How It Goes - Part 3

Story by Patcher on SoFurry

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#3 of How It Goes

Part three. The beginning of the story after the year-long break.

I like to think that the drama is within the boundaries of what is to be expected. Drama in general seems to be unavoidable - but without the tension, would it be interesting?

It could be.

But this story takes twists and turns, and in my head it lives a life on its own. So this is what it is.

I have marked this part as adult because the more mature themes will be emerging from this point onwards. I will reveal that at the moment there are no sexual scenes anywhere in the current story - and admittedly, I'm not certain I should add them. I will get to that point eventually.

In the meanwhile, please enjoy the story. And thank you.

Scott gazes up at the front door; behind him he hears his father's call; "Have fun, Scott," before the car drives away. He clutches the straps of his rucksack as he treads through the snowed-down path, up the stairs, and to the doorbell. He rings it once. The door opens.

"Scott! Hey!" Brian grins, pulling him into a hug, dragging him into the warmth of the house.

"Hi," he mutters, leaning into Brian's large chest.

"Tom's upstairs. You okay?"

Scott shakes his head and sighs. Slightly mollified, Brian sighs and reaches for Scott's bag, and gently guides Scott upstairs.

"Fuck sake, fuckin' sectoids!" Tom bellows when they are halfway up the stairs.

"Tom began an impossible Iron man challenge," Brian says softly.

"Great," Scott mutters, "We get to listen to him bitch all night."

"I could always bring up the bet..."

"Please don't."

They enter the room. Tom's draped across a lounger, snarling at a television screen. "This game sucks!"

"You've played for five minutes."

"Yeah, but," Tom hisses, turning to face Brian. "Oh hey, Scott."

Brian tosses the bag in the corner before he drags Scott over to the sofa. "Cheer up, Scott. End of the world! What's got you blue?"

"My step-mum," Scott mutters. "Told me she didn't want me in the house any more."

"She... what?" Tom says loudly, glaring at the telly.

"She did, did she?" Brian scoffs. "What'd your dad say?"

"They had a bit of a row. Happened right before he drove me here."

Brian shakes his head and pulls Scott up into his lap. "Relax, Scott. Let's watch Tom suck at X-COM."

"What did you say?"

Scott stifles a giggle as he leans into Brian.

"When's Theo coming?"

"Around ten, I think," Scott murmurs, nuzzling at Brian's chin. The bull hoists him up against his chest and lays down, rubbing the back of Scott's head.

"I think that's the doorbell," Scott murmurs. Brian shifts slightly.

"Tom, go get it."

Tom turns to look at Brian and Scott, scoffing. "I'm busy?"

"The game's turn-based, Tom."

"Fine," Tom snaps, rolling his eyes. He rises from his chair and walks over to the doorway. "OY! Get the fuck inside, we're upstairs!"

"Tell him to lock the door too."

"And lock the fuckin' door!"

Tom strides back to his seat, scowling at Scott and Brian before he resumes his game.

"Do you have to be so caustic, Tom?" Scott sighs.

"Oh, X-COM! Good game." Theo strides into the room, covered in snow. "Where should I put this?"

He holds out a large rucksack as he casts a glance around the room. He almost drops it when he spots Scott and Brian.

"In the corner," Brian points as he sits upright. Scott slips out of his lap and wanders over to the bear. Theo places his bag in the corner and turns around to hug Scott.

"Missed you," Scott murmurs, nuzzling at Theo's chin.

"Missed you too," Theo whispers gently. He looks over at Brian. "Do you two, uh, cuddle often?"

Scott glances at Brian. Tom pipes up from his chair, "All the time, you'd think they were together."

"Oh." Theo's hold on Scott loosens slightly. "Is that true?"

"It is," Scott mutters. Theo frowns.

"Should I be worried about this, or...?"

"No, of course not," Brian says, scowling at Tom. "Look, we've been doing this for... what, nine years?"

"Ten now," Scott says quietly."

"Did you ever...?"

"Fuck? No. Nothing sexual. Hugs and cuddles," Brian sighs. "This started when we were eight. When..."

"When my mum..." Scott looks away, biting his lower lip.

"Look, Scott's like a brother to me. We've never been intimate and I doubt we'll ever be."

Theo looks at Brian and then at Scott. He sighs and shakes his head, raising Scott's head with his hand. "It's okay. Just put me off for a bit. If you two aren't ..."

"We're not," Scott mumbles, looking into Theo's face.

"I believe you," Theo whispers, kissing him gently. There's retching noises from the nearby chair.

"Fuck sake, Tom, you're an insensitive cunt," Brian says, exasperated.

"Sorry," Scott mutters to Theo, pressing against his chest.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Theo murmurs into his ear, holding him closer.

"Tell me you bought more booze?" Tom mutters from the chair.

"I did. I bought booze, and my father insisted I bring cigars..."

"Cigars?" Brian says, raising his eyebrows.

"My father's an aficionado, and as part of my Christmas gift this year he gave me one of his humidors. 'For bonding purposes'. Truth be told, they were in my bag and I forgot to unpack them." Theo looks uncomfortable. Scott sits down again and watches as Theo pulls out the three pairs of six-packs. "Where do I put these?"

"Mini-fridge in the next room," Brian gestures. He pauses for a moment. "I wouldn't mind a cigar tonight."

"Your place, least I can offer."

"You are really, really terrible at X-COM," Theo sniggers, taking a sip from his beer.

"Fuck you too," Tom mutters angrily.

"How many times did you fail the first mission now?" Brian adds, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Would both of you just shut up? Not my fault this game's shite. Where's the vodka?"

"Other room. Where you put it."

Tom rolls his eyes and strides out of the room.

