find him." She quickly explained.

"Sorry. I haven't seen one today." He shrugged. Rik didn't need to look very far thankfully, and found him in the same open area that Topaz was staying in the shade. Otho didn't look excited at all though. His hands cupped his cheeks as his tail and ears drooped to the ground.

'Oh no. That's his sad look.' Rik carefully approached her friend knowing how attention made him feel worse. He noticed her approaching, but it didn't cheer him up one bit.

"Hi." He meekly said, ears hopelessly pinned against his skull.

"Hello." Rik sat next to her companion and greeted him softly. His face burned from embarrassment as the vixen sat down beside him. "You're... quiet today." She tried to hold his hand only for the raccoon to fold them in his lap.

"Yeah. I did a lot of stupid stuff yesterday." He stated knowingly. Her ears pulled back and she briefly looked away. "I even said plenty of strange things." Otho closed his eyes only to open them again as Rik successfully grabbed his hand.

"The doctor said it was normal for you to do what you did." Rik felt her cheeks burning hotly as she stared at their joined hands. She recalled her reactions distinctly from the day before, knowing it was anything but normal to either of them. He shook his head looking at the ground before covering his eyes with a free hand.

"I've never felt so embarrassed before."

"I'm not angry that you're alive."

"It was just a stinging thorn. Not at all life threatening." He tersely state with a frown.

"But it hurt you a lot." She grabbed his hand successfully this time.

"It hurts a lot knowing that I acted so... so-"

"So what? You were fine. Nothing bad to me." Otho's face burned at the prospect that Rik possibly found it enjoyable for him to stick his nose down there all day.

"It's embarrassing." He restated the obvious fact before going silent.

"Always tell me. You look afraid and stop talking when this happens." She hugged his arm to her front. "Reminds me of loneliness in jungle."

"Now you're trying to make me feel guilty." He sulked.

"Hello!" They looked up seeing Topaz. Rik released his arm to wave at Topaz as she approached.

"Hey, I haven't seen you two all morning. Want to go to the stream north of here at noon to bathe and relax? Mazia will be tagging along since she doesn't have to babysit."

"Yes!" Rik wholeheartedly agreed. The vixen didn't want Otho to have time to be depressed.

"Feeling better Otho?" Topaz patted the raccoon's shoulder. "You couldn't even walk yesterday from what I saw." Rik looked at the genet wishing she hadn't said that.

"Yeah I was out of my mind!"

"Calm down crazy side effects happen to anyone who uses that stuff. Just join us at Mazia's house then we will go swim and have fun." Topaz promised. "You won't regret it." She waved before leaving. They waved back until Otho's stomach growled very vocally.

"Hungry?" She asked with her typical cute demeanor.

"Starving." He admitted as his stomach roared again. "I didn't eat hardly anything yesterday."

"Let's look around for something to eat." Rik quickly stood up and offered her hand to him.

"Ok." He accepted her offer as she helped him up.


"Feeling normal now?" Rik whispered giving his hand a squeeze while they walked.

"I'm getting there." He reassured her with a small grin as he squeezed back.

"All the kits usually play in the shallow creek next to the village, so we won't have to hear constant squealing here." Mazia said with elation as they followed the small path, brushing by palm leaves and various plants.

"Shouldn't you be accustomed to squealing by now?" Topaz asked. "You've been looking after young ones since you were fourteen."

"My ears don't think so." She wiggled them as if to empty out some sounds from the morning. A soft splashing sound could be heard as they approached the wide stream. There was a small waterfall only a dozen feet tall at the most, letting a small shower of water empty into the shallow river.

"Ooh, beautiful." Rik admired the scenic area.

"And refreshing." Topaz pointed out as Mazia hurried ahead into the water. Rik looked at although expecting him to say something only to receive a faint yet brief grin from the normally kind raccoon.

'Why does that day bother him so much?' The vixen just couldn't figure it out. An abandoned bucket rested on its side by the waters edge as evidence this was a popular spot for a quiet swim.

"Ah." Mazia sighed wading into the river before sitting down in a shallow spot. The water rippled up to her neck cooling off her body nicely from the heat. She briefly dipped her face underwater to wet her facial fur. The dark mud ground beneath their paws turned a little gritty from small deposits of sand that had accumulated over the decades. Otho felt uncomfortable stepping in the sand, not so much for being nude around someone other than Rik, but that he was completely loopy yesterday around everyone. He remembered Topaz being with them in the guest house while his face was shoved into Rik's crotch. Otho shuddered as a heated wave of embarrassment passed through him. His pants were slipped off mostly unseen from the females before he waded in behind them.

"Nice and cool." Rik stood under the waterfall, letting the water rinse her fur thoroughly. Otho quietly did the same while Mazia and Topaz washed over their bodies as well a few meters away. Although as soon as Topaz was finished, she had an idea and climbed the waterfall.

"What are you doing up there?" Mazia called out to the proudly standing genet who showed off a few poses.

"Me Topaz! You, Mazia!" The genet said with a gruff voice making the other two ladies laugh. She then proceeded to pound her chest like a primate.

"Get down here you wet bonehead!" Mazia laughed only to lose her smile seeing the genet jump down with a big splash and swim after her.

