The Power of True Love - Chapter 2

Story by DracoAzule on SoFurry

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#2 of The Power of True Love



Humbuged on DeviantArt

Character myself

Draco (As he looks like in this story)

Drawing snowwyfoxx

Character myself


I don't have a suitable picture for her lol. But she's a night dragoness. Dark purple scales, beautifull crystallic eyes, large wingspan, 6 ft tall, with a supermodel figure

Character RayDon, used with permission.


She heard the silent beating of Dracos wings as he landed just on the other side of the corner. Draco looked up, seeing the groceries she had spilt and licked his lips as he knelt down to pick it up. It was then his ears perked as he heard Aeon sniffle a bit from tears of horror. He then stood back up and glared hard at her with his burning red eyes before drawing out his blade and and raising it over his shoulder. "Mmm.. Not quite what I had in mind but you'll do nicely for my meal."

As the dragon swung his blade towards the terror stricken dragoness he suddenly found his arm slowing the blade down. As he looked into her eyes, he felt a new feeling that he had not felt in years. He actually felt sorry for her, as if something in the girls spirit had channeled into the dragons good side. He just stared blankly at her for a few seconds before re sheathing his blade and kneeling down infront of her.

"L-leave me alone!" Aeon managed to squeak out in a panic stricken voice as she scooted back into the dark corner of the alley way. Draco simply snorted some and walked closer towards her before placing a claw as gently as he could on her swollen knee. She looked up at him and gazed into his eyes. These eyes that had many times before stricken panic deep into the souls of his victims now brought her a sense of comfort, there was now a much more gentle look in the dragons eyes than she had seen before.

"Shhhh..." He said as he closed his eyes and began to concentrate, channeling the powers inside of him. His body then began to illuminate with a dark and gothic light, his mind channeling the same powers that had so many times helped him bring harm to others, but now for the first time in 20 years they were there to help. The dark light then began to shine from Aeons body as his powers healed her every wound, from the stripes on her back to her busted knee. "I'm... S-swooorrryy."

His words came out a bit slurred at first, for that had been the very first time he'd made any sort of sound at all with his mouth in the past 20 years. As soon as the light faded from the both of them, he stood back up and reached down, helping her up to her feet as well. Aeon could only stand and watch in utter shock as Draco then turned his back and began to gather her groceries for her. He kept a few apples and a loaf of bread since he would have to eat as well tonight. Sitting her groceries in a neatly stacked pile in front of her, he quickly turned his back and vanished into the night, leaving only the memory in Aeons mind of his highly un expected good deed.

Aeon simply stood there in shock for another minute as her mind processed what had just happened. "What just happened..." She said to herself as she slowly picked her groceries back up and began to walk through the night back towards her home. She sighed to herself as she neared her home, already seeing the silhouette of her husband through the window. She had seen Draco take a few of her groceries from the scene but was in too much shock to protest against it. She flattened her ears as she walked towards the front door and slowly opened it up. From where she was standing it seemed liked the coast was clear for now. She quickly sat her things down on the counter and began to prepare dinner as fast as she could.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Boomed the voice of the large grey wolf as he quickly approached her from behind. With one paw the wolf grabbed her shoulder and violently spun her around before pinning her back against the counter. "God damn it I told you to always be here with my dinner ready when I got home!"

Aeon meeped as she was abruptly spun around and pinned down by her husband, her face filled with both surprise and terror. "I-I tried, but I had to go to the grocery and... Well you saw that demon attack! He almost pinned me in an alley way.. Damn it Samuel I could have been killed and all you can think about is your damn food!" Samuel just shot her a glare and shoved her aside as he looked at the food she had brought home. "Where is the fucking bread? And what happened to all the apples? You know you're getting too damned fat.."

At that point Aeon was beginning to get pretty angry with him. All the pent up anger and fear she had held back against him for all these years finally came flooding out and one quick and quite painfull strike to the wolfs face. The force of the blow practically sent him stumbling back and smacking right up against the opposite wall. Pretty soon the confidence Aeon had built up suddenly melted away as he rose back up to his feet and grabbed a large meat cutting knife in his paw.

