Everwinter Ch14: Avatar of deceit

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#17 of Everwinter

Everwinter, a grand castle set in the northern mountain regions. A place known for its precious ore, biting cold and dark rumors of abductions, a cursed people, and wolfmen that would rather eat than converse with a wandering traveler.

This chapter sets the stage for a lot of interesting events, enjoy!

Chapter 14 - Avatar of deceit

788 I.C, February 4, Everwinter, Midday

Commander Amarok Snapjaw stepped into the Master's chamber. An unearthly chill clung to the room and the shadows seemed to crawl along the edge of his vision. He exhaled and could see his breath crystallize.

Where is he?

Amarok looked around but could see no looming shadow, no gaping maw of non-existence threatening to eat him. It made his fur stand on end while pondering the odd behavior.

"Master?" Amarok whispered.

Something touched his mind, a cold shill on his neck, a whisper of voices far distant. Cold, death, an abyss like no other, it made him shut his eyes in an effort to hold it together.

  • AMAROK -

The master's voice was like a knife that pierced the aether, it made Amarok twitch as his eyes snapped open in surprise.

"Yes!?" Amarok called out from sheer instinct.

A spot formed in the darkness, it was darker than the rest, like a hole threatening to pull you inside. It coalesced and within moments the Master's visage loomed in front of him like a tear in space and time.

"You have disappointed me..." The voice was that of the master, it pierced the aether but for some reason it was softer, coherent, less like a machine and more like common being.

Amarok gulped, "We are making progress, the latest events could be-"

"Silence..." The Master's ordered with a soft brush of wind that made the air sparkle with the presence of ice crystals.

Amarok lowered his head and kept his silence.

"I have taken matters into my own hands, you have proven yourself... incapable," The Master whispered.

Amarok gulped and steeled himself, "I'm sorry, we found a bullet with strange properties, we've ma-"

The Master interrupted, "I am no longer interested in your excuses..."

Amarok gritted his teeth, "Please, Master, I can still be of use..."

"... Yes, you can," The Master answered.

Amarok felt his tail hid, it pushed against his legs while his ears clamped to his head. He could see himself being turned into of those Sentinels, eviscerated, transformed, to be forever locked in a prison of ice and obsidian.

It made his heart race while his mind began to panic, he'd rather die, rather slay his own family!

"I have a new task for you, one fitting your expertise..." The master cooed with a soft almost kind voice.

Amarok blinked, pondered if he had gone insane, and let words echo through his mind, "What?"

"You will go to the ruins of Atherius, bring a team of the brightest mages. Awaken the Monolith that rests there, my Sentinels will accompany you."

Amarok looked up at the abyss looming in front of him, "I... Will do as you ask, thank you."

"Succeed, or your family will be next in line to join me. Do you understand?"

Amarok made a frantic nod, "We shall find this Monolith and awaken it, master."

"You have sons? Do you not? Two of them, you have kept them safe deep in the castle."

Amarok's muzzle dropped open, "I... They do their assigned tasks, they are loyal to Everwinter, master."

The abyss inched closer, it snuffed out what little light that filled the room, and made the air so cold that it burned to even breathe.

"One of them knew the betrayer, his name is... Clyde?"

Amarok clenched his fists until his claws threatened to pierce the pads covering his palm, "Ple-"


Amarok shut his muzzle while the Master's voice returned, "He shall join in the expeditions and prove his worth. Do you disapprove?"

"No, master," Amarok whispered with a reluctant shake of his head.


788 I.C, February 7, Agron: Royal Palace - Dungeons, Morning

Sigmund stepped up to the corner, raised a small mirror, and used it to peek around the corner. It revealed a short hallway that ended with a closed door made out reinforced wood. A fat prison guard was fiddling with a large lock that glinted with aetheric power.

The lock opened with a click and the guard pushed the door opened with a heavy groan.

"Enjoy your meal?" The guard hollered with an amused hint while he stepped inside.

No answer could be heard and the guard huffed, "Eh? Too good for it? Not up to your palate? Fox?"

The guard stared at something within the prison cell but no answer was heard.

"It won't work, fox. The mages will make sure you're healthy until the day you hang," The guard mused and let the words roll off his tongue as if tasting something sweet.

Chains rattled within the cell and a shadow shifted, but no answer was heard yet again.

The guard leaned forward and grabbed the iron bars with two hands, "You failed, beast. The royal bloodline will live on, and your kind will never take the throne again."

A hoarse chuckle echoed through the dungeon, "You've already lost it!"

The guard drew a deep breath, raised his foot, and kicked something within the cell. It toppled over and a wet splash was heard.

"I'll decorate my office with your hide, animal!" The guard snapped, stomped his way out, and slammed the door shut before locking it once more.

Sigmund withdrew his mirror, moved back into the shadows, and waited until the guard had passed.

Silence filled the dungeons once more and Sigmund left his hiding spot. He then walked up to the door, reached into his cloak, fetched a small device, and held it in front of the lock. A shimmer danced across the lock and a click signaled that it had been unlocked.