"Run away! Run away!" Mazia's chest bounced as she tried out pacing Topaz. The swift genet tackled her friend underwater with an abrupt splash. Otho watched them play fight with a quiet grin, but refrained from jumping in due to his lasting nervousness. His idleness did catch the girls' attention, ad Topaz subtly motioned to Otho sitting idly by the shallow spot. Rik understood and slipped away from the raccoon's view. He didn't even notice the vixen grasp the bucket as she waded around him. Rik carefully crept up behind Otho with her small bucket filled with water. Otho's ears perked up realizing Rik had disappeared, but a wave of water washed over him as the vixen herself dumped the bucket over the raccoon's head. He wiped the water from his eyes and turned around to look at Rik who was wearing a jovial smile with the bucket behind her back.

"Oh, now you're gonna get it!" His lips crept into a smile and splashed Rik with a quick wave of water. The vixen squealed and giggled as her face was soaked before returning the friendly fire. They laughed splashing each other as Topaz and Mazia waded to shore.

"What a bunch of kits." Mazia shook her fur before laying down on the embankment next to Topaz with her feet in the water.

"You're one to talk." The genet eyed her friend before enjoying the sun slowly drying her fur. Otho and Rik chased each other, diving and splashing in the process. At one point Rik pushed him back causing the raccoon's paws to slip.

"Woah!" He grabbed onto Rik's shoulders and pulled sending both of them underwater. The duo popped up together dripping wet. He laughed seeing Rik look like a water logged rodent before she could brush some hair out of her eyes.

"You're wet like me." She wrapped him up in her arms

"Thanks Rik. You're the best friend I could ever have." Otho hugged the soaked vixen tightly. The two ladies back on shore fluffed areas of their fur as they dried off before Rik and Otho lied down next to them with water still dripping from their fur. The grin on his muzzle remained feeling the fox's hand grasp his own. Their fingers became interlocked in a second as they sunned together.

"I never asked, but how in the forest did you two survive in the open desert for two weeks?" Mazia turned on her side to see Otho and Rik.

"We rationed everything." Otho recalled using only enough to eat. "But it was mostly luck now that I think about it."

"There was a well that we found for water and shade. We laid down and fell asleep first." Rik added.

"Finding a well in all that sand is luck to me."

"Didn't you two smell really bad without any water to wash with?" Topaz couldn't help but ask. Otho and Rik looked at each other in question.

"We didn't notice." Otho shrugged and rolled onto his back. "All you can notice is the insane heat and blinding sun."

"The worst that could happen in Luo is a large tree falling, the humidity, or a flood."

"Is that why Luo's homes are built up a few steps?"

"Yep. It doesn't happen often, but we're prepared. That's why most of our small gardens are grown on the roof or hanging off the side."

"That's smart thinking. Countering a flood without building a dam." He stated as they quietly returned to sunning themselves. Even without the technology Otho was looking for, the Inkasi of Luo certainly adapted to their environment in unique ways. 'Maybe Lokos's theory of continuous flooding has some background to it.' He thought opening an eye only to see the sunshine swallowed up by a thick cloud.

"Cloud." Topaz frowned as the sun disappeared.

"Shade." Otho mumbled with a smile.

"It might rain." Rik pointed out that the sky was steadily becoming full of ominous clouds putting an end to their fun. The furthest ones away looked grey and dark.

"We get all the sun and heat on land, yet we get clouds and rain if we even think about a creek or river." Mazia shook the sand and dirt from her body.

"Did you two dry off enough? I Have a towel at my place if you need one."

"Mhm. My tail is fine." She pet her bushy tail.

"Yeah, everything feels fine." He checked over his front and back with his hands.

"I guess we won't go for a second swim." Topaz sat up and stretched.

"There's always another day." Otho and Rik brushed dirt and sand off each others pelt.

"Such a couple." Mazia whispered to Topaz who lightly batted the civet's side with her long tail.

"Sorry to cut this short, but it looks like the weather has other plans." Topaz started walking with Mazia back to the pathway with Otho following.

"Pants." Rik retrieved his two garments.

"Oh yeah... I'll carry them back." He folded them and wedged them under his arm. Rik gladly held his other hand as they walked through the pathway back to the village with Mazia and Topaz.

"I hope all the water is out of my ears." Mazia shook her head.

"You only had a small pond in your head." Otho chuckled squeezing one of her black ears.

"If I wake up with two puddles of water beside my bed then you three will help me clean it up." She declared as they walked by the first houses.

"Then we can watch you paint." Rik pretended to paint with an imaginary brush.

"I might as well paint myself if you two watch me."

"Isn't that how you originally got into painting?" Topaz remarked as they passed by a house where a few instruments were being played, a reed flute, drum, and something with a few strings. "Sounds like the Imani family is doing well."

"What are those sounds Otho?" Rik whispered to him.

"Music. They're sounds that for together." He tried explaining as they reached their guest house. Mazia broke off from the group, followed by the raccoon and sand vixen.

"Hey, I forgot to mention that my parents are offering to cook up a big meal and Mazia's parents will be there too!" She yelled back at them. "Come by anytime in the evening if you want to!"

"Ok!" Rik and Otho walked up the stairs hand in hand. Their door slid open, then shut as steps lightly thumped around the floor.

"That was a lot of fun." Rik sat on the edge of the bed

"It was." He agreed. "The river was very fun." Otho folded his undergarment and pants before setting them by the backpack. The raccoon approached Rik on the bed only for the fox to stick her leg out and rest her paw against his leg. "Have you been walking a lot miss?" He lifted her paw up and pretended to observe her pads like a physician. "I know of one soothing treatment for you."

"Can you rub them?" She sweetly asked petting over his leg with the left one.

