Sky Diving...

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Short story Poetry

Sky diving...

The air was brisk, the plane was fading away

With one breath, I enjoyed the day

The clouds by my side, everything so clear

A smile I couldn't hide as the earth grew near

The ants passing by so quickly below

Up above, I fly by, an wonder, do any of them know?

The limit reached, I must pull my second chance to tomorrow

With a heavy heart, I lightly float down, to walk again with a mixture of relief & sorrow

Feet firm to the ground, the thrill faded into me

Only a memory could I see

For another short while, I'd walk among the colony of those who rarely saw

A perspective bigger than themselves, life flying by, eyes open, hesitation hidden in a choice of withdraw

Till I leave this world again, & race back at such a reckless free filled speed

I walk among the many, in memory, with just enough patience as I need

---Thanks for reading---
