The Sanctuary, chapter 1

Story by Selina Talok on SoFurry

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A first-person story about your time as a sanctuary for various powerful monster girls. Highly experimental story format.

Thanks for your interest in this story! This is a very experimental story series written in a very experimental format. It's told entirely through first person, similar to as if you were roleplaying, only not, but it does give the reader a greater sense of self-insertion. It's a corny love story that assumes the reader wants to see a nice guy get inappropriately sexed up by a bunch of monster girls. If that's not your cup of tea, turn back now!

April 26th, 2014

I keep coming back to that stupid quote from that stupid game.

"I never asked for this."

Not that I particularly hate my life. I don't even dislike it. I mean, it's weird, that's for sure, and it can be stressful, but when I think about it, there's no other life I'd rather have. I guess I'm just griping about the amount of work that has come into my life, but then, everyone has probably had some kind of odd circumstance that's been thrown at them whether they were ready for it or not. You know how you have plans for your life, goals you want to achieve, and then life throws up detours and roadblocks. They don't necessarily stop you, but you're forced to abandon your best-laid plans and just keep moving forward, hoping that the road you're on is at least going in the right direction.

I kind of feel like I'm driving in the dark with my lights off, hoping I don't hit a tree.

It's literally--

"What're you writing there?"

You quickly close the lid on your laptop. You were so wrapped up in your words that you didn't even notice someone else coming into the room. Thankfully, your back was to the source of the voice, so there wasn't anything suspicious about the way you acted. It looked like you had simply just finished using the computer. You turn in your chair to face the source of the voice, that familiar smiling face greeting your eyes as you attempt to look casual and explain that it was just a reply to a stupid internet meme, hoping that you come off as dismissive enough to be believed.

That familiar face belongs to Shaira, and she's what you were writing about. A few weeks ago, you didn't believe in monsters or the supernatural. Your world was normal, a place of reason and logic, and your world of normalcy and routine was stripped away from you one cold, stormy night. You were just out trying to bring in your cat before the wind got too fearsome. There was no way you could have predicted that night would change your life. By all accounts, your life was average. You were making a decent, if underpaid wage working as a technical support specialist for the local communications supplier. You lived on the outskirts of town, where the rent was cheaper, traffic was less frequent, and, well, the rent was cheaper. It wasn't exactly convenient to drive ten minutes just to get milk and eggs, but it was far better than paying over a grand a month for a tiny 500-square foot bachelor apartment in the downtown core. You worked a regular schedule, had a small circle of friends you would visit and puttered about on the internet on your off-hours. You were thinking of joining the legion of people who uploaded stupid videos of their cats to youtube as your most ambitious contribution to the human culture.

When you found your stupid cat, he was howling at you to come follow him, running from your arms just far enough to stay within grabbing range, yet not running away far enough to discourage you from following. He led you further and further into the woods, the wind howling through the branches until you came upon a freshly fallen tree, and noticed something moving, trapped beneath it. A woman.

Or what you thought was a woman.

It wasn't until you got close enough to see the scales and the long body of a snake to realize that what your cat had lead you to was some kind of monster. At first, you thought it was some kind of bizarre hoax gone wrong, because there was blood coming from the snake body. She was groaning in agony and trying to move the fallen birch tree off of her, still conscious and obviously in distress. Thinking she was in a high-end costume, you rushed to help her. Fueled by adrenaline, you managed to lift it a little, just enough for you to realize your mistake as the woman's snake body was no costume. It wrapped around the trunk of the limb pinning her to the ground and pulled it to one side in an amazing show of strength.

Your cat, his work done, ran off towards your house while you stood transfixed before the sight in front of you. The serpentine woman tried to pick herself up by rearing up on her tail, but fell back down onto her arms, unable to rise from the rain-soaked earth while the storm continued to grow in intensity above you.

"Please help me." the woman-creature pleaded with you. "I can't get up!"

It was too dark to get a really good look at her features, but she was clearly wearing clothes of some kind, and she spoke English. She wasn't armed, she was hurt, and she was asking for your help. There was nobody else around for miles. You had the choice to run back to your house and call the police to be promptly put into a funny farm, but you didn't even consider it. Before you even knew what you were doing, you had already hoisted the woman's human upper body into your arms, though you found yourself unable to haul the rest of her body, instead forced to drag her snake body behind you while you trudged through the mud and broken branches, thorns scraping at your ankles and shins as you struggled with her weight. While she wasn't fat by any means, her tail was entirely muscle, and it was dragging. She actually managed to loop it around your shoulders to make herself easier to carry, only adding to the strain on your feet as you fought against the pain racing up your legs, the burning sensation of ripped flesh telling your body to fill the tears with little rivers of blood which would have clotted, if not for the cold, whipping spring rain beating down on you.