The wonders of a master key...

Sigmund eased the door open, and stepped inside before shutting it once more. A stark scent of urine and mildew filled the small room; it made him frown in disgust while he looked toward the cell.

A small bucket had been kicked on its side and the foul contents had spilled across the floor. A wooden bowl sat nearby, it was filled with gruel of some kind, and seemed inedible judging by the patches of green mold.

The King's advisor, Robert the fox, was slumped against the corner and a pair of short chains held one paw and a hand locked against the wall. Robert's vulpine ears hung low, the tail was wrapped close to his body, and the posture was one of pained exhaustion. The monsters had even inflicted the indignity of stripping all clothes from the once proud fox.

"Robert?" Sigmund asked.

The fox stirred with a surprised jerk that made the chains rattle while he looked up with slitted eyes that still burned with an essence of fire.

Robert's eyes widened in surprise, "Sigmund?"

Sigmund made a cautious nod, "Hello, old friend."

Robert shifted his free leg and covered himself, he then cleared his throat, and looked up with a hardened expression.

"Spy-master, you'll have to excuse the state you find me in," Robert said with a solid voice that reminded him of the court.

Sigmund reached into his coat and fetched a sandwich wrapped in paper, "I have little time so you'll have to excuse me if I skip the formalities."

A tired and faint smile grew on the fox's muzzle, "That's quite all right."

Sigmund reached in and threw the wrapped sandwich, Robert's limp body shot into action, and snapped it up midair. The old fox sniffed the sandwich, worked the wrapping open, brought it to his muzzle, and ate in a frenzy that only furs could manage.

In moments the sandwich was no more and Sigmund had readied a small pouch of water.

"Did you do it?" Sigmund asked while he threw Robert the small pouch.

Robert snapped it up, popped the cork, gulped down the water, closed his eyes, and froze in place with a content smile that made his tail stir.

"No," Robert answered after a few moments.

"Do you know who did?" Sigmund asked.

Robert opened his eyes and nodded, "Yes, I do."

Sigmund clutched the iron bars and leaned closer, "Who?"

Robert shook his head, "You can't smell it? Can you?"

"Smell what?" Sigmund asked with a raised brow.

Robert let out a tired sigh and lowered his gaze, "I think it has always been here, hiding where we couldn't see it. Now it has infested the castle."

"What are you talking about?" Sigmund asked.

"Have you spoken to any of the other lords?" Robert asked.

Sigmund shook his head, "I'd rather not deal with the other lords."

Robert looked up, "Good. Avoid them and the Arch Wizard in particular."

"The Arch Wizard?"

Robert made an amused smile and glanced up, "The Arch Wizard may be old, even older than he looks, but do not underestimate his intellect or the power he holds."

Sigmund drew a deep breath, "I'm not foolish enough to ignore your advice. Do you suspect a plot within the royal court?"

Robert made a rather morose nod, "Yes, do you know where they've taken my things?"

Sigmund nodded, "Most of it is stored in the Lord Marshal's evidence room."

Robert leaned forward until the chains resisted, "If you're still loyal to the crown, make your way there, break inside, and you will find an artifact that will show you the truth."

Sigmund cocked his head, "That's rather cryptic."

Robert leaned back and settled against the wall, "Look for a white crystal covered by a net of silver, even you should be able to activate it."

"Are you serious?" Sigmund asked with a raised brow.

Robert stared back, "Do I strike you as a person that would fool around?"

Sigmund sighed, reached into his coat, fetched a small file strong enough to cut metal, and held it up, "No. Can I trust you with this?"

The fox's ears perked up and a delighted grin grew on his muzzle, "Why, of course."

788 I.C, February 7, Agron: Royal Palace - Tower, Evening

Sigmund reached up and placed his hand on the wall, within moments the glove extended threads that burrowed into the rock. It provided a solid grip and he climbed one more step.

The wind was harsh and it rustled his coat while he glanced to the side. Cascantum's sprawling city covered the landscape, it was the capitol and a beacon of the kingdom's prosperity. Over a million people inhabited it and a thousand lights mixed with the winding canals made it seem like a work of art.

The royal palace was set on its own island and a circular wall separated it from the rest of the city. Large crystal spires segmented the wall and still shimmered with a blue glow, a remnant of the mage wars, an old defense network that had since long fallen out of use.

Sigmund looked down for a moment and felt his gut tighten while the world started to sway. He gulped, hugged the wall, and looked up once more.

Not far now...

Sigmund picked up the pace, climbed the tower, and stopped near a window that would put him close to the evidence room. A grid of iron bars shielded the window and Sigmund reached into his vest. He withdrew a small device that looked like a screwdriver with a crystal on top.

With a click the device activated and the crystal became like a small star. It cut through the metal bars and window like a hot knife through butter and within minutes Sigmund was inside the hallway.

Two layers of security guarded the evidence room, magic in the form of an aetheric shield powerful enough to withstand siege weaponry, technology in the form of a hardened steel vault so heavy it required a steam engine to open.