"I don't see why not." Otho carefully held her ankles and turned her body as he sat down. Rik smiled as he set both in his lap and relaxed fully feeling his hands begin to soothe her right paw first. She cooed happily and folded her arms underneath her head to watch. Otho was content massaging the hour away much to his friend's enjoyment, each paw over and over delightedly. Ten minutes was relaxing, but an hour was pure heaven for the sand vixen.

"Mm." Rik started humming and murring at the same time.

"Happy?" He asked the obvious question tenderly going over her instep.

"I'm always happy with you." She mumbled watching him take care of her.

"Even without the once in a while paw rubs?" He emphasized his point with two thumbs causing her toes to splay in pleasure.

"Anytime. I like being with you."

"Thanks." He paused as his ears folded back for a moment. "I like being with you too." Rik sighed feeling him pick up her other paw for what could've been the tenth time. The radiant smile on her lips couldn't fade if she had tried. Otho started with her toes as they appreciatively splayed out for him.

"Did you always have a large meal with family and friends at home?"

"No. The last time I had a large meal was every Saturday at base, but it was pretty mundane. Before I left home for the academy it was usually just me and my mom at a small table after she came home from work."

"Did she visit you at this academy place?"

"She never could afford traveling so far to see me personally, but we did call each other quite a bit on the screen machine."

"Screen machine?" She asked.

"How should I explain that?" He concentrated working over the vixen's main paw pad. "Imagine a radio and two people are talking to each other, but you can see their face as if they were right beside you. Does that make sense?"

"I think so." Rik murred from his hands loving treatment. Although she didn't know how all of that would work at once.

"Do you remember having any large meals with a lot of people in your village as a kit?"

"I don't remember very well, but the meal wasn't very big if a lot showed up."

"I don't think there will be too many at the dinner tonight, even if we show up." He finished her other paw again and gently rubbed over both furry tops.

"Mmm thank you. That was great." She smiled at him. Rik didn't want to get up, but she forced herself to roll of him and the bed. Otho held back a laugh watching her exaggerate each stride. "My paws feel wonderful." She admired her masseuse from afar until he stood up.

"You're very welcome." He grinned before standing up in a stretch as he arched his back leisurely.

"So are you feeling normal again?" She innocently asked in reference to what happened yesterday.

"Yeah, um, sorry for this morning... And all those other times I went quiet over nothing. There are some things I'm still too nervous to talk about." He glanced between his unclothed legs.

"That's alright." She readily forgave him. Otho looked up only to see Rik's ear as she pressed against his front and hugged him warmly. "Promise me that you will... soon." She rested her chin on his shoulder and brushed against his cheek sweetly.

"I promise." He returned the warm gesture.

"So do you want to eat at Baku and Tiranu's?" She pulled back enough to look at him.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Their noses briefly touched before Rik went over to where she laid the genet set of clothes.

"I'll wear the bandana." She picked up the small cloth. "Hold my hair up please." Otho obliged while she tied the fabric securely.

"Now I can see those sparkling blue eyes of yours." He grinned.

"They always see you." She stuck her tongue out like a silly kit. "And you look good without those clothes on your waist." She looked him over. The raccoon's lighter grey chest and belly did extend to his nether regions and inner thighs. It matched his darker grey elsewhere nicely.

"Thanks, so do you." Rik giggled and batted his side with her tail. The vixen stood by the door expectantly.

"Ready this time?" She held her hand out.

"As long as you're with me." He gladly grasped her hand.

"I knew you guys would show up." Topaz walked up her family's steps in front of them.

"We can't miss your mother's cooking." Rik grinned.

"Or the hospitality." Otho added.

"You've arrived at the right place then." She slid the door open. The home was a little crowded with eight individuals inside. Tiranu was standing next to a well built civet that Otho had never seen before.

'Uh oh. She sees me.' He braced himself.

"Hi Otho!" Tiranu hugged the raccoon warmly with a tight welcoming squeeze.

"Hello Tiranu." He replied without exhausting to much breathe. Her large breasts didn't help his lungs by taking up space and applying pressure either. The mother thankfully released him from the iron grip giving him room to breath. The male civet next to her wore an amused grin.

"Hello Rik." She hugged the sand vixen, although Rik seemed very fond of any intimate gesture.

"Where is your red and white skirt at?" She asked looking at the raccoon's now bare body.

"Well it was uncomfortable in the heat, and you know how that goes." He grinned with a shrug. 'Skirt! They're pants for a guy!' His thoughts fumed.

"We understand that all too well, but you look handsome without it anyway." She rubbed his shoulder before introducing him to the civet male beside her. "Otho, Rik, this is Mazia's father Asai Durani."

"Pleasure to meet you both." They shook hands with a curt nod. Rik's nose didn't hesitate to lead her towards the kitchen.

"Mm." A lot of intermingling mouth watering scents wafted in the front room from the kitchen. "Oops, sorry." She apologized bumping into someone.

"Oh hello! That's ok, you're fine."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Ingrid Durani, Mazia's mother." The tall and thin civet greeted them.

"Nice to meet you." Rik opted for a hug making her chuckle.

"It's nice to meet you too!" She patted the vixen's back. "Come on, let's find a few seats. I'm hungry." Otho sat beside Rik against the wall as everyone else followed suit. Asai was to his right at the head of the table, Tiranu would be across with the other parents, and Topaz was by Rik's left with Mazia at the other head.