"Thank you." the woman whimpered out, clinging to your neck while you brought her back to your house. You couldn't think of anything else to do, there was no other safe place to bring her, and your cat was still waiting for you to open the door. Thankfully, the screen door was broken, and only the springs held it shut, so you were able to nudge it open with your toe. The she-snake reached over and turned the knob, allowing you all to escape the storm.

You brought the creature into your living room, dropped to your knees in front of your couch, and unavoidably dumped her body onto the cushions, exhausted from carrying her so far and through the vicious undergrowth that seemed to gleefully tear apart any exposed skin they found. You were only out to bring in your idiot cat from the rain, so you were only in a thin t-shirt and sweat pants, average 'lounging around the house' wear for a lazy night of gaming.

For a while, neither of you knew what to say. The creature was obviously badly injured and in need of medical attention, but you weren't about to call for an ambulance. Your mind was barely able to comprehend what was happening as it was.

"My name is Shaira." she finally said. "T-thank you for your help." she added a few moments later.

Another strangling silence followed. You really had no idea what to do or say as the reality of the situation refused to solidify, and it was clear that Shaira knew that she didn't belong in your reality, because she had the same look of helpless, fearful shock.

"What are you going to do with me?" she asked finally.

The clothes she was wearing looked modern enough. Much of it reminded you of hunter's camouflage, but modified to suit her monstrous proportions. Whatever she was, she was dressed to keep hidden, and her clothing was made of current-technology, military-grade materials.

Finally in better light, you could see she had a slight green tint to her fair skin. Across her cheeks, what looked at first glance like freckles were actually dark green scales. Her hair, dark green also, was long enough to reach her shoulders and done up in a pony tail, as if she had on some kind of hair net and hat on before that were lost in the accident. She was pretty, not Hollywood perfect, but pretty. Her human-enough looking eyes held snakelike pupils and irises and were more slanted than typical Asian eyes, giving her a very exotic appearance. Her nose too, seemed Asian, though her lips and mouth looked a little large for her face, but not distractingly so. Her ears were small on her head, and were almost flat against her skull, nearly completely hidden by her long, straight locks that had long since escaped her ponytail.

The rest of her figure was hidden under her jacket and bizarre skirt-like camo bottoms that left most of her reptilian tail exposed. There was a rattle at the end of her tail, and it only then occurred to you that she could be poisonous, if you weren't having some kind of hallucination.

Finally, your brain connected to your mouth, and you told her that you had really no idea what to do with her, but that she was badly hurt, and you weren't going to make it worse. When you spoke to her, rather than screaming and setting the house on fire, she visibly relaxed and allowed the degree of pain she was in to tell on her face.

"So you're not going to turn me over to your authorities?" she asked, her voice weak.

You told her no, because for one, you weren't yet certain this wasn't some kind of psychotic episode, and for another, she hadn't hurt you or did anything wrong. You were more concerned with treating her injuries, as they looked fairly severe.

"Just bandage me up, I'll be all right." she said, her arms laying limp across her body.

You voiced your opinion that she certainly didn't look all right, but your concern just elicited a smile from her.

"I'm part reptile. We heal quickly. All I really need is to stop the bleeding, prevent infection, and to get warm. I was under that tree for a while before you found me." she said, sounding out of breath. Indeed, if you weren't going insane, the first things she would need would be wound dressing and warmth to increase her metabolism. You touched her hand, and found it to be dangerously cool.

Most of her wounds appeared to be on her snake portion, so, looking to your bathroom, you hurried over and started running a hot bath. The tub wasn't particularly large or nice, but it would have to do. You treated her wounds as best you could with the first aid kit you kept in there, though it was at least three years old and had never been opened, and with great effort, carried her to the bath room.

Setting her down on the toilet, it became clear she didn't even have the strength left to hold herself upright on it, so, unable to really think of anything else and not having enough strength left in your burning arms to hold her any more, you placed her in the tub, clothes and all, her snake body draped over the edge and carefully coiled up on a bed of blankets.

"Thank you again." Shaira said softly, her eyelids almost, but not completely closed. She looked like she was almost dead, keeping you on the precipice of panic with your mind still barely coming to grips with what had just occurred.

You sank onto the floor by the bath tub, watching her breathe, waiting for some change in her condition as she just stared blankly at the far wall, blinking every so often to let you know she was still there upstairs.

You waited there for hours, mind racing over any possible explanations there could plausibly be for her existence. Primarily, you thought it had to all be a dream, but all the slapping and pinching in the world didn't wake you up. Was she some kind of mutation? A government gene splicing experiment gone wrong? Some kind of alien? It finally occurred to you that your legs were still angrily throbbing with pain and you had made a huge, muddy mess all over your house bringing Shaira in. You cleaned up while you waited for her condition to change. It exhausted you further, but you half-expected to see her dead in the tub the next time you went into the bathroom, and you had no desire to stand morbidly by waiting to see her if her breathing would stop.