Aeon let out a loud scream and made for the door but it was too late. Samuel quickly positioned himself in front of the doorway and locked it from the inside before slowly walking towards her again, the knife raised up in the wolfs right hand. "You're gonna pay with your own damned life for that you damn whore.." He said as the quickly swung the blade down towards her chest.

Meanwhile, Draco had made it back to his home and sat in his bedroom, quickly scarfing down the food he had taken and mulling over what had just happened in his mind. He had slayed many in the past twenty years and not felt a single care for it, but for some reason this girl was different. It was like for the first time in years his heart had somehow made a connection with someone else's, though he wasn't sure why just yet. As he finished his meal, his sensitive ears perked as he heard a scream coming from the town.

"Hmm? That voice sounds like the girls voice... Is she in trouble?" He thought to himself as he then lept through an open window and fell down as silent as a whisper towards the ground before unfurling his wings and swooping off as fast as he could towards the town. The ever increasing sounds of the fight only fueled his rage even more, his eyes going wide open and shinning a brighter red then ever before, The dragon landed on the large door to the marketplace before leaping off again and landing on a roof top, running on all fours across the buildings and drawing nearer and nearer to the building.

As the dragon drew closer, all the torches in Aeons house suddenly flickered out, leaving the both of them in total darkness. Draco lept off the top of their roof and tried to open the doorway. From the inside all they could hear was the latch jiggling a bit, then go silent for a few seconds.


The door suddenly shattered into splinters, leaving a look of surprise even on Samuels face. All the two of them could see was the silhouette of the dragon in the doorway, the outline of his body and the two glowing embers for eyes. The dragon moved quickly and ripped the blade from the wolfs paw, amputating half of it in the process before knocking him aside with his tail and sending him through the nearest wall.

Before the wolf could get up Draco disappeared into the shadows. Aeon brought her claw up to her maw and simply looked on in shock as her husband bleed profusely from his severed paw, the force of the impact knocking him out cold. Aeon looked around wide eyed for any sign of Draco and saw absolutely nothing, before she looked straight behind her husband and saw the two glowing embers. He then leapt out and shoved the blade right into Samuels back, pulling back and easily ripping it right down the wolfs spine.

Draco then pulled the blood soaked knife from the wolfs body and tossed it aside before looking over at Aeon and tossing the knife to the ground. "Are you..allright..?" He said, this time with much better speech. He slowly walked towards her and gently rubbed a claw over her cheek, gazing deeply into the girls eyes for a bit. "I'm sorry you had to see me do that. I heard your scream from my home and came to help.."

Aeon flinched and looked away from him as he put his claw up on her face, her tail far up between her legs. "I'm...ok...I think.." Draco nodded to her and backed off a bit. "Like I said I'm sorry you had to watch that.. I can't stand to see people treat women like that..and it's that very fact that turned me into this monster."

"Huh? What do you-" Aeon was then cut off as someone poked their head in the doorway. It was a small male feline with dark gold fur and maroon stripes around his body and golden eyes that seemed to glow in the pale moon light. "Hey is everything ok..." The cat gasped as the looked at the dead wolf, then at Draco. "Help!" He called out, turning his back to the door and running off as fast as he could. "The demon is in our midst again!"

"Curses!" Draco snorted out in anger before disappearing into the shadows once again and stealthily sneaking off to his castle. "Grr.. What's happening to me..?" He thought to himself as he leapt from rooftop to rooftop before spreading his wings again and sailing off into the sky. Behind him a large group had formed around Aeons house, some carrying torches and swords.

Aeon was nor beginning to process what had just happened, more relieved that she wouldn't have put live with her husband anymore than horrified from watching him die. "The demon didn't do it!" She protested. "He saved my life. My husband was going to kill me all because I wasn't here to fix his dinner. He came and saved me right before I was to get a knife through my heart."

Pretty soon the corwd slowly went away, knowing that Aeon was going to be ok. A few of the men took her husbands body away and put it away to begin preparing it for the funeral the next morning. Aeon laid in bed wide awake that night, her mind mulling over what had happened that night. "I just knew that demon wasn't all bad.." She thought to herself as she eventually drifted off to sleep.