"Wait. Are those raindrops?" Asai's ears perked up as Baku came in from a back room. A sudden and rapid beating on the roof confirmed the suspicion.

"Invert the shutters so the rain stays outside!" Everyone jumped up and hurried to change all of them.

"Get the next one Rik." Otho chuckled as they both worked one. Luckily every shutter was fixed just in time for a fierce downpour.

"Everyone dry?" Tiranu asked as the rain pounded on the rooftop.

"For the most part." Mazia wiped her shoulders as everyone gave a thumbs up in conformation.

"I'll get some candles and oil lamps. Most of this should be gone while we are eating."

'These homes are pretty amazing.' Otho watched through the shutters as large drops and trails of water descended from the gutter and its plants. It almost looked white outside with a mirage of green as a background.

"Speaking of eating, let's get the food." The parents went into the kitchen and brought out all the prepared food to the table. There was boar, bananas, rice, citrus, honey, fish, the cooked leaves to wrap other food in, and so much more as each dish filled up the table.

"Everything looks delicious!" Rik exclaimed as the four sat down on their respective cushion seats.

"Thanks, but splitting the work load was probably the best idea. No one cooks a better boar than Asai." Tiranu smiled.

"I can't thank you enough Asai for bringing the last pieces of boar to eat." Her husband added.

"The meat is too delicious to eat alone." He eyes the morsel hungrily.

"Too bad our dads have bottomless pits for stomachs." Mazia whispered to Topaz.

"You have a big appetite miss." Ingrid reached over the table corner and ruffled her daughter's hair before being playfully batted away.

"I say we should eat!" Topaz clasped her hands together with an enthusiastic nod, and everyone dug in. Like the other night, no individual plates were provided and everyone simply plucked what they wanted or leaned forward to get something farther away.

"Mm! The honey is perfect. Where did you find it?" Baku asked Ingrid.

"I had Mazia help me get some from the large hive by the oak tree southwest from the village." The older civet pointed in the general area.

"When Nicholas's wife declares the time for Mothering Days, are you going to your aunt's house first or your mother's Asai?" Tiranu asked.

"I'll probably stop by and spend the night with mom first." He said after a moment's thought.

"Has she been doing alright?"

"Of course. She still fishes with me occasionally and forages every other day, but she's reaching that age where I want to be there in case something happens."

"Especially when the doctors are away. Only Naomi is here, right Topaz?" Otho remembered that she talked about others being in a neighboring village yesterday.

"Yeah Biyu and Kano are still in Laepa I think."

"They have a lot of good areas to hunt from what I remember." Ingrid stated.

"We should hunt for a night or two out west Baku, and sleep in a tree home during the days."

"We'll have to do that when my sister comes down to visit in two weeks from Tsunga village."

"Too much for you to handle?" Asai snickered.

"That genet is practically a feral animal with all her energy."

"When we were the girls' age I remember you slept with me and my parents for nearly a week just to avoid her." Tiranu nudged her husband's side teasingly.

"All three of you snored." He mumbled with a mouth full of fish.

"Haven't you two hunted at night before?" Mazia asked the raccoon and sand vixen.

"No, we both like to sleep during the night."

"I usually hunt, but it's too dark to see by then." Rik grinned. Topaz grumbled next to her after dropping an orange slice in her lap.

"Careful with your food." Her mother stated only to receive a knowing glare. Otho didn't take notice of the folly and enjoyed the bite of fish he dipped in honey.

"Everyone knows how to cast a net while fishing right? Broken tail over here fell out of the canoe when he tried casting it." Asai patted his friend's shoulder as everyone laughed.

"My paw caught the edge by accident." Baku nodded, clearly remembering the mishap.

"You had a sore paw for days." Tiranu chuckled eating a piece of the boar dipped in honey.

"It's just like the legend of Huraso without the falling over part." Mazia chuckled.

"What's that?" Rik asked with a curious look.

"It's the tale of a villager who used to fish on a river every day-"

'This feels like a big happy family.' Otho enjoyed the warm feeling of everyone having a good time together. Everyone telling good stories while eating a home cooked meal together. He never had that opportunity as a child, and it was great to experience. Luckily the rain lightened considerably and allowed plenty of light in with the aid of a few candles and lamps. But more lamps were brought out as night arrived, keeping the area brightly lit for lively conversation as the plates and bowls were emptied.

"A sweet drink to finish the meal." Tiranu brought out a pitcher before passing it around around the table.

"Mm. I can taste peach." Ingrid savored the taste.

"It's mostly peaches and oranges." She gave away the basic recipe.

"Yeah, I nearly hurt myself picking the oranges so may my frustration taste delicious." Baku toasted as a round of laughter went around the table.

"Mmm. It's very sweet." Rik licked pulp from her front teeth. Cups knocked against the wooden tabletop as they were emptied.

"I don't want to end a wonderful night, but we need to leave and catch some sleep." Asai stretched standing up.

"Already?" Tiranu, Baku, and Ingrid stood as well. A few hugs were exchanged along with short farewells between the four parents. "We'll come by another time, don't doubt that!" Ingrid smiled waving goodbye as the door slid shut.

"Can Mazia and I spend the night here?" Topaz and her friend helped clear some of the plates and bowls away for cleaning.

"As long as your mother and I can get some sleep this time." Baku yawned feeling tired himself. Otho noticed Rik yawn as well.

"I don't want the night to end so soon, but I think we should get back to the guest house for some sleep." Otho stood up before helping Rik to her paws.

"I hope you two had a great time." Baku patted both of them on the back.