Every man has his price...

Sigmund made a bemused smirk and fetched an intricate key and a crystal from within his vest.

A master wizard, desperate to find love, the price? A backdoor.

He held up the crystal and the shield vanished within moments.

A master smith, owing money to the underground, the price to clear his debt? A simple key.

He inserted the key, turned it several times, and heard a satisfying click that made the massive vault lurch to life. Within moments the vault was open and Sigmund stepped inside. The vault did not look like a place to store evidence, instead it looked like a personal gallery of artifacts.

Display frames, art on the walls, rows upon rows of trinkets and gold. It sparkled with wealth and it made him frown in disgust and a tad of jealousy. Sigmund browsed the vault with a critical eye, it didn't take long until his eyes caught on something peculiar.

It looked like a crystal with the inside of a shifting rainbow, even stranger was that the shape itself seemed to shift and distort into new shapes. The piece was held in a golden bowl and was marked with a simple tag, 'Stone of Fate'.

An artifact that can take you to where you are supposed to be... Never thought it was real...

For a moment he found himself frozen in place, while the shifting colors danced. Something beckoned to him in the back of his mind, but whether it was greed or something else, he did not know. Sigmund reached out, touched the crystal, cupped it in hand, and pocketed it inside his vest.

He continued his search and found his target by the back of the vault. A shard of white crystal with a webbing of silver coating it, the surface glimmered in the light and it had a sharp, rather annoying glint to it. The crystal lay on a bed of black satin and by the bottom was a simple tag...

'Unknown aetheric crystal, Item #591'

Sigmund cocked his head in wonder, reached out, and clasped the crystal in his hand. An odd sensation pierced his skin, it tingled like a presence waiting for a trigger. He shut his eyes and felt the aether, others had described like a turbulent ocean brimming with power. To himself it felt like a faint whisper and it was a testimony to his limited grasp of the gift.

Hidden in the aetheric whispers was something akin to a switch, it emanated from the crystal, and Sigmund focused on flipping the switch. The crystal grew warm and he opened his eyes to see it brighten like a flare of burning magnesium.

It became so bright that he was forced to squint, but to his surprise nothing more happened. No big revelation, no earth-shattering truth revealed.

Sigmund flipped the aetheric switch once more and the crystal started to fade, he was about to pocket it when a hushed voice caught his ear.

"... vault, it's open," A hushed but dark male voice whispered.

"Window has been cut open, what do we do?" A younger male voice said.

Sigmund pocketed the crystal, crouched, and hurried along until he reached the vault door. He then felt along his belt, found a pair of vials, removed them, opened one, raised it up, and downed it in one gulp.

"Just tried the alarm, it's not triggering," The dark voice said.

Sigmund waited and felt the liquid settle in his stomach, it burned in his throat, and it frayed the insides of his nose. He weathered it until the sensation settled, opened the second vial, and then poured it on the floor. The transparent liquid settled and then seemed to spread and crawl along the walls while the air itself shivered.

That should knock them out and make them forget about all this...

"We need to leave and trigger the alarm!" The younger male hissed.

Sigmund readied a knife, stood up, steeled himself, and then stepped out of the vault. Two guards carrying the Lord Marshal's insignia were waiting, and their eyes shot wide open.

"Evening," Sigmund said as a matter of fact.

The guards reached for their scabbards, hesitated, and froze. One of them looked like a young recruit and stood with his mouth open in surprise, the second looked older and had a dark glare.

"Lord Sig- I mean, Spy-master. What are you doing here?" The young one stammered.

Sigmund motioned to the vault, "What does it look like? I'm examining a crime scene."

The older guard seized his sword as if issuing a warning, "Why haven't you alerted the others?"

Sigmund sighed, "The alarm seems to be broken and I just arrived here. I'll inform the Lord Marshal while you can make a list of what was taken."

The older guard pulled his sword free and steadied his pose, "You're staying right here."

"What are you doing? That's Lord Sigmund," The young recruit snapped.

"Special orders kid, from the Lord Marshal himself. Members of the underground are to be treated as rebels, and the Spy-master..."

Sigmund cocked his head, "And the Spy-master?"

The older guard grew a lopsided smile, "Is to be killed if he steps out of line."

"But..." The young recruit whispered.

The older guard glanced over, "Do this and the Lord Marshal will-"

"I... Don't feel so good..." The young recruit whispered while growing pale in his face.

"What are y-" The older guard snapped but stopped when the young recruit stumbled to the side and then fell to the ground with a resounding clatter of armor.

How is he still standing...

"Excuse me," Sigmund said.

The older guard looked back with a fierce expression while gritting his teeth.

"How are you still standing?" Sigmund asked.

"What?" The guard snapped in confusion.

Something was amiss, horribly so, and it made something click inside Sigmund's mind. He reached into his vest, fetched the white crystal, held it up, and triggered the aetheric switch. The crystal bathed the room in a stark light, and made the guard flinch while Sigmund squinted to see if something happened.

Oh gods...