You peeked in, and found Shaira sitting up and looking at you, much more brightly than she had previously. She was also naked from the waist up, her clothing having been tossed into the sink. The water, now only lukewarm, was also pretty dirty from the mud, and needed refreshing.

"I don't even know YOUR name." Shaira broke the silence, evidently either too grateful for your assistance or unashamed of her nudity to care that her generous breasts were on display for you.

You turned away immediately, apologizing before you answered her question.

"Well, I think you've figured out by now that I'm not human. It's all right, you can turn around. There's a few more things I need help from you with." she said. The water was a dirty pink, as there were wounds under her clothes that you didn't see because you weren't sure if it was a good idea to undress a woman who might have been hiding poisonous fangs without permission.

You asked how she was feeling, if she still felt like she was really going to be all right.

"I'm warmed up enough that I can function a little better, so yes, I think I'll be okay, but I'm still pretty badly banged up." she stated, and scooted herself up in the bath tub enough to get a better look at you.

"I'm not looking forward to what's coming next, though." she said, eyes drawn to the bottle of alcohol in the first aid kit you had.

You got to work, and you went about patching up the worst of her injuries to the best of your ability. You had never sewn up cuts before, but she needed stitches, and they were in places she couldn't reach herself. Her pain tolerance was amazing, she barely made a noise while you closed up the wounds that needed it.

She had the build of an athlete, as you could see strong, trained muscles under her skin flex and tremble as she fought through the pain until you were finished. Your work done, you refreshed the water in the tub, and added some bath salts to soothe and cleanse. Finally, you went about cleaning up her tail, which thankfully was well-protected enough by scales that you didn't have to pull out any splinters or debris. By the time Shaira was fully cleaned up, it was well past midnight, and you still hadn't tended to your own wounds yet. As you stretched your aching muscles, she reached over to you, for your hand, and gave it a firm squeeze.

"You're very kind to have gone through all this trouble for me, a complete stranger." she said, smiling warmly to you. The adrenaline having left your body, you mumbled something about it not being a big deal, and that it wasn't like you had any big plans for the night, anyway.

She tugged you down to her, and kissed you fully on the lips. It was a shock, and for a moment, you were certain that was when you were about to wake up, but the moment passed, and you realized that her eyes were closed, giving herself over fully to the kiss. Was she just being grateful, you wondered? An overblown gratitude to ensure you weren't going to just start snapping pictures and posting to conspiracy boards? She didn't stop with just a peck, though. Her one hand was still firmly holding your shirt and was keeping you pulled against her while she slipped her lips around on yours, a fully open-mouthed kiss. That's when you felt the fangs sink into the skin on your bottom lip, and a sudden heat rushed through your jaw, down into your heart. You pushed at her, but she was a lot stronger than you thought she'd be, as she kept her arms tight around you, still kissing you even as the edges of your vision turned dark green and pulsating. You dropped to your knees, your mind becoming hazy, your heartbeat sluggish as you were dimly aware of her body falling upon yours out of the tub. Was this your reward for all you did for her? Was she going to kill you? Eat you? Was this really how it was going to end?


Weird dreams.


Alarm blaring?

You cracked open your eyes, blearily, slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. You were in bed, the sunlight of the new day beating through your window through the blinds. You grunted, and slapped the alarm off, feeling a heavy dullness in your senses as you rubbed your hair, your long, luxurious green hair.

Green hair?

You tried to sit up, but every muscle in your body screamed at once, so your efforts were greatly diminished. There was something else holding you back, as well, a literal weight keeping you restrained. Memories of the previous night came flooding back to you, and finally, your mind registered the feel of a body pressed tightly to yours. Your eyes drifted until you were locked with Shaira's golden yellow irises, her sweetly smiling face right next to yours. Her hair had spilled over onto your face as she had cuddled up to you quite tightly.

"Sorry about the bite." she said. "There's a lot of questions you probably have, but I just needed to rest, and I had to make sure you weren't going to do something you might regret later. Plus, you were exhausted anyway. I returned the favor and cleaned you up while you were out." she added.

You were completely immobilized from the waist down, and you pulled back the covers to see that she had coiled her body around your hips all the way to your feet. You weren't restrained to the point of discomfort, in fact it was just the sheer weight of her that was keeping you pinned, but you were definitely in a compromised position. In fact, as you attempted to stir, you realized that you were naked, and so was she.

You mentioned that you were trying very hard to not freak out at that time.