"Take care!" Mazia waved with a cup in hand. Rik hugged everyone she could as Otho prepared himself to embrace Topaz's mother.

"Thanks again for the hospitality and the wonderful meal." Otho thanked Tiranu as her strong arms reached out.

"Come by anytime you want!" She gave Otho another squeezing hug.

'When I can find a vest of armor.' He thought when she finally let him go.

"We will!" Rik happily replied as they left. The air outside was noticeably cooler and the serene quietness took both by surprise. The village was cast in the tranquil glow of the moon from which they could see. Everything almost appeared black and white at first glance from the spectacular setting. It was misting too, but nothing to run through as they walked hand in hand to their guest house. Otho and Rik hummed merrily together to imaginary tunes that not even the insects or birds could mimic. Occasionally they would end up looking at each other only to burst into a cackle of laughs as they dodged puddles. The sliding sound of their guest house door came to soon for Otho as they wiped their paws clean on the top step.

"Ladies first." He allowed Rik through first and gave a few moments to gaze out at the tranquil village before sliding the door shut. Rik was already sprawled out on the bed with her arms and legs on opposing sides as if she was sunning herself on a riverbank. The position amused Otho as he stopped to look at her. "And is there any room for me?" Rik chuckled while Otho looked down at her from the foot of the bed.

"Somewhere." Her voice trailed off into a giggle as Otho ran his claws slowly over a paw. "Ok Hehe Otho!" She chuckled moving over to one side and his claws were immediately replaced with the more familiar pads. His fingertips lightly traced over her paw from heel pad to claw tips. Rik giggled feeling it tickle at first but it quickly turned into the soothing touch that he possessed. She murred feeling him pick up her paw and rub it tenderly. His thumbs smoothed out any ache or soreness for about a minute before prematurely setting them back down. "That was too fast." She protested with a smile seeing him join her on the bed.

"I can barely see your paws when it's this dark, and there's no need to spoil you twice in one day." He crawled over the sand vixen and lied down beside her. One arm snaked under her neck and the other wrapped over her front protectively. Rik laid her hands overtop his own feeling him press against her back.

"Today was so much fun." She sighed intertwining their fingers. Otho smiled and nuzzled her cheek.

"Yeah it really was, and I should thank you for it."

"Why me?" She nuzzled back until they relaxed more.

"You always save me from my own shyness. I have to thank you for just about everything else since I landed on this place." He kissed Rik's cheek causing the vixen to blush.

"Aww, you're welcome." She held his arms close to her body as their legs intermingled. "And without you, I would be lost in the jungle forever."

"I guess that means we make a great team." He yawned and nuzzled his nose into her light brown neck fur. The sand vixen's warm and comforting scent filled his olfactory helping to induce sleep.



Otho and Rik stood by the edge of the village, backpack full and ready to travel again. They had spent a full week of relaxing and unwinding, but Otho knew there was still a chance at reaching home. "You know, you two can stay longer if you wish." Topaz reminded them as they stared back at the visible parts of a few houses. The genet was wearing a nicely made skirt and bandana with the slightly cooler weather in play.

"Well we can't stay forever, but I think coming back for a visit should be arranged." Otho did plan on coming back whether he could contact home or not.

"It was a lot of fun." Rik chimed in and hugged the genet warmly.

"That makes two of us." She reciprocated and looked back at Otho.

"I think I had the most fun if you can believe me." He hugged her after Rik.

"Please take these as parting gifts." Topaz handed over a copy of her gun she owned and an Inkasi set of clothes made for a genet. "Just so you two won't forget Luo."

"Thank you!" Otho marveled at the new weapon. That would make up for when they had to trade Rik's to fly this way.

"They're very beautiful." Rik admired the unique blue and white patterns of the skirt and bandana before putting them on with some help. Neither piece was invasive enough the bother the ardently nude sand vixen.

"Something wrong Otho?" Topaz observed the raccoon's quizzical look.

"I was actually starting to get used to a lighter backpack." He laughed at the healthy weight resting on his shoulders. "But this will come handy if there's danger out east. Thank you."

"Have a safe journey!" She waved as they walked out along the path that led to the further end of the Luo river.

"Will we really come back?" Rik asked with that wonderfully innocent look of hers.

"Whether I can make it home or not, yes." He nodded and hummed feeling her hand grip his own tightly.

The forest sounds remained the same, but they were a good ten days away from Luo now. They stopped at a small village called Ayasantu two days ago along the Luo river comprised of genets, ocelots, civets, and leopards alike. It was only for a few hours, and the villagers were friendly, basing them safe travels as they left. But with a similar culture and technological capabilities, they were no closer to devising a way to contacting Otho's home from the isolated planet. The sand vixen and raccoon didn't let that bother them as they walked naked and carefree through the forest.

"Watch your step." Otho snickered moving a large set of palm leaves from Rik's path.

"Thank you." Her tail brushed his side appreciatively. "Let's stop here for the day." Rik paused by a tree in the small, open, and luckily flat spot in the forest.

"Looks good to me." He set the backpack down before rotating his freed shoulders.

"I'll look around and see if there's anything to catch." She offered taking the bow and an arrow out of the backpack. "I won't be gone too long." The vixen parted him with a quick muzzle rub.