The light frayed as it touched the guard, his very presence shuddered before breaking apart like peeling paint. It revealed almost translucent skin infused with blood that glimmered like blue crystal. An undead gaze had infested the eyes and they now looked like frozen marbles.

The older guard raised his hand to block the light and saw the state of his own hand, it was gray, decayed, withering at the edges.

A crooked smile spread on the guard's face, "Oh, so you know."

Sigmund gulped while the truth descended on his mind, Everwinter had already infested Agron.

"I do now," Sigmund answered while he reached for his belt and fetched two daggers.

The older guard began to gently swing his sword back and forth, "You can join us you know."

"How many? For how long?" Sigmund asked.

The guard shrugged as if the question did not matter, "I don't know, don't care."

"You swore an oath to Agron," Sigmund whispered.

The guard's marble eyes became like pinpricks, "Yes? So? I'm following my oath, you're the one breaking into this place."

"Do you really believe that? Or does whatever transformation you went through also rot your mind?"

The guard grew a big smile that revealed white teeth contrasted by gray, withered flesh, "You wouldn't understand."

"Understand what?" Sigmund asked while he inched closer.

"I never wanted to die," The guard said with a flat voice.

"They forced you?" Sigmund asked.

The guard made a stomp and swung the sword hard, the air sang and Sigmund hopped back to escape its reach.

"No, my body gave up on me. They offered me a new life, and I took it," The guard answered.

"How many?" Sigmund asked once more.

The guard made a dry chuckle, "Hundreds? Thousands? Does it matter? We've been quite busy for the last few weeks."

Sigmund glanced over at the unconscious guard on the floor, he looked perfectly normal.

The older guard seemed to notice, "Oh? That one? We were going to give him a choice, that or..."

"Or?" Sigmund asked.

"That's not any of your concern, or at least, not for much longer," The guard grinned.

Sigmund was about to speak when the guard made his move. It was a quick motion, almost mechanical in nature, as the guard lunged forward with the sword in a stabbing motion. Sigmund kept on his feet, one step back, one to the side, daggers ready to block.

The guard swung sideways in a wide arc and Sigmund crossed his daggers while blocking the strike. A resounding clang filled the room and Sigmund found himself struggling. His arms wavered, the metal sang, and he found himself gritting his teeth in exertion.

"Didn't think the famous Spy Master would be this weak," The guard mocked.

Sigmund felt his insides turn with the disturbing presence in front of him, previous generations had whispered of it, the books spoke of it with horror. Somehow it had all seemed like little more than stories, yet here it was, living yet dead, fueled by magic rather than life.

Time to open my bag of tricks...

Sigmund pushed hard, gathered all his strength, and growled in anger while he forced the sword to lift. The guard kept grinning as if humoring him while the sword lifted inch by inch.

Just a tad further...

"You can't win," The guard whispered with a malicious hint.

Sigmund guided the sword and his own daggers until they were staring one another eye to eye.

"We'll see about that!" Sigmund snapped while he eased one dagger back, angled his wrist, and aimed at the guard's head.

The guard's marble eyes widened in confusion before he tried to push back.


The small crossbow on Sigmund's arm released its steel bolt.


With a crack it pierced the guard's skull and lodged itself deep inside his head. In an instant the guard's face distorted and its grip on the sword loosened. Sigmund didn't spare a moment, he pulled his arm back, readied the dagger, and swung it sideways. With a soft thud it pierced the guard's temple and hilted itself in pale flesh.


The guard's sword dropped to ground while the undead menace stumbled back. It shuddered, blue blood trickled down the nose, leaked from the ears, and the marble eyes rolled back.


The guard slammed into the ground, twitched, and grew still.

788 I.C, February 7, Agron: Royal Palace - King's Quarters, Night

Robert the Fox stepped up to the door, perked his ears, and eased the door open with the edge of his crossbow. It was silent, almost eerie, and an odd smell permeated the area. Blood of the living, mixed with something horrid, rot, decay, a strong tinge of something alien and aetheric in nature.

Bodies were strewn across the hallway, some were covered in red blood, others were leaking an almost luminescent blue liquid. Some undead were still twitching as if whatever power that fueled their existence refused to let go.

He entered the hallway and began to walk, his steps were determined yet gentle as he maneuvered his way between the corpses. Some of them had been killed by daggers, others by crossbow, a few were unconscious, while a couple were clutching their throats as if out of breath.

A wet cough made Robert freeze, his ears shifted, his tail grew tense, and he turned to look at the side.

A set of human eyes met his gaze, they screamed of fear, and desperation. The guard was slumped against the wall and clutched his abdomen. A steady stream of blood seeped between his fingers and it became clear that the man had been gutted.

Robert clenched his teeth and felt his fur bristle. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't have hesitated to help, but he had no choice and kept walking. Everwinter would pay for disturbing what had been centuries of peace.

At the end of the hallway was a large gate, the metallic lock holding it in place had been melted and was now little more than a puddle on the floor. Robert eased the gate open and his ears perked with the sound of a sharp cry that turned into a muted gurgle.