"I know, I'm sorry about that too, there's a lot of things I'm sorry for, but they're things that can't be helped right now. I don't LIKE the thought of forcing aspects of my culture upon you without telling you, but in time, you'll understand." she replied, her arms still holding you tightly to her.

In time???

"I can't go anywhere for a while, or I'll open up my wounds again. I AM sorry about the bite and everything, but I need you to just stay here for a little while, and we can talk and I'll answer your questions, is that all right?"

Begrudgingly, you agreed, but wondered if it was really necessary to be naked and in your bed.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

You DID have to pee, and the pressure from her snake body wasn't helping, but that wasn't the root of your discomfort with the situation.

"I know that you're single. There weren't any feminine products in your bathroom or pictures of girls your age in your bedroom. There's no ring on your finger, and you have an unopened box of condoms in your--"


"Oh." Shaira visibly shrank back, frowning. "Sorry, sorry. I just--last night, I thought you--when we kissed, I thought you kissed me back. I made a huge mistake." she pulled her arms off of you, and sat up on them to begin uncoiling her body from yours.

You saw that her feelings were hurt by the tone in your voice. Not wanting to be bitten again, or give her the idea that you really thought she was ugly, you explained that you didn't mean it that way.

"Too much weird too soon, then?" she asked.

You nodded. You also still had to pee.

"Can I ask you to come back to bed when you're done?" she said, unfurling her body entirely and leaving an open side for you, her hand resting on the empty place where you were laying. It was kind of refreshing, to meet a woman so amazingly liberated from the constraints of typical human society, because she wasn't acting like any woman you had ever met.

You told her you'd be right back. Perhaps that's when you should have just started running and called for the men in black, but instead, like the good Samaritan you are, you went right back to your bedroom and as you started settling in, she coiled her body around you once more and moved you like a child's toy to the center of the bed, this time laying you on your side towards her, her arms pressing her naked human flesh against yours. She rested your forehead against her collarbone, your face pulled towards the valley of her breasts.

You protested this position, nervously.

"You're no fun." she smiled mischievously, but returned you to your back, and draped herself over you from the side, cuddled up close while she threw the sheets back over you both.

"So warm. That's more like it." she all but purred into your ear.

Your traitorous cat didn't help matters any, as he hopped up in bed next to you both and nuzzled up to Shaira's cheek affectionately, then proceeded to lick your hair. Normally, he didn't like strangers, but he took instantly to Shaira. Typical.

You tried to get comfortable, and asked the obvious question.

"I'm a Lamia, if you know your Greek lore, though like most myths, there's a lot that has been twisted and lost in translation over time. Yes, lamia exist, just not in this world, not anymore." she began her explanation.

She told you of how long ago, in the time of myths and legends, when human culture was still developing and primitive, that humans weren't the masters of the Earth. They had to share it with amazing creatures not of their world, who balked at the laws of physics and evolution and reason. For a time, they shared the world, but her kind couldn't be controlled or mastered or fully understood. She couldn't explain exactly how her world and Earth existed in the same space but were separated, only that the walls could be felt by her kind, her fellow 'myths'. When humanity proved too dangerous to coexist with, the myths retreated back to their own world, only venturing out every so often to check on humanity and Earth for curiosity's sake. In the past few years, however, the stability of her world began to break down. It had begun to fall apart, the energies that held it together starting to dissipate. Other myths like her had become refugees of Earth, taking their chances of being discovered rather than risk being swallowed up by 'the void' that was tearing her world asunder.

"It's become so different here, your world of absolute science and technology. You've advanced so much. In the old days, we'd have to worry about one or two 'village champions' coming to pick a fight with us. Now, we'd be hauled off to Area 51 and dissected until you understood us down to the last strand of DNA, not that we have DNA as you know it. Our bodies don't entirely play by the same rules yours do. We've had to learn a LOT in a very short time, because ours is starting to run out, and if we're going to survive, more myths are going to end up on Earth, and we don't want to appear like primitive monsters to you." she said.

You asked her what you were doing in the woods.

"We only observe from a distance, we use your technology to learn your culture, but observing a culture and living it are two different things. I was collecting a hard drive full of usage data from the surrounding area when the storm hit. I got caught. It happens. You know the Big Foot craze that's resurfaced? She's been given a stern talking to about being so clumsy." she said.

Your usage was being monitored? They use technology? Did they have a base somewhere on Earth?

"Well, yes. We're seeking candidates for selective exposure to our people. We're looking for, well, friends. Humans we can show ourselves to, growing a small network of people who will back us when we eventually have to show ourselves to the public, because we'll be the world's smallest minority."

How small?