"Aright. I'll stay put and gather some wood for a fire." He bid her farewell as she disappeared into the forest for the time being. Otho took his time making a modest pile of dry sticks and limbs, tossing half of them with nothing else to do. "The fire pit is ready." He twisted his back as a stick fell over. "And hopefully Rik will catch something soon." But if not, then they had plenty of reserves in the backpack. Without much else to do, he lied back against a tree and allowed his mind to wander uninhibited. Mundane days of working in space were almost boring to think about. The desert, Inkasi, and old jungle crossed his mind with livelier memories while the forest chirped and whistled around him. There was the Luo river, and all the times he was with Rik to think about as well. He clearly remembered the morning in Luo when he was actually mating with Rik without her realizing it. For one reason or another, his mind stayed focused on that morning. The hot wet feeling he found himself in while in the luxurious bed made his skin tingle, including his malehood. The memory caused his sheath to stir. Otho covered his aroused length as it rose to prominence and immediately looked for Rik. A sly grin appeared on his face in realization.

"She won't be back for a while." He stated carefree and let his exposed red glans throb in the open as it hardened full mast. 'Which means I don't have to worry about this for once.' The raccoon lifted the engorged organ with a finger and allowed it to bounce back with a throb as if he needed to add emphasis. It was bad enough having morning wood behind her on a rare morning, but that always ended in a panic. There was that constant feeling Rik would one day find out and ask him a tirade of questions concerning a male's aroused state, but hopefully he would be ready for a discussion by then. He leaned back and relaxed against the tree listening to the forest. 'A quick nap won't hurt.' There were more birds than insects in the area like Luo, and it created a great tune to nap with.

"Are you ok?" A feminine voice made his eyes pop open, waking up. His jaw nearly unhinged itself as he watched Rik sit between his opened legs, eyeing his proudly sported erection.

"Ri-!" His mouth had the texture of sand as his words dissipated. 'Oh god! Say something Otho, say something!' The raccoon screamed at himself, yet remained utterly speechless. He couldn't help but remember a common scary story that mothers told their sons about being abducted to a far away planet if they masturbated. It felt somewhat ironic now.

"Why does it get so large and rigid?" Her hand gently wrapped around the pulsating flesh. "It feels rigid, and warm too." She concluded.

"Uh... Yeah." Otho guiltily nodded with his throbbing length in his friend's grasp.

"But why?"

"I-it isn't voluntary usually." He tried to explain in his compromising position. "It kind of happens on its own."

"Oh. Like a cut in the skin that heals." Rik finally released him, but remained seated keeping his legs spread out. "It's moving." She watched it throb heartily without constraint.

"That's because of blood flow from my heart. A lot has to go there for this to happen." Otho explained. 'I can't believe I'm teaching her about the penis. My penis!' He briefly looked at the tree above him in embarrassment. The ever curious vixen scooted forward and placed her hand on his chest.

"I can feel it beating." She remarked. Otho's back arched subtly feeling her other hand grasp his erection once more. "They both are!" Her fascination about the raccoon's male organ seemed to only increased. Otho nervously watched her observe him only to feel an electric tingle underneath his glans. The vixen's thumb was gently rubbing underneath along his sensitive underside, feeling over the foreign organ.

"Oh your pad." He moaned clawing the ground with all his fingers.

"Does it hurt?" She stopped the basic savory motion, retracting her other hand from his chest.

"No!" He blurted out before snapping his mouth shut. Another moan soon bubbled in his throat as the sand vixen slowly resumed gently feeling his length.

"Then it feels good when I do this?" She looked at his throbbing length in her grasp. Otho guiltily nodded, unable to wipe the pleasured grin from his lip. The vixen carefully watched his reactions from his muffled moans to his twitching tail.

"Makes you happy." Rik smiled at the effect she was having on him. Otho's mind couldn't concentrate on escaping the situation, but he couldn't deny the pleasure she so innocently gave him.

"Mhm." He mustered when her hand stopped.

"That's why it makes you shy?" She asked simply holding the erection. The raccoon's heart rattled vivaciously within his chest as his cheeks burned red hot.

'How can I explain mating to her? Or did her village think of it differently?' Otho wasn't too sure where the cultural line existed for this scenario. "Only..." He trailed off, unsure of how to word it as Rik patiently listened. "I mean... Um, only two people privately do this if they want to-" He fell silent.

"What's wrong?"

"This is completely different than simply being nude! I mean we're practically mating now." He looked down with his ears pinned back. The sand vixen looked at both of their sexes in thought. 'Does she really want to mate with me?' Did he want it too? Rik suddenly rose to her knees making her own decision.

"I know they call it mating, but I do not know a lot about it." She scooted forward so that their bodies were close to touching. He could only watch as she checked their alignment before descending. Her vulpine labia kissed his tip as she carefully lowered herself on him. Otho held onto the ground feeling more of her femininity engulf him and moaned when she sat down to the hilt. The raccoon's male hood didn't have a chance of retracting within its new warm confinement. Rik folded her legs around his back and placed her hands somewhere above, but all Otho could do was stare straight ahead at her tuft of chest fur where two petite breasts looked back at him. "Do we just sit together?" She asked perfectly content with their position, especially the warm tingling throughout her sex.

"Uh-if you want to Rik." He shuddered feeling his member pulse within the slick walls of her femininity. "Normal mating has a lot of movement."

"I like mating this way." Rik chose to remain seated with still hips. Otho had no choice but to comply and remained unmoving. A silent minute passed as she simply sat on his lap with his tool fully embedded within her sex. Otho hadn't felt this nervous since he first met Rik or when she breastfed him, but oddly it was just as nice to experience because she was so calm about it. Otho felt Rik's hands suddenly begin moving over his back. Rik hummed quietly wearing a pleasant grin and caressed his back with her hands. The odd pseudo massage was oddly sensual and enjoyable for the raccoon, and helped relax him.

