Monster Arena - Pilot

Story by Serban on SoFurry

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Welcome to the Pilot of Monster Arena! From this chapter onwards, everything will be decided by The Watchers - AKA YOU! See the Journal Here for details!

Just to let you know - this Pilot is CLEAN - Every chapter after will be rapelicious, but the Watchers must have their say first!

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The sudden glare of sunlight made Rai squint. Shielding her eyes with a hand, she looked out at the scene before her. She was rising up out of the ground in a round glass tube. All around them was a square grassy area. To the front of her was a thick forest, which curved around the front half of the arena. To the rear was a plain of tall, nearly head height, wheat-like grass. There was a big, rocky outcrop further that way, but what it was she couldn't make out.

Rai was a human - now quite rare. She was fur-less, save for her straight blonde hair left untied and hanging down her shoulders. She wasn't too tall or short, and had always been quite unremarkable. The only thing that set her apart was being a human, and having a large, natural bust. She was an F cup, but that didn't really mean much in a world where a boob job was the most basic of body-mods.

To her sides, nine other identical tubes had risen up and each contained someone. She could only see the two either side of her, the rest obscured. To her left was a purple bunny, standing quite calmly in her tube. She looked quite prepared, and the drab tan and olive Arena clothes seemed like a fitting look for her. 'Memo' was her name - inscribed around her tube.

The right tube contained another girl; a squirrel. She was chestnut brown with a crop of short, dark brown hair. She looked nervous, whipping her head around and taking everything in. Rai watched her until the squirrel girl looked over. They made eye contact, but Rai had to look away. It wouldn't do to care too much for anyone else. With one last glance at the squirrels name - 'Eunice' she looked away and tried to keep her head facing forward.

With a judder, the tubes slowly halted. There was a sound like a thunderclap and the tubes zipped down into the ground, suddenly leaving Rai standing on the grass. For a split second all she could feel was vulnerability. Shaking her head, she began running. So did everybody else - hanging around in the starting area was frowned upon by the Watchers, and being frowned upon generally lowered your chance of success.

There were various bags and items lying around the starting area. Rai managed to quickly snag a small backpack before the chaos was really let loose. The sound of animals - making a gruff, barking noise, filled the air. They'd only just started and a pack of something had been released. She set of as fast as she could, leaving the items and watching everyone else scatter. She didn't see where Euince or Memo had gone.

Rai crashed through into the forest, shielding her face against the branches with her hand. It was difficult to see where to go and run, the spindly, low-hanging branches whipping at her as she struggled to avoid the twisted roots on the ground. She could still hear the barking, and it didn't seem to be getting further away. Driving herself to her limits, she lowered her head and ran for all it was worth, her tan walking boots thudding into the ground. Suddenly, the forest ended, turning into another flat area. It was smaller than the starting area, and looked like it was round. A metal post stood in the centre of the clearing, a bronze backpack hanging from it. She chose to ignore the backpack, maybe come back to it later. It would be best to use the clearing to gain some time on whatever was chasing her. Panting, she kept running across the field.

There was a sudden snapping noise and she crashed to the ground. She scrambled to get up but couldn't; a black plastic band had closed shut tight around her ankle. Grabbing it and pulling, she did her best to try and yank it off, but it was no use. There was a complicated knot that kept it tied - undoing that would get her free. She furiously started tugging and pulling at the knot, the sound of gruff, guttural barking getting closer...


_Oh dear! What will happen to poor Rai? _

Undo the knot? Freed by odd circumstances? Fucked in every hole by the most terrible beasts imagination can create until a quivering mess? YOU decide! The more obscure or unexpected, the better!

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