"There's only a few thousand of us left who've found a small sanctuary that is for now protected from the Void, and there are a couple hundred of us rotating on reconnaissance and research missions on Earth, funded by the most human-looking of our people who have built up a financial umbrella for our eventual exposure to the human world. We don't have a choice, we have to hope that humanity won't exterminate us on sight."

That was the statement that sealed your fate. It was one thing that their people were suffering, but faced with extinction and having to put their trust in humanity as their only salvation? It pulled at your heart strings, and there she was, not some hideous creature, but an intelligent, perceptive, interesting--and that's when she started crying.

You asked if you were crying because you were the first person she'd ever told about their dire situation, or if it was because she would have to go back.

"Yes." she answered, sniffling and burying her face in your neck as she clung to you, holding you ever closer, her coils tightening around you.

After trying to comfort her for a little while, you made the decision that changed your life.

You told her she could stay with you as long as she wanted. You didn't think of her as a monster.

"You're just saying that because I'm crying." she sobbed, pulling back to look you in the eyes.

You meant it. She was right, you lived alone, your place was isolated, rarely visited, and if she was watching your communication usage, she'd know you weren't into anything dangerous or unlawful. You wouldn't mind it if it would help her people. You could give her first-hand exposure to human culture. You were a nobody in the world, no one would take a second look if you drove her around the city. All she'd need was a blanket to cover her snake body, and you could make excuses. You were already invested in her well-being. You didn't HAVE to save her life, but you did, because it was the right thing to do. She was already IN your life, and you had been introduced to possibilities and truths that were going to change everything in the coming months.

She tightened her grip on you, and pulled your head back against her chest.

"You're not a nobody to me. You saved my life, a complete stranger you walked through mud and cold and thorns for." she said softly, her fingers caressing your neck. She drew you in tightly, cupping your cheek.

"I'm not going to bite you this time, I promise." she said, and kissed you. "Besides, you need to be awake for this part."

Wait, what?

She broke the kiss after a few moments, sensing the reluctance in you.

"Still too much weird too soon?"

That wasn't a fair question to ask with her breasts cradling your neck. Besides, you didn't save her because you thought it would get you laid.

"Well no, that would make you creepy." she said, and kissed your lips again, more softly, affectionately.

"That's WHY I want you now." she hissed into your ear, her tongue flicking against your lobe teasingly.

Your senses were on fire as she moved around you, her coils, those smooth scales playing over your skin undulating around you as she shifted her body. She tied the human part of her body to yours, her tail wrapping around the small of her back and yours, securing you together. It was then that you noticed she had a human vagina right where it would be if she didn't have the snake body. The scales tapered in gently, looking like freckles right at her hips and turning to proper scales right below her pelvis. She had a pelvis of some sort, clearly, because there was a wide swell at the beginning of her snake body, forming a pleasing, feminine curve to her form, and she had a semblance of a rear end, her serpentine body apparently having two muscular hemispheres that looked kind of like a bum right where it would normally be on a woman.

Despite yourself, you could feel your erection growing as the nervous excitement grew. It had been some time since you had last dated any girl, and even longer since you had even played around in the bedroom with one. You felt almost virginal again, almost on the verge of shivering with anxious energy, and there Shaira was, naked on top of you, seducing you, and she wasn't even human. A part of your mind wondered if this is what your love life had devolved to, having sex with something that wasn't even human?

Then she licked over your neck and tilted your head back to graze your jugular with her fangs, teasing the sensitive skin there, making your skin goosebump as she ground her body against yours, her vagina spreading slippery wetness over your penis. She moaned sweetly into your ear, and her coils shifted again. She pinned your arms to your sides in her coils, leaving you utterly helpless under her. She took your head in her hands, and pushed her nipple into your mouth, cradling you to her breast wantonly as she finally arched herself, and slipped you into the velvet embrace of her vagina.

You pulled your lips off her nipple, part of you still resisting the idea of having sex outside of your own species, and worried that she might hurt herself having sex.

"We're still in bed, aren't we?" she smiled down at you, kissing you again. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." she mocked you sensually, then moaned against your lips as she began to stir you around inside her. Her insides flexed around your penis with a strength you weren't expecting as she groaned out your name in a low, growling expression of pleasure.

"Ahh! You're so hard inside me! Mmmmf, I could get used to this."

The feeling was mutual. It seemed her vagina was made for mating with things with softer organs. It felt like a suckling mouth going up and down your shaft. She wasn't moving on you, however, just grinding on your hardness, her tummy pressed up against your own while she writhed against you. It was maddening, not being able to move, and forced to lay there as she experimented with your body, getting used to your form. She noticed those last vestiges of reluctance on your face, however, and cupped your face in her hands.

"I'm a terrible guest, aren't I?" she whispered against your lips, continuing to pleasure your body as she lay atop you, her body squeezing you a little tighter, the rattle at the end of her tail sounding quietly under the sheets.