'Rik is my friend.' He reminded himself. 'Or my best friend... My mate?' Mating was conclusive if it was between one's mate, and no one else. His mind rattled with uncertainty. They've been together for less than two months, yet he cared for her and she cared for him.

"I like waking up with you this close." Rik murmured burying her nose in his head fur.

"This happened before and you knew about it?" The raccoon was surprised that she hadn't woken him up already with questions.

"Mhm." She nodded. "I feel comfortable around you." She smiled nuzzling the top of his head. "I love you." Her arms wrapped around his shoulders in a close hug.

"I love you too Rik." He smiled and placed his arms around her in a hug. The raccoon nuzzled into the sand vixen's creamy chest feeling his heart flutter. Rik could feel his member pulse excitedly around her walls.

"Is this what you're so nervous about? Mating with me?" The vixen asked leaning back enough to look at him. He looked up at the pretty blue eyes he had grown to love and know.

"Yes." A large weight felt as if it had been lifted off Otho's shoulders as he admitted it. "First it was the nudity, then the close contact, then me being naked around you, then this. Crashing here was the biggest shock to my life. " He quietly finished. A smile sprouted along his lips as her muzzle rubbed against his own sensually.

"I like doing this with you." Rik happily sighed breathing in their mixed scents. Otho gave a rumbling murr feeling her hand return to rubbing his back. He arched subtly as if they could be any closer physically. "Why does it make you shy when it makes you happy?" Her hands rubbed tenderly trying to assuage any remaining nervousness.

"We never talk openly about it much on my home planet. It's usually very private." Otho shrugged. His society made the lovely side effects an awkward thing for a male to encounter, especially the giddy heart racing effects he was experiencing at the moment.

"I like feeling this happy. I feel it when I'm around you, or think about you." Her hands continued their tender caress. "Isn't it supposed to be like that?"

"When it's intimate, yes." He blocked out any mention of pornography or selling sex that cheapened the experience.

"So mating makes your male parts grow?"

"Thinking about mating generally does it."

"You must think about mating a lot." She chuckled making his cheeks redden.

"Well... My world just paired a lot of things to mating." He carefully shifted his hips hearing a wet squelch. "Like an unclothed body, and especially love." Rik giggled watching his nose rub under a breast.

"Can you teach me more about mating one day?"

"Are you sure?" From love to mating so quickly?

"Yes. I trust you." Her tail tip flicked up.

"Thanks." He kissed her tuft of chest fur before resting his head once more. "I trust you too." The deeply in love pair remained intimately attached and wrapped in the other's embrace, snuggled tightly. It felt so natural to do so. They both remained seated, not wanting to get up until they really had to. "Can we get up? My legs are falling asleep." Otho felt his nerves prickle from Rik's weight. The fox looked down at their attached bodies unable to stop grinning.

"I don't want to." She whispered and rubbed her muzzle against his. Otho shuddered out a sigh feeling his heart melt.

"Neither do I." He ran his hands over her back staring into her light blue eyes. "But we can do this any other time you want." She smiled brightly at the prospect, and agreed. She stood up with a wet squelch leaving Otho's tool throbbing in the open with a coating of natural lubricant. He tried not to shudder from the sudden rush of air but he couldn't help himself.

"Can we wake up tomorrow morning like this?" She asked offering her hand to him.

"Well... If it happens, I guess so." He nodded as she helped him up.

"Thank you." The sand vixen hugged him, and he hugged back only to feel his male hood sandwiched between their bodies. "Poking me." She giggled causing him to nervously grin in return.

"Just remember it's something done in private." He emphasized as his organ bobbed and swayed with each movement.

"I know that, but you can teach me everything else about it."

"Thank you." Otho gave an inner sigh of relief. Rik brought an arm around his waist and kept him close as they walked over to the fire pit.

"You're welcome!"

*** Think of this as a bonus sub-mini chapter, say 6.5, for the readers who made it this far.***

The late evening was warm, but not too humid as Otho and Rik sat around a low fire. Otho had caught a naive rabbit and Rik foraged for a few nuts. Back at camp they quaintly shared the spoils as a satisfying meal. The vixen tossed a bone aside and looked at Otho, waiting for him to finish eating. Her mind was thinking a lot. The raccoon leisurely ate his piece before tossing the remains aside.

"What are you thinking about?" He grinned catching her stare. Rik was normally pretty vocal about anything on her mind and he could tell when she was biting her tongue.

"Can you teach me about mating now? We have plenty of time before the sun fades." She asked making his heart pound.

"Uh-already?" Otho was surprised at her suddenness to ask.

"Yes!" She proclaimed.

"If you want to, but I haven't touch anyone closely except for you."

"I only trust you to touch me here." She stood up facing him with spread legs giving her companion more than an eyeful. Otho swallowed as her femininity was mere inches from his face. The comforting scent that was uniquely hers wafted inside his olfactory, albeit more potent.

"Alright." He smiled inhaling. "Let me think of where to start..."

"Silly." She stuck her tongue out teasingly as his nose wiggled desiring more of her enticing feminine scent. The vixen's nether regions were the same creamy white as her front, thighs, paws, and hands, and shown with equal pride. Otho brought his hand up and carefully cupped the vulpine's creamy white furred mound. Her body heat radiated into his black palm pad enticingly. He gently started rubbing over her soft furred mound using his fingers with care.