He glanced inside the king's private residence and saw Sigmund standing in the center. Sigmund's face was twisted into a grimace of anger and his hands held a longsword that had pierced the chest of a guard.

Blue blood trailed along the sword and dripped onto the carpet, while the undead monstrosity clutched at it. Sigmund reached for his belt, caught a butcher's tool made to crack skulls, and raised it into the air.

The undead guard let out a gurgling cry while Sigmund swung. With a loud crack the skull was pierced and the undead guard slumped before falling to the floor in a heap. Sigmund pulled the sword out, turned on his feet, and faced the gate with a harsh glare.

Robert stepped inside and met Sigmund's gaze, "You've been busy."

Sigmund gasped for breath and while his expression turned into an irritated frown, "Took you long enough!"

"I had business to take care off, but you seem to have handled yourself well enough."

Sigmund wiped a streak of blue blood from his cheek and motioned to the twitching undead on the floor, "These things are all over the place!"

Robert approached and nodded, "They spread quickly, I'm not sure how many of them even know what they are."

Sigmund looked toward the inner chambers and spoke, "There were mentions of this in the archive, whole nations that fell under some kind of trance or transformation, is this it?"

Robert shrugged, "Perhaps."

Sigmund raised the glowing white gem, "I've killed several of our own, living people, they seem loyal to whatever is behind this."

Robert's ears perked in curiosity, "You're being silly Sigmund. When everything turns to chaos, what is the number one rule drilled into all soldiers?"

"Obey orders," Sigmund whispered.

Robert nodded, "These are people doing their best to make sense of a world thrown upside down, their deaths are a tragedy, but unavoidable. I'm sure you did your best to knock people unconscious."

Sigmund made a pained grimace and averted his eyes, "Do you speak of experience?"

Robert inspected his crossbow, "This is far from the first time that there has been fighting inside the castle, and it's far from the first time that some have been caught in the crossfire."

Sigmund nodded and motioned to the inner chambers, "Do you have a plan?"

Robert's felt a shiver down his spine, "Me? You're the one who infiltrated the King's quarters and left a trail of bodies in your wake, what's your plan?"

"I..." Sigmund voice trailed off into an inaudible mumble.

"What?" Robert asked once more.

Sigmund looked back, "We need to rescue the king, it's the only way to secure power in the kingdom."

Robert was about to nod when a tingle brushed by his fur and small arcs of blue lightning began to dance in the air. It signaled an aetheric presence and it made the two look toward the inner chambers.

Something was approaching with gentle steps and a steady thump that sounded like a staff hitting the ground. Within moments a robed man stepped around the corner that led to King's inner chambers.

The robed man had an old and weathered face, in his hands was an intricate staff of wood and metal dotted by crystals that gleamed in the dim light. Magic surrounded the old human like an iridescent fog, it shimmered, and seemed to trickle along the ground like a miasma. It was easy to recognize the man, the Arch Wizard, one of the lords bound to the king's service.

The Arch Wizard approached and stopped well outside reaching distance before setting his staff down with a resounding thud.

"What are you doing?" The Arch Wizard asked while looking back and forth between the two like an adult judging a pair of children.

Robert took the front, "We demand to see the king."

The Arch Wizard frowned and drew a deep breath, "What you have done is treason against the crown. You will be summarily executed, not granted an audience with the king."

Robert's vulpine tail bristled like spines while he bared his teeth and growled, "Treason!? Coming from someone who is collaborating with necromancers!"

The Arch Wizard stared daggers and squeezed his staff, "You would not understand."

Robert raised his furred hand and pointed a claw straight at the wizard, "You accused me of hurting the king! You had me thrown in the dungeons! What is there to understand!?"

"Imbeciles," The Arch Wizard muttered while he raised his staff in preparation to strike.

Sigmund acted, seized hold of the gun in his vest, pulled it out, aimed with a moment's notice, and yelled out, "STOP!"

The Arch Wizard froze and his eyes shifted to focus on Sigmund, "What?"

Sigmund held a finger by the trigger, ready to fire, "You know what this is? Don't you?"

The Arch Wizard bit his lip, "Yes, it comes from the Spire. Your secret weapon against those of us that can wield magic... despicable."

"Then you should know its power as well. Do you want to bet whether you can kill us before I have a chance to pull this trigger?" Sigmund asked.

The Arch Wizard pondered it, sighed, and then lowered his staff to the floor once more, "Despite what you might think, I am not your enemy."

Robert the Fox growled while his tail lashed back and forth, "Then explain, what have you done?"

The Arch Wizard expression twisted into an irritated scowl, "I have kept the balance."

Sigmund steadied his aim and put a gentle squeeze on the trigger, "You'll have to do a lot better than that."

The Arch Wizard gritted his teeth and stared at Sigmund, "You are like children, short-lived, spoiled brats, with no grasp of the bigger picture. Do you have any idea of how much there is hanging in the balance?"

"I have quite the grasp," Sigmund mused.

