
Story by Seth Drake on SoFurry

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#12 of Thursdays

Written for my friend's Thursday Prompt, 27th July, 2014.

When I was a younger dragon (for I'm not yet old), the Headmaster of my school had a favourite prayer, that of St Ignatius Loyola. This is written in tribute to him and to the words of the saint. I am not Christian, not religious... but those words have stayed with me all my life and these, which are not nearly so wise, are one of my attempts to capture at least a fragment of it.

Can you help me, my dear friends,


to support my kin and not to simply shelter,

to encourage them and not resort to force,

to guide and not to drive before me,

to show the way and always from the front;


to follow on but never follow blindly,

to know my truth but never cease to question,

to fight for right but choose my battles wisely,

to hope all things but know which can now be won;


to learn some new thing perhaps unexpected,

to meet new souls who walk besides my path,

to give my all in work and yet in pleasure,

to live each day as though it were my last.