"First I need rescuing, you help me without reservation. Then I need nursing. You tended to my needs like I was your friend. Then I need a home, you offer yours without a word about compensation. Now I need your warmth, and here I am, stealing it from you." she whispered, moaning softly between breaths as she wrapped her arms around your neck, and kissed you hard again, her fingernails leaving red divots in your skin as she squeezed and squirmed on top of you, feeding off your body heat. The friction between your bodies was being fed directly into her, and you felt it inside her body, the wet embrace of her sex growing hotter by the moment, her grip on your penis driving you wild.

"Aren't I just the worst? Your bad little monster, aaaah!" she began shuddering, holding your shoulders tightly as she clenched her eyes shut and grit her teeth.

The rattle at the end of her tail sounded louder, followed by a squeezing pressure that caused you to grunt in protest, not really painful but enough to feel like the biggest hug you've ever received. She cried out your name and arched herself, pressing your face between her large, soft breasts.

Humanity could fuck off.

You felt the compulsion to move regardless of how tightly you were bound, and moved your hips in tandem with her writhing movements, achieving a little thrusting action to go with the milking movements inside her vagina. The effect was immediate, pleasure mounting upon pleasure. If you kept it up, there was no way you would be able to hold back for long. Shaira squeezed you harder, getting used to the new technique. Soon she got into the groove of it, and pushed her nipple back into your mouth, fingernails digging into your scalp as she panted and moaned. Your cat grew annoyed by all the movement on the bed, and finally left, giving your serpentine lover the freedom to roll about with you on the bed, her movements becoming more frenzied and wild.

You moaned through your nose as she didn't give you an opportunity to pull off her stiff, plump nipple. You couldn't help but bite down a little bit in warning that you were reaching your limit. When you did, she yelped in pleasure, and squeezed your bodies together even harder. You moaned again against her breast, more loudly, exclaiming your impending orgasm. Thoughts about birth control spun through your mind briefly, but Shaira wasn't stupid. She knew about condoms, that must have meant that it was safe for you to have unprotected sex. It's not like you were able to stop her, anyway. You were completely at her mercy, unable to move but with an arching of your back.

"Give it to me!" she cried out, humping against your body frantically, giving you no choice but to give in.

As you came inside her, she shuddered all over and held still, feeling your penis kick and buck inside her, filling her with your pent-up offering. Her vagina continued its milking contractions, sucking everything you had out of your balls and coaxing more and more from you. As you came down from your peak, you looked up at her, and she had the look of a woman who wasn't finished. Her vagina continued its stroking, and slowly, she began moving again. Her outer lips were clamped down so hard on you that they acted like a natural cock ring, keeping you hard inside her while her body continued to work at yours. You moaned desperately around her nipple, biting again in protest.

"I'm not done with you yet. You have more. I'm taking it too." Shaira gasped in response, moving you to her other breast. You resisted sucking on it, groaning out how oversensitive your penis was. Your response was a cruel, dark smile from the monster girl.

"I know. That's why this time, I'm going to do it slow." she whispered against your ear. "Now that we have that first, frenzied orgasm out of the way, we can really take our time." she said, and fed you her other nipple while she settled atop you once more, no longer humping at your hips, just letting her vagina do the work and enjoyed the feel of your lips on her sensitive flesh.

She cooed your name softly over and over, encouragingly, and after a few minutes, you felt her topmost coils unravel from your body, allowing your arms to move.

"Hold me." she whispered to you.

It felt good to move again, able to express your affections and explore her body with your hands. The throbbing tenderness had left your penis, and her vagina was once again feeding pleasure directly to you, but you felt that it was only right, culturally, to show her how humans did it. You coaxed her onto her back, and held her shoulders as you thrust into her.

Working within her, she shifted the coils of her tail. She wasn't used to the sensations, and she dug her nails into your back so hard that she almost broke the skin. You grunted your discomfort, and she looked up at you with glassy eyes.

"S-sorry, it feels so good!" she gasped, and, not wanting to hurt you again, grabbed the bars of the headboard instead. Her tail, too, to avoid squeezing you into complete stillness, wrapped itself around one of the ornamental bulbs at the foot of the bed. As you worked harder, the milking, squeezing pressure of her vagina conspired to bring you to another quick peak, but having emptied yourself inside her once already meant you could really lay into her without climaxing too fast again, no matter how good it felt.

The reaction was straight out of your most basic fantasies. Her muscles strained and flexed while she hanged onto the bars, the sinews of her neck showing as she looked at you with a smoldering passion that left no question that she was about to have a vision-blurring orgasm. She grit her teeth, trying to hold something back. Her rattle sounded louder and louder, and you heard the bed frame groan as her strength was clearly beyond that of an ordinary human.