Sparks danced across the floor while the Arch Wizard drew a deep breath, "No one cares about trade agreements, the underground, or whatever trifling matters you or the other lords deal with. I'm talking about the agreements that keep our continent in check."

"We don't have any agreements with Everwinter!" Robert snapped.

The Arch Wizard shifted to look at the old fox, "None that you are aware of. The powers of the old world never faded, they just changed shape, and I have done my best to keep them at bay."

"What do you mean?" Robert asked.

"We have always had dealings with Everwinter, they supply the world with rare and precious ore while we supply them with influence, information, and safe passage when they need it. Similar dealings exist with the other powers of course, and they were all happy to keep things this way, as long as no one rocks the boat."

"I can understand deals with the others, but Everwinter is ruled by a necromancer," Sigmund said.

The Arch Wizard chuckled and grew a dark smile, "The other powers are just as foul, Krobia is infested with corruption, Tarakath is fueled by slaves, and Antaloria is as successful as they are crazy. But Agron thrives, and that is all that matters."

Robert cocked his head with suspicion, "And how does the king play into this scenario of yours? How does his removal from the throne stabilize things?"

The Arch Wizard grew red in his face and his brow twitched, "Someone stole Everwinter's source of power and disrupted the balance! The goal was to find and return it so that things could go back to the way things were."

"But?" Robert asked.

"It was easy enough to manipulate the other lords and the bounty hunters were just as eager to satiate their greed. But you refused to take the hint and I had no choice but to have you removed!"

The Arch Wizard then looked at Sigmund, "And you! You stuck your nose where you weren't supposed to! I informed Everwinter and they sent a squad to take care of you! But you survived, and now you risk bringing our entire nation to RUIN!"

Sigmund glared back, "You expect us to believe that infesting the castle with undead will somehow restore things to order?"

The Arch Wizard's eyes became like pinpricks, "Everwinter became restless! They demanded action, this is your fault! Not mine!"

Robert eased his voice and spoke with a voice of understanding, "You've lost control of whatever it is you planned, haven't you?"

The Arch Wizard drew a deep breath and his hand squeezed his staff with enough force to make it shake, "It is not too late, we can still restore order."

"The Arch Wizard is correct, there is still time to restore order," A distant voice called out.

Everyone perked up and glanced toward the corner leading to the inner chambers. Calm footsteps approached at a steady pace and within moments another figure walked into sight.

Standing by the corner was King Conrad himself. He was clad in a royal uniform of black and blue with a golden trim, while young the stylized beard and clothes invited an aura of respect.

"My king?" Robert whispered.

The king grew a warm smile and stood tall, "What's the matter? Don't you recognize me?"

Robert inched closer and raised his furred hand, "Conrad? Are you all right?"

Conrad made an eager nod, "I'm just fine, and everything will be all right now. The Arch Wizard's plans were hasty, but we can fix that, you only need to do as your king demands."

Robert's muzzle dropped open and his tail grew slack, "Conrad?"

Sigmund frowned and moved his gun to aim at Conrad, "Don't move."

"What are you-" The Arch Wizard snapped but shut up as King Conrad raised one hand.

Conrad then focused on Sigmund and resumed smiling, "Are you going to shoot your own king?"

Sigmund hissed with anger, "At this point I have no idea if you're the king or not."

Conrad raised his brow, "Of course I am."

"Prove it," Sigmund demanded.

Conrad looked over at Robert the Fox, "Robert, you remember me? I remember our games, the lessons you've taught me over the years. You were more of a parent to me than my old man ever was. You said once that I was the son you never had. Isn't that right? Old fox?"

Robert gulped and stood frozen in silence.

Conrad's expression broke into a bloom of warmth while he opened his arms in an open gesture, "My first sword, the lessons in my chamber late at night. The stories you told me of your homeland, the oath you swore to me."

Robert's ears flattened against his head, "Yes, I do remember."

Sigmund lifted his other hand, held the white crystal proud in his hand, and triggered it. The others cringed in response to the stark light filling the room. Robert squinted and focused his attention on the king, but what met his eyes was something different.

Conrad's flesh was a pale gray color and a very fine pattern of blue blood vessels spread across it like the web of a spider. It pulsed and shimmered like crystal while an aura danced in the air.

"The king is already dead!" Sigmund snapped.

Conrad cocked his head and made a bemused snicker, "My blood may not be warm or red any longer, but I am far from dead."

Robert lifted his crossbow and aimed at Conrad, "The Conrad I knew would never speak like this."

Conrad focused on Robert, "Oh? You mean the person drilled to become a king since his very first steps? Tutored in how to eat, walk, dance, talk, and even think. Do you believe you ever saw the real me? The person crushed by the responsibility and burden of an entire nation?"

"What are you talking about?" Robert asked.

Conrad frowned, "The Master has shown me so much, it has made me more than I ever was, there is no need for us to be enemies."

"Bullshit," Sigmund said out loud.

Conrad drew a deep breath, "I would never have been a good king, I loathed it, I couldn't take the pressure, and you know it. You should be thankful, as I am now I can bring this nation under control once more."

