Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 16

Story by GraveyardGreg on SoFurry

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#16 of Welcome Back to Cappuccinos!

Now Serving:

Strange Triumphs

After Art was completely dry and dressed, Venti lifted him up into his arms and gave him a lingering kiss. "I have the worst feeling about this lunch," he murmured to his boyfriend.

Art cupped Venti's slenderish muzzle and kissed his nose. "I don't blame you for feeling that way," he said. "I have no idea how I'd feel if I were put into your situation."

Venti smiled at him. "Knowing you like I do, you'd probably handle is a lot better than I will."

"Just remember to breathe, and don't let your biological dad get to you."

"I'll try not to let my adoptive dad get to me either," Venti said as he put Art down.

Art took one of Venti's hands into both of his. "Too late on that front," he said. "He's been getting to you since he entered the front door."

"It's all Ted's fault," Venti said as they exited the bathroom together.

"What's all my fault?" Ted said when Venti and Art entered the living room.

"Everything," Venti said, then turned to his father. "So, are we ready to go?"

Earl checked his cell phone. "We'll be there early," he said, a smile growing on his muzzle. "Since when are you ever early?"

Venti shrugged. "Having a boyfriend who's a stickler for being early rubs off on a guy, I guess."

Earl nodded. "I like that." He turned to Art. "You be sure and keep on improving my boy, son."

Art grinned. "Yes sir, but sometimes he can be stubborn."

Earl's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Only sometimes? Son, you must be a really good influence on him." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards Venti. "That boy used to always be stubborn."

"So if we're done slandering me," Venti said, "can we go? I don't want to be late, because that lunch rush takes up all the good seats."

"And by good seats," Art said, "he means the ones that'll fit guys his size."

Earl nodded. "I figured as much. We learned that when puberty hit. Boy shot up almost three feet in six months."

"I bankrupted my clothes budget for a full year because of that. Damn my pituitary gland."

"Language son," Earl said.

"Sorry, sir." Venti then stage whispered to Art "I really did bankrupt him. He doesn't like to talk about it."

Earl glowered at him, and Venti felt a strange feeling of triumph over it.