She suddenly screamed out your name and her hands lunged for your shoulders, squeezing your head down against her breasts as she arched her back into you, her tail wrenching behind you until she ripped the brass bulb off the bed post. Her vagina started a series of spasms that almost hurt with their intensity, and you found you barely had room to pull back to thrust as you managed a few more lunges before you joined her in climax. When she felt your penis trying to spurt what was left in your balls into her, she yelped, jerked, and then sank her teeth into your shoulder, fangs included.

You were expecting to feel that warmth go through you and your world to fade to black again, but somewhere in your mind, you recalled reading that snakes could choose whether or not to inject venom in a bite. It still hurt, though, and as soon as Shaira realized what she did, she cupped your cheeks.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I got carried away." she panted, and then pulled you down to hug you gently, coming down slowly from her orgasm. Your bleeding shoulder could wait. Thankfully, her fangs were sharp enough that the wound was a very clean puncture, something that would clot quickly. Another sensation followed shortly afterwards, that your legs felt suddenly really wet, and, looking down between your bodies, discovered that it wasn't because of your juices alone. She had a squirting orgasm of her own around you, and it was only now, as your penis was finally permitted to shrink away, that it was leaking out of her.

"And again, sorry.." Shaira sighed under you.

"I hope you have a laundry room." she smiled at you helplessly.

You grunted and acknowledged that you did, before she roughly pulled you back down on top of her and showered you with more post-coitus afterglow kisses.

"Good, then it can wait." she said, and wrapped you up again in her coils, not giving you any say in the matter of whether or not you wanted to cuddle or change the sheets right away.

"Mmmmmf, so warm." she sighed happily, rubbing her cheek against yours.

You had to ask the question, if you were her first human, or if sex with her was always that rough, as you noticed the missing bulb on your bedpost, and were a little concerned when you spotted it on the floor, crushed like a pop can.

"Um, yes, and no, in that order." she responded, letting you rest your head against her chest. You heard her heart beats drumming away with your ear pressed against the soft flesh. Heart beats? She had two? It made some sense, after all. By body volume alone, she was at least twice your size. That required a lot of blood to be pumped.

"If you're looking to have your ego stroked, yes, I came so hard that my mind went blank for a moment. Totally your fault. Can't be mad I made your sheets wet or broke your bed, your fault for being a sex god." she teased you, finger tracing gently up and down the small of your back.

You spent the rest of the day getting to know one another, and it turned out that she was a bit of a tech-nerd like you. Because she spent so much time learning about politics, science, history and hard technology, she had no time for leisure activities. As you cleaned up the mess made by your lovemaking, you occupied her by showing her the first Star Wars movie, which transfixed her. She was amazed by the vision and imagination on display, and if that was considered widely-loved fiction, that maybe there was hope that humanity might accept her.

Then you showed her anime, including one that actually featured a lamia character. The male protagonist ended up sparing the life of a magic eel that turned out to be a lamia in disguise, who was indebted to serve him for life because he didn't kill her. You were amused by the way she ranted and raved about all the things they got wrong about lamia culture and beliefs. She was enthralled by the pop culture of the human world, a solid nerd in training.

Next came breakfast, and you inquired about her diet, if she was omnivorous like a human. She could indeed eat some fruits and vegetables, but primarily she did eat meat. She called it being 'omni-curious', and she helped you in the kitchen to prepare the meal. You courteously laid down clean towels for her to slither over, making sure she didn't re-open any of her wounds, though it was true what she said, especially the wounds on her human parts. The skin was already completely closed, and after breakfast, she got you to pull the thread out, explaining that the wounds would be completely closed over by that night, thanks to your warmth keeping her metabolism up.

And so it went, you'd go to work, she'd do chores around the house and browse the internet and study. She ate twice as much food as you did, which added up quickly. You were making a decent, if underpaid wage before, but budgeting out the cost of taking care of Shaira, you were losing money each month rather than putting it away. If she was going to stay, you'd have to work longer hours.

Shaira was worth it, though, you told yourself. You'd shoulder the burden. You told her she could stay as long as she wanted, and you meant it. You weren't going to force her away, even if it meant giving up the things you wanted. It would have been like pushing her away to live in a war zone. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself.

That's when you were venting a little of your frustrations at a Tumblr page focused on family or relationship woes, and Shaira came into the office room.

"Don't lie. You're terrible at it." she says as she wraps her arms around you.

"Tell me what's wrong. Your shoulders were all hunched like you get when you're stressed or focusing too hard on something." she pouts, then kisses your cheek while she hangs her arms on your shoulders.

You sigh, and tell her that you're not sure what you're doing, and that you can only hope you can continue to take care of her.

