Wolf and Deer - Part Seven - Union

Story by Amber Eyes on SoFurry

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#8 of Wolf and Deer

And so the story of the Deerwolf's parents continues yet again... any kind of feedback is, as always, most welcome!

Love deemed impossible

Love seen as being wrong

Take your time to stop and think that maybe -

Maybe you are just jealous?

Bodies warming each other. Minds finding comfort in each other's presence. A growing desire, unfelt... unheard of before.

Nothing else mattered anymore. Who cared what others would think? Wolf and Deer did not. Reborn and Beta were long beyond such worries now. They both only wanted one thing - to be as close as they possibly could.

Who made the first move? Who found themselves unable to restrain their passion? Even that did not matter. A slight change in position... hot breath let out in a soft gasp... a wonderful warmth spreading over two beings that had been worlds apart, and were now closer to each other than either had been with any one of their own.

Scent. Taste. Rhythmic motion setting minds and nerves aflame. Moments being to short, still becoming eternity. Passionate love turning into... pure ecstasy.

And then there was silence, broken only by still-quickened breath. Forepaws and hooves wrapped around each other's body, never wanting to let go... Wolf and Deer... had become one.