Sigmund shook his head, "There are undead infesting the castle."

"Yes? I need people that are loyal to me, people that can excise the corruption that has been growing for decades. Our goals are aligned," Conrad said.

"By turning everyone into undead? By controlling their minds?" Robert asked.

"The Master can do that, but he doesn't have to. He can preserve you, make you better."

Sigmund snapped once more, "Then you're just as enslaved to this Master as they are, and you're a fool to think you're anything more than a tool."

Conrad sighed, "We're all tools in one way or the other."

Robert the Fox shook his head in disbelief, "The necromancers almost brought the world to ruin."

Conrad motioned to Robert with one hand and spoke with a determined yet gentle voice, "Agron is in great peril. The lords have grown corrupt with greed, there are whispers of a plot to overthrow the royal family, and there is growing segregation between man and fur. Something needs to be done, isn't that right, Robert? You realize this, yes?"

"Yes," Robert answered with a slight nod.

Conrad motioned to Sigmund with one hand, "The underground can take the blame, the lords can be punished, and the slate can be wiped clean. Peace will reign once more and the whispers of rebellion can be silenced. All you need to do is lift your crossbow and kill Sigmund; the mastermind behind this plot that threatened to destroy Agron."

Robert's eyes grew wide and Sigmund hissed with anger, "You can't be serious!?"

The Arch Wizard spoke up, "Robert understands what it means to rule, sometimes we are forced to do the unthinkable, in order to save something bigger than ourselves."

Sigmund yelled, "This is not the king! Come to your senses!"

Robert whispered, "If what they say is true, if the war never ended, then what do we hope to achieve here? If the king dies, this nation goes with him, if this nation collapses, so could the rest of the continent."

Sigmund screamed, "That is not Conrad! It is some kind of ghoul possessed by a necromancer! Don't listen to it!"

Robert cowered and his tail hid, "Then what do we do? I've been trying to fight the growing corruption ever since the late king. I've been unable to stop it, and for every year that passes it grows worse."

"And you think this will solve anything!?" Sigmund snapped.

Robert remained silent while the Arch Wizard stepped closer, "Perhaps we could find another scapegoat, a compromise, would you like that, Sigmund?"

Sigmund focused on the Arch Wizard and softened his voice, "I could see the doubt in your eyes earlier. You fear this entity that has taken possession of the king's body. You lost control of whatever plan you had. This is wrong and you know it."

The Arch Wizard motioned to the corpses spread around the room, "Take a look at what you have done. Is this right? A pragmatic approach is needed, you should understand that?"

Sigmund gritted his teeth, "I would rather die than serve as a slave to some undead monstrosity."

Conrad the King focused on Sigmund, "Your predecessor was like this as well, adopting morals that suited his tastes, while in truth being enslaved to your own compulsions and selfish interests."

Sigmund ignored the king and focused on the Arch Wizard, "You know that I speak the truth, Arch Wizard. You if anyone should know the stories; the necromancers, all necromancers, cannot under any circumstances be trusted. Do you remember the story of Aeternus, the leader of the necromancers, his words could-"

Conrad moved and in the blink of an eye, bright arcs of lightning emerged from his body, it arced across the room and slammed into the aetheric shield generated by Sigmund's armor.

A loud crackle, followed by a bang of shattering crystal was heard. The aetheric armor shielding Sigmund collapsed, and exploded in a vibrant burst of shards and a burst of aetheric energy.

While the collapse was almost instantaneous, it gave Sigmund a precious moment to act. Fueled by instinct and well trained reflexes, Sigmund pulled the trigger in his moment of death.

The aetheric energy surged into Sigmund's body and created a burst of flame and energy that shook the room. Moments later an unrecognizable carcass hit the ground, charred clothes, seared flesh, boiled blood, melted armor. The floor around the body had cracked like a spider's web and trails of smoke rose while melted armor trickled onto the floor and hardened.

The scent of roasted flesh spread, while the blast's echo died down. The air felt heavy, it was difficult to breathe, and it tasted like metal. Wisps of aetheric energy kept started to pop in and out of existence around the room, fueled by what must have been huge amounts of flux.

"He hit me," Conrad the King muttered and clutched his arm.

Blue blood seeped from a small wound in the arm, it sparkled with activity, and seemed to hurt as Conrad's face distorted like that of a child about to start crying. Robert snapped back to reality, raised his crossbow, and took aim.

Conrad glanced up and the pain on his face was replaced by an amused smile, "Are you serious, old fox? Contrary to your friend that bolt of steel is no danger to me, you can't hurt me."

"You can't use magic any longer," Robert whispered.

Conrad's smile faded in an instant and turned into a sudden expression of fear, "Wait..."

Robert pulled the trigger and the crossbow made a heavy thwack while the bolt went flying. The bolt had almost reached when an aetheric shield materialized, the bolt slammed into it and crumbled before falling to the floor as shards. Conrad stared in surprise and then turned to look at the side.