"You don't have to take care of me, you know that, right? These past weeks have been... amazing. If you need me to go, this time with you was more than I could have hoped for by itself. You don't owe me ANYTHING, and I owe you EVERYTHING. I won't think less of you. I promise you that." she says, her brow furrowing as she looks you in the eyes at your level, her gaze tells you that she means every word.

You refuse to make her go back to surviving in her world. It would be like leaving her under that tree where you found her.

She whimpers, and holds you tightly, fingers curling into fists.

"You know that stupid song in Shrek 2, holding out for a hero? I know where there's still one good, streetwise Hercules left in the world. I can't make you spend your life working to support me." she pulls back, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I should--" she begins, your heart leaping up into your throat as you're sure she's about to say she should leave. Her wounds have all long since healed, and she's learned a great deal about your world already.

Her phone buzzes at her before she can finish, and she checks the caller. Her eyes go wide, and she looks to you in shock.

"This is Oberon. He's the leader of the research team!" she says, and takes the call, putting it on speaker.

"Sheira, this is Oberon." "Yes sir!" Sheira says. For a moment, you're almost sure she's going to salute on the phone.

"I've been reading through your progress reports. This human you're staying with, he shows promise for the integration program. The research you've been giving us is leaps ahead of just picking through mined data from hard drives. We need more."

Sheira's eyes go wide and she looks to you excitedly.

"Y-yes sir! I believe he does!" she almost yells into the phone, but contains her enthusiasm, just barely.

"Is he there?"

"Yes sir! He's standing in the room with me, you're on speaker."

Sheira turns the phone to you, her tail coiling around the door knob to the room in an effort to silence the rattle. If she had legs, she'd be doing the 'I need to pee' dance.

"Young man, you're a very rare example of hope for our people. Therefore, if you're willing, I'd like to make a proposition."

You tell him you're open to anything that might help.

"The integration program is something we've been funneling funds into for some time now, to give a deeper, working knowledge of human society in your country, as we're considering making it the first country we expose ourselves to. Essentially, it would be like an exchange student program. You'd be host to one or two of our people for a six month period, giving them the opportunity to observe your culture first-hand in a safe, family-home environment, and receive complete financial compensation for all host-expenses including food, necessary home renovations, and cultural enrichment. You'll be the very first in this experimental program, so expect some bumps in the road, but according to Shaira's reports, you've been holding you own so far admirably. So, what do you say? Are you ready for your world to get just a little bigger?"

It takes no time at all for you to give your answer.

"Excellent. You'll be hearing from your next guest soon. I'll email a form to you so you can enter your financial information and we can arrange direct deposits into your account. I suggest you start thinking of a cover story to tell any possible visitors for any renovations that might appear out of the ordinary. Welcome to the program, son. You're helping our people in ways you can't yet imagine.

Good luck and godspeed."

Shaira, 'standing' on pins and needles throughout the entire conversation, launches herself at you and tackles you back into the chair, her arms and coils wrapping tightly around you.

"I should rip your clothes off, was what I was going to say." she beams at you, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt and pulling you towards the bedroom gleefully.

As she tosses you onto the bed and springs onto it after you, she goes from being boisterously energetic to suddenly tender in moments, looking down at you. Her smile screws up, and she lowers herself down onto you ever so gently, kissing you before pulling away, eyes shimmering.

"I need to tell you this, before things get any more complicated, because they ARE, but I know you can handle it. I meant every word, I didn't want you throwing your life away for my sake." she says, and holds you tightly, sniffling into your ear, overcome with the emotion of the last few minutes, going from heart-stomping fear and misery to victorious elation in the span of a deli bill before she whispers in your ear.

"Because I love you. I want you to know that now." she admits, her arms squeezing you to her.

"I love you most." she repeats softly, undressing herself.

"Because I'm going to have to share you with the others when they come live with us."

Come again?

"Didn't I tell you? Most of the myths who have survived the Void are female, and you're going to have to teach them everything, including how humans have sex, and some of them are stronger than me. You SAW what I did to the bedpost. Don't want to see news stories about myths accidentally killing people in the bedroom"


"Oh don't worry. You'll do fine. We'll have a safe word or something, now stop worrying and make love to me." she grins, rolling you over until you're on top of her. She wraps her tail around one of your legs, her sex wantonly grinding against your crotch while she props up one of her breasts.

You shake your head, smiling down at her before you take her nipple in your mouth and lower yourself down into her, causing her to gasp your name and add another grouping of five red marks on your back. It's a good thing Oberon is going to be paying for expenses, because you're going to need a stronger bed.

End of chapter 1

If you liked this story, please, leave a comment about what kind of monster girl you would like to see show up in your sanctuary next!