"Should he be drinking?" Theo asks, pulling Scott into his lap.

"Why not?" Brian replies, taking a chug from his own beer.

"He tends to get ... touchy-feely when he's drunk."

"And no less angry," Scott mutters. Tom returns with a large sack full of rattling bottles. Within the minute he's pulled out several flasks and mixed himself a drink - which he chugs in one go.

"Drinking hard tonight?" Brian asks, his tone playful.

"Oh, fuck off," he grunts, pouring another drink. "You want anything?"

"Know how to make a shagger?"

Tom glares at Brian before he pulls out more bottles. He mixes a drink and carries it over to Brian, thrusting the glass into his hand.

"Huh. Didn't think you knew what that was."

"You two want anything?"

"No thanks," Theo shrugs, taking a chug from his beer. "Should you maybe not... go so hard on the drinks?"

Tom ignores him. "Scott?"

Scott shakes his head and leans into Theo. Rolling his eyes, Tom sets to working with the bottles.

"Midnight in ten minutes," Theo mutters, looking at his watch. Scott's gazing at the telly screen, watching Brian and Tom going at it with Tekken.

"Yeah? Reckon we should light 'em cigars then." Brian gets up, stretching. The sixth can rolls off his lap.

"What, inside?"

"No, no, got a balcony. Right outside. Give me another beer too."

"Yeah, sure. You want one, Scott? Tom?"

"Fuck off," Tom grunts. "I'm beating you, Brian, see, you're shit at this."

"I'm not playing, dummy. Come on, Theo."

Scott shifts a bit as Theo pulls out a small box from his backpack, and withdraws two thick cigars, a lighter, a cutter and a tray.

"Come on," Brian lays an arm around Theo, and walks out of the room. Scott looks at Tom.

"Should we go, Tom?"


"Why not?" Scott gets up from the couch.

"Because I don't want to go out into that stink," Tom growls, putting down the controller.

Scott splays his ears and walks out into the hallway. At the end, the balcony door is ajar, and Theo's lighting up Brian's cigar. The bull coughs, but doesn't relent until the cigar's oozing of thick, grey smoke.

"Not bad," Brian coughs. "Thought they'd be... worse."

Theo coughs too, as he lights his. "Not something I really want to do on a regular basis. Thought maybe... I dunno. New year."

"New year, yeah. You got Scott. That's pretty great." Brian leans over the rails, cigar in hand, taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah..." Theo clears his throat and leans over with Brian.

Fireworks are exploding across the skyline. Scott slips out onto the balcony and the cold wind, coughing slightly at the smoke.

"You mind the smoke?" Theo asks, turning around.

"No, it's fine. Really. It stings a bit, that's all." Scott walks up to Theo.

"Want to try a puff?" Theo smiles.

Scott looks at the cigar, biting his lip. "Yeah, okay.."

"You don't have to. Honest."

"It's... it's okay. Should try it sometime, why not now?" Theo hands him the cigar, the smoke wafting past his nose. The smell is pleasant, yet rough and a little sour. He takes a soft drag - and coughs violently. Brian chuckles and Theo looks apologetic.

"That's not for me," Scott wheezes, coughing.

"Don't inhale it, s'all," Theo lays his arm around Scott's shoulder. He puffs a bit before he puts the cigar into the ashtray.

"Done already?"

"Not really in the mood, to be honest... listen, could you maybe give Scott and me some privacy?"

"Of course." Brian exhales with a cough, puts his cigar into the tray next to Theo's, and walks back inside. The cascade of fireworks lights up the sky. Theo checks his watch. "Two minutes now..."

They look up at the sky. "Scott, about you and Brian..."

Scott splays his ears.

"Did you two... is he the one you snogged?"

"Yeah. We were... it was three years ago. I was staying over at his place, it was late. I... always thought he was handsome. I was playing on his PS2 when he came out of the shower, and he was... I got... a bit excited, and he noticed. We... tried. He was flushed, I was blushing. But... we couldn't... We kissed, and... afterwards we sat there laughing. There was nothing there. He's like a brother to me, Theo. He doesn't... do anything for me. He makes me feel safe, but he doesn't... make me feel warm and... bothered."

Theo raises Scott's chin, their noses touching. "Happy new years, Scott."

Scott closes his eyes, feeling Theo's lips upon his own. The fireworks explode across the canvas of the night.

"Do we... share a bed tonight?" Scott asks, nervously, sitting on the bed.

"Do you want to?"

"I... I'm not ready for..."

Theo looks slightly disappointed, but he smiles. "It's okay, don't worry about it. I'll go sleep on the couch."

"I'm sorry." Scott splays his ears.

"Hey now, don't be," Theo murmurs, sitting down next to Scott. "Look, you don't have to splay your ears. It's okay. Really."

Scott nods. Theo gently nudges Scott's chin up, and kisses him. "Happy new years, Theo."

"You too, Scott." Theo wraps his arms around Scott and nuzzles his ear, yawning. "I'm beat. We should try to get some sleep."


Theo kisses him on the cheek, and gets up. "G'night, Scott."


There's a knock on the door. Scott stirs and looks up. Tom stands in the doorway. In the darkness, Scott can't make out his face.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Tom asks, his voice strained.

"What's... what's going on?" Scott asks. Tom enters and closes the door, walking funny. "What's the time?"

"Six o'clock. Please."

"Yeah, I... is everything okay?"

Tom doesn't reply. He crawls into the bed and curls up, shaking slightly.

"Tom, what's..."

"I just want to sleep. Please..."

Scott gazes at Tom, fiddling his thumb. There's a soft rustle of wind outside, accompanying the sniffles.