The Arch Wizard held his staff in the air and carried a pained expression, "I... am sorry."

Robert looked to the Arch Wizard, "Please, Arch Wizard... Sigmund was right and you know it. Kill this creature before all is undone, I beg you."

The Arch Wizard averted his eyes and shook his head, "No, I can't."

"Well done, Arch Wizard. Order will return to Agron, I promise you that," Conrad then looked at Robert the Fox, "Do not worry old fox, I shall forgive your impertinence this time."

Robert's tail bristled and his hackles rose, "I will not help you."

Conrad grew an amused smile that turned into a giggling snicker, "Oh yes, you will. Whether you want to or not."

Robert felt a cold shrill run across his fur, "What are you?"

Conrad focused on his wound and spoke, "As I've said, I'm Conrad... Or at least part of him. I have power now and no one will ever order me around again. I am the Master's conduit, and I... no... WE , shall bring order to the world once more."

The Arch Wizard cleared his throat, "The Lords will be brought under our control, we shall find the source of the Master's power, return it, and balance will be restored. Sigmund and the underground shall take the fall for these recent troubles."

Conrad reached into his wound with two fingers and began to dig around, "Yes."

The Arch Wizard continued, "Then, due to the king's ailing health he shall abdicate, another of the royal family shall take the throne, and you, old fox, shall serve as his tutor. Understand?"

Conrad made a sudden and amused chuckle while his fingers dug deeper.

The Arch Wizard focused on Conrad, "That is what we agreed on."

Conrad caught something in his arm, pulled, and then removed a small glowing bullet from the wound. He held it up, observed it with a keen eye, and then dropped it. The bullet hit the ground with a clatter and stopped glowing within moments.

"I'm sure the others won't mind a small change of plans," Conrad mused.

The Arch Wizard's eyes widened and a meek voice came forth, "What?"

Conrad looked back at the Arch Wizard and smiled, "Don't misunderstand, we have no intention of upsetting the balance on this continent. But this place... Agron... It's so full of life, many thousands, millions gathered behind its walls."

The Arch Wizard shook his head, "No! You-"

Conrad's smile turned into a malicious grin, "What? Do you think to stand in my way?"

The Arch Wizard lifted his staff and raised his voice, "You may be the Master's conduit, but what little power he still has resides in Everwinter. Do not-"

Conrad interrupted the Arch Wizard, "Underestimate you?"

The Arch Wizard raised his staff once more while a deep rumble suffused the air, "Yes! You won't-"

Conrad raised his hand, aimed at the Arch Wizard, and squeezed the air. In an instant arcs of lightning burst out and slammed into the Arch Wizard's shield with enough force to make him stumble back.

Conrad tipped his head and glanced at the Arch Wizard, "We have siphoned energy from Wulfkins for more than 200 years, we have fed on people far and wide across this planet. That treacherous seer may have taken my ability to consume as I used to do. But it is you... That underestimate me."

The arcs of lightning took shape like a clawed hand squeezing the Arch Wizard. It dug into his shields and the ground started to crack and rumble as it grew in strength.

"Everwinter served us well, but the beasts have always been troublesome, increasingly so," Conrad said with a growing glint of insanity brewing in his crystallized eyes.

Sparks danced along the floor, the air burned in Robert's throat, and the debris scattered around the room began to lift and hover. The Arch Wizard held his staff in both hands and screamed in struggle to hold back the force bombarding him.

Robert stood frozen as an idle observer, powerless, useless. His eyes were focused on the magic bullet on the floor but it seemed impossible to reach it, not to mention finding a device capable of firing it.

The Arch Wizard's shields began to buckle and Conrad's glee grew into a shit-eating grin. Robert felt his heart settle with a sensation of hopelessness, in that instant something caught his eye. It hovered right in front of him, a charred piece of coal, rotating in the air that sparked with the presence of flux.

A crack formed in the coal and something shimmered from within with a wide range of colors. Shifting, moving, flexing, it began to shed its shell, and turned into a stone that seemed familiar somehow.

Stone of Fate... Here? How? Why?

Robert reached out and caught it in his furred hands; it felt warm and undulated with power. It tingled along his arms and whispered inside his mind like leaves in the wind.

The Arch Wizard's shield collapsed with a bang of light and sound. Moments later the old human hovered in the air, clutching his throat, while Conrad smirked with success.

Robert clenched the Stone of Fate hard in his hands.

"You will serve me well Arch Wizard, you will become one of my finest-" Conrad's voice drained and he blinked as if disturbed by something.

Take me to where I am supposed to be...

Conrad looked over at Robert and whispered, "What are you doing?"

Robert dug his claws into the stone, squeezed, and summoned what little control he had of the aether.

Conrad raised one hand while his face twisted into grimace of fury and hatred, "Stop!"

Give me a chance to set things right!

Lightning weaved its way through the air when Robert felt a response, the stone burst to life, and tickled every strand of fur on his body. A boom surrounded him, the universe warped, and in an instant Robert disappeared from all sight, leaving behind little more than a puff of wisps.