"Everything ok so far?" He inquired without stopping. She eagerly nodded.

"It's like a massage." She giggled only to feel a dull but warm tingle start to form in her femininity. "It's starting to feel different though."

"That's good." He kept up the sensual treatment, this time focusing his more agile fingers. The inner pink glistened like blades of grass in a morning few, yearning unconsciously for his touch. He slipped one finger, then a second between her lips and felt the slick inside. "Just like when you were sitting on my lap, my parts will be inside but moving at the same time." Otho demonstrated slowly rubbing his fingers back and forth along her lubricated walls. Rik's tail flicked excitedly and her legs tensed.

"Mm." She held in a moan as he gently fingered her. Otho carefully watched her reactions.

"Does that feel good?" Otho asked curling his fingers as if he was scratching an itch causing the fox's toes to scrunch over the dirt.

"Mmhm." Her hips arched trying to give him better leverage. "It feels really wet down there." Her eyes were only half lidded as she watched her mate.

"You're body will keep doing that so my parts can go in and out quickly." He continued gently stimulating the area. Rik grunted finding strange that something so wonderfully enjoyable didn't make her constantly smile. "The two mate until they both have an orgasm." He explained pulling his slickened fingers out from her insides with an audible squelch. Rik stared at him dumbfounded.

"What is that?" Her brow scrunched cutely.

"Your body has an intense moment of feeling with a few muscle contractions. Then mating is pretty much over."

"But I just had all of those feelings."

"It's much greater than what you just went through."

"Then show me!" She exclaimed with a hop. The raccoon chuckled at her behavior finding it hard to say no.

"Alright... umm... Lay down in front of me with your legs spread on my lap.

"Aren't you going to put it inside me?" She quickly obliged and lied down as he asked.

"No, I want you to know the feeling first hand. Besides, I wouldn't be saying too much." His ears fanned back with light embarrassment. The sand vixen's thighs rested in his lap where her knees lightly pressed against his side. Rik sat up reclined on her elbows to watch him. Otho stared at her white furred labia where the slightest pink could be seen from his viewpoint.

"Well?" She wiggled her hips as seductively as possible.

"Alright." He brought his hand forward and massaged over her wet labia. "Hold on tight." She smiled feeling his fingers part her nether lips and slowly push inside. Her legs quivered and tensed feeling his two fingers explore her lubricated insides. Each poke, prod, and rub felt beyond euphoric for the sand vixen.

"Ah." The vixen relaxed only to bite her lip. His fingers glided with ease pumping within her sex, but Otho's free hand joined in as well. His other hand rested on top of her mound and gently massaged in circles over where her clit was hidden. The vixen squirmed and tried humping his hand unconsciously. The wet noises only fueled her efforts to try.

"I guess you can tell that rubbing here feels really good."

"Y-yes!" She yipped curling her toes. "It feels great."

"It only gets better." He teased working both hands in rhythm. Rik's head rolled to the side in reply, finding it harder to concentrate through the opaque fog of pleasure, but she loved every second. Oddly enough, Otho didn't feel sexually charged over the situation. Sure it was hot but the raccoon felt proud that he was giving Rik so much pleasure that she had never known, her first orgasm. All because she loved him, and he loved her. "Ok. You're getting closer." His hand rubbed faster in time with his two fingers as they thrusted with lewd slurps. Each motion was better than the last for Rik, and her body craved more to a breaking point that was fast approaching.

"Otho!" She moaned and cooed at once. Her eyes screwed shut feeling her walls quiver around his pleasing digits.

"You're almost there." Although the sand vixen could barely detect his voice by now. Rik moaned and clawed the ground. Her hips rose as high as they could as her grunt rose feverishly in pitch. Then without further warning, Rik's entire body released the builds tension. Her knees nearly squeezed the life out of him as she broke into a loud moan than sounded utterly divine. Her body naturally convulsed as an ejaculatory liquid sprayed Otho's fingers. The vixen's insides pulled, tugging his soaked fingers to stay inside as they stimulated her to heighten the orgasm. Her blue eyes could see spots as the white hot feelings lasted but a brief moment. Slowly, her body began to relax like a descending ornithopter. The feeling was sublimely indescribable.

"And that's what mating is." He smiled as his beloved partner panted heavily from the euphoric experience. Rik didn't have anything to comment. She rose her shaking arms up at him, asking to be picked up. Otho obliged only for the vixen to knock him down tightly hugging him. Otho couldn't help but smirk as her entire body shook vibrantly in his arms. 'I honestly thought she would be a lot louder.' He mused hearing her quick panting slowly resolve to a normal relaxed rhythm.

"What am I feeling now?" She breathed, clutching his form as close as possible.

"A lot of hormones that help you love your mate. It's called an afterglow."

"Love my mate." She smiled sweetly before kissing his chin. Otho protectively held her close as the vixen's sparkling blue eyes closed.

"I love you too Rik."

"Mmm. Wake up like this." She could barely murr in reply making his heart swell with happiness. He kissed her head and breathed in her pungent scent.

"Rik?" He checked if she was asleep.

"Yes?" She quietly hummed nuzzling his chest weakly.

"If I can't contact my home and remain stuck on this wild planet, then being with you will be worth it all." He whispered and started rubbing her back to help lull the sand vixen to sleep. Rik murred happily. Everything was already worth it for her.